The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 15, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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W. W. Robertson of the Cheyenne County Journal
dropped into Thr Hesfkrian office a few days ago.
J. H. Marble is editor ot the Harney Peak Mining News.
He expects to complete his course at the University, however.
Miss Jeanctte Wilson will net be in school this year.
Someone has said that IJcrt intends to finish his work as soon
as possible,
Dr. Warner has an article in the Quarterly Journal of
Economics for October, on "Some Experiments on Behulf of
the Unemployed."
Assistant Woods in the botanical department has just
completed a new bleacher for the purpose oi carrying on in
vestigations in transpiration of plants.
Dan Hush is still working on the Bee, Chchallis, Wash
ington, Dan feels lonesome when so far away from home,
lie will be back again next year and graduate with '92.
90. Herbert Marsland has organized two military de
tachments at the Lincoln High School. One consisting of
about seventy-five young ladies, the other of about fifty boys.
Doth squads are learning rapidly and make a fine showing,
especially the young ladies.
N. L. Pollard, formerly of '93, visited his University
friends a few days last week. Pollard has a timber claim
twelve miles from Harrison, Sioux county, and a prc-eump-iion
adjoining the town. His property is worth about $2,500.
He is now at his home at Nehawka, where he will remain
for several weeks.
A. C. Cope is back to finish his course.
C. Mv Skiles took a trip to Cass county recently.
Teft spent Sunday, October 5, with his ma, in Avoca.
' October 6, A. A. Fauiut was promoted to be first lieu
tenant. After an absence of a year John Eagleson has returned to
McCrosky is making arrangements to keep house in Ne
braska Hall.
RVL. Cheney and II. A. Sentcr visited Sioux City corn
palace. Octobers. '
October 10, Miss Vesta Gray was called home to the bed
side of her sick sister.
Miss Rolofson, who has been out of school a year, is again
0 a student at the U. of N.
Helvic is reconstructing an embryonic skull of amphiuma
from microscopic sections.
Schell and Pancost went out to Cotner University to see
Schvll's brother and ? I
Extemporaneous speakers should be vary careful in their
choice oi words. Ask Pollard.
Wanted. Several "solid" fellows to 'rush" those new
co-eds. Apply to the P. G. D. C.
The Department of Physics has received several new Edi-son-Lalande
batteries lor laboratory work.
The members of the psychology class are putting in two
hours each week in experimental work.
Wanted. The names of the four University students
who serenaded the four University co-eds, Thursday even
ing, October 9. They may find a good job at the Eden Musee.
Several students came in from Cotner University to sec
the cane rush that did not materialize.
The following is a common question among the Sophs:
What did you get in the last French exam?" -
Professor Brace's new dynamo will soon be ready to furn
ish light for the gymnasium and bowling alley.
Dr. Kingslcy has added to his department library a com
plete set of Bulletins de PAcademie Royale de Belgigue, over
100 volumes.
A very pleasant social event was the party at the home of
Miss Hardin, 345 North Seventeenth street, Wednesday eve
ning, October 8.
The Grand Island sugar factory sent down samples of its
first product the first sugar made in Nebraska to the chem
ical department.
Professor Besscy recently sent 200 copies of the catalogue
of Nebraska plants to Professor H. J. Webber, Washington
University, St. Louis.
The cane rush that was to take place October ti between
the Freshmen and Sophomorc3 was postponed on account of
the rain until the 18th.
Brother B to a new student: 4,Now I have been work
ing up this fraternity for over two years, and it must go this
trip sure. May I count you in as one of the elect?"
The chancellor's office is now provided with a copy of the
old International Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. As re
vised it contains all the new words, such as "mugwump," etc.
As the co-eds could not participate in the cane rnsh, some
oi them devised ways and means of having some fun of their
own. Wc have heard that the pillow rush was a victory for
Prolessor Lees has decorated his recitation room with
three large photographs. One represents the bridge across
the Tiber and the tomb of Hadrian, the Roman forum, and
a chariot race.
October 2, Langworthy was twenty-one, and in order to
make him fully conscious of the responsibilities that rest upon
the American citizen some, of the boys proceeded to wash him
at the hydrant.
The tranquility of the Freshman meeting was somewhat
disturbed by the presence in the gallery of a few Sophs, whom
the Presides proceeded to put out. The fun was squelched by
the appearance on the scene of Drs. Gcigcr and Dales.
At last our gymnasium is ready for the use of the students.
At least fifty have joined already, and the prospects are favor
able for the roll to be enlarged still more. Classes were
organized lor gymnasium instruction Thursday, October 9.
President Dungan and Professor Ayelsworth, jf Cotner Uni
versity, were in recently to see the cadets drill. The faculty
of Cotner intend to introduce drill in that institution, and
have invited Lieutenant Griffith to help them to organize a
The Northivestem Journal of Education, for October,
contains the course of study suggested by Acting Chancellor
Bessey for those high schools wishing to become accredited
schools of the U. of N. It further devotes a column to State
University notes. .
October S the class of 'ca met and elected officers for the
ensuing term. President, E. C. Strode; vice president, Miss
Olivia Pound; ScoreUry, J. L."Wallace; treasurer, Miss -'Al-
thea Roberts; historian, Miss Grace Morgan; sergeant-atr,
arms, L. C. Oberlies.