; i52iiiij ... , it ..,.tf, f hSm -C.T.'. ,,-MXa L1 The Neuraskan. A Wrokly Nownpniior IrhikmI Kvory l-'rtilny Noon nt lli Unlvcrnlty ut Nnlirnnkn. Kntkiikii ah-HkconD'Oi.ahh Maw, Mattkh. 1 T. IUi.kv MnnnKhiK IMItnr A. II. l.YON I'Mltop-in-Olilof I,. 11, lloiiniNH, Sown AflROCIATK KDITOIIR, 1'i.Otmv AtlllMlo K. (1, l.t.ovn..... .KxHiruwi MlHN I.KNA ItKWKKHK... Hiieluty MlN (lllAOK MllllllANil Mink Mautha IUMiKh, I , iwni C. K. AliAMii, r ' ca K. II. llAlIIIIITON. J l'rlro jiur ywir ...0 .71 by mall , .." ' " month 10 AJdrcHu nil Commniilrntlmin to Tmk NunitAHKAN, UnlVprntiy of NilirnWn. Tiik Nkiiiiarkan -x 111 lio found on imlo lit tli.i (OlIOWltlK IHIWN HIUIIIIh! I,. 1,. Vcnil, UN South Kleveiith Htroot, Traiik DuTlrl. 1fl;n (I SlrooU Kd YnniiK, lsoa () sirwi. With this issuo Tins Nkhuakan suitors a temporary diminution in si.o, which it is Import wo will not bo nocessitntort to maintnin lougor than a fow issuos. Collogo nows and advertising contracts aro oqually scarco at prosont, but wc will blossom forth again ns soon as possible. Unless tho sophomoro3 and froshmon tako a little more inter est in thoir proposed relay race tho atfair will drop through. The committees appointed aro working hard, but it is impossible for them to find the best matorial in thoir respective classes unloss the men como forward. If you havo any desiro to enter tho contest present your name to E. Banghardt for the sophomores or J. E. Piorson for tho froshmon. Enough caunot bo said as to tho value of fresh air in rooms whoro students aro to use thoir brains. If one passes through the halls and various departments of tho univorsity in succession, ho finds as many kinds of air as there aro rooms, and just as many tem peratures. Ono professor likos to bo warm uncomfortably so; an other has all tho windows open. Every fow wooks an opidomic of colds attacks tho students. There is certainly some reason for this. It is tho passing from ono room poorly ventilated to another well ventilated, with tho groat change in temperature. It is a well known fact that the library is not fit for occupation, and when dozens of students aro "nthered there and ventilation is utterly impossible without cold blasts of wind, tho result is as bad as can bo imagined. No system of deliberate torture over aimed to do more injury to tho human body than this lack of tho means for good ventilation is doing for many students. For some of them it is worse than tor ture, for it takes longer to kill, but this causo a lifo-timo of suf fering. Olhor stalos do not treat thoir young people so badly. Surely our legislature shoul do something for our relief. At tho Dolian oloction on March 2(th tho following ollicors wore chosen for tho spring term: Miss lluntor, president; Mr. Ein orson, vico president; Miss Pills bury, rocording socrolary;, Mr. Itall, corresponding secretary and Mr. W. Forsytlio, sorgoant-at-arms. At a busiuoss mooting of tho Union society Wednesday after noon, the following ollicors wore olecled for tho spring term: Knth orino Molick, president; S. II. Martin, vico president; Annie Proy, recording secretary; C. M Barr, corresponding socretiirv; 7. P. Oameron, treasuror; II. K, Newbranch, N. C.Abbott, sergeant at arms. Lincoln Frame and Art Co. 226 So. 11th Street. Hnvo your prniips framed at tho most ruiiBounhlu rntcH. thlBEST LAUNDRY COMPANY IS THE PLACE FOR STUDENTS TO PATRONIZE. Phone 579. 2208 0 St ilOT.) AND COLD SODA -AT- Hector's Pharmacy, N. W. Cor. 1 2th and N Streets. M. WALT (the Studhnts' Standiiy) Boots : and : Shoes Made to Order. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. Y. M. C. A. Block. 13th &N. "The Wheel' 110 North 13th St. CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND NEWS Lemonade, Milk Shake, CIDER, AND OTHER SOFT DRINKS. J. E. HOWE, Prop. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEHKASKA. Capital, - - - $100,000.00 SurpIuH, - - - 100,000.00 OFFICimS: N. S. HAUWOOn. ITeHtdnt. OIIAS. A. 1IA.NNA. Viro-lTeBlilcnt. 1 M. COOK. OiHlilPr. as. U1MMNTOTT. find II. H. FItUIJMA.N. Awtt. CnRhlers. DlltKCTOltS: N S. Hnrwood, CliriH A. Milium. John Fltzcernld, I). V. Cook. F. M. Cook. J. 1). Mmfnrl.-Mil, 'J' M. .MiiniuntU', John II Amen, J. L. CniHon, A. II, (lurk. Students who Patronize Paine, Warfel & Bumstead, 'Xlje lotnters "" rAND MERCHANT TAILORS: Will never regret it. They sell Stylish Clothing at Reasonable Prices 1186 O Street. A Bit of Advice ! : : To Old and Young. It will prolong your day9 on Earth 1 A Trip to the Pacific Coast via the . . The Finest Equipment Fast Time. Tlclcots and any Information Desired can bo Obtained of E. 6, SLOSSON, mil f HflkUK KrrimimiM Eli T LINCOLN and Denver, Ogdon and Salt Lake, Butte and Spokane, Helena and Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles. 1141 Street en'l Ajrcnt, 1,1 XCOEiX, NEK. JOHN T. MASTiN, C. T. A. Jacob North & Co. -(Lincoln Paper House BOOK AND COMMERCIAL . .r's JL I II 1 LvI 5 PUBLISHERS, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS STEREOTYPING LITHOGRAPHING () Wholesale Paper Dealers 1116 TO 1122 M ST. Lincoln, Neb. L BLUMENTHAL, Any OLD II AT nmdn over na Rood na new. Alo, Clothes Gleaned, Dyed, & Repaired. lOSO I STRKKT. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationary, College Text-Books, And ft Complete Stock ot STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 217 South Eleventh Street J. A. SMITH, Successor to W. R. Dennis & Co., Hats . . , and Furnishing Goods. First Class Goods at Reasonable Prices. The Commercial Barber Shop DOES THE BEST WORK. The Finest Hath Rooms in the City. Stndont imtromiRO sollcliod. Agency for the Hint l.nundry. 120 X. 11th Street, HIOH CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY. 'rins Herzog Tailoring Co., I.eniltrHot I'nuhlon at l'ojinliir l'rlces. 12 N. Eleventh St. Richard. Block. SS Candies prf,.al" SODA WATER & ICE CREAM. Served all tlio year. ALWAYS OPEN AFTER SOCIETY MEETINGS. 131 South 1 IthSt. C. A. Shoemaker, M.D. (U. OP N. ,8tt.) Office, No. 1 134 L Street, Ground Floo. Hours, 7 to 9 A.U.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. Telephone 685.