wmwmuBmaB&i T, II E II E S P IS RIAN. FOR SQXJA.K;E IDEA-H-IIsrO QO TO pi3Via&c& JJEKj'B 61 rt All of the Latest Styles and Best Qualities at Lowest Prices. 1125 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. ll Pt:i m m IV) ' -fcmj MW 'a&ft PHOTOGRAPHER, IN ALL YOUR LEARNING LEARN TO SAVE. STU1IKNTS AKK INVITK1) TO Ol'KN HANK ACCOUNTS WITH THK Nebraska Docs the most artistic work to be fount! in the city First premiums nt Nc' rnskn State Fair in 1888, '89 nml '90- c- EXAMINE HIS WORK. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. SAVINGS Bank Mallory & Stepney NEW TEN CENT BARBER SHOP. (344 No. 14 Street Special attention given to Indies' and childrcns' custom. ' . T. J. THORP & CO. Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Badges, Model Muking- and Repairing. Koy iittlng: Promptly Done 320 So. 11 Steet. Telephone 614. And HiiiM while pursuing other brfinehmt of learning: they will lerirh to Have and also get Home practical biiHiiicH.s exporlciioo FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AT THE. Sank, Cor. i3th and O lite- A. (). WoLVENIUlWKn. J. M. McDonald. W0LKEN11ARGEU & McDONALD, Attorneys : at : Law. ' r 00m 0! Hnrr Block. Will prncllco in nil statu courtR. Lincoln, Nobruakn. II. C. & ADA M. MTTENHENDER, LINCOLN, NKl). t,fv &7&hi !f LIpsf ER v ''iTa rs. - . lv .ty- " &$& 1 iiHiinrrn 1 LUIVIDLH DTT1T niMO KJlTTTrDTTTT duiljjiwu ma 1 imtii Mi 'Oloi srnP. . -" . 1 . V STONE V && COHL - TELEPHONE 654 f" ' 27th St. & Mo. Pacific R.R. ZJftfIWffl,, (gfedl $ CITY OFFICE 1217 0 STKEET-TELEPIIQNE5qo. GEO. H. POEHLER, Baker, Confectioner, Ice Cream Dealer ! , T Afoj now opened handsome parlors at his new location, 1202 P St OYSTERS COFFEE AND LUNCH. A cordial invitation is extend :d to all students of the University and their friends. McBride Mock isoa P S 71