tUBu?', " 'Vf" N - THE HESPERIAN. ''" '' ' ' ?. The UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA'. 'j9: r .'; CHARLES E. BESSEY, Pn. D., Acting Chancellor. U?2 fcli MM 558 i U Vcms- bhfjin .Sty. IT, J,S00, Jan. L, iiiit Mm: .70, ISM. HIE COLLEGE v toy4 .. v. - V The University-is the head of the public educational sys . tcm of thaStatc. It aims to continue and complete the work begun in the public schools, and secuie to all an opportunity of liberal culture In literatuic and science, and in such tech nical and pi ofcs.ional com scs ns shall fiom time to time be added, 'llicse advantages are oficicd to nil free of charge for tuition, without regard to sex 01 race, or place of residence, on the sole condition of possessing the intellectual and nioial qualifications requisite for admission to such an institution. THE LATIN SCHOOL. jamp,s t. i.nns, ru. n., principal.- .in this ScllOn! nrPinmlinil fs flfTillliir' fnr nil tlin Trft.1n.-n. n.1 .uatcLourses in thcCou.Koi: qr Ln i:raTuiu:, Scilnck am the Arts, and also for those in the University. The preparatory studies run thiongh twoyeais. Applicants ' for admission to the Fiist Year will be examined on the fol- 'lowing subjects: Engliih Grammar uthmetic, Geography, and Histoty of the United States. Q nduates of high si-hools 'accredited for the Minor Course (now including Aurora, Columbus, liairmont, Friend, Gibbon, Harvaid ILbron, McCopk, North Loup, Ord, Red Cloud, Sutton, Tccuirjsch, Holclrcdgc and Vilber),arc admitted to the Second Yeai clasy on presentation of diplomas. THE COLLEGES. v . The UNivijiiMiy consists of two colleges, o'r''undcrgradu nte derailments Graduates of UicALatiii'Vhool, or of the ' high schools nccrcdjlcdui the m.ijor course (including vnow Alma,.Ashhuid, Auburn, Healrice, KdgaivFiemont, Giaml Island, Kearney, Lincoln, Nebraska City, 1'latt.sniouth and Ulysses) arc admitted into the freshman class of either col lege on presentation of diplomas. Students ln both colleges attend classes i common, as far as possible, andliave every advantage afforded by contact -tvit!ivihose studying in other departments, and the instruction of trained and experienced University piolessors. AND OF LITERATURE., SCIENCE THE ARTS. - CHAUI.nSE. BESSEYni. p.) DEAN. - ... - Tun Classical Course, leading to the degree of-Ilnchclqi ., of Arts, aflbids a training in the Ancient Languages and Literatures, - Tiic Litkuary Course, leading to the degree o Uadi lor or Letters, ofTeis a training in -History; Litcratuje and the Modern Languages. - T V THE INDUSTRIAL' COLLl-GE. . f' ' '",-; , J. KTi:itUN(l KlNfiBMJY, I). SO,, llfcANi ' The course in Gi:nerai. Scii.nce, leading to the dt;rcc dl HuUielm of bcience, offers a libdral education, in nJlicluth't .uuticui sciences auci me modern languages are given most (imminence. The Ei.fctivi. Courses in Sciences, lead ing to the same degue, afioid a tiaining in special lines lead nig to Agiicultural, Elcctiical or Scientific work. The eouiso in Civil. Knointhung offers such trhihiiig as will fit a young man for the piacticeof Civil Engineering. For those u ho ran spend but a ear or tvo in .study , an Elemcntaiy coutsc in Agiiculturc has "been arranged. .Students, in the Iiidusiiiai College may obtain' remunerative employment at intosianging fiom iStoi 25 cents per hour, depending upon the quality of work. .. ' Jh- SCHOOL OF THE FINE ARTS. miss mooih: A.vn is .in.Nzi:'0(!tr. y Instruction givcuin diawingand pointing" still lilc;ijiatuifc, and models in the progress from the flat, casts, t trressive order. 1'imils ate required to provide easels and inatcrial; an ample selec- ' lion ol casts and Studies is furniihed in the-- studio.'" 'i:iic chaige for daily lessons dm in 12 weeks is $25.00, payable in advnn.ee. h'rre instiuction is giveito classes in Art Ilisto ry, I'lastic Auaioiily and Perspective." jihuiusu 111 imisic incuiiies instruction on t ne 'uno -- V ?v $X Forte, Oigan and Violin, Voice training and Musical Theory. ' y Fees for individu.il or class lnsirjictiou are moderate. ' sL ',' For cntnloKiios or fuller information apply to lie stevnrU. J. S. DAMK. MntMiln. V '- ': . S 1 1 t , . . ..1 11 . , . ... ....i .... '-T----r--'u-'j'j SHuYiii 10 cl Hair Cut 25 01s I f 1 JWorking Men's Barber Shop,:-, .D J FORD. Fror. . a " I . Theoffy firshclqss ten centtihop in rggjj. tVone hjit rFirst-caJs worl-hwt employed. Calf aijxl .see us and' wewill please rJw,,, BET. find J, North Side 0, No. Lj6 Q'.STREET ; r : -'"- VI. 'N mn firnrilr)filiiicN'P1l Muf nfwrk. rniililly tfiul liiiliKubh. lit tlnuu uf ilinri ,'i(iiigiJ'il(l nn1 lifllnlf. imulorallli ,i 1.. rivffilinj'liyr. Ay onn can ilu lliu nrk. I'iih lolinin. We rumlklt evrytliln Wetiatltm Nj rUk. l.iU iniiilnolB vnur .purr inmrt' in., ur all vour llm. to lie Murk 1 liU I. nu ruilp 'y imirrml,oii'! liiliic.woiMnrul MHtcijcur) mkr. MONEY JJc(iIiiuf n arts Uainlntf him tfttt lu 5t n t orU iut ii unrili, tAn . nt nifit fniii ! ..! LilVV .n i. .. ..J..t i'-jp ' "' ...-. pB f u im. i' rtiiMiiii Pti i mi (iilui.n.l.on lllhli. TtlJi: A-.,. lilHU, JliUK. KtfMvmBkL;t. m i:JT VPStSriita maiUnH WTuivv 'XalhStfiiiV. A iJr;CA. CSk.j' -w ' urifUlt ).' llmfin- art'UlMl.fMI ii rriif 1. 1 ,u Aiaile lit .Io,n J. UUMlltlll.lroj.N l .III Hi tk tut lit. Krailrr. uu inn) nuluiiiikt lit inuili, luit we ran IUfli!j ill llipaaii,iidiiiih HI you CO oil. Uvili mutt, all nutf iji any arl of lAtnrrlra. you ran ciiilniirI(;o iir liuinr, gv. i ".j"" iiiiir.nr ji irr iiioiMrnia oiuyto l'"lkN Unini (.unt mv hi UTf.,r ty Tir .' iwKVunibliliiir I'AllHiUj.Allh Hll' AililriHRi'oine. tillM0 . 10.. Kl.ll.AMi, jm j k' 1 ii dit "i'"Mf mi ihi; ii'itt inn niviu iiin tliellliiailoiiorilililoTiiuit,al wlili Iijiiiii an ram thai aiimuiit. Aiimuiiri fwiui iiiliMHcrt.rulii.aliuir rnllHiinulikly' lianivil I ilr.lr.' luit onu wi-rkrr fn.niVii.li ilUtrlil (r unty. I A TV.AItt I UlulrrlaVnInhrlrflv Ilcacliany Inlrl) iiilrllgrntrrMiimf ililirr. (, wild irfli rrail anil wrll.. unil who,, nlu r lii'lnii Hon, III work liuluilriouily, , Jt " i-.n ... ...in iiiin. '.nvuMnii Lunar H I rar In tiWrowii li, Hllll,lHMrriUo1lf.Illllaoftiriilh ' uUI 1 i . . i '-i y imiualrcH.ly IhiikIiI ami irililrd I(U ciiiplovim nl a 'liftpn ; "" """ "' iiinKiiiK iirr raiH'ii a ifariai Ii i.'i lira. i if J ii ti'S'Vi"1 li""'l"r FUi:n. .Ui.i.al mica, . 3. AI,I,l.., mox lao ng,,,,!,,, Maine. iinty. a 'lute li'iKBW ''I s ( -gjaas f llja?i I 7C7 yn-irviuaai (CVHI Lgl.tfi 11. ii ii KhiiK liiiu. fiiriiin(linrliniiiiailrat wuilt fur u, Iir Anna l'i pi-, .liinln, rucal. nml .Inn. Ilniiii. 'Itilrflo. fllilo V . ' (Sriunt, OlIirlirnloinKaiwrll Viliy , bn t(U fiomu iiii..trf rwiHf.uu a v inonin ynn rnliim IMCHOik anuilie ai lionia, irr r i nu art, l!tn b. pl.iiittnarr mtlv ranilns froiufb to Iflllailnj Allopri W'ulinrt sou lioiv '7 Jli . mill art yuil Can rk In timrv lima nrai Mm innr Hip mon Itimpik rr Ialliirr utikiiiimi among bm. Nl U nmlunnrierfiil rarllriilarafrre lljn(t.y .,IIx tih,Uiii'liiil,MMlne ' t t T kjt Sayer & .Miller, t , s X- CUHIVERSITY PRINTERS KkNILSTAllOHERSi:1 ? ' '..OjSiyi(u?rrv 01 i.iiKAbTtlNqi.N, Nif, ' ;' V 'l . l AVW ' i - . -..,,. A J ia '-a . , T -. il ."-.. I. . ' l n ' i ' i .7 r V l V . . 1 M, 1 c ' .fii