RIDE WITTMAK BICYCLES ..If defective parts are found in Wittmann Bicycles we will replace free and pay all trans portation charges. H- Wittmann & Co. ESTABLISHED 1870- . i.3-i.(5 South 10th Street bccnuss tl.cv I: v. a reliable Ruarantce by a reliable firm. Thoro Is no other Blcyclo as good as a Tribune Bicycle No other Buggy made can bo compared with the genuine -. LARGEST STOCK In tho Stato FINEST LINES. COLUMBUS BUGGY LOWEST PRICE Billmyer & Saddler, 202-4 6 South 1 1th Street 1. BOUNDS. Tin' Itoui of the Queen's (ititmls. Herpolsheimer & Co. Herpolsheimer & Co. Its Easy Writing If its a Bllckensderfer No. 5. The universal favorite with all classes of operators who desire a simple and speedy machine. More "Blicks" in use among Iowa and Ne braska newspapers than all the rest of theSWO ma. hines together. 1 lie only Typewriter on the market d mig hundred-dollar work that is sold .t a popuhr pn.e. H ! jB Kevs. of 84 diameters and Letters; Portable, weighing but Smx Pounds with case. Copies and Manifolds perfectly. n carbon copies Iving easilv taken at one writing. Onl one price S? 00 net. On ten days ap proval to anv responsible man in Iowa or Nebraska. Write for Illustrated Catalogue and our monthly payment proposition. Address, Harger & Blish, General Agents, 904-910 Alain Street, DUBUQUE, IOWA. isox 193 BHHHBHHBBHHHB The Highest Award anJ only Oold Medal ri . ento T pew r iters at the Trans Mississippi exposition r itfT - lljl' ti 01 Uti Hurt an Cotlrel & Leonard ir-.'-iT Hrodwajr Altmny. New York Maker or tU- Caps, Gowns and Hoods To the American College- pntl I nt versitir Illustrated manual mutj"s. prices -tt up rr ;uest (,uuns for the puipit n : tl. !',-:.! W. GOOD PRINTING . . is a paying investment and a necessary adjunct to a sue csislul business. On the con trary, poor printing (and we refer to the kind the other fellow does) is dear at any price, and is a standing re flection both on the merchant .ind the pi inter. Moral: leave your ordfs with ti. and miu will alw.n s It- sjtisiied. h ?li as to qua1 md prke. Hunter Printing Co. Print 'f. LINCOLN. Anything lor Anybody HONORS , ' JwUvJMl Wl- rf"fc' bllaBaBWl' m aHL Jt 1h drawing m'tir .no time for the competitive tlnUl 11ml if you are n rVeshinun, stuiiiblliig along in the rear run It and ItiindJIiitf your gun n'noiit as jjrneefull.v as 11 cork leg, It menus 11 grwiti deal for you. If your uompimy wins it won't be duo to your olVoiMs very niui'lt utit you might hour in mind t'liul three ooiupiinle tine go ing to lone t!hr prize ami its 'three to one tluit 0110 of till 01 n will bo .votir company if oti 11 ro quick tit figures. Most eo'itrpiuiios lone their chance ufler they lire on the ground. 'Micro wn onvo n Mmpnny, 'however, t.mt lost its opportunity to win mouths before the drill mid the mistake was o lln grnnt nnd the defwit so ortisflilng tluit you ought to keep it in mind' ooiwtfliit iy wo you had hot tor it up nnd Ibnen to tHie story. dual three yearn ngo this prlng, 11 oompetithe tlrlll wn tn nnd the ex oitoinout iiihI rivalry wore nbout four (Junes an lu(oiue it they are now. If you oiin'.i oomiprohoud lit i-s ,ou needn't try. It Isn't inntorlnl. Anyway, (hero wore Tour eoni-pniilow. tih roe of which otin Id drill fairly wo 1 1 ami 0110 (hut was a ornokorjnok. 'Phi- last coniviny was inado up ol .smtill men. it wa- e4l offi ce rod and wont tliionj'li the luminal like elwok work. ICxory Ixi.ly raw flint it was tho ooming oonipany before Che year was half mor. 'PI1011 the gir'.s in whool nil got Muck 011 It. whieih oenltttilly proved it ruination. (If your are a I'reidiiiian yuu ought lo roiul tins inHt -onloiioe oor t-wleo.) 'IThe.ro aro only a few inon whom feminine tidnnirotiun will not spoil ami tho "lltll" fellow' contquiiiy" had no oNouptloiiK. iinfortutmtolv. 'Phoir pop ularity with skirl uirtios was some thing' itMi!lrng. .VUmt linn the Imivh wore w'Minors w-ifli the girl to tnrt wiMi. and the other half woio spe dlly initiutod in 'the jrontle art f pirlorj'.' Ktery girl, from the liifh pi ioi in H10 wost sorority to tin- nnat tnu't l v sorgwiiit-iit-arum in tho Man H11I or' elirli. wont vi'l mcr tho tsvuKiny .11 'I 'liho n Li in guy" icomo aiMxit a-' t.i it lieuijr Ilou- Koulrod :iV any iih-h mu in I'iiioa j of ieneo. At a hop whona jrirl had ; n olmtue to danee with a man in that iiniMin llo ns so oxerjoyod and tliihtnitod slto iimii: uiikeil nl! over him in tho d.moo. line men forgot 1 hoy wore Mklioi niHil botNiino hidios" nun. 'Phat wok alont tho time when . tho mlhor hoys dirlhol tlio oompany "'o (jueen's (iunrtl'. I 'Pais ttiato of ntTnirs oont'umotl until I tho day of (he big drift cninr oil. The gir.s gushed over the Quoon's Cuaiilo priiivtel,)- nod piridlelj-. 'J o oyw w:: dW not belong were pretty wW ami did not -ftny nMiuh but Uiey i-oilia'.ly hated tie (iuanls who ivtnliatl t treatintr foHow- in ofhor ooniMiiioi in a iKitronizing way. wlikrh was. of oiiiro. thoir prii!oro. T'ho coiiHti tie 1 1 J T I ila wms one of inro raekinir , - iti-ll el. 'PI'O s(,.i4 of the : l.tosl w is tii fa'r irr.uii' N ;n ; ,( ihoiuii it , M.lt .1 '.OHfl W.tlk ll.lU! W.'llt. , r.iorx irirl in m lion! as .!! :iv i-i I l.iwii 1 -J ImMu.m'Ii !' -it'e of IV and 1 I1 u.i on i3i.' oioiin-l with is.. ,- p,ii it tin- ne.Mi" i;iii:Im lit t-ri ntr Ciotn iiii-ii inri wait n-eii- wild a -"iw 1 f - 1 . rity frliN on -i t i:;.h ;., ,k.n... jtaoir uo;Ht mul try ny to aiH-.ir a , ll Uilll M4tlll' llllls CIV II tt tho I llli- joiii-i. f ,-y hlld wul'i ille Ihf l.'ith of J j February. If there had boon any Im-i i:ii,r the (J 0001 1 'x (iiiank- w ,uM h.ite j li mg it a MO tti I ehanee a i.w.1 I h- j field. The f lw,-e eoiiip.iiiiis without telim.e sliptMrlor hH.llir for n. y-liitr The Height of The Season The Spring season is now enjoying the height of its glory; the spring selling has reached a point that will scarcely be outtopped at any future time, and our stocks are at their brightest and best. That's because we pro cured just the right quantities, the proper assortments and unlimited quantities. 0m pFGLiEijIii & CG. Lincoln, Nebraska WRICHT, KAY & CO F Mniiutai'turers or HATHItNlTY KMII I .VS HATUKNITY JKWK ItY HATKHNITY NOVIJ TlliS HATIIUN'ri'Y STATIUXKItY HATCIIMTY INVITATIONS KATKKNITY A.VNDL'Nl'liil KNTb KATKKN1TY I'UOtiltAMS I The Joy Semi for C'utu'oifiie n- l l'rlee isl Special t sIkus 011 upplK'ntton 140-142 Woodward Ave . DETROIT. wTCrJ- BARBER MOP Students ork a SjH'clulty 1144 O ST. of a tailor made shin is only known to those who wear them. It's because they are just right. Cheaper, too, in the long run. !j loz. to order, mn wliiu; or colored Jpu Harper's Shirt Factory Upstairs, 1012 O Street , I'&'l have the only Shirt 1'actory Goo I ll..rUT, New furniture. KsivlK-ul Work jn .incolll. y "otter tbnu seiMtid plaei-. f-t gt.uluitcs are fully cxircseI ' Hi. ,UtnV of thin lri I are 11 it wr- ly lifesenting a J ,i,";'"'y iiiloro-tinir at thU tiuu but V'" "" " ! srorv it 'i.mH Ih- TWO 1 I' I . 1 1 Lin oln i ii' I ., - and K iaH ' ,u I V. 1 j-.x Ati i iscii City Ticket Office, 1039 O St. II 1 I Aiend G I', i T A. 1- I). Cornell. (' I' A T.A University Coal Office Gregory seiis Coal Best gutlity. lint I'rics Ph"ne m o4 o Street J. U. Htinen. I'r. W.O UUbop. V -Vn-t Hurry K. WIIkod. Kc W ('. HtepbDOH. Tre Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. !-lif golil ai.d sterling fcilvtr in latest design. Sold Upon Aerit Pully Guaranteed. -CD L. L WATERMAN A CO., Uarxcki Pjuntaln I'en rluMutaclurrr In the World. 157 BROADWAY, HEW YORK. J 1trr lion t 1 IHlt i V 'T O j heal :i .1 . .. ft . . . ..n mi. 1 1 hip i;urou fc Irtian.h jpru o aotlj rthat ehoy do-ied. n.-d it wa ij n. i nt. :neo oHiior -twr e'inl. I .'ie v.ivp or loiiMnhio aiiiiiaiiM- that jrreotel tho (inardtt ;h mar hn to t.V lnu;rlit-r iih ''t-o.f at the Ixoi tiro tho iruih w.is f..n.( ,.-, ouhmkw til'.'' llio .:liii:in miis liofore in x-tnrt-! 'I h-r .i !- Itiileh Ifir! .til I toi "'ttli- .1 ',n in J the (etT. (Jim ids. 'I'.i l',i n- . (.t imi-n nii'ir oiiiiiirii 111 i in iiir (fir.. t'io ii wed their do foul. '1 h- dii'ld iilt- ii lirrcin hrijfude in u icxinlin sehjo" t.hal dn. Tho jud-'i. iii iir.iii.j In 'Oiclr lKiud. t r i tif- to keep 1 met. f tin' r i.renks. Jf 'P.ii. my b'.Htciut l-'io'uii:!!!. vmi ih J. liist ..iid l-l oorii.in,v of (ii-.-n's iii;in!. '1io dioil in tln-ir .-.niv .,ut Z" smothered l oeeii- iiiluiiriilion ). 1 If y oor hsir 11 epiml il jri t ' tulk- !.... 4.1.. . nil wi.ip.y .- -ut ai.o-inor oiiiiKiri this Kii-fij' ju-t put it itiwn at. 11 Kt'n" In- your favor rurd nviomrlwr Uiiii tli roe j(.iir- 4fo oooihtiI (ho "Itoui of the Qiikoii'm (iuanW KM, KTAKIlrJ'IT. it Jt Ol uv lM Hi U M uV Oi U a, o u it j vv Us h UV 0 ft fff tt&f tf ftf ftr I ill if f If lEJI I I! Choice Collection of Excursions VIA THE BURLINGTON Louisville. K.. Ma It and IV. tetutn limit Ma 20. Portland. Ore . Ma IS u,. 17 and Ih: trtiirn hunt July 1. Denver Colo., Aav IS and 17: return limit June IS. Minneapo.is. Minn.. SVi (t, 17 .md IK; return limit Jum- :i Ifonnoke. Va. Atav 17 and IX; return limit June 23. Buffalo. New York. June 12; return limit June 17. St. Louis Alo.. June y and 20; return limit June 21. Defut. Mich., Julv 1. I and S; return limit Julv IS. Ifichimmd. Va.. July U; II and 12: return limit Julv II One (are lor the round trip plus ?2 00 for the above ex. unions, ban I-rancisco. Ma 16. 17 and IX; return Jul IS; rate ia. Los Anueles, Cal . N. I:. A. meeting. June 2S to July K; final limit ' September 4. ISO1)-, rite fS2. Information reuardinj above exmrsioiis at the lollowinn offices: c ty ricKer office: CORNER I0TH AND O STREKTS T LEPHONE 735 A m m -a n " n T t m It p 1 t m f t r T f OUHLINGTON OEPOT: 7rH ST. B6TW EN P AND Q. TBLfPHOTE 25 II LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE Teriu htu'm April l ami June 10. First elas iotr iction in M lmln s nnd Hhorlhanii stulies Write for iuuiOKuu or enll at ti otttce Xte THE t CENTURY I DOUBLE - FEED PEN I IIIAAI ( nilAliirni mm t t linuuli DU3intai uuLLbUE 1 (s T,)E BEST J3lh and P Street. Tel. 254. Lincoln, Neb C. E. HAGEK, Agent Law Library , Fl m.li I) A Y-Cwulnapd from pajie I . I lasting; tftfll'tor, I'.tirn; nmiouncr. Jloa.r; nuiullitr hiyh jiiuirp, pdo oau'i. riuinliw IjixmhI jiuivp. judgro, .('iittoo; .enrcr, 1IhIj; lut-joirrvr. jlJii.Vs nnd llertHlJol; idiot pat, I111111 'UHr llirme, di'U. judf,'o, Vojin; witter, Poyntor; nu-iMiii-nT. Wiirnor: 100. :.'2f), 110, SMO. 1 mile hurdli'.. ivjn, st-irier, Itarno; time lt?cpori, Prioo. Iliiirt, Lowrio; Morrison; xoorer, Lore hind. juilOM of I he fluMh, KUr.v. Al len; (IMiitmi llnnv nuimiKer trnok (iin; P. K. IJencdiol, (ipliiiii. ISiimllimmimmmmmmmiHm Turpin's School of Dancng. , Chllclron's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m. Laclios and gentlomen'sclass, Mondays 8p.m. Assemblies or Advanced Class, Wednesday Evenings. Tho Aoadoiiiy olfor.-. ml van tap- for cotillion clubs, private parties, etc. Iss newly fiirnUhed ami iloooratoil. Will ho routed at roasotiablo rates. ror iiutiior Inforumtioii iwhltvys, ALBERT TURPIN, H.M.gt-u New Clrfimri fur Children anil Aiiuinmiw farrnli . For Style, Quality and Price -IN- TAILOR MADE GOODS You Simula ( nil on NEBRASKA PANTS & SUIT COMPANY, 143 W. 13th St. - Oliver Theatre Building ti 1