The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 15, 1891, Page 9, Image 9

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strange to say we did not fuel greatly complimented; nnd ii
is only when vc arc asked point blank, that we will plead
guilty to the chnrge of having received n hid, It is really
nothing to be proud of. We have known baiharians who
were Really insulted and deeply mortified because ol having
hcen thought fit candidates for .in aggregation of pin-wearing
snobs. Since the llreltytw desires to know, and innocently
woudcis why our best men do not join fraternities, we will
speak candidly. In this institution, the fiatcrnilics have
ically no inducement to offer to good men. In college
politics, their plaintive wail is entirely inaudible; in the class
loom, their record does not shed sufficient lustre to attract
men to their ranks; on their literary work, wc must refrain
Irom passing too severe judgement; because, having seen
none of it, wc know nothing ol its excellence. Hut we sup
pi'Sc that we may be pardoned for suggesting that since they
Inve no organ to represent them, since work in a literary
society is so very disagreeable to them that they have an
nually oiganized a society only that it should die an annual
death, since they have yet to compete for oratorical honors,
diey .ue not dangerously literarily inclined. Yes there aie
licic, as in every college, a few meek, timid, low cut vested
fellows., who live that people may look at them, who know
nothing of college enthusiasm, who would fiy fioni a class
wai as fioni a pestilensc, who are going through college, not
on ni-cunut of any ambition of their own, but because they
ate sent; and we suppose that after all it is probably a bless
ing that the fraternities should furnish an asylum where such
clliiws will be cared for.
3j I'' 1 1' were not for the excitement caused by the
T annual Hbsperian election, affairs would be
exceedingly tame at the University. This, the great
event of every year, completely overshadows every
thing else. Lessons are neglected, the sessions o
the legislature are no longer visited by our students,
and confusion reigns in the halls. However, we do
not desire to say anything against such political
excitement. If conducted in an honorable and
upright manner, political contests result in much
good. They teach students to value and appreciate
the abilities of each other, and to have due regard
for the opinions of those who honestly differ from
direct poxrims.
Hy far the most valuable business calendar for 1891 is the
Columbia Cycle Calendar and stand, issued by the Tope
Mfg. Co., of Uoston, Mass. It is in the form of a pat!
containing 366 leaves, each leal having on it a date, day of
wek, day of year, nnd number ol days to come, a par
ngnph pertaining to cycling or some kindred subject. The
hacs ate fastened only on the end, so that each cnlli
leaf can be exposed. The stand is made of stained wood,
''ass mounted, with pencil holder and pen rack. Although
Ids is the sixth year of the calendar, the matter is fresh
and new, the larger number ol paragraphs having been
specially wiitten for this purpose.
I'rof. LoisetleV Memory System is creating greater inter
est ilnil evcr ;.4 .J, jJar.s ofljJC ami "ail pom.iiK wish-
B to improve their memory should send for his piuspcctus
i: as advertised in another column.
Call on Edddd. Cerf N. Jjooo.
Skinner lets gooil rigs at low prices.
Hats and caps at Ed. Ceil & Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves anil caps at Ewing's.
Call on Ewing for cadet gloves and caps.
Cadet caps and suits a specialty at Ewings.
Clothing foi everybody at Ed. Cerf & Co's.
Go to Ed. Ceif & Co. (or furnishing goods.
The latest styles in hats at Ed. Cerf & Co's.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's.
Mauley still has the cream of the candy trade.
Skinner keeps gentle and stylish horses. Students' pat
ronage solicited.
A. C. Cope is engaged in the Cigar and Tobacco busiues
in connection with his woik in school.
The finest students' suits in the city at Ewing & Co's
1 1 15-17 0 stiect. Good goods, low prices.
Dr. Garten, eye, car, nose and tin oat specialist. Glasses
fitted. Rooms 16 and 17, Richards block, Lincoln, Neb.
Ordcis for photographs on the best galleries in the city for
sale at a discount at Tin: Husi'KRIAN office. Don't loigct
us when in need of photos.
Students, buy your coal ofMissouii Valley Fuel Company.
City office 1 100 0 sticet. Telephone 343.
McConica & Al.l.r.N, Piops.
The Union Pacific system has in connection with its al
the year uniiid toiuist rates to Ogdcn, Salt Lake and Pacific
coast points placed on sale winter excursion tickets at low
rates to all southern icsorls in North and South Carolina,
Alabama, Geoigia, Louisiana, Floiida, Texas, Mexico and
to Havana. Cuba. For lates and particulars apply at 1044
O sticet, or Union depot
E. 15. Si.os.son, City Ticket Agent.
We call the attention ol our leaders to the ad of Herpol
shcimcr & Co They without doubt carry the laigest stocks
of dry goods, cloaks, toys, and holiday go-ds millinery m the
West. The place is weJl worthy of an inspection.
1 now have a large stock o' these playing cards, which
a,c sold at the low rate of 10 cents a pack, (not one-quarter
the price usually paid lor sue', cards.) Call in and get a . clwcii
packs, they arc just the okhig for your euchre whist and
high five panics this winter. A. C. JiBlMKK, C. . A: I . A.
We have just purchased the agency for four,
cading Fire Insurance Companies, and are pre
pared to write the best quality of Fire, Life and'
Accident Insurance.