The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 15, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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"professional" in other arts than that of oratory. We
think, therefore, that all "professionals" should be de
barred, in the future, from participating in the ora
torical contests as well as from taking part in the Field
Day sports. Perhaps some of our friends may object,
however, for it makes a great deal of difference some
times, whose foot the shoe pinches. Be that as it
may, we desire to call this matter to the attention of
the various colleges of the state and we hope that they
may give it due consideration. Tf anyone can show
us that we are wrong we will be glad to admit our
mistake, but viewing the matter from our standpoint
it seems to us that it is just, and relying upon the
sense of justice and common decency that exists in
the various institutions comprising the Nebraska Col
legiate Oratorical Association, we have not the slight
est doubt but that the matter will be satisfactorily
settled at the next state convention.
HE' faculty has lately introduced a new system
of marking as an experiment. Under the new
system but three marks are given failed, conditioned,
passed. This s stem possesses two advantages, but
perhaps it also has its disadvantages. It will put an
end to the striving of students for mere marks and
will cause them to acquire knowledge just for the sake
of knowledge. The old way of marking by figures
savors too much of the district school method. The
system of marking by letters instead of by figures that
was lately in use, is but little better, because there was
still a chance to strive for marks. The new system wil
lighten considerably the work of tl.ose professors
who desires to give each person just what he
deserves It is not so easy for an instructor to
decide that one paper should be marked 98 and
another 97 but it is a very easy matter for him to de
cide whether a person deserves to pass. But as has
been said the new system is just an experiment and if
the students show an inclination to take unfair ad
vantage then we shall go back to the old method. It
is for the students to decide by their work whether
or not the new system will be permanent.
On no one consideration docs the standing of a university
among universities depend more than on the quality of its
various publications. The amount of original work which
they exhibit is becoming more and more the gauge of the
woth of an institution issuing them. The University of Ne
braska is becoming recognized as one of the growing institu
tions of the land; and perhaps nothing is doing more to pro
cure this recognition than the publication, but recently be
gun, of the University Studies, a periodical devoted to spec
inl investigation in all departments of knowledge which find
their place in the university curriculum.
The publication of the University Studies was begun in
1888, the third number appearing in July, 1890. The num
bers have been published at irregular interval so far but it is
the intention of those having the publication in charge to i
sue one number each quarter in the near future. And
ccllcucc of the contributions to the Studies in the past will in'
sure hearty appreciation of an effort looking toward greater
regularity in their appearance.
For the third number of the Studies, published as before
stated, during the vacation just ended, Professor II, N. Allen
of the department of physics contributes a paper, "On the De
termination of Specific Heat and of Latent Heat of Vaporiza
tion with the vapor Calorieultcr," containing the results of ex
periments performed in the lines indicated by the title.
Drawings and description of the apparatus used arc furnished,
and the article will no doubt prove of interest to physicists.
On the Color Vocabulary of Children" is the title of a paper by
Professor Wolfe, embodying the results of experiments per
funned in city schools with children ranging from five to sev
enteen years of ngc, There have been few Investigations
in this particular Held, hence the added importance of the
professor's contribution. It is such work as this that has led
the American Journal of Psychology .o state that the Univer
sity ol Nebraska is one of the few institutions keeping pace
with the advance in modern psychology. The third contribu
tion to this number of the Studies, ' entitled '"On the De
velopment of the Kings Peace and the English Loeal.Pcacc
Magistracy," by Professor Howard, is a careful study from
the sources of a portion of constitutional history not hitherto
'The University of Nebraska is to be congratulated," as
one writer puts it, in reviewing the prolcssor's article, "on hav
ing an investigator capable of furnishing such valuable con
tributions to legal history."
That the work of the University is being appreciated by
thoyc whose commendation is to be desired, is shown by the
following statement, chosen from among a number of similar
expressions of approval.
University I.iurary, Tumnuen, Wurtemderg, Ger
many, July 15, 1890. Gentlemen: The Principal Libra
rian begs to acknowledge the receipt of Nos. I and 3 of Vol. I
of the University Studies published by the University of Ne
braska, and he expresses his sincere thanks for the valuable
"Complete sets being of great importance, he would feel
highly obliged to you for supplying the University Library of
Tubingen with No. 2 of Vol. I, and requests to continue send
ing over the numbers or volumes which may be published in
future. Simultaneously with this card he has the honour to
post to your direction the following publications, viz. Roth,
Ueber Yocttai, Pfleidcrer, Was ist der Quellpunkt der hera
klitischen Philosophies Fischer, Zur Geschiehle des Mittel-
hoihdeutsthen, and , Plutarchide proverbiis Alexandro'
rum libetlus iueditus,
"T have the honor to be, Gentlemen,
Yours Respectfully,
Frederick Thomas, Librarian.''
Thus is seen, that by the authorities themselves of one of
the greatest of the German universities the publications
of thc'University of Nebraska arc placed on a par with those
of Tubingen. Surely to merit such a compliment as this is
no inconsiderable achievement.
It ts sincerely to be hoped that work already so well be
gun by the faculty of the University of Nebraska in the pub
lication of these Studies, may not be allowed to cease forwent
of encouragement which it lies in the power of those to give