The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, June 05, 1899, Image 3

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A Wookily Newspaper Issued Every
(Monday Noon by the University
Publishing Association.
such niomy. Tho Nobrnsknn hopes f f XI XJ XI
ilint fow, If nny, university students, 1 11 J 11 M
have Buffered nt tho hantis of this Ui 1111 1X1
nviw. iiuil tlikvx this onvortuuity of .
warning any, who may have Intended
v&'iuivtiii() w j...-..v.
Enlarcd as Second Class Mall Matter.
Geot-RO L. Towno Managing Editor
M. 1. Stewart Editor-in-Chief
J T. Sumner Edgar Clark.
Clinton Harr.
Claude Ueed. Graoo MaeMUlan.
Adclloyd Whlthir. Holon Woods.
Bonton Dale
The Nehraskan will be sent to any
ddrc&s upon receipt of the mibscrip
tion pric, which is one dollar a year,
Contnoxuons arc solicited from all.
New Items such as locals, personals,
reports of meetings, etc., arc especial
ly diml. Tlhe Nebrnskan will be
glad to prdnt anj contribution rela
tive, to a gcneiral university subject,
but the name must accompany all
Adda-ess all communication to Ire
Nehraskan, University of ic-braska.
If you have worked at your books
conscientiously for nine months, do
m register for all the work you can
find in the jtininior school. Tnlw this
opportunity to study the world of to
day, as you And it mlTroml liv tho
men ami women and things about you.
Your time will not be wasted, but
1 In i"W of the distant future it will
be most profitably spout, NVrt nil
, knowledge as rto be found in books,
nor ovon in tho laboratory, Even tlmt
i wbieh is round in such iun.isacrod
places, needs tiho practically trained
l nrtelloet to rightly Inturpret it, The
educated man is not lHu one who lias
the most courses to his cirdlt in the
college catalogue necessarily. Nor as
the wisest man In college the one who
gets through his course in the least
mnnlw of yean.. MM me is an essen
tial element- In an education. It may
not be exactly four years, 'but it. is
very nearly four years that should W
spent upon the college course.
A suivny vacation to you all with
just tears'en'ongh, after (lark, to make
Vihc corn grow well. ere an? still some twenty-five or
thirty regular subscribers to 'the Ne
braskan who have not yet paid their
subscriptions. Those Who have failed
to see the business manager personal
ly -will kindly send a postoiTicc order
to "The . libra ska n," bo 207, Lncohi.
Till is is invpoVtiant and we hope none
neglect to comply with this request.
The following letter, -typical of
iiianj reevhed during the year, shows
that honest effort ds really appre
ciated. It is such encouragement that
induces edition, to keep working oik
Managing Editor oi the Nehraskan:
Bear bir: 1 enclose you the price of
a year's subscription for jour paper,
i. c., the year of 'OS-DO. Please credit
me wiith the amounts Allow mc to con
gratulate the board of editors upon
! the uu'.Ssi i5.. Jwvvc had in making
iiiu m-uraihii uiko ieuo so con
spicuously during the year now clos
ing, 1 trust that the same uegroo of
Interest and enthusiasm will bo jshown
nc-t year also, and that the editors
will give to the alumni as ortitractivo
a college paper during '90-'00 ns tihey
have this year. No small amount of
emlit is due the Nehraskan for the
stand taken on several mart'tcrs of im
portance tihat have come up in the
past two semesters. You may enter
my name on your list of subscribers
for next year. Yours truly,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Course 2S Weeics,
Fees $65.00.
Otters great inducements to stu
dents of medicine in the west.
Methods of instruction most satis
Clinics in both surgery and medi
cine held in the following hospitals in
this city; County, Methodist, Child's,
lmmanuel and Presbyterian hospitals
Catalogue sent and questions an
vwered by K. W. CHASE, Oniahn,
Ncbr., Continental block.
The University of Nebraska
School of Music
Y.S HKTTER fitted than ever before to give artistic infraction
J in Voice Training, Piano Vorte Playing, and all other prinoi.
pal branches of Music. Students will receive full information by applying
at the School located directly south of the Campus, and can enter at any time
So the ii. S. (. letter -was a large
joke? This is lite latest explanation of
its authors. It is extreme sluuitgc
that two Nnne jomi'g men .should get
tip such a huge joke on themselves.
Mr. 1L C. Hoper and .1. V. Uoomer con
fess that they wrrtte Hie letter and
explain it as above. Evphinaiiion have
been their long suit ever since the let
ter was published. They had bettor
try again.
A "MUssourT coll egcfpa per" 'mnkes a
greviotis mistake about a simple mat
tier of fact, in commenting upon the
recent oratorical contest. Tlhe editor
must learn that things are not always
as they seem. To be sure, it is nat
ural enough to surpose that Talbot,
the orator, is a son of Talbot, the
lawyer. Nevertheless it is not bo.
They not only arc not related, tliey
are scarcely acquainted. Therefore it
was smiewhat out of place to say that
AY. .1. Urjan marked the son of his
law partner first on delivery.
Tho 1oys who-wvn"t to Chicago did
not take any pts. No ohm- expwi
ctl they would. However, I'lllMniry
yiuccedcd in vaultimg ten feet; six
inehi- m.rc tlwm he had ever vmiHwl
be i ore. And in wemml ewiHIn I lie
boj-srals.l their previous re.-nr.K
'Illiosc vho say tlhat, Noflravk should
ivo send men 'to Chiotigo 1ill -he can
send sonic one who m win. arc uiln
tnken, as t-h-wc results nlnnw. An in
stitution, like mi iivdhidnial. needs to
meeit fHinonger in-st it it Ho.n iM'fore it
can hope ti dwieikvp lt best nn i-erin' .
A series of demonstrations arc being
planned by the management of the
Ureatcr American Exposition in Oma
ha tihis summer ii. recognition of the
returning heroes from Manila. The
gall'.mt i-n-si V..iHi.,hi will pni'hiilil
reach home in July and -will ba given
a day ait the Exposition, to be follow
ed the next day by a reunion of the
tliree regiments which Nebraska sent
to the front.
The Fifty-first Iowa is expected to
reach Omaha enrouto home from Ma
nihi sonne itimc in Augiist, at which
time the Nebraska volunteers will
join in tQieir entertainment at the ex
333-339 S. Lincoln Street, CHICAGO I
Opposite Cook County Ho.tpllol.
Pour Years Oraded Course.
HoBlnnlnfi with July 1. 18P9, tht coiie 'or ttic
ytnr will 1cUI hied Into four terms of twelve
nuUUdi AlIoiuIhiuv fittin fcluiliwus ill ttie
riKU nr course is reaulred ilurtnc tlireo terms
lr.achoftho four years. The fourth term is
The fees are $100 00 for each venr, pnynWc In
Tho tiumkr of rccular students Is limited to
one-hundred, tucniy-flroiti eneh class l'lncti
i. class Is obtained tiy eompetttlve exnmtna'
Hon artcr haviiiR complied with the nqulre-mc-nth
of tho Slate ttourd of Health of Illinois-
Kxccptlonal laboratory ad vantaces are offered
l teachers, and superior clinical fai'illtles ar
offered to senior medical students and cradn
ales in medlclna during the summer term
Kor further Information address
Third Term Begins Monday, April 10.
Made by
Examine the Policy of tho Now England
Mutual. Tho Values aro as definite as those
endorsed in your Bank Book,
This Company has been Chartered
63 Years.
G. XV. NOBLB, Mgr.,
PhnnP 19R ROOM 10.
rnone jzb i04i o street
Creighton Medical College.
Cor. 14th and Davenport Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Next session begins Septembct 24 1S99.
A tour vcars course was adopted bv this
M.MUU1 m. ycaia ku, ii uciiiu unc ui uic i
1'irs.t schools in the west to adopt a hipher
standard of medical education.
The course consists of lour terms, seven
months each. The college building is new
and up to date, having been completed only
twoyearsago. The building itsell is large
nd commodious, having large toomy lab
oratories for work in Physiology, His
tiology, Pathology and Bacteriology all
lurnished with the most modern equip
ment. I he Anatomical rooms are large
It is probable ahat if the gallant and are supplied with all of the newest
This is the last mtmhor of ye college
newspaper for this year of our -uni-vorsWy,
rtttie thirtieth, ami of tlhis jour
nal the serentlh. 'We ihave no apolo
gies to mal;e nor grievances to air.
The year hns "been a most prospcro-us
one. If thtore is anyone, who has been
dissatisfied with the paper or its po
sition upon any question, lie Bias not
told ye editor about U. Perhaps some
have'fel't much and said little, anyway,
1he sublime quiet of Hie editorial sanc
tum has not been disturbed, for all
of -which thonghWulness on tihe part
of 4110 university public ve extend our
than'ks. Retrospectively we have noth
ing to awigret, prospee-tivvely we expert
1o mailntalii our Ideal uncliiuiited; to
ohint. give all tihe news bifore it is
sialic and to charge one dollar per
year for it. If you don't like tllii. plat
fo.fini, sulntcii'Ihe for the lieperlnn.
Puntan and his dauntless Twentietih
Kansas rog-iment reach America in
time, they will also be given a fitting
welcome by the (Jrenicr American Ex
position ninnngeintnt.
Aarr in the wiwr.
Diireci or Kc of the Art lVpartiiniin't
1 ol tihe tiiviiter Amerlni Imposition at
Onuihti this suiinnier romlsttb a much
finer nrt display tlimn wa. stiown hist
.car. lie Ihik stviired lUie Veretc'lia
!n c:::ivtion, couiinsiing 1,175 paint
! lugs illiiHirntiilg Napoleon's liussian
, ini.(iiign, tiwih liuvc been on exhi
I liiuion in Ixindon. At the (Aoac of tho
e position ihcy Aill be sli'ow-n in Chi
cago and New York before being taken
again to Europe. Anouier foattire will
be the Tissot collection of SOO iaint
' ings, dainstrating tJhe life of Christ,
which is now in New York. The Chi
cago Itccord will exhibit over 2000 fine
pictures taken by its special represen
tatives in Cuba, Porto liic'o and the
Philippines, and a great- collection of
curios and relics. The celobrated col
liw'tion oi Indian pictures owned by
Mr. lnesti of Denver and hundreds
of the finest works of art owned bj
lndhidnals in many larirc cities, St.
Louis, Washington, New York, Ohica-
A Good PIace
to Buy Good Clothes.
"wwv yAAAfS
conveniences, among other things being a
cold storage room for the preservation of
onatomical material, thus insurvlng fresh
Mibjects for dissecting and anatomical
work at all times of the year. The lee ,
lute fooms are spacious, well lighted and I
ventilated, and are seated with comfort- i
able opera chairs.
This school has the exclusive use of the '
St. Joe Hospital for clinical purposes, the
St. Joe hospital being the onlv large hos
pital in the city. The county "hospital al
so furnishes clinics lor the benefit of stu
dents of this school, For further informa
tion address
D. C. BRYANT, Al D.,
McCacue Bid's, Omaha Neb.
Monarch .Bicycle
Harvard University
116th Annual Announcement (1898-99).
In and after June, 15)01, camlidatOh
for admission must present a degree in
Arts, Literature, Philosophy, Science or
Medicine, ironi a recoguuzed college or
go, Philadelphia and Baltimore will . S('K;"ll(lc sehool with tho exception or
adorn thi artistically furnished apart- s"(ll l,0l'hO"s- r Mutable age and atUiin
nients of the Pine Arts buildinfr. jinent, as may be admitted by special
fa vote of tho lacultv taken in each ease.
The Nebntskan hn a eonfcHlon to
make. In splto of ihe fact thin i.e
cdal care has been used in invtti gat
ing the standing of those wflto have
asked for advertising space, one irre
Bponsible falre firm has boom taken in.
The firm referred to is the "Union
Teachers' Agencies of America," man
aged by the Hev. L. D. Bass of "Wash
ington, D. C. "We find, Giowerer, thn.t
we -were not tiie only ones that have
been thus deceived. Nearly evry k1
Igc paper in Wie oountay has made the
same inistake, as wetll as a large num
ber of educational magazines. Ttlie
Jitothod whiidli this firm pursues is to j
advertise cxlienshiejy, nevor initending ,
to pay for if; to get as many tonohors
as possible to register and pay its fee;
and to malce no return -whatever for ,
tioiNu ANYwincKt: this sr.MiMi:i:v
I lleikju we take hniire in rccum
meiHling to yon htmw fp.cia! nionev
Miviiif,' rmnul trip miliroHil ridi i, b
tlal' ii i' lie ( i rent Nortlmi-sini
i Lw. Vh. not 'itNni.i this line ti:w
,ciir, uhfther on ihewe cxcurK.un or
olhiT tri-? JU-suU-k tin nil !w v,r
haw ivii Wei I rnti i ) imam 1'inirlw
t'-olunibiis. O.. .lime 1. a and 4; rate
W:l."i: limit June N.
l.'' Sii-inifK. s. 1)., ,Iiin. ; nmi o0.
nit ;: -n; Knrit thiri.v dviK.
lltifl'iik . Y.. June' 11 anrl 12; rale
far.MO; flna) Iinit Jnlj ,
Uw Angeles, y r .'lenc S t
.ni. : rate W.lMi: Iliit'ltt Sept mi tier -1.
Ddtimll. July 3, -i fi.u s, s. ('. 15.;
rate $23.08; fima Vtu'iitvt 15.
Ki('hiiiHml. Va.. B. Y. P 11., Juliy 10,
11 and IS; wi to 5.34.10; ldm1l Agiiw 15.
7ndfamqalls, Jnl.y IS. 10 an7 "0; iate
$20.00; limit August 80.
x riPI.BlNO. C-. T. A.,
117 KtiiilHi TeintJi iSti-eet.
I'or detailed information concerning
courses of instruction, or catalogue,
Dit. Wai, L. 1UCI1AKDSON, Boon.
Utirvuru Modlcul Sulinol. Tlohton Mimn.
Bnte the "TZtans" do your washing.
TTave the "Evans" do your washing
Have the "Evans" do your washing,
nave the "Evans" do your washing.
Kent College of Law
Marhall I). Dwell, LL. I)., M. I) , Dean.
Three years course leailing to degree
of LL. 1$. .Imjirovod methods uniting
theory ami practice The School of
practice Is the leading feature, live
ning sessions of ten hours a week for
each class Students can be self sun-
porting while studying. Wo assist
students in securing suitable employ
ment. For catalogue, address
W. F. Momeyer, LL. B., Secretary,
(118011) Ashland Block, Chicago, 111.
Are recognized the world over as representing the highest type
ot excellence in bicycle const ruction.... Are now within reach of all
King anil Queen Roadsters $25 MrtrSMias!iss,,M
at these prices
Sonu for C'utiilupue Agents vruutnd in oi.i.ulomu.rj
Halstod and Fulton Sts., CHICAGO Church and Roade Sts., NEW YORK
G. E. HACER, Agent Law Library
And "QUALITY" about the
photographs made at the
Elite Studio
That make them famous. All on ground floor. 226 So. 1 1th St
For Style, Quality and Price
You Ktoould cull on
143 N. 13th St. - Oliver Theatre Building,
V ' t