wsmm THE HESPERIAN. 0 resent the Grand Canons oi Calorado, the Henry Moun tains and Yellowstone Park regions. They show the pecu liar types of volcanic structure, the different strata of the earth and the various kinds of jock found in certain regions. The maps arc on frames so adjusted that they may be placed cither parallel with, or horizontal to the floor, thus affording the professor a better opportunity for explaining his lectures to the classes and jn turn gives to them a more vivid and clear conception of the subject under consideration. EXCHANGE. HIS MOTIVE. "Why art thou hero" a stern giro quoth To a youth whoso faco bluahert rod; ltcmnvlng his arm Hint circled her form, "I was trafsMntf a moment," ho suld. wOinollInn College Rambler continues tins year as bright as ever. The exchange column of the Unit looks as if it were printed in the type for pntcnt medicine ads. From the exalted position secured by the sublime pretti ncss of its external apearance, the Doane Owl thinks fit to criticise the design of The Hesperian's cover. The Owlis well qualified to criticise; it is so simple, you know. The Hiram College Advance has at last taken a somewhat respectable shape. It is slowly advancing, but there is room yet. Still we would advance to congratulate the Advance upon its advance. It has struck the line of progress. We notice the following in the Aegis, of the University of Wisconsin: "Professor Bennett recently returned from Ohio, Indiana, and other states where he was engaged in lecturing in the behalf of the American Institute of Archaeology." The Niagara Index in a brand new red dress. It has be- . sides four tobacco and three liquor ads. Wonder if there is any connection as cause and effect. We would, however, rise to congratulate it upon its improved appearance and upon its advancement (as shown above) in morale. Wc arc pleased to note that The Hesperian, of Nebraska, is interested in the success of principle in the po litical contest now agitating that state. However, our sister is only using the foils, the broadsword is reserved for fratern ities. AWMtw.;'. Thank you. Happy to see that yoa , think so, The linmonian, of Drown university, contains an article, evidently written by a fraternity man, entitled, "The Fra ternity Idea," which confesses thai the "idea" is much "abused" there too. Occident. Do the men "abuse" the "idea" or docs the "idea" "abuuc" the men or arc they reactionary? What is the use to keep women from political discussions and affairs? It is useless. Why, here comes the Vassar fllisceflany fairly loaded down with a treatise upon the Silver Dill, something about which not one man in a hundred knows anything and that one but little. To the Miscellany must be given the palm. Though the Owl of the university of Ottawa is not the best paper that comes to us, yet it easilyjranks above that petty sheet, the Niagara Index, but it is hardly of as high quality as the Scholastic, In all these papers, representa tives of great Catholic universities, it is noticeable how poorly they compare in originality and enterprise with those published at other universities. The Northern Oratorical League,thelalcslout, is composed of Obcrlin, Northwestern, Cornell, and Ann Arbor. This is, indeed, a select circle. It is now in order for;thc winner at the inter-state contest to beat the winner of the northern league. In such a case the beauty of the 'latest" would ',be beautifully apparent. Rumor comes to this editor that the subscribers of our old assailant (assistant as the typo made it), the Eccritean, are somewhat at loggerheads. Wc would advise them to " fight to a finish " and then try to get out at least one issue this year. Without that one redeeming feature college journalism for this year will, wc fear, be a total failure. It is, indeed, a sad piospcct. It is a pleasure to make note of the Focus from Kentucky University. The paper has a rich, dark brown cover, is rich in humor, and is evidently richer than most college journals in purse ifwemay judge from the style it puts on. From its appearance one might almost mistake it for a drug journal; but a;, it refuses all liquor and tobacco ads, that impression is easily corrected. Those students that desire to keep abreast of college life and news will read the exchanges as they arc'Jaid before them in the reading room. There is no need for a careful study of these papers; that would not pay. But a hasty scanning of them will be of great advantage to any student who is broad-minded enough to desii-c to know what arc the ideas and doings of the college world of which he ought to be an interested part. Amusing and ridiculous is the action taken by the young ladies of Dcthlehcm, Pa., the seat of a college. Feeling that they had been aggrieved by the students of the college and believing that their confidence in the students had been ill treated, they formed an anti-student society, They pledged themselves to have nothing to do with the students. Un doubtedly the town-boys hugely enjoy the action taken. From this distance we would call the matter a "stand off." In the Lever, from Colorado Springs high school, we no tice an article headed, "Why Do Wc Live." We would sug gest to the author the possibility of his not living long if he persists in over-taxing his brain with such abstruse subjects. This case is about on a par with one that came to our notice a few days ago. A Nebraska high school principal wrote to the head of the University inquiring what would be the best text books in political science and psycholgyfor two boys in his school who were between the ages of 14 and 16. A late issue of the University News roundly scores one of the professors for giving outrageously long lessons. It heads its article "Tyrannical Wisdom." We heartily agree with the News that such action on the part of a professor is unfair to the professor himself if he only knew it, to the students, and to other professors. While here wc arc troubled with no such actions as the News speaks of in its college, yet wc think it may with truth be said that with some professors there is too much tendency in the direction of over long lessons. Now that the election's are over the ex-mau of The Hes perian confidently expects that the. noble exchange editors that have so often in lime past paid their respects so vigorously to The. Hesperian will proceed again to try their luck. It certainly is a very dull time when The Hesperian or some of its editors are not annihilated weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly by 5cva.1l of the offended college papers. The editors of this paper extend their thanks to the considerate aforesaid editors and wish to announce that they have thorougly recuperated during the lull and are now ready for almost anything. The