THENEBRASKAN, A Weekly Newspaper Issued Every Friday Noon, by the Students ot the University of Nebraska.. Entered as fc-oeoml Class Mall Mattor. Geo. L. Towno Managing Editor M. 1. Stewart Kdltor New Dept. ilolin T. .Summer Vswiciato Kdltor Kdjrnr M. Clark swm!W' Alitor A . lUseltolT ssoelnte KM tor A M. (lull Cartoonist IMjrar Cnmilh Kdilor loill l)opt, Miv, (iruee Mi'.NHllan.. Associate Kdltor lliira Hammtind sMoitite ICdltor (.oorjjv ItnrtloH ..nwelnte IWitor P ntlivur HK?lnt Kdltor ( Imtini Uiht svoctte Kdltor V . Ilrown .miHU lwdtor V K. ( leinetits. . Kdltor Alumina Joiit Thoso Who Will Play Foot-Ball. (CoiiUiineil from 1'nRO U The Nebrn&knn will be sent to any ...i-inwo; iiiwvn i-ii-iliit of tho ubscrin- i tion price, which Is one dollar a year. Contributions arc sollultcd from all. News items such as locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., arc especial ly desired. TQio Nebrsiskan will be glad to print any contribution rela tive to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all bueh. Address all communications to the Nebreuskan, University of Ixe-braska. What has Ixvonie of tlie Univorslt.y glee club? Don't forget the football game tomorrow. Hum. in nature is such that in any thing undertaken by man, there if need o1 encouragement. It is so with thr foot lia lb player. He may have tno best of trriinntg, the best of every thing that helps to pint a football man in the best of condition, but 'if he has no encouragement from his friends uud fellow students, he will not play team win, be at the galne tonior-ixvw ln'v lismil game. If you want to see the team win, lie at thegame tomorrow nnd cheer lustily for the scarlet and the cream. Students should take an interest in the mass meeting which has been call ed for next Tuesday morning for tiie purpose of deeding student memliers of the college settlement Itonrd. The college work is purely phitunthropical. It Ik such a work as eery lover of hu manity ought to be interested in and help along. It is not the spe cial concern of ny dcpiirtinoirt, class or orgsinitition. It Is an enterprise that belongs to the whole University and in which eury student can do a part. DotJi fiieulty and students have been deeply sulrred by the death of Thomas ). Kunn, of tin- eln3 of 'OS. Mr. Kunn was widely known a a young man po-st-ssing tin highest ideals and exem plifying the nobles, life. With no thought of self but always for others he endeared himself to all who knew him. Mr. Kunn was proparinig lilmself for the ministry but he did not wait for the completion of his education for the realizations of his hfe's pur-post-. From ne student body of the rnhersity, from the fields in which he labored as pastor, and from the e.unp, come nceount of numerous in s'tances which show the hlghus re spect for others, and the liobloHt pa triotism. Ills was a life nobly spent, nobly closed. In the deatli of Superintendent fildn ii r. the Cii'iMM-sity and uie state a.t I.u-ge mourn the loss of one prominent m education il circles. Superintendent SKiiiikt was fnpeeltdlv aetilvc in the lteran 1U-NI. Imvng publMied a book foi . in secondary schools, entitled "Studies in literature.,, lie wjik espe cially sidnpted for this work and hifc ixok shows evidence of untiring effort, a readiness in selection, nnd a keen nppi.'ciat'ion of the principle of art. Air. Skinner impressed all w!th wihom he ime in contact with hi eivnnU 1W88 and his high and noble purpose. The results of his work have already been gieat, but they will comtiinie to increas4' and it would be difficult to estimate the extent of their Influonce. Since so much has bwn accomplished by one so young, wo can noi know what mlgh't have l)(.n accomplished had lie lived to a inatiircr age. length of time. They iv being formed into a second eleven by Mr. Pryce, of the Phy.sieal Training department. On Tuesdaj evening they lined up ngaitKt the tlrst. team and for a "while led them a very merry chase around t lit tield. Dovsenbnieh, a new nvo-lntndred pountler, who hits mwer seen a foot ball, is with them nnd promises in time to supercede either llnnson or Tur ner when their playing days are over, Pierce and Cramlcll are also good and promise well for the future. Manager llischof had the following to say -about football affairs .vestcrday: Since the last announcement of the schedule two new games have been ad ded, both ot which are to be played on our campus. They are Tarkio col lege and Drake university. The sened ule as it now stands, is as follows: Octolter 1, University of Nebraska vs. Hastings eol.ege -at Kineoln. October s, U?v1versity tr Nebraska vs. Ames college at lincoln. October IS, University of Nebraska vs. Tarkio college- at Kineoln. October S3, University of Nebraska vs. Wm. .lew ell college at Kansas City. October 21. University of Nbra.ska vs. Missouri State University at Co lumbia. Mo. October 20, University of Nebraska vs. Orinnell college at Lincoln. November ., University of Nebraska vs. Kansas state univorslty at Law rence, Kas. November T, University of iobr.ibkn v.s. Kansas Citv medics Kansas City Mo. November 12, University of (Ncbras kii vj. Drake University tit Lincoln, November 24, University of Nebrus ku vs. Iowa State University at Omaha. This will give the people here live games on our liome grounds. Season tickets for the home g-.iuics are now on sale at $1.7.1 eaeTi. There will be no game with Wis consin or Minesontu this year. Wis consin had completed all arrange ments to play us here on November It), but two of the schools with whicli games were scheduled, threw up their contracts and. isconsin was onngetl to make new arrangements which will prevent her playing us this year. The management of the Minnesota team has changed hands and tnc new manager has written that he has de cided to schedule no more games on the advice of the coach and captain. Our team will not play the Kansas City Medics at Kuiikih City October 5, during cornival week, as Kansas Uni versity has decided to play the game. .tnie few days ago the malinger tif the Medics wrote asking if we would play. An affirmative answer was g.ven him but later a telegram was re ceived stating that Kansas had decid ed tt phiy mill give a return game. Tlu: iieid has been scraped and put In lirst class condition, livery thing in good shape for the opuning game next Saturday with Hastings college. Lot evt ry student in t he Uni versity make it a point to attend thib ilrst game. Put aside your lxoks for an hour or two Saturday nfteriioou, cease to think of school work and "grinding" mid tuni out to welcome our boys and show them thai you arc ready with your happen t and encour agement tf help them win the pen nant again thte. year. PROFESSIONAL OARPS MKS. L. M. SKAKLKS, M. D. I'ractlco limited to Discuses of Women nnd Children. Oillco: KKSO St. lies.: 1813WashlnRtonSt. 1 Hours: '.' to 4 p. in. LINCOLN NUUUA8KA J. M. LUCAS, DENTIST. tntli unit O sts. Telephone 153. Lincoln. Nob. Dean Wilson, .Mrs. Chancellor Mac Leon and the senior girls will give a reccpNon to the Kreshinou girls and to ail young Indies -who have just en tered fechool at the Ohrition associa tion building, corner of Twelfth and P street, from & to 10 o'clock Satur day evening, October 1. This meaiiH is taken to liivifU: thco girl who po silibly might not- receive an invitation on account of the incompleteness of the list. LOUIS N. WENTE, DENTIST, 130 South 11th street, Hooms SO, 27 nnd 1, Urovvncll llltt. Phono t30. DK. C. R. KEARNS, DENTIST. 1134 O Street, Hooms over WcstcrnUnlon TclCBrnph. DK. J. T. McNAY, DENTIST. Tcoth Iixtrnctcd without Pnln. Olllfo: Cor UthamlOSts. Lincoln, Nebraska DR DENJ. T WEST, GENERAL PRACTITIONER. Onice: 10iS O Street, Over Fltzgcraia's. Tel. 41G Hcsldcnce: 1733 Euclid Ave. Tel. 643. Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. 2toBp. m. Specialties: Diseases of Stomach and Kidney. DR. ALBERT R. MITCHELL, Hooms 07-8. NurrHlock. Lincoln. 'Nub Just Try a Paine & Warfel Suit or Overcoat this fall and Judge for yourself whether you are not well dressed. We do not oontlnually sell our goods below cost. We are reli able on price and goods, PAINE & WARFEL. The . . Book Department HERPOLSHEIMER & GO Has heretofore been noted among University students for the very low prices at which all supplies were sold. This year, while lower than ever, com mensuratc with quality, we have materially increased our stock. We are prepared to supply Text Hooks of all kinds at lower rates than were ever before made in Lincoln. Note the list quoted below. Wessley's German-Eng. Dictionary $ o Go Wcssley's French-Eng. Dictionary 6o Cassell's German-Eng. Dictionary i 15 Cassell's Erench-Eng. Dictionary 1 15 Cassell's Latin-Eng. Dictionary.. 1 15 Bessey's Brief Botany too Remsen's Elementary Chemistry. . 72 Graphic Algebra 1 44 Tichener's Outlines of Psychology 1 45 Laughlin's Mill 280 Le Conte's Geology 325 Rolfe's Shakespeare, per. vol 50 Students' Standard Dictionary. ... 2 50 Standard Dictionary 10 50 Webster's International Dictionary 8 75 History Paper, per 100 sheets. .. . 05 History Covers, leather back. . ,,. It History Covers, cloth sides... u History Covers, board sides 0 Fountain Pens, 14 Kt gold, 69c, 89c and 98c, each pen warranted. Waterman's "Ideal" Fountain Pens, $2,50 and upwards. Lead Pencils, polished, rubber tipped 0, Black Ink, per 2 02. bottle 2 Fountain Pen Pockets 8c, 10c and 15c Student's Note Books 0. "University" Tablets j5 Ink Tablets, 80 sheets each 0j Soft Paper Tabs, 500 pages each 05 K. L. IIOI.YOKK, M.U. K. A. HOI.TOKE.M . D. Kes. Telephone 4.M. Kes. Telephone 43. DRS. HOLYOKE & HOLYOKE, Physicians & Surgeons, Llntolu, Neb, Oillco. 127-SoutU 11th street. Oillco Telophone 42. Toluphoue 685. P. O. Box 051. DR. C. A. SHOEMAKER'S Private Hospital. 603 South 1HM street. Special attention to dlsenscs of women. Ev ery convenience for surgical cases. DR. CHARLES E. CHANDLER, U.of N. '92. 1231 O htrcet. Hours: H to 10 a tn -, 2 to 4 p. m 7 to 8 p. in Sunilayn. 3 to 4 p m. l'honus: Onice3J; rts 090 1710 D street. Lincoln, Nub. DR. T. M. TRIPLETT, Ortlee.I0.SO street. Hesldoncc, 1222 Q street Oftlco Telophone, 415. Lincoln, Nob DR. J. F. STEVENS. Ofllcc 1 130 street. Oillco Telophone 42fl. Kusldunco Telophone -lit. Lincoln, Nob Ori'ioK Honits: Summvs: 10 10 12 u. m. 12 to 1 p.m. 2 tofi p. m. 3 to h p. m. A. D. WILKINSON. M. D. Office 2lnmlSfiHurrH!oclt. Itob . 920 South l"Ui blruot. Tulopbonos: Office, 060; reslilonco, 652. TO HUUSCIM BURS OK THE KIOTE. 1 want to hcntl every old subscriber a copy of the forthcoming Us,ue. Will you, if you have changed your uddruoM tilling flic Kiinuiier.iiiesitfe mtif.v me lit once. Also member of law year's elans (especially those of you who have paid a year's Hiihxcriptlou In ad vance) let me know where to address you. It is almost impobsible to make 1111 accurate lint at prcHcnt, on account of the many changes, during the siiinmer, but as soon as possible the lUt will be straightened out. The price of the Kioto has been re duced to 50 cent a year, or five cents a copy. All subscribers who paid $1 last year, will m-cHvo the Kioto during thtj whole of this school year to Iml mice the account. X. C. ABBOTT, Business Manager. M. B. KETCHUM, M. D., Piiah. D. Prof. OiiuUiutuiolQRy, Otology ntl Larytmolouy. Lincoln Mofllcal Collouo, Ofton. a thoroujh, private rourholn rofraotlon. Speetuclus llttod. onico, 820 So. 1 1 tli st. llourn, to 12:30-2 to 5 J. R. HAGGARD. M. D. Kosltlonco 1310 G street., Tol 218. Offlie, 12T-J O street, Hooms 17 ami 18. Over Mlllor & I'alno's, Tol 635 DR. M. H. GARTEN,' Praotko limited to Kye, liar, Nosu and Throitt, 1025 o street. Lincoln, Nebraska, E, S. KING, FIno Watch Ilcpalrlng. Scientific Refracting Optician (Graduate.) 1300 O Street, - Lincoln, Nob. Estates are Made by Systematic Savings. TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN! Exnmino the Policy of the Now England Mutual. The Values are as definite as those endorsed in your Hank Book. This Company has been Chartered 63 Years. G. W. NOBLB, Mgr., Phone 328. iosVrt J. H. Evans, Prcs. and Treas. C. C. Quiggle, Sec. and Mgr. The Evans Laundry Company 327-329-331 North Twelfth Street. TELEPHONE 199. - - LINCOLN, NEB. STUDENTS CO-OPERATIYE BOOK CO. (Incorporated 1891 ) The leading store for University Books and Supplies since 194. Co-operative plan, saves 10 to 25 per cent Removed From Basement of University. ENGINEERING SUPPLIES, WATERMAN PENS, SECOND L'AND BOOKS. MIL mm PROMPTLY FILLED. New and Commodious Quarters. C. W. WALLACE, Manager. Represented by J. F. BOOMER. 225 North 11th St. Lincoln, Neb. IT IS THE "STYLE And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Elite Studio That make them famous. All on ground floor, 226So. 11th St n