The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 05, 1895, Image 1

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Voi, nr. No. 2j.
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Thoy Banquot at tho Lincoln Elffhtoon
Ohartor MomhorB-Booloty SvontH of
tho Wook,
Tho lomling Booloty ovont of
tho wook in university circles was
tho installation of Alpluv chaptor
of Phi Kappa Psi fratornity. Tho
ooromonioH took placo at tho Lin
coln hotol Saturday night, March
28d, whon oiglitoon men woro
conducted through tho mystorioB
of Phi Psi. An olaborato spread
followed tho installation and
noarly forty alumni and nowly
initiatod gathered around tho
tablo to on joy tho good things
ltltio I'oIiiIh
It ill loll mi Cll)H
OllvtH (Vliiry 1'leUiw
llnknl l'lniikpri Hhiul n In Vonotluo
I'oiiiiiioh Heiillnpo'l
Tiinilorloln of llecf mix CliiunpiilKiioiiH
Nuw Vork I'nttli'H n In ltitlno
YniiiiK HoiiHt Duck With MulfiKn Di-ohhIiik
MnyoniinlHo of Kolmtur
IV ill I Icoh
Wlno Jolly AHHortuil C'ukoH Mnccnroonn
Mixed NutH TIkh Idiyor ItnlshiH
WnfiTH Itoiiuofort CIiooho
Coffoo Chocolate,
Hon. 0. II. Goro actod as toast
mastor, and introduced tho speaker
of the ovoning in his usual happy
way. Tho following toasts woro
"Tho Fraternity," Warren
"Ye Olden Days," W. P. Aylos
worth. "What We Havo Forgotten,"
W. H. Woodward.
"Phi Psi's Out of College," A.
"Phi Psi's in College," Harl
"Nebraska Alpha," 11. C.
Besides tho prosent chaptor of
tho fratornity in tho university
plans wore perfocted for organiz
ing a strong alumni chapter in
Nebraska. During tho ovoning
the Lansing orchestra furnished
delightful music.
It was after midnight when tho
final toast was given to Nebraska
Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi.
Tho newly initiatod announced
tho chapter by giving their yell
at tho houses of tho various other
fraternities. The fact of tho com
ing initiation had been kept very
quiet, and tho first intimation tho
other fraternities had of it was
tho Phi Psi yell outsido their
windows. The following gives an
idoa of tho yell as noarly as words
can do it.
Hi! Hi! Hi!
Phi Kappa Psi!
Livoovor! Dio novor!
Phi Kappa Psi!
The" chaptor consists of tho fol
lowing members: Frank Brown,
Percy A. Powers, Herbert L
Kimball, Josso P. Rowo, Rudol
phus K. Straussmann, Vorgil Bar
ber, Dick Rood, William K.
Sudduth, Rufus Bontloy, Ward
Hildroth, Clark Oborlios, Burt
Wilson, Oarflon Hildroth, Madison
Bontloy, W. A, Doary, Julius
Sedgwick, Clinton S. Norton and
J, W, Morrow.
Tho now ohaplor houso, at tho
corner of Twolfth and G, will bo
opened soon, and Phi Kappa Psi
will bo at homo to hor frionds
aftor April 10th.
In spite of numorous applica
tions tho fact that this is tho first
ohartor gran tod in fivo years shows
tho consorvativo policy of tho fra
tornity. Chapters of Phi Psi aro
in thirty-six universities and col
leges. Among tho moro promi
nent aro Johns Hopkins, Colum
bia, Do Pauw, Northwostorn,
Michigan univorsity, Boloit col
logo, Columbian univorsity, Brook
lyn Polytochnic instituto, tho stato
univorsitioa of Iowa, Minnesota,
and Kansas, and Lolaud-Stanford
On Wodnosday ovoning of last
wook tho Delta Tau Delta fratorn
ity gavo a very ploasant reception
at their club houso in honor of
Phi Kappa Psi. As tho now fra
tornity appeared only Saturday
tho reception was necessarily ar
ranged on short notico, but to
all appoaranccs ovory dotail had
boon carefully considered.
Tho apparently civilized look
of tho houso was a surprise to
many of tho girls who imagined
a boy's fraternity houso o sort of
don. Carnation and smilax, hya
cinths and palms woro in profu
sion in ovory room, and tho offoct
was vory protty. In one room
under tho fratornity colors was a
prettily decorated table where
punch and wafors woro served,
Misses Lottridgo and Gerrard
During the reception hours
about 200 guests paid their re
spects to tho young hosts. Tho
rooms were conviontly arranged
for dancing and after tho recep
tion a few frionds woro asked to
remain to an informal party.
The following fraternities were
represented; Pi Beta Phi, Pi
Delta, Phi Delta Thota, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Chi,
Delta Gamma, and Beta Thota
t V
A most enjoyable cotillion was
given by the Sigma Ohi's at their
rooms thirteenth and P streets on
Friday ovoning, March twenty
second. It was led by Mr. J. H.
Mallaliou, assisted by Miss Mario
Marshall. Some novel and pleas
ing pastimes woro vory successfully
Tho participants woro: Messrs.
and Mosdamos Wheeler, Peters,
and Mrs. Benton ; Misses Maine,
Farwoll, Hanson, Harloy, Burks,
(Contlnuod on 4th pngo)
Everything Ooon off Smoothly Tho
Anfllenoo Dolltrhtod Oloo nnct Banjo
Olubn Tnko Fart.
Pooplo who winkod tho othor
oyo whon thoy road "Manloy's
stufT about tho Buccosa at Ash
land" a fow timos, woro ploasnntly
surprisodontho ovoning of March
25th at tho porformanco of tho
dramatic club, and thoso who
oamo to throw cabbagos, romainod
to throw ponnios.
Tho houso was woll fillod, and
navor was thoro a troupo that had
a moro approciativo audiouco than
the Univorsity Dramatic club had
on that ovoning. Every ono went
with tho intention of onjoying
himsolf, but ho did not havo to
oxort himsolf any in 'doing it.
Everything wont off as smoothly
as though it woro tho two hun
dredth night. Thoro was not a
hitch or break anywhere. Tho
oaso and grace which tho actors
exhibited roilocts much oredit to
themselves, for their individual
efforts, and to Miss Manning, un
der whose direction tho members
of tho club practiced.
Tho vocal solo of Miss Agnes
Sowell was so woll rendered that
she received an encore. The mu
sical selections of tho Gleo club
and Banjo club woro received with
much applause, and both woro
required to appear again.
Several very protty box-parties
woro given. Tho fraternities woro
represented as follows:
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Messrs.
Johnson, Sayor, Haughton, Mor
rill; Misses Lau, Case, Brooks,
and Nesbit.
Beta Thota Pi Messrs. Ames,
Thorpe, Adams; Misses Ricketts,
Heaton, and Harloy.
Sigma Chi Messrs. Hebard,
DuiF, Mallaliou; Misses Marshall,
Moore Griffith.
Tho botanical seminar also had
a box, tho occupants being, Prof,
and Mrs. Ward, Miss Buckstaff,
Miss Getner, and Mi'. Saunders.
Tho Union society was repre
sented by Misses Olivia Pound,
Triplett, Chapel; Messrs. Short,
Lund, and Cameron.
Tho Paladians were out about
forty strong, and tho Dolians had
a good representation.
The Phi Psi's were conspicuous,
presenting two rows of masculine
heads in tho center of the par
quot. Phi Delta Theta occupied
tho loft section of the parquet,
about sixteen members being
The members of the Omaha
club who spent their vacation at
home were appointed a committee
to look up the prospects of having
the annual encampment of the
battalion in Omaha,
Boxing and Wroatllng Contoat,
Saturday ovoning sharply at 8
o'clook roforeo J, P, Oosgravo will
call time for tho first ovont in
tho first wrestling and boxing
contest of the univorsity.
Tho six gold modalfi havo boon
in Floniing's display window for
sovoral days and moro than ono
coniostant has figured on just how
ho was going to win ono of them.
It is soldom that thoso con
tests aro arranged so that ladios
may attond with porfocl propriety,
thoy on joy thoso col logo
ovonls fully as much as anyone,
and in tho oastorn collogos whoro
thoso contosts aro rogular ovonts,
tho ladios do tho most of tho
Mr. Laugh ton, trainer of Mr.
Sioviking, who has some liltlo
fame as a boxer, will givo an ex
hibition with Goo. Flippin, who
knows moro about tho art than ho
tolls people Thoso who know
promise somo surprisos in storo
for thoso who think there aro no
stars among tho student athlotes.
Tho boxing contosts will bo
governod by Marquis of Queens
bury rules, which calls for throo,
throe minuto rounds with ono
minute rost.
Chairs will bo placed on tho
floor with tho ring so that a good
view will bo afforded all.
Below is a list of the contestants,
with their rospocctivo classes and
Light Weight Box. Klausnor,
132 lbs.; Gardner, 124 lbs.; Ha
mar, 132 lbs.
Middle Weight Box. Mueller,
140 lbs.; Hamar, 132 lbs.; An
drews, 150 lbs.
Heavy Weight Box. Flippin,
182 lbs. ; Fair, 180 lbs.
Exhibition Box. Flippin and
Light Weight Wrostlo. Pace,
133 lbs.; Wilson, 180 lbs.
Middle Weight Wrestle.
Shuo, 158 lbs. ; Cameron, 155 lbs. ;
Pace, 133 lbs.
Heavy Weight Wrestle. Flip
pin, 182 lbs. ; Sinclair, 180 lbs.
'95 Elects Officers.
Tho last class election of '95
was rather exciting. For nearly
half an hour tho constitutionality
of the proceedings was thoroughly
discussed by tho able constitu
tional lawyers. Tho old constitu
tion adopted in the Freshman
year was dragged out to light,
dusted, and thoroughly consid
ered. After tho discussion was
finished the following officers
were elected:
President, Madison Bontloy ;
Vice President, C. R. Welden;
Secretary, O. E. Elliot; Treasurer,
Carson Hildreth ; Sergoant-at-arms,
E. B. Sherman; Necrolo
gist, Alfred B. Lyon.
Miss Jessie Lansing is recover
ing from a severe attack of rehu-matism.
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