THE NEBRASKAN j.- Y01..IV. No. J). UNIVKKSITY OF NKIHt ASK A, (LINCOLN, NOVICMBKU !:, fSOfi. Pitiorc fi Cknt WE DOUBLED THE DOSE WE ARE EVEN WITH DOANE Dof.mtocl 24 to O-And Wo Did Not Hnlf Try-.-hodd'n l.oriK Htin- I ho DotmlB, Do-do-do-ro-tno; in-m-m-u-d mud mil no particular kind of nitul olthor. ohl ribbon was ohoup In Cruto about u o'clock Tuesday ovonlng, but they wanti'il all tlio blnok to dooornto tbi r.metory with, How Donnu did fall twenty-four to nothing, Just double tho score they mndo against us hiMt year. 1 nir man of tho riiiiio gives tho follow ing details: Tin- line-up: f. of N. Doano. J '.icltii rd loft ond . . . EloholborRor 1 uiry loft tackle Stall riMi. WllHon..lofl Rtiurd....Capt. Loo Kollor center Fisher Jones rlRh t guiml O won liny ward.... rlRht taoklo Roasouor Thorpe rlKht end H Konagy Spoonor qunrtor I..Konngy Wiggins....' loft half Mains Shodd rlRht half Johnson Fa ir full back Sands Dungnn was substituted for Jones mar tho ond of tho second hah'. Umplro ('. 1.. ThoinnR. roforoo; Lieut. Smith, linesmen Mnllallou and Lieut. Hardin of Crete. Nobrnska won tho tons and took tho ball. Tnlr punting 35 yards. It was ro turnod five yards. Thqn by some Rood steady lino buoklnR, Doano brouRht It within tlvo yards of tho center. (letting ton yards moro on an off-sldo Play, Wilson went through tho lino for l." yards. A succession of brilliant books by Jones. Wiggins and Shodd took tho ball over tho lino In 12 moro plays. The attempt at Roal failed, tho ball hitting the cross bar. Tlmo 15 min utes. Hero Doano got In aoino of her funny work. Crabbing. Iho JuilU-Uiuy- uisbcul laok t the center, but kicked on tho linll live yards beyond the center. This was not noticed at llrst, but It showed up on tho Nebrasknn man's chart when Donne had the ball on our 15 ynrd line, while his chart showed It had been ad anoid but 3fi yards from the center. This kick-off was for 35 yards. Fair took It back 1.1 yards, and on tho llrst play Shodd made 12 yards around tho left end. We bucked It 0 yards further when it was lost on downs. Donne then made some brilliant line bucks, netting them 23 yards: In three chances the advanco Nobraskn made was 3 yards and gave up the ball. Doano bucked' It back 13 moro yards, getting tho ball on our 15 yard line. Nebraska took tho ball again :iud was forced to punt, making 20 yards. In three plays Donne gained 15 yards, then yielded the ball on downs. Shedd started out with a run for 20 yards, then followed it up with 5 more. A few more bucks brought It to the con tor of the field, when time was called. Score, Nebraska -I, Doano 0. TUB SECOND HALF. The second half opened with the Dnane boys feeling pretty woak. Ne braska's pace was too swift for them. Sands kicked off for 35 yards and Shedd returns 27 of them. Tho third down finds us with 2 yards to gain and a punt is attempted. The kick Ib block ed and we lose 15 yards, but soon have tho ball on downs. Here the crowd was treated to a sample of playing they had never witnessed before. The ball was 20 yards from the center and In Just 11 more plays 75 yards were gained, scor ing a iouch-down. Shedd started It by a gain of 7 yards through the line, then he came around the right end for 28 more. Oury carries the ball 8 yards, Jones 5, an off-side play gives us ten more, Shedd and Oury make five yards through the line, Jones gets 5 more. Oury takes the ball again and make C yards, leaving only 4 yards more to make. Once more Oury takes the ball and scores a touch-down, Shead kicks goal; time, 10 minutes. Sands kicks off for 35 yards again, but Hayward carries It back 13 yards. After bucking tho line for C yards, Doane takes the ball on downs, but after mak ing' 5 yards they give It up. Hayward makes 3 through the line and JoneB tvo more; then Shedd makeB another of his famous right-end runs for 32 yards, Oury carries tho ball 12 yards through tho lino. Three more bucks Just meas ures flvo yards, so wo keep tho ball. Hhmld makes I through tho lino and Oury follows for I more, Oury Is given tho ball again and In two trials ho makes 8 yards. Hayward carries It for I and Wilson takes It within 2 yards of Doano's goal line. In tho next play, tho ball was lost on a fumble with 3 yards loss, Uoauu fumbles In return, but Sands Rots dlspulod possession of tho ball behind Donne's lino. Tho umpire glvkjs him tho benellt of tho doubt, thus 11 safety Is scored for Nebraska, making the score 12 to 0. In her favor. Nebraska klckod off. Piatt caught tho ball and made a good run of thlrty-llvo yards. Tlmo was cnllod with the ball In tho center of tho Hold, and tho scoro stoild: Kansas, 8; Nebraska, 1. The ball Is then started from Doano's 25 yard Hue. After making (i yards through the line, she Is forced to punt, losing S yards and tho ball by so doing. Nebraska takes the ball and bucks tho lino S more times, scoring a touch-down, Hayward, Oury, Wilson and Fair car rying the ball, inlr carries tho ball over, makes an elegant leap over tho lino and getting the bull squarely be tween the goal post Shedd kicks goal; time, 22 minutes; score, Nebraska IS; Doane 0. Doane kicks oft for 2S yards, but Pack ard carries It back 10 yards. "We ad vance G yards and lose tho ball on tlowns, quickly rocovorlng It. Then Shedd makes tho play of tho day. Dodg ing here nnd there about the right end, brushing off tho little mosquitoes, aid ed by excellent Interference, ho gts started down tho Hold nnd Is nwny for 11 touch-down, from which ho kicks goal. By actual measurement ho made a gain of just C8 yards. Tlmo 28 minutes; scoro, Nebraska 24: Donne 0. Donne kicks off ngaln for 35 yards, Wiggins carrying It bnck 15. Thorpe LumJiGa-l yards,lhmugh .the Hiyj.. but Doane gets the bnll on downs. Johnson mnkes u run around our right end for lit yards, the only gain or any nolo oa.iajn.i nqj, 'opiiui o.t 'pnq ouuoci thought he ought to be rewarded, so gave him 10 ynrds, claiming a foul tackle by Packard. This brings tho ball on our ten yard Hue. and tho chances for Doano's scoring are bright. Three more plays brings them Just live yards near er, but Hi yards are all they gain In three moro trials. The crowd now lots no tlio breutb tliev have been holdlmr. while Fair punts back for 25 yards. Tho referee does not seem to be In a hurry to call time, but after assuring himself that Doane couldn't score If she had all night to do It In, he declares the game ended with tho ball In our terri tory, 20 yards from the center. THE SENIOR RECEPTION The custom of tendering a reception to the Chancellor and his wife was duly observed Wednesday evening by tho clnss of 'OC. Tho Conservatory parlors were engaged and every thing conduc ive to the comfort and enjoyment of the guests was done. After a neat speech by Pres. Almy which was res ondcd to by the Chnncellor In his characteristic way, the Chancellor nnd Mrs. MacLean wore elected members of the class. Tho floors were then cleared nnd dancing and games held the attention of the guests for the remainder of the evening. Thore was no noticeable disturbance by undor-classmon something a ma jority of the students thought 9C did not deserve, considering their actions of last year. Only mutterlngs, however, were the result of this feeling , so noth ing "Interesting" happened.' The class of 'DC Is to be congratulated on the non occurrence of any disturbance. Fpuntain pens at all prices, from $1 to $4.50 at HerpolBlieinmr & Co's Book Department. After last Saturday no one can say the Lincoln people Is not enthusiastic over foot ball. PIPED. At E1. Young's, tlie best variety, and news and cigars, 1204 O street. CONQUER': AND THE 0UP DEFENDERS FALL KnnsnH Plnya Hor'Hnrvnrd Intorfor. onoo nnd boat Us H to 4- , Nohraska's Hard Luok. Saturday's football game was tho host attended of any over played In Lincoln. There was at least two thousand peo ple present, Tho bleachers and grand stand wore full loiig before tho game was called, John Dixon lod tho cheer- lug, and If noise e,iilI save tho team they would have won. , Tho day wiih favorable for a good game, bring cool enough for tho players, but not cold onntiRlj, to bother tho spoe ators.. A light nuYthwost wind was blowing, but not stiong enough to glvo either sldo an advantage. At 3 o'clock tho Nebraska boys ap peared on tho Held. They wore soon fol lowed by tho Kansas man, and thu Rnmo was called at :S0 o'clock. Tho de lay was caused by the choosing of ail umpire to 1111 the placo of C. II. "Wil son of Omaha, who had boon agreed up on, but failed to uppoar. When they lined Op tho plnyors wore as follows: Kanans IMatt, Capt. Pope Hamlll Walker Grltllth Foster Burney Nobrnska "Wiggins Whipple Wllson.Capt. Mel ford left end left tackle left guard centpr right guard right tackle right ond quarter? back Jonos Hayward Thorpe Spoonor King Shodd Fair Stono and Hill Williamson Outland Gump loft half right lialf full Dean, Foster, Phillips, Kennedy woro Kansas substitutes, and Cameron, Jonos and Packard woro Ne braska's. Goo. Sweeny of Crete was um pire; Lent. K. V. Smith of Baldwin, Kansas, referee, nnd C. C. Borkley of the. Virginia lnstlUfc.anrt C. F. F.lsho.r of Doane college, woro linesmen. Nebraska won the toss nnd chose tho west gonl. Wllllnmson kicked for for ty ynrds. Hnywnrd euught the bnll nnd returned It ten ynrds. By a succos slon of line plays Nebraska advanced It ten yards, when the ball was dropped after a hard tackle. Nebraska soon got it again on downs, nnd gullied twenty yards by a succosslon of Hue plnys. An attempt to punt failed and getting tho ball, Kansas carrlod It by a succession of short gains to Nebraska's ten yard line, whore It was lost to Nebraska on a fumble. Nobrnska now advanced thirty yards by a series of bucks, and a kick by Fair sent It thirty ynrds more. Jones fell on tho ball, which was fumbled by Gump, and It remnlned In tho hands of tho No brasknns. Whipple carrlod the ball ten ynrds further, but lost the ball by a fall, and Kansas getting It at their ten yard Hue. Kansas returned It llfteen yards by lino plays, when It wont to Nebraska on downs. They carrlod It to Kansas' ten yard line, but lost It again on a fumble. Kansas mado a short kick for thirty yards. Spoonor caught the ball and re turned It live yards. Stono was now substituted for Bur noy nnd Burney took Wll.Jamson's place who went out of the game. Nebraska again brought tho ball up to Kansas' ten yard line, but lost It on a fumblo again. Stone took the ball and made a fifteen yards gain around Nebraska's right end. Tho ball was now placed on Ne braska's twenty-live yard line by a suc cession of short gains. Here It was lost and Nebraska carried the ball to Kansas' ten yard line for the fourth time, but again lost it on a fumble. Knnsas made a fifteen yard gain by Outland carrying the ball around the right end, when he was tackled by TIk rpe, and the time was called for the first half, with the ball on Kansas' twenty-five yard line. Score, Kansas 0; Nebraska, 0. SECOND HALF. Fair kicked off, Outland caught the ball and returned it ten yards. Nebras ka got the ball on downs and Shedd was sent around'the end. Gump was hurt In a tackle and Kennedy was substituted. llson advanced tho ball, but It was soon lost on a fumblo. Stone now made an ond run of twelve yaids and Outland carrlod It over tho sldo lino within ten yards of Nebraska's KOiil. Kansas scored In two moro plays. Tho ball was touched down near tho sldo Hue, and tho punt out fallod, Scoro, Kansas -I; Nebraska 0. Nebraska kicked off, and Outland catches caught tho bnll, and returned It llftoon yards. Nebraska took tho ball on downs, and by a succosslon of lino plays carried It to Kansas' ilvu yard lino, when tho ball wont to Kansas on downs. Kansas tried a lino play, but did not Rain and then determined to kick. Fair blocked tho kick and touched tho ball down. Nebraska kicked out, Shodd caught tho ball, but fallod to make a goal kick, Score, Kansas I; and Nebras ka I. Kansas kicked off, Fair caught the ball and carried It back llftoon yards. Kansas soon took' the ball on downs, nnd by a succession of end runs made a second touch clown In eight minutes. They failed to kick goal and tho score stood: Kansas, S; Nebraska, I. HAVE PROTESTED THE GAME. A protest has been Hied with tho of ficers of tho leiiRiie iiRalnst awarding Saturday's game to Kansas. Accord ing to Nebraska's interpretation of tho rules, only ono ond can bo played be hind the line. Missouri wanted to play her Harvard Interference (having both ends back of tho line) but Capt. Wilson protested and a ruling was then made, the result being that Missouri had to keep ono end In thu line. Kan sas was allowed to play both her ends hind the lino, according to Sweeney's ruling. Dy tho way, Sweeney Is now a Donne man and Doane plays hor Hurv nrd Interference hence the ruling. Tho protest will probnbly not bo ruled on until tho regular annual mooting, when tho pennant Is awarded. livciiBc of a tJa, thtuiannnntJlsaw.arj!.-, ed tho team having tho least number of points scored against It. As It now stands, Kansas leads with only four against her. Missouri has ton nnd Ne braska eighteen, Iowa eighty-six. Our chances depended upon Kansas boating Missouri last year. They now depend upon Missouri beating Kansas which is very likely, tho only question being will she score enough paints against her to cover our majority, and will Kansas scoro onough to keep Missouri from tho pennant? Should the Kansas Missouri gomo result, Missouri 14, Kon sas C, provided wo shut out Iowa, tho three of us will bo tied for tho pen. mint. "We can only hope that Missouri will rub It Into Kansas about. 1G to S. PAItTIES AT THE GAME. Tho south side of the foot ball grounds presented a very pretty appearance Saturday. Tho ground was lined four deop, with carriages decorated with the scarlet and cream and with the colors of the vnilous fratornltles. Tho Phi Kappa Psl's had the tally-ho decoratod profusely with our colors and the lav ondor nnd pink of the fraternity. Tho Hesperian party had a largo band wag on with a scarlet and cream banner with Hesperian In large lottors. The Phi Psl party was Mlssos Wal ton, Edna Polk, Jessie Jury, Mayslo Amos, Cora Cropsoy, Mabel Richards, May Whiting, Emily Wooks, PyorB. Messrs. Mapes, Korsmeyer, Wiggon horn, Norton, Elliott. Hlldreth, Sedg wick. Wilson, Shodd. The Kensington parties woro Miss Colson, Miss Hughes, Itussel Thorpe and Doc Everett; Miss Williamson, Miss Nance, E. P.. Sawyer and Corby; Miss RickettB, Miss Adams, Ed. Ad ams and Mike Hartlgan; Clara Wat kins, Ulanche Garten, Gertie Hansen, Ernest Ames and Harry Robinson; Marie Fechot, Maude Rlsser, Charley Pulls and Jim Fechetj Miss Lowe, Miss Lau, Frank Stelner and Edgar Morrill; Marie Marshall, May Moore, John Dixon and Joo MalllUeu; Clara Parks, Helen Welsh, Earl McCreery and Doctor Wolcott; Ellen and Francse Geere, Grace Lemlng and Laura Houtz; Lottie Wheedon, Maggie "Wheedon, Stella Elliot and C. O. Wheedon; Miss Hammond, Miss Rolff, Horace Whit more and Ed. Strode. IOWA, WE'RE THINK1N' OF SHUTIN' YOU OUT AGAIN Our Ono Chnnoo Loft of Winning tho Ponnnnt Will MmBourl Do Hor Pnrt ? Our ono chanco of winning the pen nant depends upon our shutting out Iowa, and of Missouri beating Kansas by a score of about HI to 8. Our bovs nre going to work hard to do their part. It Is quite posslblo thoy will. Tho following song provided much amusement for tho boys and spectators last year. It will bo sung again next Thursday: Iowa, Iowa, wo'vo boon thlnkln' What a cold day It will be. When tho Unl. of Nebraska Gets a swlpo at such as thoo. Whistle Refrain, lown, Iowa, we've boon thlnkln' When our team gets on the Hold, Llttlo boys, from Iowa City, Must tho game so easily yield. Whistle Rofrnin. Iowa, Iowa, wo'vo boon thlnkln' That tho boys of Nebraska Will with oaso upon tho grid-Iron Do tho boys of Iowa. Whistle Refrain. Iowa, Iowa, wo'vo boon thlnkln' Listen to what we're going to toll, Hotter take your scmw.ny 'leven And go straightway down to Kansas. Whistle Itefraln. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION In harmony with a custom that Is several years old, and conforming to the proclamation of tho Chancellor, I. Otis G. Whipple, manager of the foot ball team of tho University of Nebraska, by virtue of tho authority vested In mo by the athletic association, do hereby designate and sot apart Thursday, tho 28th day of November, A. D 1S05, as a day of hilarious and joyful thanksgiving to Almighty Mars for ,"lls blessings to us as a football leajnnflrnn"rtlTfiatle association, and an a university, nnd I earnestly request that on this day all manner of mental work may bo laid aside, and our stu dents assemble together In tho usual football fields and In their boarding houses and in such manner as their spir its may approve, render tnanks to the great Mars for tho manifold victories gained and enjoyed under tho bcnlfi cont Intlueuco of tho Ynlc-Prlnceton football rules of tho present season. The University of Nebraska has in deed great reason to fool a deep sense of gratltudo to Billy Wilson, the captain of tho team. In the midst of tho univer sal grief occasioned by tho Kansas de feat tho students of tho university hnve enjoyed great satisfaction over tho numerous victories of tho season now drawing to a close. Victory has again smiled upon our football team, blessing tho efforts of the players, with touch-downs sufficient to meet all ordinary wnnts, and peace and contontmont provall throughout the un iversity. Lot us also this day remember the Inme nnd the halt among the football players, not by prayers alone, but by doses of Kendall's Spavin cure, Witch Hazel and St. Jacob's OH, applied in such quantities as will render the re cipients thereof strong and well able to play accustomed positions next year. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name nnd cnused to be nfilxed the great seal of the athletic as sociation. Done in the Bowling Alley at the Uni versity of Nebraska, this twenty-first day of November, In the year of our Lord olghteon hundred and ninety-five; In the year of the university the twenty sixth; nnd In the year of the football toam the fifth. By tho "DRAWBACK," Private Secretary. Everyone who is interested In debat ing is Invited to attend the Pall Boys Debating club. It meets every Satur day evening. The Phi Kappa Psi men Bhowed their far-sightedness whey they engaged a tally-ho last spring. They had by far the finest turnout seen on the field. Don Cameron's lunch counter, 118 south Eleventh strest.