r iM" j; II J '.u -'Jjij'jtv. ia':JmTi'"i.".' i 'Hi1 '" o " Til 15 II IS S 1EK I AN. foe. squ.a.:r,:e! iDmAXiZisra- a-o to iCILff !rarjTjTtTrjjp M3k fc JS T' "S rr w JSHj'VIi ' All of the Latest Styles and Best Qualities at Lowest Prices. 1125 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. Jfab 'C&4C PHO TO GRAPH ER, And thus while pursuing other branches of learning they willloarn to Have and also get some practical business experience TOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AT THE Bank, Cor- 13th and O Sis- A. (J. Woi.VKNIlAWIKll. J. M. MODOMAM). WOLFENI1ARGER & McDONALD, Attorneys : at : Law. 00111 OlUurr IJIoek. Will practice In nil stato courts. Lincoln, Nubrnekn. Docs the most artistic work to bo found in the city First premiums nt Nebraska State Fair in 1888, '89 and 'go- .EXAMINE HIS wor:;. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. C. M, CARTER, Fine Fruits, Fresh Candies, CICiAllS AM TOBACCO. Studonts' rrado Solicited 1020 O Street- '' in "" ' 1 . !!! i. ..,, ,, 1 , m Mallory & Stepney NEW TEN CENT BARBER SWOP.jgiQOTS & SHOES 44 No. 14 fctrcct Special attention given to ladies' and childrcns' custom. rTpfHORP & ca Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Madges, model Making and Repairing. Key fitflng lromptly Done 320 So. 11 Stcet. Telephone 614. IN ALL YOUR LEARNING LEARN TO SAVE. STUDKNTS AUK INVITKI) TO Ol'KN HANK ACCOUNTS WITH TIIK Nebraska : : : savings Bank II. C. & ADA M. HITTENHENDER, LINCOLN, NKIJ. efestes & aageca, Always Latest Styles and Lowest Prices to be Found with us. 1043 O STREET. Carpets ! &. Mo MVIL3 & m . I I 12 0 STREET. LINCOLN. NEIL GEO. H. POEHLER, Baker, Confectioner, Ice Cream .Dealer. Has now opened handsome parlors at his new location, 1202 P St , OYSTERS COFFEE AND LUNCH. A cprl iPYitytjonjs extended to all steptp pftbe University and their friends, McBride plod;, j'?o PSf Q31