(', TIIK II I-S PER I AN. AL UMXl AXD FOKM&X S 7'UMiXTS, C. II. Jackson, '92, is not in school this term. '88. U. 11. Polk made us a flying visit one day this week. Lee Edwards came 110111c from Omaha to spend the holi days. '87. Miss Laura M. Roberts was seen about the halls one day last week. 'S2. II. W Olmstcad holds the position of examiner in the pension department. '86. Miss Mary R. Campbell, has accepted the position of principal of the Ashland high school. Miss Uellc Cross, formely of '93, arrived at the University yesterday for a few days visit with old friends.. 1. P. Drown has accepted a position uf assistants cashier of the First National Hank at Grant Neb. '90. G. II. Tinker is back from the "-ild and wooly" Ulackhills. He expects to return in a few days. '83 Professor I), II. Culver was a prominent figure about the University during the tatc teachers meeting. MissSnell has resigned her position as assistant principal of the Ashland high school. Miss Stratton, '87, succeeds her. '90. Professor (,'. F. Anslcy and wife, of Aledo, Til., spent the holiday season in Lincoln, the guests of Dr. Childc. '84. Conway G. McMillan has recently been promoted to the position of botanist of the Minnesota state geological and biological survey. '89.-0. W. Fifer, was home from the Northwestern dur ing the holidays. He reports that the barb fiat war is be coming interesting. '87. Miss Stratton has been elected assistant principal of the Ashland high school to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Snell. Mr. Davidson has accepted a position in Phillips fc Co's dry goods store at Kerbs, Indian territory. The first month, he will receive fifty dollars, which will be increased to sixty thereafter. Mr. Davidson expects to return to school next Fall. '90.E. R. Holmes, city editor of the Kearney Hub, spent a lew days about the University halls during tae vaca' lion. Before going home ho visited friends in Omaha and Council Bluffs. '89, T. A. Williams, ex-principal of the Ashland high school is with us for a short time making final preparation to assume his duties as professor of botany in the Utmersity of South Dakota. Won J. Arnold, an old time University boy, spent a short time in the city recently. He is at present consulting engi neer of the Thomson-Houston Electric Co., with hcadquart crs in Chicago. Among the teachers in attendance at the teachers associa tion were several old time students of the University Misses Mcscrcy, Pierce, Shotwell, Garber, and Tynan were of the number. 84 J. II. Holmes is engaged in teaching science in the Friends School at Washington. Professor Warner met him in Ins recent visit to the capital and says that he leads the boys 111 foot ball and athletics. Miss Inez Dorris was married December 10, 1S90, to Mark II. Tilton, Rev. W. G. Miller officiating. Miss Dorris was for some time a student hcic and her many friends here join m wishing her the bei that life affords. Mr. and Mrs. Tilton will be at home to friends after February 19, at 621 south Fourteenth street, Lincoln. '89-W. N. Fletcher was admitted to the br.r in Omaha last month after passing an examination in which three out of the five applicants failed. Flelch" has the tact and talent necessary to make n successful lawyer and we do not hesitate to prophecy for him a brilliant future. Co. C, first regiment N. N. G., Capt. Albert A. Reed com inanding passed through Lincoln on the 6th inst. bound for the seat of war in the northwest. Capt. Reed will be re membered as a former member of the class of '90 and a huge number of students unite in wishing him success and glory. 'S7. Uioki.ow Hy.nks. Married at Omaha, January 1 '91. A. II. lligclow to Miss Maggie Hynes. Mr. iligelmv is second assistance clerk of the house of repicsentatives, con sequently Lincoln will be the home ofthe happy pah Tor a few weeks. Mr. Iligelow was at one time editor in chief of Tin: IIi'.si'KHiAN and has a large circle of friends in the University who join in extending many wishes of happiness. STRAY PICK.UPS. Miss May Lewis is recovering from an attack of scnilct fever. Lieutenant Griffith inspected the battalion Friday evening Janiuuy 9. Miss Carmina Hall is in school again after an absence of almost a year. A large class in assaying has begun work under Piofcssor Elton Fulmer. P. L. Hibbard,'92, visited his sister, Mr? L. L. Mcllvain in Denver during vacation. Miss Howard was called home one day last week by the death of her grandfather. Professor Urace has just received a box of apparatus for the department of physics. Professor Laurence Primer received a Christmas present in the shape of a daughter. Miss Nina V. Wellcr, of Doane College, visited friends in the University, Monday, 5th inst, F. A. Rockhold spent Sunday at his home in Wymorc. He returned to Lincoln on Monday. After a years absence, G. II. Maghce has-returned to re sume his studies in the University. Friday evening, January 2, Miss Minnie DePue gave a card paity to a few of her University friends. Tuesday, January 13, the state historical society held its annual meeting in the University chapel. Including the band boys, there arc 135 men drilhig this term, an increase of ten men-over Inst winter. Miss Sarah Wool Moore received a beautiful lamp as a Christmas gift from a number of her art pupils. A class in photography has begun work in the chemical department under the instruction of T. II. Marslaud. Professor Hodgnian is suffering from an attack of rheuma tism that has presented his attendance at class several days. Wednesday, January 14, the State Pec Keepers Associa tion begun its annual aessiuii iu ihw geological lecture room. Whenever the weather permits the battalion is instructed in skirmish drill in order that the boys may be ready for active duties in the field should they be ordered to the front.