The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Amos l'crrin was called home Saturday, the 18th, on
account of the sickness of his mother and hrolhcr.
Miss Skidmorc entertained n number of Iriends on the
evening of October 19, cards being the amusement.
This year there arc nine Seniors studying miiitr.ry science,
live more than the largest number heretofore enrolled.
For the first time in the history of the institution, there
arc now over 500 students receiving instruction at the U. of N.
On the way to Cotner University the other night Miss
R says to Mr. F- I will not get tired so long as you
stay with inc.
Some one has intimated thai Freddund always his his new
bicycle very near to him in his wanderings in ihc land of
sweet dreams.
Mr. YanZile, a graduate of the Kansas State Agiicultural
College, visited the University, Monday, 27th. He was the
guest of II. A. Shannon.
Question in psychology class: ,lWlicre is the hippo
campus major?" Co ed's answer: "I,do not know, but it
ought to be with Itanium's show."
In spile o( the fact that the Sophomores had seven less
men in the cane rush than the Ficshuicu they won the rush
by thirteen hands to twelve.
Chancellor Creighton of the Wcsieyan went to "Lilly
Clay" the other night thinking that it was the-Willard lec
ture. He left at the end of the first act.
At her home, corner of Sixteenth and L' streets, Miss
Schwab gave a card party the evening ol f )c(ci;r 2 1 . Those
who were piesent report a pleasant evening.
Rev. Parker recently interviewed the professors of the
scientific departments regarding the establishing of a scien
tific academy in connection with the University.
Work in the art department has been somewhat interfered
with the past week on account of the time the instiiiclois have
leolcd to the cause of the prohibitory amendment.
The faculty committee oh public lectures has not vet made
any definite arrangements, but Miss Moore will piobably
givc a course, which will be followed by one from Dr. Kings
Icy. A Weismann club has hern organized containing most of the
scientific professors and students. It meets alternately one
week at Professor llosey's and next week at Professor Kings
ley's. Till'. Mr.M'KKiAN is in receipt of a program fiom J. S.
I'eeij of an exhibition program of the Ogdcn l.iteiary and
Debating Society, which society Mr. I'eery visis active in or
ganizing, 1
llowiiehiiig co ed to an admiring Soph: "Do you intend
voting for the amendment?" Soph, unguardedly: "Ccr
tainlyJ1' Cited, very modestly: "Then you'ic twenty one
iiicn't you?"
October 19 the University chemical department analyzed
foity samples of beets which ringed Irom eight to sixteen pej
cent of glucose sugar. The host of these beets were raised
by Miss Uoia Houghton, and Messrs. II, II. Marslauil ami Ff.
K. Nicholson,
Uobcil Hay, of Washington, D. C, geucial field geolo
gist of the United States agricultural department, was in the
city one clay last week on his way lo western Nebraska,
where, lis-wjll be engaged in irrigation work. t.Profcsor Hicks
may absisl him in thewoik. - ' -
Dr. Fly, of Johns Hopkins, has asked Dr. Warner to re
write "Taxation in American States and Cities". Dr. War
ner has undertaken the work, and will bring it out in joint
authorship with Dr. Fly.
It is not generally known that Miss Moore's lectures on
art nistory are free to students and to the public; but such is
a fact, and these most valuable lectures should be attended by
nil those interested in the study of art.
Wednesday evening, October 22, Miss Pearl Camp enter
tained a number of her University friends at her home, 1614
M street. The evening was pleascntly passed at progressive
lug!1 live, sumptuous refreshments being served.
Lieutenant Ciiiflitli has succeeded in arranging a scheme
that will give ecr student of the University that so desires, a
chance to spend one hour and a half each week in boxing,
lencing, and systematical training on the machines.
Coed out on vacation is introduced to n Mr. Mooniseu.
Mr. Mooniseu, Mr. M o o-m s e 11. Well I have met the gen
tleman sonic place; I wonder when and where it was? Oh, I
know now ! I le wrote a history of Koine, did'nt he?"
Contrary to its custom, the Univcisity will this yeur pi in t
the catalogue in the fall teim. It is alicady sen' Jo press.
This will give us a catalogue that will iie useful during the
year for information concerning instruction, residence of stud
cuts, eli-.
The boys took the band and the yell with them to the
nryau-CoiincIl debate. We yelled for Uryan, and even he
seemed to catch some of our enthusiasm. Poor Council! In
this debate he must think that he has been inveigled into the
toils of a deep laid plot.
'93's demonstration in chapel Monday after the cane rush
was met by a hiss from those whom they defeated. Yes, the
two classes that have successively bitten the dust before yj
are able to hiss when the emblems of success arc flaunted in
their faces, to hiss, but to do nothing better.
The lieutenant's amateur captain recently expeiicuced a
little difficulty in manoeuvring his company. After prancing
around the campus at double (puck until his men were neatly
breathless he wondered how on earth lit could stop ilium.
In intense agony lie oie his luetics bom hi? pocket, but in
that wild rush it gave him no assistance; and, finally, in de
spair, he yelled out to his first sergeant, "Wlia-wha-what
can I do to stop them."
New way to gain society members: A certain young lady
had given Mr. M an urgent invitation to join the society
of which she was a member but to no avail, he challenge,!
him to a game of lawn tenuis, which he willingly accepted.
II iliu lady won the most games, she was to propose His name
foi membership in the society the coming Fiiday night, while
if she lost hewas to join any society he chose. Our fair dam
sel wonv twenty-seven games to Mr. M s three; so of
couisc she cariied her point.
On what a Donne- ec ctl calls "very slight piovocatiou,"
the authorities of Doanc College have withdrawn from one of
tht'ir new students. The impulsive young fellow merely had
an insatiable desire to shoot a few holes through a fellow
t,'tudq.t. In endeavoring to accomplish his laudable purpose
he was only frustrated by the blackness of the night am' the
"rattled" condition of hu nervous system. Although the fd
low has the undivided sympathy or the co eds, who always
admire nerve, yet it is a dcploiablc condition of affaiis when
Doanc must ofl'er postgraduate ;instnictiorri;i the 'reform
school at Kc?riicy. . "
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