The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 06, 1896, Image 1

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Vol. V. No. 7
Price 5 Cents.
Wcslcyan Dovclopes Unexpected
Tin' 1'lnylng of tho UnlvorHlly Boys ling-
jjt-ii ill Times Thoy Wont to Pieces
ul 11 Critical Momuiit mill hut
tho MothoillHtH Bnoro.
AfKi tho llrst tun minutes of tho game
uenv NobrnsKii and WoHloyun lit tho
M Hired park Saturday, It would luivo
been illllU'iill to toll JumI what tho nuturu
of 1 In- Mport wiih. TIioho llrst ton minutes
wen' all right. Thoy rimlly lusted twolvo
minute, and during that ttmo Nobrnska
scored a point a mlnuto. lint after Unit
the Ktraln was too great mid hIio lot up.
Just what Hclzcd tho boys nil of u sud
den, no ono can toll. Thoy woro playing
football, hut thoy found out Unit thoy did
not luivo any ono to play against so thoy
let up. It was about this ttmo that tho
enemy began to rcallzo its prodtcamont.
So there was a mutual and tacit under
standing. Hut It rathor appalled tho pat
riotic fow who wanted to sou how tho
boyx lld up tho Missouri tlgors. It wax
fun for awhile to sue Orllo Thorpe scoot
down that Mold for about forty yards.
Tlii'ii 1'ackard would go around the other
slde.Yes all this was amusInK to tho grand
stand. Hut when tho ball went In touch
on the kick-off nnd was brough back to
tho twonty-llvo yard lino and Nebraska
with the bull In her hands scored u safety
for Wesloyan In Just two plays then that
grand stand thought uomothlng was the
mutter. When loll two more plays and
Wesloyan gets tho ball another and sho
Iiiih scored a touchdown ugulnst tho In.
vliii'lblo Indians.
Hut then that was nil that Wesloyan did.
They got eight points eight moro than
any one "houghl thoj would got except
tlicim-clvet Hut Captain's fhorpo's men
are excusable". 'Thoy had no good and suf
llrlent rounds for believing that thoy.
were playing against a football team.
And the game wont on. Wcslcynn put
up u good punting game, whllo Nebraska
wiih ehoik full of tricks. Thoy worked
too on the unsophisticated. To tho No
brnsknns, the gnmo was bonollclal in
many respects. It added about sixty dol
lars to tho treasury and made a strong
practice game for tho team. Jt showed
them that It takes Interest to win a
game besides a llttlo hard work.
The umpire was, Leo, captain of Donno
team. umplro;C. F. Fisher of Donne, ref
eree, laineron and Noblo of Wesloyan,
linesmen. Tho lino up was:
Wosleyan Nebraska
Leonard luft und Melford
Dumi loft tacklo Dungan
Hoffman left guard Hanson
Oleson-KIU'hlo.. quarter Thorpo
Stoner center Kellar
Carver left half Packard
VnnDuzer (eapt.).. right half Shedd
Ollhert-I.yle.... right guard Turner
Thomas right tacklo Peurso
llgenrrltz right end Wiggins
H Fltehle full Cook-Cowgll
Subsltutog f0P Wesloyan, Hull Konipor and
Cunningham; for Nebraska, Bobbins,
Cameron and Lowory.
Wesleyan won tlio toss and took tho
west goal. Tho gnmo sturted off with a
forty-live yard kick by Shedd. Van Duzor
caught the ball nnd kicked back past tho
center and strnngo enough followed tho
ball fast enough to tacklo Thorpo boforc
ho had returned It moro than llvo yards.
Hut this was play and not Nebraska's
style of work, so they started at tho lino
nnd with gains of from two to ton years,
thoy advanced to a rolnt Just twolvo
Inches from tho Methodists' touch lino.
But there they stopped.
Wcslcynn took a hand for a couplo of
downs at tho lino work, but It was too
much llko work for those gontlomen, so
thoy punted.
Nobrnska soon regained this lost ground
ny tho most brilliant play of tholr careor,
hero being a twenty-yard end run by
Thorpe. Oleson mado a beautiful tacklo.
But Packard procoeded around tho other
end nnd crossed tho lino. Shedd kicked
an easy goal.
Scoro; Nobrnska 6 Wesloyan 0.
After tho kick-oft Wiggins mado four
yards nnd Cook sovon. Thon Hanson
started through a hole In tho lino that Tio
happoncd to notlco and preceded by a
smllo that would have dono Hoagland
credit, ho skated over six five-yard spaces.
Hero ho concluded ho had dono onough
and so, not seeing anyone to tacklo him,
n Just luld down and laughed, ho was so
Wesloyan brnced up hero and took tho
Ddl on downs, but for somo unknown
reason Mr. Oleson was bo unwise as to run
With the ball and the umpire said Nebras
ka could have It awhile.
Nebraska's glory did not Inst long,
though, und the ball was the Methodists'
again on downs. Right here some of tho
prettiest tackling of the game was dona
by Fllohlc. Ilo saved considerable ground
for his team.
A number of punts and lino plays now
on either side brought the ball to a point
within throo yards of Wesloynn's goal and
Shedd took It over. Shedd kicked tho goal
Just thirteen minutes since ho kicked the
other one.
Scoro; Nebraska 12, Wesloyan 0.
score stood, Nobrnska 12 Wosloynn 8.
To start tho good work Wosloyan's full
back kicked the ball from tho contor clear
over tho touch line. Packard got It and
Nebraska went to tho twonty-llvo yard
line for a scrimmage. Wiggins lost about
ten yards and Thorpo gavo tho signal for
u punt. Wesloyan blocked tho punt and
although Nebraska saved tho ball, It was
forced back over tho lino and Wesloyan
had two points.
Score; Nebraska 12, Wosloynn 2.
Then there was Joy among tho dlsclp'es
of John Wesloy. Tho boys hooted and
yelled nnd those Junior girls didn't do a
thing but wavo their colors and call tho
playors by nnmo and cheer as If thoy
enjoyed It. And suro enough tho boys do
served tho prnlso for vorlly thoy wero
playing good football.
Tho ball wont again to tho twonty-llvo
yard line, but Nobrnska had gono to pieces
and couldn't play.
Wosloynn was encouraged and played
tho gamo und In ono, two, thrco order they
wont to Nebraska's goal and Carver went
over llko a shot. Ilglnfrltz kicked a vory
dllllcult goal In beautiful shapo nnd tho
Wesloyan scored no moro, either In tho
remaining minutes of tho llrst or In the
second half, but thoy held Nebraska
down nnd between their accelerated spirits
and Nebraska's don't-enro loose sort of
playing, thoy hold their opponents down
to ono moro touch down nnd goal.
Tho second hnlf started at 4:20 o'clock.
The ball changed hands but onco and Wes
loyan by a criss-cross play carried it
to within ii foot of tho Nobrnska touch
line and about as near the side. Another
down nnd thoy failed to advance, but car
ried It over the side lino. Thoy carried It
In and tried tho lino again but could not
gain. Turner's great strength ciuno Into
excellent service hero and nlded much In
saving a touch down for the Mothodists.
Nebraska took the ball on downs and
gradually carried It back. A nice run by
Wiggins was cut short by the crowd piled
up close to the teams.
Cowglll took Cook's place at full-back.
Tho prettiest punt of tho gnmo was now
mado by Thorpe. He kicked tho ball
seventy yurds and being on tho llrst down
fooled tho AVesloyun full-back, who did
not got It till Nobrnska mon wero on him.
Shedd made another touch down and
kicked goal. This mado tho last scoring of
the game.
Score: Nebraska IS, Wesloyan 8.
From now on tho gamo was nip and
tuck, being played mostly In tho middle of
tho Hold. A quarter kick was very success
fully tried by Thorpo, gaining Nebraska
tho ball and some ground. Shedd and Dun
gan worked n successful criss-cross for llf
teon yards. Wiggins and Shedd ench mado
long end runs.
Packard was started down tho Hold onco
for a touch down but tho crowd got In his
way and ho was brought down.
For Wesloyan, Van Duzor nnd Carvor
did somo nlco lino bucking nnd H. Fltohlo
punted well. Tho tackling of Gilbert and
Fltchlo stopped many Nobrnska advances.
Timo wiih called at 5:14, with tho ball
In Wesloynn's territory.
Tho crowd had been taking a moro or
loss Interested part In tho gamo all
through and now tholr time enmo In dead
earnest. It seems thoro had boon a mis
understanding botweon the manugors an
to who should have tho ball and so, when
tho playing wns dono, ench sldo claimed
it. Tho umpiro got It however and had
tho best of Intontlons of sottllng the mat
tor poaceably. But ho dld'nt. Tho crowd
pushed from ull sides and In tho scrlm
mago Nobrnska mon got tho ball By
somo adroit passing, It got out of tho
gate and Benedict, tho floot footed, sped
up N streot with it under his wing. Tho
crowd followed llko a stnmpeded hord of
cattlo, yellow and Drown mixed with scar
lot and cronm. The lattor was In tho maj.
orlty, howovor, and thoy wont on tho run
for tho university. On tho way tho ball
turned up missing, but so did tho univer
sity man, and as tho rest wont on with
tho smllo of conildonco, tho supposition
Is that Wesloyan will not kick that pig
skin again,
Committee Hands In Its Report to
Board of Control.
Miss Linnet and J. W. Searson Complete
Their Firm Monthly lleporl iih to
the Work of the College Set
tlementIts Nou(U
Tho committee selected by tho board of
control of tho college settlement has fin
ished Its first monthly report, and Is giv
en below In full.
"For Humanity" because thoro hi so
much suffering which wo can alleviate.
There Is so much poverty compared with
with which the poore-t of us arc rich.
Thoro are so many eyes cast down Into
squalor, sin und mlro of earth which wo
should ralo towards the peaks of hope.
"For our students," because) education
means preparation for life's duties and
no man Is educated In these days of pol
itical and social ferment und discontent
who does not know tho weakness of each
class of society and sympathises with Its
Tho best thought not only domnnds n
sound body but must also bo animated
and quickened by the sympathetic heart.
T. M. Hodgmnn, for tho committee.
Monthly report of the commltte on col
lego settlement, Novomber 1, 189G.
To tho board of control of collcgo set
tlement work of tho state university, Lin
coln, Nebr. Your committee begs leave
to submit tho following monthly report
with recommendations: First, tho follow
ing sub-commlttccs uro hereby appointed
with membership and duties subject to
tho arbitrary modlllcatlon of your com
mltteo: subject further to tho approval
of tho board of control. Second, your com
mltteo wishes to cmphaslzo especially the
fact that tho following appointments nro
not designed to exclude tiny students In
terested In this work, und Hint any such
uro most cordially Invited to co-operate
with tho committee to tho end that the
greatest good may bo accomplished.
A. Your committee comprises tho fol
lowing named persons: Amy C. Brunei,
Mao Rhodes. Mary Horn, J. W. Searson,
Charles Kuhlmnn, L. E. Mumford.
11. Your committee has established tho
following sub-committees In accordance ,
with the power vested In It by the board of '
control nt the meeting Friday, October
2.1. 1890. J
1. Chlldrens' department. 2. Social com
mltteo. 3. Committee on Instruction. 4.
Committee on library and literature a.
Entertainment committee. G. Music com
mittee. 7. Visiting committee. 8. Supplies
and furnishings. 9. Employment bureau.
C. Duties of committees.
1. It will be tho duty of each sub-committee
undor your committee's appoint
ment to submit to your committee through
Its chairman an Itemized monthly state
ment of ull work dono under Its Jurisdic
tion. 2. All sub-committees undor your com
mittee's appointment nre responsible to
tho board of control only through your
committee, In accord with tho action of
the board of control. Octobor 23, 189G.
3. All sub-committees shnll hold ofllce
only during tho term of olllco of your com
mltteo unless soonor removed by your
committee subject to tho approval of tho
board of control.
4. Tho sub-commltteos appointed by
your committee shall have tho following
prescribed duties and responsibilities:
a. Commltteo on chlldrens' department:
It shall bo the duty of tho commltteo on
chlldrens' department to huvo In chargo
all amusomonts nnd ontortnlnmsnts of tho
chlldron who shall gather weokly at the
sottlomont house at Elgth and X streots,
at tho hour designated by such commltteo.
b. Social commltteo; It shall bo tho duty
of tho social commltteo to visit tho sot
tlemont houso as often as posslblo, to
moot and mlnglo with all who gathor thoro
and to lnduco ns many othor studonts ns
posslblo to do tho samo.
o. Commltteo on Instruction: It shall bo
tho duty of tho committee on Instruction
to have control of all voluntary Instruc
tion work of tho sottlemont house, to sys
tonatlzo tho samo, and to dovlso ways
and moans to host vieot tho educationnl
demands of tho sottlemont.
d. Committee on library and lltoraturo:
It shall ho tho duty of tho commltteo on
library and lltoraturo to have control of
ill library nppurtonancos and supplies;
and to authorize and secure all posslblo
donations and voluntary contributions of
Unit nature.
0. Commltteo on entertainment: It shall
bo tho duty of the commltteo on entertain
ment to provide and direct a series of
regular entortnlnmonts for thoso who
gathor at tho settlement houso. such on
terlalnmonts to be held ut suoh regular
Intervals ns the committee may doom ox
pedlent. f. Committee on music: It shall bo tho
duly of the music commltteo to provide
appropriate music for nil entortnlnmonts
and social gatherings as tho commltteo
on ontertnlnment nnd social commltteo
may direct.
g. Visiting commltteo: It shall bo tho
duty of tho visiting commltteo to visit
tho homes uljacont to tho solltemont
house, end to familiarize themselves with
tho home-life of the people, und to bo holp
ful In any way suggested by such visita
tions. h. Commltteo on supplies and furnish
ings: It shnll be tho duty of tho commlt
teo on supplies und furnishings to have In
chargu all supplies and furnishings of tho
settlement houso, and to nuthorlzo nnd
secure all posslblo necessary donations
und contributions of such nature. Tho
committee shall also submit recommen
dations for purchases as may seem nec
essary for the most efllclont work of tho
1. Employment bureau; It shall bo tho
duty of tlio employment bureau to work
In concert with the director of tho settle
ment house to secure employment for tho
unemployed and needy nojacent to the
settlement house, by such legitimate de
vices as shall suggest themselves to tho
5. Your committee hereby authorizes tho
following nppolntmonts to bo valid from
this day and date.
1. Chlldrens' department: F. G. Hawsby,
G. A. Davles, II. B. Aloxander, Minnie
Mills, Gertrudo Peltzner, Sue Plllsbury,
,uo Brlggs, Harriet Dlnsmore, Bessie Ty
nan, 2. Social commltteo: AV. J. Hunting,
Fred Parsons, G. E. Tobey, P. A. Morse,
J. F. Boomer, W. D. Heltzman, D. M.
Davis, Maud Atkinson, Dora Auman, Lu
lu Luwson, Mao Rhodes.
3. Instruction commltteo: Charles Kuhl
mnn, Professor Thurber, E. Fanquet, Cora
Elmore, Margaret Countryman, Emma
4. Commltteo on library and literature:
G. 11. Rose, H. G. Shedd, Mr. Lowrey,
Mabel IUckotts, Georgia Camp Annie
5. Entertainment commltteo: R. A.
Campbell, Henry Nlenhols, Maud Atkin
son, Dora Auman, Lulu Lawson, Mne
Rhodes, Mr. McMlchnel.
C. Music commltteo: J. H. Sayer, S. W.
Plnkerton, J. F. Stoltz, Mrs. McMlchnel,
Mary Loughrldge, Miss Packurd.
7. Visiting commltteo: R. E. Mooro,
S. J. Corey, W. T. Elmore, Mary Homo,
Mabel Dempster, Florence Shank, Lola
8. Committee on supplies und furnish
ings: L. E. Mumford, R. P. Teelo, F.
Baldrldgu, G. C. Howard, Racluiel Corr,
May Whiting.
9. Employment bureau: E. D. Banghart,
A. S. Harding. A. A. Bner, E. O. Jones, Ida
Helse, Surah Burrows.
Your commltteo further submits the fol
lowing statement of Immediate needs;
A. Department of Instruction: 1. That
the work bo cijrefully systematized nnd
placed undor tho direct supervision of a
general Instructor to tho end that defin
ite work may bo accomplished, 2. That
such general instructor recolvo udequato
compensntion for his duties of supervis
ion und instruction, said componsntlon to
be determined by tho board of control.
3. That all studonts who can devote time
to this work bo earnestly invited to place
suoh time at tho disposal of tho chairman
of tho commltteo. 4. That special Instruct
ors In Gormnn, Drawing, choral music,
or othor upproprluto branches, bo secured
for work at onco. D. That tho work of this
department commence at onco in rosponso
to the pressing domnnds already appar
ent, B. Dopnrtmont of supplies and furnish
ings. 1. That tho following named arti
cles uro Indlsponslblo to tho best work of
tho sottlemont: Common chairs, two long
narrow tables, two book cases, an organ,
ono small stovo, three window shades and
rollors, rugs, vases, pictures and various
trlnkots and knlok-knnclis.
C. Library and lltoraturo: 1. That nows
pupors, dally and weekly, city and metro
politan, English and Gorman bo secured
for the uso of tho public. 2. That good
(Continued on fourth pago.)
Will be Begun Monday Evening in
the Chapel.
Tho Professors Havo Promised to bo out
In Full Forco-Work of tho Dobato-
ers Has been Enrnest Good
Argument Expected.
Tho prollmlnnry. debates promlso to bo
moro successful this yenr thnn cvor bo
foro. The. best debating talent In tho two
departments, law and ueadomlc, has en
listed for honors In the final debate. Tho
Mnnderson und Estnbrook prizes havo
given a stronger impulso than has boforo
prevailed, for honors in public speaking.
Our boys rcallzo that winning a placo on
the Kansas-Nebraska debate Is no slight
honor, and It Is worthy of putting forth
their earnest efforts to do tho best thoy
nre eiipnbln of doing. With so much en
thusiasm among the competitors, who can
doubt that tho preliminary debates will
not only be instructive and cntertnlnlng,
but also warmly contested?
Professor Adams urges every student to
bo present nt theso debates and lend a.
helping hand In encouraging tho boys in
their efforts on the preliminaries. Tho
faculty havo been given a special invita
tion and they promlso to be on hand.
Tho debates begin next Monday even
ing nnd will continue for four successlvo
evenings. There will be eight dobators
each evening, making a two hours' dis
cussion. The questions will bo discussed
by tho respective divisions In the follow
ing order. First: Resolved, that a court
should bo established for the compulsory
arbitration of all dlfllculties between cap
ital and labor. Second: Resolved, that
universal manhood suffrage is truo in
theory and best in practice for republican
government. Third: Resolved, that tho
United Slates should own and control tho
railroads. Fourth: Resolved, that tho pol
icy of tho United States should bo to ex
tend her dominions.
Tho successful eight dobators In tho pre
liminaries will constitute tho members of
tho llnnl debate, and which will determlno
the roprosontatlvcs of our Alma Mater In
tho Interstate debato,
It hns boon definitely decided when tho
football game botweon tlfo Juniors nnd
seniors will tnko place. It will bo next
Wednesday at 2 o'clock on tho university
campus. Both tenms havo been practic
ing hard for tho gamo. Tho lino up of
the teams ennnot be given ns it hns not
yet been decided what positions tho dif
ferent men will fill.
Tho Junior team Is showing up strong
and Is very confident. The Juniors havo
almost enough mon out to practlco to form
a second olevon. Tho men will bo picked
from tho following. McKay, Reedy, Hen
dy, Bridge, Morrison Sargeant, Stlllson,
Cushmnn Klndlor, Weeks, Faurot, Miller,
Moore, Corey, Bliss, Strock, and Truo.
Of this number McKay, Stlllson, Cushman
Faurot and Kindlcr have already had ex
perience on tho university second olevon.
Morrison, Bliss and Sargeant played on
last year's class team, so that tho team's
composed of oxperlencd mon and will pro
sent n formtdablo line up.
Tho seniors havo oxporlonced n great
deal of difficulty In gottlng together for
prnctlco. This Is duo to tho heavy work
which a largo number have to carry In
order to "get out" this year. Tho toum
will bo chosen from tho following mon:
Emerson, Saxton, Kulhmnn, Doubrava,
Cortolyou, Westormann, Manloy, Hedge,
Crook, Reagan, Plllsbury, Jorgcnson, Mc
Mlchnel, Rlokotts and Shrovo. Tho sen
iors havo not as many oxporlonced play
ers ns tho Juniors. Doubrava has played
on tho second olevon, whllo six from last
yonr's class toam will also try for posi
tions this year. With plenty of practlco
tho senior manager fools that tho team
ought to put up a winning game but In
vlow of tho lack In prnctlco ho docs not
fool disposed to make a statomont as to
tho probable outcome
Tho footbnll team left on tho 3 o'clock
trnln over tho Missouri Pacific for Law
ronco Kansas this afternoon, whore thoy
will play tho leaguo game with that toam
tomorrow afternoon. Roturnlng they will
play tho Medics of Kansas City Manday
tho team that beat Kunsns 8 to 0.
Leigh ton's 1213 O street Tho host otook
of stationery and school supplies In tho
state, wholesale and retail. Call and got