THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, D KG EMBER iS. 1890. No. VI. THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ation, of the University of Nebraska. JOHN B. FOGARTY, Editor-in-Chief, associates: T. F. A. WILLIAMS, '92, - r a. klh-lmujjiV93, Literary - Misckllanv E. M. POLLARD, '93 - - - Local Will Brown, 91 -. - Alumni and Former Students a jl ij,i j-ii, u, - . . P ATI! VKd-' ALBERTA FAUROT, '91, - - Business Manager l'AUL i'ifc.,'93, - EDITORIAL NOTES. flNCE the foot ball game at Omaha our boys are anxious to meet some other team, and are looking about for the next victim. At latest ac counts almost every one is in favor of making arrange ments for a game with Doane College at some time in the immediate future. SAYER & MILLER, Printers and Publishers. , ; TERMS OF subscription: One copy, per college year, (in advance) . . $i.oo one college term 40 bmglecopy, .10 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. ALUMNI AND KX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. Subscriptions on our mailing list will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The IlESPERiAN.University ol Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY. DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. W. '1. Broww, Pres. F. D. Hyde, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY UNION. LITERARY SOCIETY. A. M. Trover, Pres. c. L. Sheldon, Sec'y. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. John B. Fooarty, Pres. Miss Lura A. Stockton. Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. A. M. Trover, Pres. jj, B. Harr, Sec'y. UNIVERSITYY. W. C. A. Miss Fannie lUliKJiPrcs. . Miss E. Merrill, Sec'y. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. C, M. Skues, Pres. J. a. Barkley, Sec'y. F the many things needed by our students, that which is most needed is competent instruc tion in elocution. I he Hesperian feels that it voices the sentiments of all students, regardless of college politics, when it says that there should br established in the University a thorough course in elocution. JjT is only fair that students should patronize those (p business men who advertise in the college paper. A college paper must depend for financial success largely upon advertising. A college is quite frequently judged by its paper. For this reason all who feel an interest in the success of the University should, when other things are equal, patronize those who have advertisements in The Hesperian. OME of the trees and stumps that beautify the drill and ball grounds are to be removed snmrtim. in the near future. This is, it seems, a sten in Mi- right direction. If the faculty desires to encourage, athletic sports there is no better manner in which that spirit can be shown than by providing a suitable place for our athletes to practice. Ordinarily people do not care to engage very extensively in out-door sport when there is danger that' tl.ey may be injured by coming into contact with trees and other obstacles of a like nature. Trees aie all right in their proper place; but since our campus is so small, it would be better if nearly all of them were removed. It seems to us that the amount of ground available for use by those ot us who arc athletically inclined is entirely too small. Let the work of removing trees go on until the whole space of the two blocks west of the main building is cleared. Then there will be room enough for foot ball and base ball enthusiasts to prac7 v.v. ii.vwvsmv i.v.iiv.iuiy wan cucu ocner.