THE NEBRASKAN You IV. No. S. Utfiviwsrrv ok nkhkaska, Lincoln, novkmmkr i. ism. IMmok fi Cknts THE KANSAS PLAYERS PERSONNEL OP THEIR TEAM ly llnwk Loom Up i.ttro OlonU -ill Hnmll tlio Hole MoVor. How the Men Will l.lnt Up. 1).IUI0 Mint old from ms on was uniililo to near the Host' of the Tlio Kansas Dunne Rumo at Kansas City 1M Saturday showed n pood mnny Hunts to our liojf. In tlio flint place Dn.nn' Ihih much Kivntor strength tlinn . , . 1..1 .. i... .. I... WHS jl 1 1 1 HUM II l" "', " " " ii" ii i, her work in tin Hrt lmll. made tli"' Hi"'' touch-down on him riitM which alio won l.tMl Mill' .unl Kansas score until viiy lirst hl f. I'nlll Mains woi I out Kan sas sivmod unable to gain at all, but whim Main's anklo wont back on him they srorocl their ilrsl point, ami then when Reaaoncr Imd to retire Kuniws had things nil her own way. Tlio score wnsO fl nt tlio end of tlio llrat half Kansas lmil In two substitute hall backs ami they did not seoni to ho able to form any interference nt nil until tlio second hair. This is accountotl for in tlio llrsl place by tlio tluo defensive work ot Mains and Ronsoner and also by Iho faoL llial thoy wore both now men. Willi Wtlltnnrson and Ouilnnri in the game boro Saturday things wid 1)0 entirely ditToivnt,. Williamson is said to bo ono of tlio best men on any western llold to ad vance the ball, and we all know how he can tackle. Outlaud made his repu tation as a ground gainer against Iowa and carries the ball in splendid form. Rig Shorty llamill, the loft guard, is ft. :i and weighs 220, and if he gets loose around the end you want to begin to count the white linos as bo crosses them. Pope, the left tackle, is a big, tine looking fellow, and will probably try to eat holes in our poor little Hay ward, but the rest of the boys have a way of helping our "boy wonder" out when he is in trouble. Hoth Top and Foster, the other tackle, are over 0 feel tall and aro a good pair, On the ends are Piatt and (.James. 1'iatt bus a great knack of punching a tew people during the course of the game, but wo hope to havo honest otUcials who will promptly ride him oil" if he undertakes any of his unfair tac tics. Games, on the other end, has been hero before, as he played on the Hakor team the year our coach Thomas had them in tow and when they were never defeated. Although Hilly has hair that is rivaled in its chrysantho nuunness by none except Lee of Poano who will attend the game) you must not think bun clTcmiiiatc, as he has a ureal faculty of tearing great holes in the opposing team's interference. Hill at quarter is a clear headed, active fellow who rings signals off at such a speed that the team is kept hustling to get oil the ground beforo the ball is Miapped. This is evidenced by the fact that in the Kausas-Doaue game just ninety-live plays were niado in the lirst lialf which is exactly the number made in the whole of the Missouri-Nebraska game, llestor the full back has to be watched as he is liable to kick a goal from most any part of the Held. Ho just missed ono by a foot from the !I0 yard line in the Donno game. He bucks the line like a cannon ball and is a hard man to stop. This is indeed a very formidable organization which we are to try conclusions with on Sat urday. Their toam work is superb, and their variety of plays groat, as thoj run every man on tho team with tlio ball except tho center, and ho is always with tho ball anyway. Opposed to this Is our aggregation of cripples. King has not boon able to practice at all, while Whipple has had to quit the toam on account of tho work connected with the mtinrtgomont of affairs. Hud Jones lias not recovered from his in juries received at Sioux City sufficiently to warrant him hi ontoring the game Saturday, but wo hope that ho will bo In shape- for the Doauo game. (Jury will take Jones' place at right guaid and the difforonco in size between Oury and Hainill will mako tho specat tors smile when they lino up opposite to ono another. Wiggins bus boon moved tYum half whuto ho pluyed In the Missouri game to tho end, and ho seems to take quite naturally to his now position. We also have u bran now man at center. Mtifnrd played on the High school team last year, but this is his first your on tho varsity llold. The team will feel greatly the loss of Whipple and Jones, but wo hope thai Kansas won't discover these weak nesses until too into in the game to aV'til them yards. Tho lineup for the Kansas game will be: Kansas Nubrnskn rialt tOapL) I. e Wiggins Pope 1. 1 Uungan Ilmnill 1. g Wilson Walker." center Milford Grtllllhs r. g lones or Oury Poster r. t Hay ward (James . r. e Thorpe Hill quarter Spoouor Williamson 1. h King Outlaud r. b Shedd Hester full Fair Substitutes foi Kansas, Gump, Hur ii ey, halves; Kennedy, quarter; Stone. For Nebraska, Packard, Harry Jones, Cameron and others. NO CHARGE POR RESERVED SEATS. It was suited in tho last Nhukaskan that, there would be no- extra charge for reserved seats at tho foot-ball game Saturday. Kverybody will be glad to know that this statement is correct. The Idea of charging twanty-llive cents for seats on the bleachers was enter tained seriously by the management and reserved seal tickets were printed, but the plan has been dropped, and your tlfty cents will admit you to the best seats on tho ground. Tho bleach ers at the M street park without a doubt form the best accommodations ever offered on a foul-ball Held. They extend directly along the side lines and the lirst seat is raised fully four feet from tho ground, so that no matter how great the crowd in front may be. the spectator occupying a seat has a clear view of every part of the Held. The managers after looking at these immediately decided that they were worth charging oxtra lor, but it bus been decided not to do it, much to the of everyone who is patriotic enough to attend tho game with a co-ed. And by the way, better indorse tlio lenient policy of the management by taking a co-ed. If you want a vest pocket Testament printed on India paper, but one inch wide and half an inch thick, just look over the stock at Herpolsheinicr.fcCo's. THE CHANCELLOR TALKS. The Chancellor gave a strong talk about foot-ball at chapel on Tuesday morning. The chapel was pretty well crowded on both sides ot the bouse and the talk was received with vigor ous applause. The Chancellor began by announcing the three games which are to take place within the mouth, and urged every student to go to tho games. Ho especially urged tho students to attend the Thanksgiving game at Omaha, llo said that at least f00 young men should go. He was of the opinion that a special university train would bo provided, and if such was tho case, that it should bo deco rated 'with tho University colors in such a way as to attract wide-spread attontion. He said that with the (.id of tho Omaha club that we should be able to take Omaha for tho University. As a parting word ho gave warning to the young men who get too enthusias tio in celebrating a victory. Ho said that ho wanted everyone to bo jolly and have all the tun possible out of a victory, but that he did not like to see destruction of property. Tho talk was frequently interrupted by applauso, and when tho Chancellor suggested that every young man in tho Univer sity should do his duty and take a young lady to tho game on Saturday there was deafening applaus'i. IIo announced that all who attended the game on next Tuesday afternoon would bo excused from recitations. WHAT WE WILL SING SOMF VOCAL it) SELECTIONS A Few Specimen nf Whtvl Wo Hnvc on Toe for Knnimii Same SonR nmt Some More Song Not much onlliushiKiu has (icon man rested so fur by our ports. Tho con test, for tho publlenlion of songs bus not been very spirit cd - there's u chance yet for tho I own gnnw. Tho following are tho best ol those which hnvo been handed in: Tune, "Marching Hire' Georgia.." Shout the news together, boys, The jnyhawks are in town! How N'ebrnska will go up And bow the Knnsnns down I How we'll buck the rush Hue boys, And win such great rcnoun; While wc go sninsbing thro' Kansas. Chorus- -Nebraska, Nebraska, let every fellow screech Nebraska, Nebraska, our team it is a peach. Lectures are forgotten, all our notebooks flung away, While we go smashing thro' Kansas. All our men have gtit, you know They'll stand up to the last; We'll show the men from Lawrence town Nebraska is too fast. How the grandstand wild will cheer, The bleachers stand aghast! While wc go smashing thro" Kansas. Chorus Sing a song together, boys, The Kansas team's in town; They won't do a thing at all, Rut try and turn us down. Wait until the grtmc is o'er, And then we'll own the town, While we go marching thro' Kansas. Chorus. Wilson is our captain, And of him we love to sing: And of our two halfbacks, Georgie Shedd and ljlson King; Willi Fairie as our full back, We won't do a single Ibiug, While wc go inarching thro' Kansas, Tune. "John Rrown's Hody." Down Went the Tiger witli Nebraska on the top; Down will go Kansas with Nebraska on the top; Down will go Sui with Nebraska on the top. Listen to my tale of Whoa! Want any ice ladies? No? G g g-g-g- Get up! Tune, "Hold the Fort." Hold the line for Pair is coming, Spoouer signals still, Wilson now goes through the centre, Win we can we will. CHORUS l'OU DOANK GAMH. Who has the best eleven in the state? Billy Wilson. A foot ball team the greatest of the great? Hilly Wilson. Oil! We're here and don't regret it, If wc want the earth wc 11 get it, For there never was a team like Billy Wilson's. Tune. "Tho Man That Hroko the Hank." As they walk upon the old gridiron With their independent airs, O, the crowd at once declares No, they are not millionaires. You should see them play and win the day, And do up Kansas just that way The way they downed the Tigers of Missouri. Sing to tho tune of "Coino, change drinks with mo." Kansas has a strapping team, And so has U. of N. We've done old Kntisns up before, We'll do her up ngnhu And allho' the Knusns foot bnlltuaiu, So strong and big may seam, Thoy eon never on their tin-typo Mont tlio scarlet and the cicnui Chorus - 1 cnuuk, ea no, I ciimik, en no ko, 1 ennnk, ca-un, Nebraska ! ! " TIIK "hvv" sONrt. Wilson, Wilson, WiUon, Wilson, Wilson with his hot eleven; (Ucpcat twice.) Wilson's hot eleven, Wilson's hot eleven, Wilson's hot eleven. Pairy, Iiry, Pniry, liiry, Pniry with his shin guard, shin guard; (Repent twice ) Pairy with his shin guard, Pairy with his shin gunnl, Pniry with his shin guard. Shcddy, .Shoddy, Shoddy, Sheddy, Shcd dy with his hair cut, hnir cut; (Repent twice.) Shcddy with his hair cut, Shcddy with his hair cut, Shoddy with his hair cut. Kingy, Kiugy, Kiugy, Kingy, Kiugy with bis red sock, red sock; (Repeal twice.) Kingy with his led sock, Kiugy with bis red sock, Kingy with bis red sock. Spoouer with bis shin gunnl, etc. Joncsy with his skull cap. Hay ward with his golf socks. Dungan with his long bait. Thorpy with his blue shirt. Whipple with his long nrnis. Packard with his black eye. Oury with the strong arm. Wiggins with the peeled face. Many songs have been handed in which wo have not time to print for this issue they may appear next week. AT OMAHA. Tom Mastou, one of the coaohors of the Kansas team, was getting points from the side lines on Saturday. His team plays Nebraska at Lincoln on November 10 ami he wanted to dud Nebraska's weak points. An amusing incident occurred during the progress of the game. Pop Hliss and Maston were together when Wilson and ids "gang" were making their famous plunges in the second half, and Hlis was worried for his team at the time and Maston was thinking what would become of ids team when the rushers came at them. "Hltss. says Maston "how do yon stop those plunges?" "JJ u it," said "Pop," who was not lit thobvst of humor at tho time, "If I know how to stop them, don't yon sup posu 1 would have them stopped?" Omaha Reo. ARE WELL UNDER WAY TWO DIVISIONS NISIIED. The Thlt J nmt Fourth lo lie Hetd Thin KventaR Very I'oor Attendance -T ic JmlRe' Decision Tonight The lirst two preliminary debates wore hold in the Untvorsllj v-hapol last Tuesday evening. Tho an. Hence was vury smnll, imt nearly as laigo as It should have boon. Piiifs. Cildwoll, Wolfb and Adams noted as judges. The lirst quesilou d.bated was. "He ftolved Hint, a judge system is preferable to our present jury system H. II. Gra ham and H. W. Quntutiuico spoko on the nfllrmntlvo and J. Kent lhattieon the negative. . After tht? debate was completed ar guments were heard on tho question, "Hesolved that tho present adminis tration was justified in entering into its contract, ol February last with the bon.i .syndicate." The speakers on the alllnnntivo were II. K., Jasper Hunt and J. 11. Leon, and on the negative J. M. Hodgers and h. ,1. Abbott, Jr. There should havo been eight men in each of these divisions, but about half of those who intended to enter with drew1 their names, hence the deficiency. RECEPTION TO COMPANY A. Dick Heed, captain of Company A gave a reception to his company, of ficers, ex-otlicers and members Wednes day night nt the Phi Kappa Psl chap tor house, corner Twelfth and G streets. Cigars, apples and cider, together with the inevitable stories, made the time pass pleasantly, and everyone was sorry when tho breaking uptimocame Uick has always been popular with his company, and after the royal good time he gave them Wednesday night ho will be more of a favorite than ever. Unless Kansas has a largo following, her famous "rock chalk" will bo en veloped in tho following:. ltock salt Live stock Nebrnskn. Fountain pons at all prices, from $1 to $t.C0 at 1 1 orpolshoimor & Co's Hook Department. Burlington's personally conducted excursions to Utah and California. A Pullman tourist sleeping car will leave Lincoln overy Thursday at 12:15 .p. m. for Donvor, Fait Lake, Ogden, San Franolsco and Los Angolos. Only $5 for a double berth Lincoln to Los An geles In one of thoso cars. Remember there Is no olmnge of curs. For full In formation and tickets apply at Bur lington & Missouri dupot or city tickot olllce, corner Tonth and O streots. G. W. Bonnoll, C. P. & T. A. If you have troublo witli your eyes see Dr. Magee at once. No chaigo fo xaminatiou. 1 1th and O streets. If you trade with Frank DiiToll, news agent, cigars, etc., you will re ceivo generous treatment" SIGMA CHI DANCE. The Sigma Chi's gave one of their informal dances Friday night at their rooms, corner Thirteenth and P street. Tho boys havo returnished their rooms handsomely and a short time was given to the inspection of them before the rugs were taken up, tables and chairs taken out and the dancing be gun. The rooms Pro fitted up witli a quiet elegance that makes a very fa vorable impression. The colors of the fraternity, blue and gold predomi nated. Tho boys have gained an enviable reputation for giving enjoyable parties and certainly this last one was no ex ception to the general rule. Professor and Mrs. llichards and Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson chaperoned the party. KAPPA ALPHA THETA. Tlio Kappa Alpha Tlieta sorority again lias u chapter in the University of Nebraska, having given up their charter hero three years ago. This is the olddst sorority in the United States and has a most enviable reputation as a general fraternity, and tho newly initiated members in this University will by no means lessen Kappa Alpha Theta's national standing. Tlio following were initiated at tho homo of Mrs. Will Hardy on Tuesday evening: Misses Emily Weeks, Jessie Morgan, Jessie Tattle, Leota Vancil. Nellie Randall and Lydiu Miller. Tho alumni in the University and city are Mrs. Ansley, Mis. Fling, Mrs. Wil1 Hardy, Mrs. Ladd, Mrs. Hurr, Misses Olive Latta, Hertio Clark, Demi Loomis Hessic Tattle, Long and Harr. Don Cameron's lunch south Eleventh street. counter, 118 f'Brown man." "Yes, rnoe I'm his tftllor." Very I'roiutglng. It a very promising young promising than paying. I Tho Lincoln chapter of Phi Delta i Phi tho law fraternity, held its lirst I initiation Saturday evening. Tho lm i tiates were Hichard Noill, Peru; A. S. White, South Omaha: ('. 12. Tell't, Ne i braska City; A. F. Montmorency, Omaha, and P. H. (Iroen, Greenwood. Fountain pons at all prices, from $1 to SLGO at Ilerpolshoimer it Co's Hook Dndu.ilmont. Prey & Froy, the popular tlorists, are located at 1M So. 12th street. Ed Young's for new cigars, pipes and tobacco 1201 O street.