THE NEBRASKAN. I Vol. V. No. 17 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FEB. 6. 1807. Prick 5 Cents. I PREPARE FOR CHARTER DAY The Chancellor and Committee Mak ing Progress. I FINE ELECTRICAL DISPLAY Tha Ch.irtor-d.iy Exorcise This Your Will Bo on as Grand a Pcalo as Ever President Carter of Williams Will make tin Address Arrangements for the inld-yoar gala day yve all been made. All departments are Wff busily engaged In getting rxidy tho details of tlielr various exhibits. Present indication point to n truly momorablo event. The privilege- of having with us Pres, Franklin Carter of Williams, Is of Itvlf a thing long to bo romembered. The loolety of electrical engineers Is prepar ing to mr-ko tho most complolo and elab orate display that It has over given. Tho entire campus Is to bo brilliantly Illumin ated. Tho electrical laboratory Is to bo transformed Into a vcrltablo wonder-land, wl.ero many new Inventions aro to be exhibited and explained. Professor Lyon has arranged for a full Inspection of tho dairy school. Cars will leave for tho stato farm at 3:30 p. m. Tuesday February 1(5. This will bo Just liter tho battalion has been Inspects! by Governor Holcomb and his staff. Captain Gullfoylo Is preiKirlng for elaborate cere monies if the weather permits. Tho Persh ing Hilled will give htclr exhibition whoth er tho weather Is favorable or not. The gymnasium exhibition will precede tho military exercises. Throughout tho afternoon tho buildings IU bo open to tho public. The Phi Beta Kappa reception to Presi dent Carter, at tho Chancellor's residence Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock will In clude a welcome to tho now 'members. A number of visiting members aro also expected. Following Is the program for Charcr-day oxcrelsos. Monday morning, February 15, meeting of the board of regtntn at 10 o'clock. Evening Exhibit of the Society of Elec trical engineer?, In the armory and elec trical building, 7 to 10 o'clock. Reception by the regents, chancellor, and faculty to the state olllcers and members of the leg lilature, In library building, 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. Addresses In the chapel at 9 o'clock. Illumination of tho grounds ind buildings throughout tho evening. Charter-day Tuesday morning, Febru ary 16. Reception by Phi Beta Kappa to President irtcr of Williams college. Wel come to new members of tho noclcty, and to visitors present from other chapters. At the chancellor's house, 1037 II street at 10 o'clock Afternoon Gymnasium exhibition, ad mission by ticket, at the uriuory, 1:15 o'clock. Ceremonies by corps of cadets, Inspection by the governor and staff on the campus, at 2 o'clock, departments open to visitors from 2 to G o'clock. Special mm will loavo O and Twelfth streets at 2:30 o'clock for the university farm and ichool of agriculture. Kvenlng-Tho following program will bo Slven ai the Lansing theatre at 8 o'clock. Music. Prayer. Sons l the university Glee club. Addrc8n-"Thoughts on University train ing." by Franklin Carter. I'll. D., LL. D. prifMuit of Williams college. Amtric.i. The uminlttoo of arrangomonts Is com posed of the following rnombers of tho 'acuity: i, a. Shorman, chairman, E. W. Davis, II. K. Wolfe, R. R. Owons. John White, secretary, UNIVERSITY WINS. On Tu.-wlay ovonlng Uio most exciting basket lull gume of Uio season was played In the uniwrslty gymnasium. Throughout the mnntw, basket ball lias been played to the two gymnasium classes, and two teams v.-ro formed each division and af ter various sJftlngs first team, which "ay be oallod the "survival of tho fittest" as formed to represent tho university against tho city Y. M. C. A. team. The boys have had scarcoly any pract ice for tho last thrco weeks and conse quently were not In beat form. However they played . good steady game through out, though perhaps not with as much team work as tho Christian boye, who certainly put up a strong game In this re pect. Promptly at 8:1G, tho game was called by Iloferco Garrlnger, tho university boys "owing tho red ribbon and tho Y. M. C. A-' the white. Green knocked the ball towards tho goal of tho Y. M. C. A. cteps, In whoso territory tho ball re fined for the first half. After two mln ut6' Play, foul was called on a red man, and goal was thrown by Hill, making tho seoro 1 to 0, In favor of tho Y. M. C. A.'s. In tho first half three fouls wore called on tho red men, and only ono goal thrown by Hill. Eight fouls wero called on tho whlto men In tho first half and three goals woro thrown by Greon. After ten minutes of spirited play, Doany managed to make n goal from tho Hold, scoring two polnti for tho whites. Five minutes later Htohbltm mndo a splendid throw from tho Hold followed directly by Gutlelben, thus making four moro points for tho unl. Just boforo tlmo was called for tho ondlng of tho first half, Lewis throw another goal from tho Hold for tho Y. M. t A. Tho half ended with tho score 7 to 5 In favor of the university boys. After ten minutes, play was resumed with a chnngo of goal. Doany Immediate ly mu dp another throw from tho Held, scoring two more points for tho Y, M. C. A. contingent. Score 7 to 7. During tho second half, the red men again irrado thrco fouls, and Hill throw ono goal. Tho whites made four fouls, but no goals woro thrown by tho reds. At tho end of twelve minutes In which tho play was fast and furious, Stebblns threw another goal from tho Held, which was a "Jack" of the genus cracker." Before tlmo was called Mor rison threw another. Score 11 to S, In fav or of the university boys. Aftor a few minutes of hard play, time was called without any more scoring being done, and tho gamo was ovor. Everybody was satisfied (or seemed to be) with the re sult. Nobody was hurt and everybody was good natured. Doany and Lewis put up tho best gamo for the visitors, and Morrison, Placck and Stebblns did like wise for tho homo team. Green played a good hard steady game. Following aro tho men and positions. Univ. Y. M. C. A. Placck left forward Hill Gutlebon right forward Lewis Stebblns left centre A. Bentley Groeno contro Wetzel Morrison right centre Dogny Dcnnlson left guard Stlllson WarHeld right guard ....Ed Bentley THE COLLEGE SETTLEMENT 'SWAX' Bfl,un,ny 1,erMf,or from Committee Again Ready with Their Detailed Report. ENTHUSIASM FOR THE WORK Tho Monthly Report of tho Committee Tells What Progress and Success tho Work lifts Met with Dur ing tho Month Past. SAY A GOOD WORD. Tho Boston Evening Transcript of Jan 27 contnlned tho following Item: "Under tho caption, 'Values posltlvo and Relative,' Professor W. G. L. Taylor of tho University of Nebrnskn, hns made a noteworthy contribution to tho current discussion of economic theory. Tho mono graph Is Issued ns publication No. 191 of tho American Academy of Political and Social Science. Those who delight In meta physical subtleties will find pleasure In this essay. Those who look for some prac tical gain from economic speculations will llnd rays of hope In this discussion. Ho hns shown better than IiIk predeces sors the relation between speculation nnd experience." As "The Transcript" Is considered among the best of critics this Item is especially appreciated by Nobraskans. THE FOOTBALL BILL. The bill to prohibit football playing In tho state, Introduced Into tho present sua sion of tho legislature by Spenkor Gufllu, has not yet been acted upon by tho com mittee on miscellaneous subjects to which It was referred. ELECTRICIANS MEET. Last Saturday evening the students of tho oloctrlcal dejMirrmont held a special meeting for tho consideration of tho dis play to bo hold on the fifteenth of Fob dlscusned pertaining t tho exhibition, which will bo held as In the armory. Tho legislature In oxpoctcd to attond In a body. Tho president of tho society says It will bo superior to any display hold In tho university. All tho boys aro thor oughly enthusiastic over the work thin year. ATHLETIC NOTES. Tho now lockers that have been put In will bo divided up equally between the rnombers of tho training class and tho candidates for positions on tho baseball team. Tho training class now numberB be tween thirty and thlry-Hve members. All aro gottlng down to hard work, and avow tholr Intention of making a spirited Hold day this spring. Coach, Robinson says he Is going to put tho baseball men at indoor work, about the middle of this month. A very largo number of men have signified their Inten tion of trying for places on the baseball team. You can got that complote but cheap edition of tho Bonnlo Brier Bush at tho book department of Herpolshelmcr & Co, Monthly reiort of tho committee on col logo settlement, February 1, 1S97. To tho beard of control of tho Graham Taylor house. Your committee beg hmvo to submit tho following roiort of work at the collogo settlement for tho month of Janunry. I. NECE33AR.Y CHANGES IN SUB COMMITTEES. 1. Chlldrens' department Miss Belle Corbln Is hereby added to tho committee on chlldrens" department. 2. Committee on library nnd lltorature The resignation of Chairman G. II. Rose Is hereby officially accepted and F. A. Korsmeyer has boon appointed to nil the vacancy. 3. Entertainment committee Tho resig nation of Chairman Maud Atklnbon is hereby officially accepted. I. Committee on supplies and furnishings Tho vacancy caused by the resignation of L. E. Mumford Is hereby officially filled by the appointment .of A. II. Holllngs worth. 5. Committee on Instruction The resig nation of Professor Thurber from the In struction committee Is hereby officially ac cepted, and J. V. 7,. Cortelyou Is appoint ed to fill tho vacancy. The above vacancies have been caused by most urgent circumstances, and tho resignations hnvo been accepted with ex treme reluctance owing to the efficlencj of those compelled to withdraw from tho work. Tho above appointments are sub ject to the approval and confirmation of your committee. II. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. In order to bring th'e"board of control Into closer touch with tho details of the work Just as carried on, your committee transmit the reports of tho sub committees Just as submitted. 1. Chlldrens' committee In response to ii request for a. report of the chlldrens' committee, on university settlement work, we submit tho following. Our committee has held weekly meet ings at tho settlement building from 4 to C o'clock on Saturdays, until the week of Christmas holidays, when on account of sickness of the lady in charge of the houso we could not meet until last Satur day. The attendance has been steadily In creasing until severe weather set In, show ing as high as eighteen at one time, and not less than five or six. Tho last supply of books has proved to lo very beneficial. Our present plans aro to give moro attention to elementary drills and physical exercises. Mamie Mills, F. a. Hawxby. 2. Social and entertainment committee On January lit, tho social committee held an Informal social at tho settlement house to take the place of an entertainment an nounce for the entertainment committee. Games wero played and a general good tlmo enjoyed. The young people entered Into th enjoymont of the evening witn good spirit. AIkjui twenty-five were pres ent, hut most of them wero boys of ten to fifteen years of age. The older young people have not ns yet como out iln as large number as we nau nopcu. me ioi lowlng Tuesday eveing the entertain ment wriH held. The weather was cold and there was a misunderstanding about tho tlmo of 'meeting, but over twenty wero present and enjoyed themselves more than at any previous meeting. Tho social eom mltteo hns planned a series of monthly socials, tho entertainment committer al ternating with a special entertainment. It. A. Campbell, W. J. Hunting. 3 Committee on education Slnco tho last monthly report no new classes have been formed. Tho work hns been carried on steadily and faithfully by those who have volunteered to teach and good success has been reKrtod from several departments. Some Instructors have experienced some difficulty In gottlng steady attendance, hut It Is hoiwd that by sending out program of tho instruction offered, through tho means of the visiting eommlttoce, who have kindly volunteered their sorvicf and by porsonal Invitation, some of the older of tho young men nnd women may be In duced to come and irecolvo the worlt laid out for them. Tho all absorbing question to tho com mittee now is, how to secure space for practical talks, for It Is qulto evident that a small room will not bo suitable for the purMso, for It will not accommodate enough peoplo at a tlmo. Plans or sugges tions along this lino will bo most grate fully received. Tho work of tho commltteeo has leen divided as follows; Professor Thurber, English reading nnd English; Miss Coun tryman, drawing; Miss Purtle. music; Miss Elnroro; mothers' and girls' oven Ing: Mr. Fauquot, Gorman, Mr. Kuhlman practical talks. Cora Elmore, Chan. Kuhl man. Under provlrico of this committee a sew ing class was begun last Saturday under direction of tho Kings uaugmers. xnc 5. Committee on library and literature Your committee has to submit tho fol lowing report. All books now In tho library aro cata logued, with tho exception of a small num ber which havo boon In constant circula tion slnco they wero recolved. For tho convenience of those In chnrgo of thobooks however, thoy should have a more sys tematic classification which your commM tco Intends shall bo supplied. Tho settlement Is indebted to Misses Curtlss nnd Hriinor, of ihn university, for a largo number of copies of standard magazines. The librarian of tho olty li brary has also collected magazines and periodicals which will bo taken to tho set tlement houso at once. Somo of tho periodicals and nowsp.ipors, while thoy are rend at tho houso, aro not taken to the houses, as It Is Intended thoy should lx, If tho visiting committee would assist by taking theso papers out and dis tributing them, thoy would no doubt bo user" to bettor advantage than they aro at present. The committee Is titll looking for a few volunteers to take charge of tho reading room during the evenings. Mr. Fauquot has given his time on Tuesday evenings and Friday and Saturday evening havo been provided for. But tho second sem ester's work has burdened tho committee In this to somo extent. Several students work at tho settlement now And them who had volunteered to take up library solves unable to do so because of addition al school work. The committee antici pates hut little difficulty in finding stu dents who will volunteer for tho other evening?. F. A. Korsmeyer, Mabel Rlck ctts. G. Music commlttee-Tho music committee has divided Itsolf into three heads, social, concert nnd Instruction. Sickness and bad weather have lately 'interfered with tho in struction. The concert committee has r.i yet done nothing to our knowledge and owing to a misunderstanding tho last so cial had no special music J. D. McMIch ael, Joseph Sajer. 7. Visiting committee This committee made twenty visits during tho past month at the houses of the people not Including numerous calls nt the settlement house. The committee has co-operated with the Instruction committee In Informing the people of 'the programs of work carried on regularly at the Ohaham Taylor house. Lela Wheeler, W. T. Elmore. S. Tho committee has decided upon tho plan and method of tho lino of work to be followed for the present, but up to 'this tlmo all arrangements for the work havo not been completed. A directory Is to be placed at tho houso to contain the names of 'those desiring work, so '.hat the committee may at all times know whom to help. A thorough canvass of tho district i'H bo made next week and cards will bo printed and used for this purpose. The result of this canvass will bo entered In the directory. From present Indications It is men and not the women who need work. Several wants for girls could not bo sunnlled. An effort Is being mado to get the co-oporatlon of the "associations of the city for this branch of work. Ida W. Hoise, E. D. Banghart. 9. Committee on supplies and furnish ings A three by live foot bulletin board has been secured by purchase for tho Graham Taylor house. A. H. Holllngs worth. III. The following report giving further particular of the work, may be of Inter est. A more or loss systematic record of the work done has been at least begun, and the following indicates somo of tho results for the past two weoks. Average daily attendance In reading room; m.iies 20, females f. Average dally attendance in classes males 9, females 7. Different students visiting settlement; imiliM lfi. females 21. Total visits by students, males 21, fe males 2G Total visits by mom burs of 'the faculty, males 3. Number of books loaned from library 91. Number of periodicals distributed, (esti mated) 150. E Fauquot. IV. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. Your committee hoivby recommend that the loard of control determine tho end of the official year, and they furthor recommend that tho official year do not coincide with the regular collogo year. 2. Your oommltteo furthor recommond that for the coming year tho board con sider the advisability of determining up on a wise division of labor for tho sub ciinnmltteo; that each of such commit tee be placed under tho direction of a single; chairman: and furthor that the chairman of the sub-committees together constitute i he committee on college settle ment 'to be directly rosoiisiblo to tno board, the membership and ohoirmon of such committee to bo determined by the board of control. 3. Your commlttoo also recommond that tho board of control consider tho feas ibility of Initiating pormnnont plans for procuring or establishing an audience romm In or adjacent to tho Graham Tay lor house. Respectfully submitted, AMY C. BRUNER. J. W. SEARHON. Chairmen. THEY PLEASED EVERYBODY Entertainment was Provided for All Students of Each Department. A PLEASANT TIME ENJOYED The Ladles' Faculty Club Reception Was a Success In Every Sense of tho Word Company "B" Holds Its Annual Hop. Ono of tho very few social gatherings In which a good representation of tho faculty and tho student body Is seen, was the reception glvon by tho Ladles faculty Club In tho nrt rooms of tho Library building last Saturday evening. In tho dally routine of university work tho students have few oppurtunltlcs to be come acquainted with thoso oulsldo of their own classes, and very few studonta aro even acquainted with their own class mates. It Is for this reason that a social affair of this kind Is all the moro pleasing. Upon entering tho rooms tho guests wero recolved by tho Registrar, MIbs Smith, and were greeted In turn by other members of the Ladles faculty club among whom wore Mcsdnmos MacLcan, Dnnn, Bruner, Edgrcn nnd Burnett. At tho farther end of the room on tables nently decorated with tulips and wound with smllax stood two punch bowls heaped high with delicious pineapple Ice, which seemed to Invite nil comers to refresh themselves. Two colored waiters dis pensed the refreshments from theso tables ns fast ns they could bo served, whllo sovcral young ladles circulated nmong tho throng furnishing Ices to those who might otherwise havo been overooked. For nearly threo hours the hum of conversation was Incessant, and if ono could Judge by appearances a most en joyable tlmo was experienced by all. Mrs, Parker's private studio was open to visitors, and many passed part of tho tlmo most agreeably by examining tho paintings and tho largo collections of photographs of famous paintings found there. Members of Delta Tau Delta, after at tending the reception given by tho Lad les' faculty club, proceeded to their hall whore an Informal dance was given. Mrs. Weeks chaperoned tho rarty. COMPANY B HOP. Company B gave Its third annual hop last Friday evening In Lansing hall. Theso hops have always been so enjoyable and successful .that they aro now regarded as second only to tho Junior "prom" In tho Boclal events of tho mid-winter season. This year's hon was no exception to those previously given in tho matter of social and financial success. About sixty coup les wero In attendance. Professor and Mrs. Richards led tho grand march. The program that followed was mado up of dances appropriately named after persons especially Interested In the company In tho pant, and present, Tho committee of arrangements was mado up as follows; First Sergeant Phil Russell, chairman, Sergeants, E. R. Morrison, E. R. Daven port, A. Wetzel, G, J. Lyons and Goorgo Burget. Captain Soxton officiated as mas tor of sercmonles. it will bo observed that a bit of prophe cy Is given In the name of tho last dance, "La Penan '97." TONIGHT'S PAL PROGRAM. Instrumental solo - Mr. Philip Hudson Paper, Chaptorl. Tho Evonlng Twilight, Chaptor II. The Solons nnd Football, Chapter HI. The Junior's Talo of Woe. R. S. Baker Reading - Miss Rona Alderman Vocal solo - - Miss Wlnnlfred Hearn Poem A. S. Johnston Paper - - - Mr. Wm. Grant Piano solo Sonata Op. Martha Blnford "Qulntoasenco of tho Thomo Dopartmont" MIbh Thoodora Auman Barltono solo - - G. N. Portor Value of our Dobato - Edna Bullock It may lie of Interest to know how that large piece of plaster was knocked oft tho chapel coiling. Tho electrical dopartmont has a bright student by tho name of Bill Green. Whllo prowling around for tho wires for tho illumination of the tower in tho display to ho held during Charter week, a miss step was taken, and the young electrician was partly In tho ohapol while from his waist up ho remained In attendance was twelve. Tho work will bo I the garret. Miss Maud Atkinson and Miss Dora Au man received about fifty of tholr friends at tho home of Miss Auman at GIG North Twenty-fifth streot last Friday evening. It supposed to bo tho tin wedding of tho couple, and many presents wero re colved. Everything from tin horns to pan cake turners woro brought. Miss Atkin son finished her course In tho unlvorstty last semester and returned homo Satur day, and tho couple said thoy felt at lib erty to call their last gathering what they chose, and so tho tin wedding resulted. The senior class meets this Friday noon In room threo, for tho clociion of officers.