rHE nebraskan: Vol.. V. No. 15 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, JAN. 22. 1807. Price 5 CENts, EXPANSION OF EUROPE Plan Judson, of Chicago, Locturos Boforo a Student Audlonco. WAS A SCHOLARLY ADDRESB A itovlms f iid MovoniontH of thn Na tions if Kuropo During tho PnHt iVimirli'H Fnlluonco on tho I'riM'iii Civilization, Tho let-mi of Dunn II. 1. Judson of tho and entity of Chicago, Tuesday evening in iho t'liii'fl. ili'i'W 11 fnlr nlssod audlonco oompiwl '"hii'lly of unlvorilty and high whool students. Donn Judson'H loeturo mii eniliM. "Thn Territorial Kxpnnslon of IIuroiM" mid was dollvorod for thn lion rfli of tin high school library. Ho Hnld in part: Tho InHt live centurion liavo hcoh tho orM nmrvolously trniiHformcd. Plvo hundred years ago Kuroponn civilization vh conHm-d to a Hlngln contlnont and itrnimcri'p only skirted tho shores. Today Huropoan civilization dominated tho globo mil IIuroiMMii commerce In found on ovory -n. Tin' iii'ut'oHH whlah tiffoctotl these hiiiRfK i" not yot eomploto. Tho miitlM- for HiIm advance wiih prim arily an economic one. It wiih a great iirch for wealth IIii'oiikIi ooninicrco. On ji'ooiitu of Hip Turkish robbers nnd Har biry pirates, commerce on thn Medltor iinMii was illlllciilt nnd hence marines kwltwl for another routo to tho oust. After i r of M'i i v ranee, tho Portuguese un it, r V.iK.o tin flnmn, Hailed around Africa in.l readied India. Thin may be said to m.uk Hie llrm epoch of Kuroponn expan sion. AltlioiiKh CoIumhiiH discovered Amerlen nix years previous to da Onmn's ilUeovery. that of the latter wiih of a jioit deal more lmiortnnco. It opened a now road for commerce nrtd a new path 10 wealth. For nearly a century Portugal and Spain nere tho only two natlonw which wero ibl to cirry on exploratlonH and each ilto.1 nil the land possible. Kxplorers only mw one 'thing and that wns gold. There was hiicIi an Influx of wold and sll vrr Into Kuropo that those metals rapid ly declined In purchasing power. Spanish immifaetiircrs nnd commerce In the be ginning of the sixteenth century were very larpe and prosperous, but tho gold mine of the new world nut nn end to all In 'Imtry and thero was n Brand scramble for wealth across the sen. Manufactured mil commerce declined and to this day Spiln has not fully recovered from this Mow to her Industries. On the other hand Portugal hcKan to Increaso her commerce. Her trade with India was Immense and rorttiRnl completely outstripped her ri val. Venice and Kgypt. Hut Portuguese upromaev could no last forever and the English ami Dutch began to be formld iWe competitors of Portugal. This hrlng the third period of Kuroponn Jtnnslon a nerlod of commercial rivalry unong the tending nations. The Dutch "h Bre.it energy sent out vesoI nftor 'Mol nnd built up an enormous eom-mn-co. Thov had more merchant vessels "nn all the rest of Kuropo combined. HnBllsh adventurers now found a proflt- 'Me flolil plundering Spanish vessels, lad " with treasures from America. Kngllsh "ommoree aR0 Increased with remarkable UpMltv mil In a hundred yenrw Knglnnd we from i second rate power to one of "ho leading nations of Ktirope. The gov ernment hartered the Knst India own Mnv which built up n largo business nnd "M dividends of between 100 and 200 per nt a French Kast Tndla company wnH 5,80 chartered hut It did not meet with "if (nieeofts 0f the Kngllsh company. T!" English nnd French had seen Amor ' In the fifteenth contury. but It was not until the beRlnnlnR of tho seventeenth that permanent Amorlcin settlements 'To formed. Knglnnd p d no attention 10 Spanish claims, Spain devoted her nt ""Hon to the -West Indies Islnnds which foiiM yiol.t her tho most pold nnd the fltl,r nations Rot possession of the rest "' the territory. The KnKllsh colonies hnd one Rrcat nd vntaiP over other colonies and tnit was "'Rleet They heeamo very Indcpondcnt """I onefRetlc nnd ovory rollRlon was nl l0M full sWay. Clonic, were then formed for the "ex- "ri's hei.it of tho mother country. H jk 'iirnnoan natlpns u lone time to m i10w t0 K0Vprn ,m. ooionipH .uid "n hns not yet learned the Jwson. 1, siniRRle for supremacy between ,""'1 rtn1 Ii,,,l,nco constitutes the " i" rlod of iCuropenn expansion for a "'nt' It weemetl as though tho French would triumph, hut Franco wan finally driven out of America nnd at tho Hamo llmo IohI lmr iwsiofldlotiM in India. Hy (ho nlKlitennth century, Kimlaud hnd dls tnncod nil her rivals. Amorloa now grow roHtlesH under Kng IIhIi dominion, as dim kiow ntrong and powerful. Tho prohlom of governing col onies wan a new ono nnd If Knglnnd hnd known how to graup tho problom, tho Amorlonn revolution might hnvo beon averted and tho Ilrltlsh mlRlit liavo ro inalncil undivided. Portugal nnd Spain also loit their posHOHslons nnd new Inde pendent nations now rorung up In Amer ica. This brltiRS us to thn next epoch. It Is an ago nf Invention nnd Improvement. These tremendous rhnngrn have caused a great stimulation to commoreo and n Rrontly Increased emigration from Kuropo. Tho nations of Kuropo have now en tered on n second ora of colonization. Amorloa Ih no longer opon to Kuropo ex cept In a commercial way, but In Africa and Asia thero has boon a rapid ndvnnco of Kuroponn colonzntlon nnd tho tlmo can ot bo far distant when Kuropo will dom Inato tho wholo world. Tho thrco groat powers of Kuropo nro today; Russia. Franco nnd Knpland. Rus sia Is bringing her vant torrltory togeth er wth ralroads o that sho can transport troops nt short notlco to any part of her empire. Hlneo 1801 Franco has slowly but steadily Rained oxtonslvo lorrltory In Asia nnd KiiRlnnd has advanced even nt a more marvelous rato so that only three nntons of Asia now remain Independent. Tho first of those, Turkey, exists only through the Joalouslos of tho great Ku ropcan powers nnd may Ood speed tho day when the bnibarous Turk shall be no more. The second la Persia over which Knglnnd and Russia aro trying to gain tho supremacy. Tho third Is China which Is a groat Inert mass. Somo day this na tion will fall and then there will bo a mad scramble among KtiRlnnd, Russia and France for their shnre of tho spoils. Africa has becerpassed by for centur ies by explorers, as It appeared to bo cith er a barron waste or an Impenetrable Jun gle. Africa's greatest trado has beon In her own people nnd tho slave trade has not yet stopped In tho Interior of the con tinent. Tn the lost quarter of a century, however, tho resources of Afrlcn havo beon opened up nnd there Is now n great rivalry among Kuroponn nations for col onies there. The stories of South African rlchos have pd to n great rush of people there. Afrlcn not only hns groat Rold mines hut Is rich In ngrlculturnl rpsources. Tn a contury from now Afrlcn will bo n civi lized nnd highly developed country nnd with Irrigation her deserts will blossom like the rose. Kuroponn Ideas now control the entire, world nnd there Is nlrendy a marked ro actlon of Kuropo across tho sea, on Old Kuropo. Tne twentieth c"tury cannot end before tho cycle of Kuropean civ ilization shall hnvo covered the globe nnd there will be no more snvngo Innds for Kuropo to exploro and civilize. OT.KK CTCin RKPKPTION. Last Wednesday evening Director Kim ball nnd the Olee cluh gave a rceptlon to Dean .Tu-ldon at the Conservatory. The large parlors wero brilliantly lighted nnd decorated with palms and cut flowers. The club sang several numbers which were well received. The ohnneollor spoke a few words, thanking the club on bo half of tho company, tho dean nnd him self for the plensuro their songs had giv en, and assuring the club that they would have the hearty co-operation of tho fac ulty In nnythlng they might undertake. Dean Judson refused to sing but did make a few very happy remarks. During tho evening Mrs. Kimball assisted by the Mis ses Colson, Reavor, Glllesplo and Oalley. served dalntv r reshments Those pres ent wero: D"nn Judson. Chancellor nnd Mrs. MncLean. Dean and Mrs. Sherman. Dr.in and Mrs. Kdgren. Dean nnd Mrs. noasov. President Miller of Union col lege, rhnncpllor Aylopworth of Weslcynn. President KUInwood of Cotner. Miss Scho fleld. Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond, Mr. and Mm. ITagenow, Professor TCnsterdoy, Mr. Randolph, Miss Poison, Miss Reavor. Miss Gillespie. Miss Onlley and the members of the glee club-all In their now dross suits. The club will lenvo' Friday afternoon for Nebraska City giving a concert thore In he evening and ono nt Peru the evening following. Tho boys hnvo been practic ing faithfully nnd save for a' few Colds ire In Hhnpe to give a very eredltabl" nrrforminee During March n trip will lie mule which will take In nil of the lnr?er towns of the s'ate The home con cert will nlso be given sbmctlme In March. DOAlu. AGAINST NEBRASKA Question of Wrltton or Unwritten Constitution Donated. HONORS EVENLY DIVIDED Four Members of thn U. II. D. C. Con test AVtlh a Mko Nitmbor From Donno for I loners In Debato No Decision Olvan. On last Saturday availing, Union lirilt was filled with nn audlonco to hear tho dn b.ilo botwoon tho nocloly of Phi Kappa Delta of Doano college nnd tho Union Hoys' dohatlng club. Tho question for UIsouhsIoii was; Re solved, that a wrltton constitution sub Horves tho general wolfaro of a nation bet tor than an unwrltton one, Tho Donne boys wero on tho nmrmatlvo sldo and tho Unions hnd tho nogatlvo. Doano was rep rosontnd by Messrs. Rood, Harms, Fisher and Leo. Tho representatives of tho U. R, D. C. wero Mossrs. Motor, Kuhlmnn, Magttlro nnd Anker. No decision was rondorcd ns to tho out como of tho debate but it wns gonernlly ngrcod that honors wero about ovon be tween the two sides. Numorous author ities wero cited by tho debaters to baek up tholr statements. Mr. Bryco wns the principal authority nuotod by both part ies and hnd that worthy gentleman been present, ho would 'hnvo boon In doubt as to whother ho bellovcd In a wrltton or an unwrltton lonstltutlon. Kach speaker was allowed fifteen min utes for opening nnd five minutes for clos ing tho dobnto. After a plnno solo by Miss Joyco, the dobnto was oponcd by Mr. Reed for tho afllrmatlve. Ho defined n constitution as a system of fundamental principle of notion. ITa sold that Knglnnd afforded the best ex nmple of n nntlonnl government by nn unwritten constitution, nnd the United States the best exnmple of n nntlon under n written constitution. An unwritten con stitution Is only possible In Knglnnd on account of the conservatism of that nntlon nnd could not exist In n country like the United States. While It might bo suc ccsnful when applied to one particular nation, It would not meet tho requirements of nations In general, as would a wrlt tho constitution. Mr. Reed spoke rapidly and presented his arguments very forci bly. Mr. Meier opened the argument for tho negative. Ho described a wrltton consti tution ns simply nn effort to plnco tho political Ideas of the peoplo In writing. Tho objection to this form of a consti tution lies In the fact that It Is dlfTicult to make It satisfy all tho needs of the people. Kven If a constitution should be wrltton so to exactly express tho Inten tions of the people, It would not bo ndo- qunte In later years when the peoplo had' advanced In political Ideas, Tie admitted that the constitution of tho United States wns one which had proved successful, but he pointed out the numbers of written constitutions which had failed. Under nn unwritten constitution the lntest product nnd the highest development heenme the stnndnrd. iind old nnd worn out ledns must give way. The speaker's enunciation was distinct and his views wero set forth In a convincing manner. Mr. TTnrms followed. He devoted his tlmo principally to proving thnt a writ ten constitution lends stability to a gov ernment as It prevents rash and hasty changes prompted 1v n mere whim of tho people. Tie presented his arguments logically and had his subject well In hand Mr. Kuhlmnn then took tip the negative side. He said that a government could Interpret nn unwrlttten constitution ac cording to the highest development of the people while ,o wrlttn constitution is mndo oopord,lng to tho views joY n certain porlod nnd yot It Is to' oxlst 'for'yenrs aft erward when the Ideas of the peoplo have changed. Instead of being the work of tho people, the constitution of the United States Is helng constantly made hy tho supreme conn, a branch of the government which more than any other Is separate from the poople If a wrlttn constitution may give way to new Ideas, as Its adherents claim for It. whnt Is tho use of having a written constitution. An unwritten ono will sub serve tho Welfare of the peofilo bettor and cause less difficulty. Mr. Kuhhnnn' ad dress wns to tho point and his arguments were some of the best made on the nega tive After the first two speakers -oh enelf sldo hnd statod tholr arguments, thorn was lltllo loft that was now for tho. debaters following thorn and so tho next speakm, M. Flshor, necosMarlly spoko In somewhat tho snmo Htraln ns his predecessors on tho nlllrmatlvo. Ho spolto In a dlroct and strnlKhtforwnrd manner and dofonded his position vory ably. Mr, Mogulro followed nnd spoko In a somowhnt sarcastic view of tho stato montH of his opponents, His nrgumonts woro practically tho snmo as those of tho prooodlng speakers. Ills genornl dollvory wiih good land ho Stated his reasonings expllelty. Mr. Leo then enmo to tho dofonco of tho Amorlcnn constitution. Ho wns mir prlsed nnd dlsploasod to hear tho manner In which his oppononts spoko of tho con stitution. He said ho had been taught from his oarllest Infanoy to rovero It nnd to die for It If nocesHnry. Mr. Leo's re marks caused Homo nmusoment nnd his arguments several times brought applauso. Ills otherwise good delivery was Impeded by a slight hesitation nt times, Mr. Hakor concluded tho arguments for the negative. Ho devoted his tlmo prin cipally to provo that nn unwritten con stitution gave sufllclent stability to a gov ernment. The speaker appeared very much nt ease and he spoko smoothly nnd forcibly. Mr. Reed wns nllowed five minutes for rebiittnl nnd ended tho dobnto. Tho pro gram was closed with a vocal solo by Mr. Kenngy. ADDRKSSKD T1IK STUDKNTS. Denn Judson gave n short address to the students, Wednesday morning In tho ehnpel. The dean, In oponlng, said that ho came from Chicago nnd ho woh glad of It, Ho llkpd Chicago although many peoplo would not agree with him on that point. Ho liked it becnuso It was n typical Amer ican city typical of all that Is best and all thnt Is worst. In Chicago thoy havo the most honorable of men nnd tho mean est men, they havo great statesmen nnd chenp olltlclans. Chicago Is n city full of great probloms nnd ho liked It becnuse It Is full of work. He asked thn students to mnko a distinc tion between work nnd lnbor. Work Is lnbor directed by brains or Intelligence. The highest ordor of working man Is an nrtlst, not necessarily a painter or sculp tor, but ono who does his work In tho best posslblo manner. The students ns American citizens owe It to their country nnd to their stnto to mnko themselves tho best workmen pos sible. Our schools nro free but thoy aro not pauper schools. They aro freo be cause they make good nnd Intelligent cltJ Izens which the country neofls. The speaker said ho could look Into tho ftituro when this university had grown to a great slzo and wns rich In reources, but that would be nothing If It did not havo earnest nnd conscientious studonts who nre the necessary requisites of a great university. PHI DKLTA PHI TNTTTATKS. The legal fraternity of Phi Delta Phi, hold one of their characteristic Initiations' Friday. January 15. They secured tho lodge rooms In tho Halter block and with the most approved engines of torture tested their candidates to tho utmost. Tho following passed the ordeal successfully and were admitted Into full membership; Messrs, Dr. Ladd, C. K. Abbott, Toby, F. F.. Rrown. nnd Rert Wilson. mi. iHUIntnm AVAOtlaio wapa nnmrt'fttftil' at 1 o'clock n. m. when tho fraternity In dulged In a banquet at the Palaco res taurant. After tho desert, while cigars were being smoked, A. K. White as toast master nresonted the toasts which were rexnondod to as follows; The Fraternity colors: TT. TT. Wilson: Tho Fraternity Con vention: Reeeh Coleman; Tho Fraternity Dor. F. K. Rrown. Tho lateness of the hour prevented a further extension of the nrotrrnm nnd with the usunl congratula tions the members dispersed. Those nres ,, were: Mersrs. Robblns. Wilson. White, Rlsser. Coleman. Mnnvllle, Ames. flttii'li. True Hlldreth. DuFrosne, Oreen. Abbott. Wilson, Toby, Rtown. T.add. Tho chancollor suggested to the Maxwell club tn discontinue their meetings until the end of the term and thus avoid eon rivorsoy on the dlsnuted right to the nresldency. So f.ir the club has acted on his suggestion. Flmer C. Henderson representing D. L. Auld. fraternity Jeweler, met the various fraternities nnd sororities, Monday and Tuesday. He got some very generous or ders. I'to expressed his surnrlso nt tho size nf our university ns he did not expect to nnd thnt we had so Imnortnnt nn Institu tion.' Tn a biflness way, he said that he did much better than he expected If IS NOT A BAD SHOWING Athlotic Association not Much in Dolit as a Rrsult of Foot Bail. SOME FLEDGES ARE UNPAID Aftor All tho Plodgos Aro Paid tho Do- Holt Will Amount to vory Wttlo Flnanolit; Condition After a Vohy Hard Benson. Tho mnnngor of tho football team hns lllnd his flnnl roport with tho secretary of tho athlotic board. Tt la long and" com prehensive, covering all tho Items of ex pense of the various games played this season. Tho final showing Is not as bad as nt first thought. If ovorythlng was paid In that was pledged, thero would bo a deficit of but a very small amount lets than twenty-five dollars, Tho summary of tho roport shows somo Interesting fig ures. Doano game Receipts of tho game, $302. t0; total bxpcnsn, $114.40; not gain, 1188.10. Missouri gnme Kxpenso allowed, J76.6T; receipts from Missouri manager, $21,65, claim withheld, $ffl; oxtrn Incidental ex penses, $7.fi5, loss, IB2.CS, Wesleynn game Total rocolptsj Ne braska's share. $4f; total expense, HI.EO; net gain $5.r0. Kansas trip Total expenso, $41.80, ex pense nllowed by Knnsns, $34.00, less old account owed to Knnsns, $17.B0, received, $l(!.r,0, loss. $25.00 Knnsns City Modlcs gnme Totnl ex pense whllo In Kansas City, $6i.Rfi! re ceipts from gnme, $150.00; gnln, $80.35. Rutto gnme Receipts, $120.00; Nebras ka's share, $24.00, expense, $25.00; loss $1.00. Ames gnme Total receipts, $48.00; Ne braska's shnro, $10,20; expense, $20.50; loss, $1.00 Thanksgiving gnme Total- receipts, $M. 00; total expense, $135.50; loss, $45.50. Cnsh received wns; from students, $202. 75, business men $37.00, nlumnl $10.00 treas urer $27 25, Donne game, $188.10, Wesley nnd game $5.50, K. C. Medics game $80,35, faculty, $30.00. total $500.00. Cash paid out; K. N. Robinson $320.00, clothing $10517. other expenses $59,0(1, loss on games nnfl lenguo $143.80, total $038X3 The unpaid oxponsos nmount to $220.47 without Including $37.GG advanced by the manager. The total Indebtedness for the conson Is $204.13, nnd there K yet due from the faculty and pledges $239.00, leaving a real deficit of $25.23. ATHT.KTIC ROARD MKKTS. The nthletlc bonrd held Its remilnr monthly meeting In the office of the phys ical director Saturday. Tho most Imnor tnnt matter to come un was the election of football manager. Tho present mnn neer was re-elected, with F. T. Rllov as assistant. The report of tho football man ager wns heard. Tt was decided to set n retrular time for the managers of the various teams to file their flnnl reports After some discussion, four weeks from the date of tho close of the season wns tboucht the most satisfactory time. Ad lournment was then taken. CTTARF AND WTTKFLFTJ CONTKST The Chase and Wheeler contest, held un der the nnsnlces of the Pnllndlan lltenrv society, will held In thn ohanpl Rnturdav "oelptv will be hold In the ohnnel Sntur iinv evening. Duct W'ien the Wind Rloweth In from tho Rea: TT Smart. Misses Redford and Smalls. Orntlnn The Author-Hero of the Revol ution. R. C. Roner. OrnMnn CSroat Rattles. John TT. Roose Vlnln snlo Hunenrlnn Rhapsody: TTmiocR Mr. August Haffonow. Oration The Red Color, Renn Alder ninn, Pinnn snlo Prelude In F: Wm. Mason M's Knte .Toveo. OnMon Fnr-1nnd's Crime Against Chl nn w. .T. Hunting. Uuic8elPPted. T. M. C. A. glee club. rwinlnn nf ludges. The Indores are, on delivery: Mrs. W. J Ttr"nn.Prof. W. P Wnrd, Judge M R. Tleese. Prof. J. T. Lees, Prof. F. M. Fllnr On mnnuscrlnts; Prof. TT, K. Wolfe, Trof L. A. Sherman. Prof. H. W. Caldwell Professor F W. Card loft yesterday for Washington D C. Ho went to attend the meeting of a committee appointed nt the recent mooting of the association nf ngrl culturnl experiment stntlons. This com mittee wns to decide upon a metlmd for testing seeds, nnd they moot to tnlk over nlnns nnd tnke some action on methods proposed.