The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 08, 1897, Image 1

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Vol .V. No. 12
Price 5 Cents.
Meeting of tho Delegates of the In
terstate League.
tivx l not Represented ut tho Meeting t
and According to mo constitution
Hud to ho Dropped From thu
Leaguo Tho Meeting.
Tho iinniiul mooting of tho delegates of
tha western Interstate football league,
met at Kansas City December 1!). Tho
reprcsentntlvo from Iowa was not pres
et, nnil according to the constitution.
uiiInh each tnvmbor has a delegate to
the nniuinl meeting, such member Ih to
b droppotl from tho league. Ah Iowa
failed to show up, tho rules of the con
itltutlou wero compiled with, but al
lowances wero made In arranging tho
Slmms of Iowa. Mr, Slmms sayfl that
Iowa's absence from tho mooting wnB un
intentional. Their mnnngor, Mr. Prion
was sick at tho tlmo and tho matter was
not broitKht to tho attention of anybody.
He says that they consider that Missouri
has forfeited her right to momborBhlp,
and that Iowa cannot come Into tho
li'MKUc unless satisfactory terms aro Riven
them by Missouri In settlement of n
claim Iowa has against tho Tlrfors. Un
less Missouri and Iowa eomo to a mulunl
agreement, the claim cannot bo Bottled,
as this should have been brought up at
the league mooting As It wnB not, It
looks probable that Iowu must lose It
by default, with nobody to blamo but her
self. Professors S!mmi continues that,
under any circumstances It will bo Bovcr
al years before Iowa will piny Missouri
on hor own grounds. Ho Implies that
the annual Thanksgiving gamo between
Nebraska and Iowa will bo hold as UBUal
Committee Hands in Its Monthly Re
port to the Board.
On Wednesday afternoon, December 23
schedule, which will permit Iowa to enter
If she sootns so disposed. Uuslncss was
then transacted In the regular routine.
Somo amendments of minor Importance
were made to the constitution. Ono of
these Is the definition of the word "com
pensation." This was dollned as Includ
ing railroad fare, to or from the place
of pluylng, and board at the training
tables, but this must not exceed tho leg
ular rate of student board.
Tho claim of Nebraska against Mls
uori was brought up. Nebraska claimed
that Missouri fraudently kept buck sixty-five
dollars which should have been ap
plied In paying tho xepensea of the
visiting team. Mr. Oury compromised
by accepting ono half of tho amount. Ho
was given a duo bill against Missouri,
which In- cannot at present realize on.
The pennant was olllclally awarded to
Iowa, Kansas second, and Nebraska
third. The following olllcers for next
ear, were elected. President; Dr. II.
Aers, Missouil, vice-president, J. 1.
Cameron, Nobruskn; secretary-treasurer.
I. K Moody, Kansas. F. D. Cornell was
re-elect. d manager without opposition as
hi Impnrtlal management of tho affairs
of tho league won him the good will of
ry member In it.
It was decided that Iwrcufter the man
ner, ut tho beginning of tho season,
should prepare a list of officials, which
to bo sent to tho manager of each
tea:n. Ho is to make his selections Im
mediately, or mako out a now list. This
' nt back to tho manager who dotor
m'nea from this who shall act as officials
t tho different games. This la final and
'hero Is to bo no change In tho selection
' officials, nfter fney are once decided
upon. This will do away with all tho
unnecessary squabbling which takes place
just before each gnmo .
The following schedule was adopted:
October 30 Missouri vs. Nebraska at
Lincoln .
November 13 Kansas vs. Nobraska at
Thanksgiving day Missouri vs. Kansas
a Kansas City,
Mr. Cornell, manager of tho league Is
the members of the footbnll team met
in room three for the purposo of electing
a captain for the ensuing year. It was
a foregone conclusion us to who would
Ih elected, hence nobody was disappointed
and every one was pleased when it was
announced that the honor had fallen to
Oeoigo Shedd. There was practically
an opposition and Mr. Shedd was unani
mously elected.
The election of Mr. Shedd together with
thn fact that many of tho old players
will return next year, makes our pros-IK-ots
for winning the pennant exceeding
ly bright. Without any disparagement
to the other memlHirs of tho team It can
1). farcly said that no ono Is as much en
titled to tho honor of tho captaincy aa
tho person who for two seasons has filled
thu position of right half back and filled
It so faithfully and well.
Captain Shedd has been one of the
mainstays of thu team and above all
1.4 a clean and conscientious player. He
Is a hard worker and docs not lose his
head In the excitement of the game.- Ho
Is eminently qualified for tho difficult pos
ition which he has been elected to 111).
The newly elected captain has tho beat
wishes and support of tho students and
under his wlso leadership, Nebraska can
be depended upon to glvo a good ac
count of herself and be closo to tho top
when tho season ends.
receipt of a letter from Prof. A. V.
The mooting of tho state historical so
ciety will bo held at the stato university
chapol Tuesday and Wednesday evenings,
January 12 and 13, the samo days the
state horticultural society meets In the day
time. The general toplo Is "The Legis
lature of 1855." J. Sterling (Morton and
Mrs. Harriet S. Murphy Of Omaha are
down for tho llrst evening. On the sec
ond evening Ttoscoe Pound will read a
paper In connection with the "Sons, of
Daughters of Nebraska," and Judge M.
H. Reese, Judge J. It. Webstar, Judge J.
II. Broady, Judge S. B. Pound and W.
J. Lamb will discuss tho results of tho
pioneer lcglsdlativo session from a legal
point of vlow.
Don Cameron's lunch counter, 118 South
Eleventh street.
The Monthly Report Shows Much Im
provement In the Work Accom
plishedInterest Is Increas
ing Very Rapidly.
The committee on college sottloment
work submits tho following report to tho
hoard of control:
1. Childrens' department Tho commit
tee on childrens' department have con
tinued the work of amusement and In
struction as outlined In the report for
Novombor. The circulating library for
chlldron has been Increased but is yot
Inadequato to moot the actual domands
of tho children. A splondld collection of
picture cards has been secured by tho
committee, and several new games for
children have been added. Tho commit
tee are urgont In their request for larg
er supplies of childrens' books, childrens'
games, and picture cards. While tho
committee 'has done flfilclent work yet
more volunteers will Increaao materially
tho breadth and efficiency of tho work as
now planned.
2. Social commluee Tho work of this
committee has alrady borno fruit in In
ducing largo numbers of tho students
to meet and mingle with thoso who reg
ularly gather ac tho settlement house.
On Uio evening of Decombcr 11, tho com
mittee conducted a combined socinl and
entertainment, with the active co-oper-u-tlon
of tho en;ertalnment committee,
Tho first part of the evening was passed
oheorlly in games and conversation after
which tho following program was ren
dered: Vocal solo, Mrs," McMIchael; vo
cal duet, Misses Auna'n and Atkinson;
declamation, J. H. Sajcr; selection, Y.
M. C. A. quartet; vocal solo, Mrs. Mc
MIchael; chorus 8olec;Ions, ull present.
Tho work of tho social Committee was
necessarily suspended during the hol
iday recess, but thoy uro palnstnKing in
their plans regarding every detail of the
3. Committee on entertulnmen. The
Christmas entertainment as planned was
given in tho school Ijduso ndjacent to
tho settlement house on Christmas eve.
Tho littlo school housp was crowded with
the children, their parents and friends.
In the front part of th room there was
a fire place built of piste-board bricks
filled with candy and nuts. After a
short program of Chratmns recitations
and songs, Santa Clats appeared from
behind the chimney, aid presented each
member of tho Sunday school with a
small gift. The funds 'or this Chrls.mas
treat wero raised by (lie college settle
ment teas, held througi the kindness of
Miss Cochrane and Mss Heaton.
4. Inotructlon commltirc After the pub
lication of last month'i rejort In which
It was stated that nota sufficient num
ber of students had voltnteered for work,
offers have come in su"flc!ent to till the
jwaitlons for Which dsflnlte pluns had
at tlrst been made. The committee,
however, have enlargel their plans to
accommodate all studau volunteers in
almost any line of Itstruction. It is
not the design of this ommittcc to con
duct a night school merely, but in addi
tion, the culture talks are to be espec
ially emphasized. Mr. Oitleiben has been
apo!ntcd general supclntendent of in
struction. In addition to the work re
ported last month, Mrs Crewltt, Muses
Green, Case Mac.Mlllai, and Schwartz,
'have taken Charge of tit work on Thurs
day evenings, making 1 a "Mothers and
Girls'" evening. Mr. latch will start a
class at onco In practlcl correspondence,
Messrs. Wescott and Fe aro instructing
In Ehglsh reading and vrltlhg. The fol
lowing Is tho completo program of the
work In Instruction to tfUch the commit
tee desire to call attenlon of all Inter
ested parties In order t avoid conflicts.
The program Is subject o furthor chang
es or adaptations to mot any conditions
which may arise:
Monday evening Germn; Messrs, Gut
lolbon nnd Lange. Tesday evening
English reading and wiling; O. J. Feo.
Practical talks on cltlznshlp and civic
pride. "Wednesday ovenig German j Mr.
Gutlolben, Thursday venlng Oerman;
Mr. Meier; English rea4ng and writing,
Mr. Wescott; Mothers' aid girls' evening,
Mrs. Crewltt, Misses else, Green Mac
Mlllaa and Schwartz. SYWay evening
Gorman; Mr, autlelbel; culture talks,
Saturday evenlng-muslo; Misses Coch
rane and IPIrtle; practical talks.
C. Commltteo on library and literature
In nddltlon to tho books alroady In pus.
session of tho library: this commltteo has
secured, the following accessions, about
120 volumes childrens' and young peoples'
books nnd bound magazines! fifty vol
umes contributed by Uio Lincoln city li
brary; thirty by .ho Ashland circulating
llbrnry; ono year's "Well Bprlngs" by
tho Congregntlonnl young peoples' soci
ety of Weeping Water; and the remain
ing forty by Individuals. Resides these,
a half dozen German primers were ad
ded and also through tho kindness of tho
Journal compnny, a number of dally pa
per and magazine exchanges. Tho books
havo ,becn caialogued, and tho library
Is now open every night In tho week,
and In charge of somo student. Also
during tho holiday season, (Mr. Fauquot
kept the rending room open ovory even
ing. In addition to tho advantages of
:he rending room, a number avail them
selves of privileges of tho circulation li
brary which has lcen established. The
committee Is endeavoring to render es
pecially ofilclcnt this feature of tho work
which Introduces books nnd nowspapera
nnd magazines, Into the family circles.
The library commltteo Is very desirous
of sffcurlng further contributions of dhll
dres' and youths' books, as also Ger
man books and papers.
G. Music committee This commltteo has
co-operated with the social and entertain
ment committees to furnish all muslo
called for, and their work hns been most
helpful In currying out the general plan
of the other committees.
7. VlsLIng committee In tho province
of this committee, over thirty visits hayo
been made to the homes. This com
mittee has usslsted In the distribution of
clothing and reading matter contributed.
A huge Increase In the number of visits
to .he settlement houso both on tho part
of members of the committee and of tho
students In general is repored.
S. Employment bureau This depart
ment has arranged to establish a per-manenf'buroau-of
Information, The city
Is to be canvassed to ascortaln Just what
are the specific needs on tho part of
thoso desiring help. The nelgljiorhood
adjacent to the settlement house is nlso
to bo cmvassed at once to ascertain tho
persons In need of employment. Theso
results are to bo kept at the central bu
reau In .he form of a tabulated staement
of persons desiring employment, ago,
nationality, kind of work desired, qual
ifications for the work, recommendations
etc. Through this means, each Vacancy
roiwrtoxl may le filled at once with a
qualified applicant. During tho pat
month one open position was reiorted.
9. Committee on supplies and furnish
ings In the province of this committee,
tho following supplies have been added
for December: by purchase, with funds,
provided by tho lward of control, one
dozen common chairs, one dozen seats,
one table and one atovo with fixtures:
Hy voluntary contribution; several pict
ures and some Incidental supplies. Ar
rangement havo been perfected to pro
vide for careful ventilation of the house.
Again your commltteo call attention to
the pressing needs In this department
as scheduled on the university bulletin,
with a most earnest nnd urgent appeal
to students, faculty, and friends to assist
In supplying tho actual wants at the
present time.
1. Your committee recommend that tho
board of control consider the feasibility
of connecting tho settlement houso with
tho city sewerage and waterworks sys
tems, nnd of establishing a public bath
room In one of tho rooms of the settle
ment house.
2. Your committee further recommends
that the I ward consider the advisability
of unifying tho college settlement work
and mission work with a vlow to co
ordinate them under tho same general
supervision. Respectfully submitted
Regents Modest in Their Demands
upon tho State Legislature.
Miss Mary I Jones, librarian Is ne
gotiating 'for tho loan of tho Copley Prints
published by Messrs. Curtis and Camer
on. This exhibit will be held during
Charter week in tho art rooms of the
library building. Conspicuous among the
collection will lo reproductions of tho
mural painting in tho Boston public li
brary, and a full series of prints of tho
sculpture and painting now boing done
for tho new building of the library of
congress In Washington;
The plates for Illustrations in Professor
Barbour's article soon to appear In tho
"University StuUles" havo arrived.
The Regents Ask for Two nulldlngs,
a Recitation Hall and a Dairy
School Hall Appropriations
from tho General Fund.
Tho chancellor la prepnrlng extracts
from his biennial budget In a pnmphlot
form which Is to bo sent to each member
of tho legislature. Concerning tho need
for buildings, tho report sayBi
Tho regents reluctantly nfter mature
deliberation nnd caroful inspection, do
cided that they must ask at tho very
least for tho following buildings, In or
der not to turn away Nebraska boys and
girls during tho coming blennlum.
Tho overcrowded condition of tho build
ings uKn the campus Is actually unsan
itary. Tho point has been reached whero It
will bo economy in salaries to provide
more space, so that professors can mako
their tlmo and strength go farther. To
put It in Another way, the need of a re
lief building on the campus arises from
tho fact that there are no rooms at
present avallablo of sufficient capacity
to hold tho largo classes which now reg
ister In many departments. In conse
quence It becomes necessary o hear the
classes In several divisions, often as
many as five, which require as many ad
ditional: Instructors, prevents Instructors
from doing proper work, and entails need
less expense.
Tho board voted to ask for $30,000 for
tho wing of a building to afford general
relief to pressuro for lecture and recl
tatlon rooms, said building to be used ul
timately as a departmental building for
the collego at mechanical arts. Tho work
at present in the collego of mechnnlcal
arts, Is .only .haf opened up for lack of
ftpaco. Miowood .worlc and Biqlthy in
tho department of practical mechanics
aro provided for, but tho metal work and
foundry aro not offered becnuse thero
aro no shops. Tho United States fur
nishes funds for uppnratusscs but not
for buildings for these purposes. Tho
government expects tho whole of this
collego to be opened. There aro two bills
pending before congress and likely to bo
passed during tho coming year, that
would give our university further In
structors In this college and apparatus ,
If wo can houso them. It becomes Im
perative that our relief be so constructed
that It shall be a collego for mechanic
arts. Tho school for mechanic arts
would also be benefited. It Is believed
that people of the stato who at this par
ticular time have need to study econo
my upon tho development of thes re
sources of tho stnte, would welcome tho
erection of this building.
A new building for the farm and dairy
school, costing 20,000 Is asked for.
Tho following Is a schedule of tho
amounts per year for which an appro
priation must be nsked from the general
fund. (This legally comes to the univer
sity for running expenses.)
Repairs, $4,000; furniture and apparatus
$3,500; books $2,000 fuel, gas and water,
$5,600; Student labor $1,000 dairy and farm
school $3,000 farmers' Institutes, $2,600
summer school, $300; expenses of inspect
ing schools, $1,600. Including the appro
priation asked from tho state for tho
erec.lon of the two buildings, tho total
amount Is $309,000.
Bnker Green nnd Dennlson nro ad
Judged tho Victors.
Tho final debate to select our oratorn
to go to Kansas, was held In tho chapel
Saturday night before vacation. Tho
audience was large, and at timed waxed
enthusiastic. All tho dobaters wcro excel
lently prepared, and put forth their best
efforts. Everyone is satisfied with tho
decision of tho Judges. Baker and Green
wero tied for first place, and DennUon
was noxt In rank. Tho two latter aro
law students. Tho markings wero:
Speakers Totals Rank
Magulro 29 7
Gieen 10
Piper 3d 8
Dennlson io 3
Harr 25 4
Meier 28 c
Baker 10 1
Klllon 2G 5
Tho professors havo commenced to
send in to tho office tho list of thoso
of their students who are delinquent,
and who are thought not capable of pas
sing tho final examinations.