uSSSSSS Tf 'V" THE HESPERIAN. FBBD SCHMIDT Dry Goods Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Etc. 921 ,0 .Strut, . Lincoln, Nib. Hello, 579 ! Is That Houck & Wallace's STEAM HjJTJ1TJD,R,'Y: ? Where they do, (he best Work in the City? Our specialties arc dress Shirts, Collars Cuffs, Flannel avid Silk Shirts, All wool shirts guaranteed not to shrink. ' HiT 3? STREET. Every Loyal Student in the University Should SUBSCRIBE FOR The Hesperian. . College of Physicians and Surgeon OF OHIOA.GrO. Ono of the Largest, Finest, and Best Arranged College Bulldlngo in this country. Heated by Steam throughout and perfectly lighted and ventilated. CLINICAL ADVANT&GES UNSURPASSED REGULAR SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 24TH. F" iSSitrMJ!'"1 T'CVet' adD,UUnff t0 "" th8 UQtUrea 0na ,nC,Ud,nB "" ,,r!,,C'U WOrk ,n Wtologle.1 and Phy , , For f ther Woniutto.. add E QUITO X D,, In',, 8160 Indlaaa Ave., Chicago, III. Or, A. EEIVM JA0K80X, Fr e 871 Mioklgaa At..? CMeag. EisTssa rij,