The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 29, 1897, Image 1

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Vol. V. No. 16
Price 5 Cents.
Nebraska Legislators Consider a
Law to Prevent It.
11 the Members of the Committee to
Which tho Hill Was Referred are
In Favor of Its Passage In
terviews With Them.
There hns been considerable eummont
Ueanl among those Intcrostcil concerning
bill recently Introduced In the house
which Is entitled, "A Hill for an Act to
prevent Football Playing In tho State of
jfebraska." providing punishment for the
violation of the act, and providing for the
rresi of persons In preparation or train
Ins to t usage In any football game.
The bill was Introduced by Speaker Gaf
fln, "In accordance with a popular, de
mand" as he puts It. The text of the bill
Is as folllows.
He It enacted by the legislature of the
lUte of Nebraska;
Section one That If any person shall en
rage as principal In any game of football
within the limits of the state of Nebraska,
every such person so found shall on con
viction k lined In any sum not less than
twenty dollars nor more than J100.00, and
be imprisoned In the county jail not less
than ten days, nor more than three
aoath?, and pay the costs of the prosecu
tion. Section I If any person be concerned In
or attend any such game of football as
described in section one. of this act as,
bicker, umpire, assistant, reporter or look
er on, everj such person so found shall
en conviction be fined In any sum not less
thin five dollars, nor more than twenty
five dollars and pay tho costs of prosecu
tion, one half of such fine to go to the In
former. Section 3 Be It further enacted that If
at-any - time, Uv-herlff.of ;ay .county.
constable or marshal or other police of
ficer of any city or Incorporated village
shall have reason to believe that any per
son In his bailiwick Is to engage as prin
cipal In any game of football as described
la iwtlon one of this net, or Is in ptepar
itfcm c training to engage as principal In
any said football game, he shall forthwith
aire; any such person, and conduct him
before any Judge of the district court, or
before any county judge, magistrate, or
Jostle of the peace In his county, and up
on the proper affidavits, prosecute the
eempUint. and thereupon the Judge or
magistrate shall inquire Into the truth of
ih rharre and If he shall llnd It true, he
ahall require the accused to enter Into a
lecogtuzanc-f. with sufficient sureties to be
approved by su-di Judge or magistrate, in
a sum 110; less than $100.00 nor more than
C0O.MI. i jndiiionod that the accused will
not enpai:e in any game of football within
the jirrlud of one year on and after the
date of mjcIj arrest, and In default of such
recognizance, such Judge, Justice or mayor
shall commit the parly accused to the Jail
of the -jumy to remain until he gives rec
ogulzaiii'i with sureties.
Provide that after the expiration of one
month i he person so confined is unable to
enter mto such recognizance, in the same
amoun. .,d with the same conditions, on
wo' h , mfactory to such Judge, by the af
fldavji of the accused and other evidence.
that the jieraon confined shall not be con
owned or engage in any sueh game of foot
Ull Within the time limited In said recog-alxatu-t-
Th hill nas passed second reading and
has been referred to the committee on mls
OGllantvuK subjects.
As to hi motive far Introducing the WW.
and lta prospects for passage, Speaker Gaf
fia. when seen by a Nebraekan reporter
said. -Thews is no chanee yl to give a
Eueu at. n, ivhat uHll !ib done with the
U1L li nig been referred to the committee j
lut no action has been taken. I do not in
tend to make any great fight for the WW.
lui I am strongly In favor of its passage.
I simply introduced it because there is a
strong public fientlment in favor of such
action. Jlore than that, a number of the
fflembtn have come to me since I intro
duced the bill, taring that they were in
favor of such a law. There seems to be
aueh more sentiment in favor of Its pas
sage than I imagined there would be
hen It -was Introduced."
Koran of Platte, a member of the com
mittee to which the 1U was referred, ex
Wessed himself as being strongly In fav
or of abolishing the game If It can be law
fully done. As to the constitutionality of
th& h 11 a- -.,.,. Um. ,aa nrtt RO SUr.
There are laws making people who wit
ness prize fights subject to a fine and he
could suo no reason why It could not be
donu In the case of football.
Smith of Richardson, also a member of
this committee said: "As to what action
tho committee will take, I cannot say, but
think It likely that they wilt recommend
the passage of tho bill. From all reports,
1 have heard, It seems that football Is a
dangerous game, and ns such, I do not
think It should bo allowed to be played
In the state.
Lcmar of Saunders, another member of
tho sama committee, seemed also to be In
favor of abolishing the game. He was
not yet acquainted with the details of the
hill, but thought It probable that some leg
islation concerning the game would be en
acted by tho session.
It hardly seems probable that the bill
as Introduced can be passed, but It need
not surprise anyone If some action of this
kind Is taken. In general the members of
the legislature know very little about the
game, and few of them Indeed have ever
seen It played. H. P. GAGE.
On last Saturday, the members of com
pany "A" spent n very enjoyable evening
at the Invlta'lon of Captain Oury, In Phi
Delta Theta hall. The early part of the
evening was spent Informally In general
conversation, drinking elder and eating
apples and nuts.
First Sergeant Haggard then called the
company to attention and started the
speech making. Otis Weeks, captain In
"93, gave the boys a spirited talk on com
pany enthusiasm and told them how to
win the cup. Captain Oury also gave a
short address to the company. He ex
plained fully concerning the Company "A"
captains' medals and urged every mem
ber of the company to compete for them.
Several others followed with short speech
es. Card j and smoking then became the
order of the evening and this together with
eating up the good things occupied the
rest of the time.
All were unanimous in declaring they
had a good time and they showed their
appreciation by toslng all of the officers
of tho company from the sergeants to
The boys adopted compay colors, scar
let and light blue, also a company yell.
Dr. Green has begun his lectures on In
sanity. So far ho has played to a full
More than one junior concedes that he
fee-Is enlightened in consequence of having
mastered all of Will Blackstone.
The terror of the general Judgment of
which the scriptures speak. Is materially
lessened among the senior Isws, since it
has become known that most of the class
jiaased In common law pleading and equi
ty. The following resolutions were pased
bv the faculty o: tne university oi juwa i
at a recent meeting:
Whereas, the existing athletic associa
tion has failed to commanu such confi
dence from the body of the students as
to secure from them proper financial sup
port: and
Whereas, the spectacle of growing In
debtedness incurred by athletle or other
organizations bearing the university name
tends to discredit the students and the
university a: large.
Resolved, that the faculty deems It un- j
advisable to recognize any athletic team
as representative of the university, or to
grant any privileges to tho members of j
any such team for athletic purjoes. un
til the payment of t'ebts already incurred
by the athletic association hag been prop
erly jirovlded for and until fovne organ
ization has been perfected which shall
be able to offer reasonable assurance thai
nothing resembling the present state of
affairs ran occur again.
At the close of test term, E. J. Sylves
ter, editor-in-chief of the Lantern, the or
gan of the students of the state university
of Ohk. received a letter from J. H. Can-
field of the faculty. Informing him that,
on account of an editorial censuring mem
bers of the faeulty for non-attandanee at
chapel exercises, his relations with the uni
versity will be severed. At the first meet
ing of the literary societies of the univer
sity, by which the editor are elected,
held recently, strong resolutions were
adopted Indorsing Editor Sylvester, con
demning the action of the faculty, and
requesting that It be reconsidered. Wis
consin Cardinal
Professor Fossler rather got the Joke on
himself last Wednesday. He gave an ex
amination to his German class In Ger
man script. About half the class failed
to .read It so an extra examination had to
held Saturday.
Gives Concerts at Nebraska City and
the State Normal at Peru.
Tim Hoys Have qultu a Few Adventures
With Slow Freight Tralns-Tho
Trip Very Sucajjasful but not
Financially So.
The Glee club left iust Friday aftrnoon
for Its first trip out lit thu state. The club
made a fine showing but did not better It
self much financially.
The boys arrived at Nebraska City about
4:30, and the first thing they did was to
give tho citizens a sample of their voices
In the good old University ycl!. That they
had voice and plenty of It was evident.
After supper, a rehearsal was held In tho
opera house. A fair house larger than
was expected greeted the club that even
ing. The boys presented a line -appearance.
The audience seemed highly pleased
and expressed Its appreciation of the con
cert In llatterlng terms. The gem of the
evening was Mr. Kcngy's solo.
At 11 o'clock, the boys took a freight for
Peru. Then the fun began. About a mile
and a half out of Peru the train stopped
while three men unloaded three cars of cin
ders. The boys wens not In much of a
hurry, however, for none of them offered
to help unload the cars. They waited pa
tiently for two hours or more, spending
the time In raising the roof of the caboose.
The weather was quite unfavorable, but
In spite of the cold the Normal chapel was
well tilled. The Normal students patron
ized the club handsomely.
While In Peru, the boys saw little of
Clint Norton. He was busy making calls.
He has more friends there than one could
More freight train experience was ob
tained after the concert that night. They
left Peru supposedly .at 2, but In reality
'arl'clock'SUndaYnarning." They reached
Nebraska City at C o'clock, and left at 7
for Lincoln. None of the bays went cal
ling Sunday night as they were too sleepy.
Manager Kimball, who accompanied the
club, is well pleased -with the trip. He
said that he did not expect It to be espec
ially remunerative, but that It would aid
the club for the future. This first trip
olnted out many things which can be
remedied, and which will aid the club to
do better work.
He expects to take the club over the
state to the larger cities. The next trip
will be made sometime In March or April.
What the club lacks is financial backing,
he says. He will stand by them and do all
In his power but if they had ome influen
tial friends out over the state, they could
do much good for the club. If our univer
sity had a more extensive alumni. It would
be a great aid to the club In their trips.
In his opinion, a glee club thus traveling
over the state, does more good for the uni
versity than any other college organiza
tion. They are a fine set of fellows, he
iay. and deserve the very best of success.
Hev. W. D. P. Bliss will address the
Political economy club In the university
chapel next Thursday evening. February
4. Reverend Illlss is a well known expon
ent of Christian socialism, lie Is return
ing from a trip to the Pacific coast and on
his return, is delivering lectures in the
larger cities.
It ever end Kllss believes that the co-operation
between emjrioyer and employed
cannot be effected In a purely economic
way, but must be done with the- assist
ance or prompting of ethioal and Chris
tian duty. I'tom exierienoe he is con
vinced that civilization demand a new
aocial order. He wants the new social or
der based on a Christian spirit of frat-
miUy and co-operation.
Reverend Wis has something worth
hearing. He is one of the country's clos
est student! of labor and social move
ments, as well as one of the closest and
mo it effective lecturers. The Political
economy club is fortunate In securing
sueh a man to address the students of
the university and the people of Lincoln.
Thursday of the week war observed as
the day of prayer In all the college and uni
versities of the United Slate. Owing to
the fact that this has been examination
week. It was Impossible to observe the day
as It has been customarily observed In the
university. Chapel exercises were held at
10 o'clock, after which a general mass
meeting took place.
Dean Sherman was to have ben chair
man of the meeting, but was detained at
home by an attack of grip. In his ab
sence, the chancellor directed tho meeting
and gavo ono of his crisp, pointed address
es, defining religion and pointing out the
relation between It and modern sclccc. Ho
was followed by short talks and prayers
from ministers of tho city, present and sev
eral of tho students.
Tho meeting was a decidedly Interesting
ono and all who heard tho soul-lnsplrlng
addresses given must have had tholr faith
The Senter Lohmcr Qualntanco orator
ical contest will bo held In tho chapel this
evening. The program Is as fallows.
Piano solo. Miss Howard.
Oration, "Resolved that Capital Punish
ment Should bo Abolished." J. P. Cameron.
Vocal solo, Miss Amber Harnaby.
Oration, "Municipal Reform," G. E. Ha
gcr. Vocal solo, II. S. Evans.
Oration, "Fun," W. G. Klnton.
Whistling solo, D. M. Lehmer.
The first prize Is fifteen dollars, tho sec
ond, ten dollars. Admission Is free, every
body Invited.
The regular monthly public recital was
given by the students of the university
school of music In the chapel Wednesday
evening. The attendance was of quite a
respectable size, and they seemed to ap
preciate the efforts of the performers. As
it whole, the program showed that the
school of music was keeping up to the
standard of the other departments of the
university. There was noticeable Improve
ment since the last recital. The following
Is 'he program rendered.
Piano o'o Meditation, Adele Lewlng,
Kate Joyce.
Haratone solo Easter song, Faure. Ralph
Soprano solo A Norwegian Song, Henri
Loge, Lydla Andrews.
Piano solo Prelude op. 2S No. 20, Chopin;
What Tells the Linden Tree? Doppler;
Spring Song op. 2S No. S. KJerulf. Mary
Tenor-solo Because .-IrLovo-You Dear,
C. H. Hawleg, John Martin.
Trio, piano, violin and 'cello Rondo G
Major, Haydn, May Belle Hagenow, Willie
Mudra, George Kimball.
Tenor solos Serenade. Ncldllnger. and
Good Night Beloved, E. Nevln, Fritz Kors
meyer. Soprano solos Mother. O Sing Me to Rest
Eugen Hlldach. and The First Song, Gum
ben. Lillian Titus.
Piano solo Eclogue. LUzt. Ethel Galley.
Soprano solo The Star of Bethlehem,
Stephen Adams. Gertrude. Wright.
For the first time this name appears In
the Nebraskan. Unquestionably, there Is
something In a name; in this case there
Is a great deal. To those Interested In help
ing men and women of the great unprivi
leged class, 10 help themselves, the name
Graham Taylor Is most significant. Indeed
it Is an Inspiration, for the man who bears
It. has proved that the work which he has
undertaken, U practical and not merely
What is the Graham Taylor house for?
It Is tho same college settlement house
plus a neat sign and plus an Indefinable
tomethlng that comes with a name so full
af noble meaning.
For months the question of a name has
been before iue board of control. It was
no eay matter to decide even after it was
thought desirable to chooi-e the na.nw of
Kime worker . At last a decision was
reached. Why Graham Taylor7 Because
he Is an American. Indeed, a western work
er, since he Is a Chicago man. More than
this, he Is well known In Nebraska, hav
ing delivered lecturei at the Crete Chau
tauqua lor several years. Another thing
seemed imjtortant. Graham Taylor Is resi
dent warden of Chicago commons- This
Is a genuine college settlement, not a so
cial settlement as Hull house claims to be.
Chicago Commons Is far more pretentious
at present than Graham Taylor house. No
wonder; yearly, the work requires 13.509.
while here was not (IV) all that was asked
from faculty and students? But the aim
and object differs little in the two Institu
tions. This from the articles of Incorpor
ation of the Chicago Commons association:
"The object for which It Is formed Is to
provide a centre for a higher civic and so
cial life, to initiate and maintain religious
educational and philanthropic enterprises,
and to investigate and Improve conditions
In the Industrial districts of Chicago.
The board and college settlement work
era are anxious to secure Prof. Graham
Taylor for a lecture In the near future.
He Is Just the man to present this work to
the students of the university.
Silas Lyman had his degree conferred on
him In the chancellor's office last Monday.
Mr. Roper Awarded First Place and
Miss Alderman Second.
The Fourteenth Annual Chase and Wheel
er Contest Held Under Palladlan
Auspices With the Uual
Amount of Enthusiasm.
L'tist Saturday evening occurred tho
fourteenth annual Chaso and Wheeler con
test of tho Palladlan literary society. The
chapel was tastefully decorated with choc
olate and cream and the university colors.
A largo silk fiag formed tho back ground
to tho stage and a bank of palms stood at
the right.
Tho program was opened by a violin solo
by Mr. August Hagenow. Mr. Hagenow
was at his best and received a hearty en
core. Following this Mr. Roper spoke on tho
"Author Hero ot the Revolution." That
hero he declared was Thomas Paine; then
the muih esteemed friend of Washington;
then tho man who turned gloom and des
pair Into brightness and hope; and by hU
matchless writings glowing with patriot
Ism, nerved our fathers on to victory. To
day all this Is forgotten and our hero Is
known us Tom Paine, the lnlldcl.
But In his "Common Sense," his "Crisis
of the Age of Reason," Paine still Uvea In
history. Theological prejudice may call
him an Infidel; history stamps him aa a
patriot. To Judge a man by his works was
Mr. Roper's argument. His delivery was
natural and earnest, lacking perhaps a lit
tle in ease and gesture.
Mr. Boose spoke next on the subject,
"Great Battles." Several decisive battlea
In the world's history were cited. But there
are many kinds of battles. Battles of mil
itary life, battles of Ideas, and of the souL
The latter, Mr. Boose considered the great
est of all. His delivery was excellent.
After a vocal solo by Misses Redford and
Smalls, Miss Alderman spoke on the "Red
A very pretty legend of a painter was re
lated who painted pictures with such rich
red color. Many tried to equal him but
never succeeded. When he died a wound,
which showed signs of frequent probing
was found In his left side. Here lay the se
cret. Things are not lasting because we
build for the present. No work u. an art
ist or artisan but has In It a par: of the
artist or artisan himself. Society cannot
mv f.isier than the Individuals who com
pose It. We rise to higher things profiting
by the efforts of those gone before. Miss
Alderman's delivery was pleasing and she
held the close attention of her audience.
Mls Kate Joyce favored the audience
wiih a piano solo after which Mr. Hunting
spoke on "England's Crime Against Chi
na." Forcing the opium habit upon China
was one of the crimes which reflected dls-
naraclncly upon England's civilization.
The civilization England took to China
was nearly counter-balanced by the de
graded habit forced ujon her. Mr. Hunt
ing spoke with force, but was a little ner
vous. Th Y. M. C. A. glee club entertained the
audience while the Judges made up the
decision. Mr. Roper secured first place
ami Miss Alderman econd. The Judges
on manuscript were; Professors Caldwell.
Sherman and Wolfe: on deliver". Mrs. W.
J. Bryan, Judge M. B. Reese, Professors
Ward and Leas.
The New York court of appeals has at
last decided tho Fayerweather will case,
and It eonflrmsvthe decision of the lower
court.' The effect of this decision is to
distribute the remaining J3.O00.OW Involved
among the following colleges: Amherst,
Bowdoln, Dartmouth, Williams, Yale, Col
umbia, Hamilton, Lafayette, Lincoln,
Maryvllle. Marietta, Adelbert, Wabash,
Park. Wesleyan university, the universi
ties of Rochester. Cornell, Virginia and
Hamilton, and the Union Theological: sem
inary. Luther C. RoodJ Harvard's latest ath
letic wonder, attempted the phenomenal
feat of lifting a 205-pound dumb-bell and
raising U with one arm from the should
er. In the Hemenwey gymnasium. He
failed in his effort, hut, It was his first
performance, and In the presence of 100
spectators he was a trifle nervous. Rood
has lifted a 195-pound bell before several
witnesses. He attempted to repeat the
latter feat and thus setahllsh a new ama
teur world's record the previous tsst mark
being 201 pounds 6 ounces, made by Dick
Pennell In New York in 1874.