The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 23, 1894, Image 1

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yu iff,
S. B. GEEG-"
(0, OK N, '81 J
Jl Jl Jl Jsdtf 1 il JLm JLJ JTi "TL ?., jtTL 1 Nl
Voi, III. No. 0.
Price Five CnyJTS.
Lit. i mi ""
Preparations Mado for a Groat
Crowd Thursday.
Somo Brainy Produotlonn Whloh
Aro to bo SunR nt tho Qnmo
With Iown.
Prospects for ti rousing thno
Thanksgiving day uro indeed
bright. It is estimated that fully
f()() Lincoln people will attend tho
game. An advance guard will bo
sent ahead to secure accommoda
tions for the crowd at a reduced
rate, so no ono will havo to miss
his Thanksgiving dinner.
As for the game itself, it prom
ises to ho the best of the season.
Iowa is sawing wood, and keeps
on saying nothing. Wo heat them
last year, and they aro laying to got
oven. In tho .superb condition our
team is now, a game of the toughest
sort may be looked for.
To make sure of having a good
time a number of songs havo been
composed, adapted to popular airs,
which are to bo practiced Saturday
owning in the chapel. Seven
thirty is the timo that has boon de
cided upon, and everybody is
urged to come, yes, and all tho
co-eds, too.
Several compositions havo boon
handed in to Tiik Nehkaskan.
What were considered tho best ones
aro given below. Everybody bring
along your Nkiikaskaxs Saturday
evening, and any other song you
can find, and an old fashioned sing
ing school will bo inaugurated.
Here is a starter:
Air: "Tho llnttlo Cry of Freedom."
i. Wo will rally up tlio niMh-Iim, rally
om:t) again,
Shouting for tlio Uni. of Nobrnnkn;
And wo'll hIiow Via what tlmy'ro do
ing when they Htriko Nebraska
Shouting for tlio Uni. of Nebraska.
Nebraska forever.
Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the llawkoycs,
And show 'urn whore thoy are,
While we rally up tho rush-lino, rally
on co again,
Shouting lor the Uni. of Nebraska.
'J. We aro coining into line as wo did in
days of yore,
Shouting for tho Uni. of Nebraska;
And wo'll fill tho vacant ranks up
with substitutes galore,
Shouting for the Uni. of Nebraska.
Nebraska, forever, etc.
ft. Oh, tho Iowa boys havo come out,
a-thirsting for our gore.
Shouting for tho Uni. of tho
Hawkey es;
And they'll go tho way tho Jay
Hawks wontjjiist two weekH ago,
And say, "Give up tho ponnant to
P. J. IUuuon.
TvsaViw L'A mour.
IW every good Uui man como right
Como with tho foot ball team;
Ulow n big horn if you can t sing a
Blow for tlio fool ball team.
U. of N., U. of N , Malco it ono moro;
U. of N U. of N . don't lot'om scoro;
Don't lot 'om score, mako it ono
Down 'om at Omaha.
Wo'vo scalped tho Jayhawkors and Ot
tawa's crow,
Bully, old foot balltoam!
Wo'll mako it ono moro, and down,
Iowa, too!
Down 'om at Omaha.
Big Hamming, and Oury, and Yont
will bo thoro,
And all of tho foot ball team;
When a touch-down is mado, and a
goal kicked by Pair,
YELL for tho foot ball team!
Then fling to tho broozoa tho scarlot
and croam;
Woar it to Omaha;
When Flip bucks tho lino, wo will stand
back and scream,
"Go for 'om, foot ball team!"
II. 0. Laugiilin.
Tho following production is de
signed to bo sung just before the
opening of tho first ha If. A squad
of boys who have practiced will
march down the liold, "squatting"
at the third beat each time:
Iowa, Iown, wo'vo been Ihiiikin'
What a cold day it will he,
When tlio Uni, of Nebraska
dels (i Hsvlpo at such as thee.
Iowa, Iown, we've been thlnkin'
When our tenia gets nn the Held,
bit Ho boys, from Iowa City,
Must tho game so easily yield.
Iowa, Iowa, we've been Ihlukln'
That tho boys of Nebraska
Will with ease ujion tlje grliMron
Do the boys ol Iowa.
Iowa, Iown, we've beon thiiiKin',
Listen to what we're going to lell,
better take your scrawny 'leven
And go straightway down to Kunsiis.
Another List of 'om.
John Cameron has beon doing
some hustling his own little self
and raised &M which ho has ready
to hand to manager Toolo. Follow
is tho list he obtained:
ti. 1 Cameron $'2 00
F. L. Summers 1 00
L. B. Pillfibury 1 oo
K. C. Elliot I oo
Frod Clements 2 00
Chas. Schwartz. 1 00
M. K. lliltnor 1 00
H. S. lliltnor 1 00
Frank Eager , J 00
C. T. Tucker 1 00
H. L. Stion 1 oO
P. Strausman 1 00
J. J. Corey 1 00
Clark Oborlin I 00
Fd. Mayer 1 00
Clint Barr 1 00
G. N. Porter 1 00
Tom Mallilieu I 00
W. M. Palmer 2 00
B. Broady fo
G. II. Thomas 1 00
G. B.-Moridith f,0
Of tho amount pledged at the
armory Tuesday morning, Max
Wostcrnian now has $$;". 20 of it,
and expects to get the rest of it by
Saturday morning.
A New Orchestra.
The new conservatory orchestra,
which will bo called Tho Philhar
monic, was organized last Thurs
day evening, and promises to be
the largest and most artistic or
chestra that has yet beon formed
in tho university or city. Mr.
llagonow is tho conductor, and it
is expected that several concerts
will be given by them before tho
season is over,
Phis in no way ctl'octs the regu
lar meeting of the university or
chestra, which still meets on Thurs
days, but it is intended to unite tho
musical forces of tho city in ono
organization, and have both the
conservatory and university or
chestras Avork in harmony Avith
each other.
A Paradox.
How glad Avas OttaAva thatAvc beat
How glad was Kansas that avo boat
How glad Avas Missouri that avo
beat both.
IIoav glad avo Avill bo if Kansas
boats Missouri.
Down tho rnggod road ho camo,
Lieutenant Pershing was his namo,
Ho rode a Ramblor, number throe,
Tho road Avas very rough,
Ah, mo.
Clair Hobardchancod to pass him by
And did tho riding ono espy.
His fiery face o'orsproad with gloo,
"I havo him in my power,"
Quoth ho.
Ho touched his cap in noat suluto,
And answer quickly must tho Lieut.,
Raised up his hand, loft front wheel
And sad was tlio
A brick-pile lay right in tho way,
It was not cotton, 'twas not hay,
It skinned his face, it barkod his
1 1 1 y
Ah, mo!
Roooptlon Tondorod tho Tonm
was a Poyal Ono
By tho linthUBlastlo Crowd Tuosclny
MornlnK-Tho Foot Ball Boys
Rlclo In Stnto.
Fnthusiasm in tho
r lit 1NUMIU
icacncu us mmmsi marc m voars
1 1 j I I j i
this Aveok. No ono dreamed of the
j i i .i i. . i .
iiruiir uiiu, mniiu no raised on ine
team's return from Kansas. When
the Nehkaskan appeared Saturday
evening with the account of tho
Kansas game, ultoul two hundred
boys Avonl through a coat-tail pa
rade, rang tho chapel bell, built a
bon-liro, and yolled themselves
hoarse. On receiving the score of
the Ottawa game, Monday even
ing, tho enthusiasm Avas increased,
everybody Avanted to give the boys
a royal entertainment on their re
turn Tuesday evening.
Tho shortness of the time pre
vented any elaborate preparations
being made. Tuesday -morning,
instead of chapel exercises, a mass
meeting of tho students was held
in the Armory. Tho Chancellor
made a short talk on athletics in
general. Ho said now Avas tho
tunc to take tho tide at its full and
givo athletics a boom in every line,
not only foot ball and base ball,
but tennis, lacrosse and golf. Aftor
a few remarks on professionalism,
the Chancellor suggested that avo
moot tho team at tho train, escort
them through tho city to the Arm
ory, where tho girls and tho mem
bers of tho faculty and ladies
Avould receive them. To sec just
how much veal'-rafhuRinsir. thero
really Avas, three mon Avore ap
pointed to stand at the door and
receive contributions. Everybody
gave a little, oven the young ladies,
and to tho supriso of every one
$!);. SO was raised. This will
purchase SAvealors, suits, and stock
ings, and send the team to Omaha
in tine stylo.
Tho afternoon was spent in pre
paring for the reception. At sev
en o'clock, a coach decorated Avith
scarlot and cream, and drawn by a
hundred boys, the band, Buck
statf's steam Avhistlc, and soA'cral
hundred yelling students, proceed
ed to tho M. P.' depot. As soon as
tho train arriA'cd, the boys Avero
carried on the shoulders of a hun
dred shouting students and depos
ited on the top of tho coach.
As for tho boys thcmsclA'os, they
did not quite understand the thing.
They rolled out of tho passenger
coach in a dazed sort of Avay,
upon a sea of heads and shoulders.
Without ceremony they Avere piled
upon tho tally-ho, which soon be
gan to move, preceded by tho howl
ing throng. When they had some
what recovered, they pinched each
other to see if thoy Avero aAvake,
and full' realizing that the cir
cumstances Avero not a fanciful cor
ation, they burst forth in tho fol-
lOAVing moiomus strain, kk We ro
the bo from Nebraska our
coachers camo from Omaha how
avo did beat OttaAva Avlmt'll avo do
to IoAva.
Doavii to O street tho yelling mass
of SOOboys procecded,amid tho roar
of cannon from thocampuj. Such a
demonstration has never been seon
boforo in Lincoln. The streets
Avoro full of spectators, Avondoring
at tho enthasiasm shown and tho
immense throng of students.
At tho Armory tho faculty and
ladies, togethor Avith long lines of
the girls, Avero eagerly aAvaiting
tho arrival of tho mob. The band
entered first, followed by tho mem
bers of tho team carried on tho
shoulders of tho enthusiasts. After
numerous yells and tossing of the
toam, tho boys Avero called to tlio
Slatform amid deafening shouts,
no by ono they Avero called on to
toll "Iioav thoy did it." Flippin's
voice Avas cracked and husky, but
his countenance fairly beamed with
appreciation. He was followed by
Horn, Yont, and coach Crawford.
Tho conditions of their voices and
the noise in tho room prevented
many from hearing, but all know
what was said and applauded every
Kven the faculty and ladies
vent up and shook liands Avith the
boys, congratulating (hem on their
success. After a few more yolls
and congratulations, the partici
pants separated for their respective
This event will bo long remem
bered in university circles. Many
who never know who tho foot bail
men Avoro, became more enthusias
tic for athletics than some of the
old standbys. Such meetings will
stimulate more col lego spirit than
anything else. They should bo en
couraged and made a permanent
Dolians To-night.
The first special program of the
Delian Society will be given in the
ohapol this evening. It will be a
musicale and no pains have been
spared to make it ono of the best
over given by that society. Tho
following is the program:
Piano Duet Millard
Miss Stevens and Gentry of the
Nebraska Conservatory
of Music.
Piano Solo Miss liena Kcod
Ballad Frn Diavolo
Mrs. Louisa Davis.
Cornet Solo Mr. Wood Smith
Vocal Duct
Misses McDill and Johnson
Selection Ideal Mandolin Club
Guitar Solo Miss Cleaver
Vocal Solo Miss Wooloy
Violin Solo Mr. Sayer
Selection Ideal Mandolin Club
Cavalina Meyerbeer
Mrs. Louisa Davis.
Annual Feeds.
Tho annual Thanksgiving feeds
of the Palladian and Delian So
cieties Avill take placo Tuesday
evening. Tho Palladians Avill hold
theirs, as usual, in their hall. Miss
Ilattie Hardin Avill entertain the
Dolians at hor homo on Seventeenth
and 11 streets.
These "feeds" are certainly very
pleasant atl'airs and servo a double
purpose in furnishing an enjoyable
social time and supplying the va
cancy left by the boarding houses.
Battalion Notes.
It is noticed that the list of thoso
who are absent from drill is not
nearly so large as it Avas accustomed
to bo last year. This is owing to
tho more military manner in Avliich
the battalion is being conducted
this year. It is the intention of
the lieutenant to enforce strict mil
itary discipline, as far as possible,
and every opportunity to do this is
taken a(hrantago of.
Broke His Finger.
Gardner is iioav carrying his
hand in a sling, as a consequenco of
having Tackled Flippin Wednesday
afternoon. His middle finger Avas
broke but it'is thought it Avill heal
all right. Notwithstanding his in
jmy, ho avjis out Thursday even
ing "giving the boys somo prac
tice." Y. M. C. A. Lecture Course.
Tho first of the series of lectures
to bo giA'en boforo the Christian
associations Avill bo delivered Sun
day afternoon at 3 p.m. by Chan
cellor Cannold. This will bo fol
lowed at 4- p.m. by an address on
"Missions" hv Mr 11 T Piflrin
The music Avill bo by tlio iioav Y.
m. u a. quartette, consisting ot
Messrs. Evans. Oberlies. Hildrnv.b.
and Sherman.
Monday's Gamo at Ottawa
Dosorlbod In Dotall.
Tho Formor Bnkor Tonm Flnnlly
SuooumbB Aftor Two Yonrn
nncl n Half.
The Kansas trip of our foot ball
team was the most successful in tho
history of the university. Not con
tent with defeating K.' U. to tho
tune of 12 to i, Clio next Monday
wo did up Ottawa in tho contest
of the season, by tho small scoro of
(5 to 0. Last year avo played tho
Baker team a tio game, the ...oro
)q'ux into Ki, andif you remem
ber, it Avas one of 'the hardest
fought battles, and at tho same
time tho prettiest exhibition of sci
entific foot ball that had been
played in this city up to that
Tho Ottawa team has seven uf
tho old Baker men on it (it is con
sidered the saiuo team), and is in
much better shape this year than
the Baker team Avas last year. It
had not been beaten for two years
and a half, until last Monday,
Avhon it ran up against a snag.
At LaAvrence we Avero advised
not to play the Ottawa team, as
thoy wore considered the "tough
est lot of sluggers that overplayed
on a gridiron," and then, too, tho
K. U. men said that thero Avas not
the slightest chance of our Avinning
tho game, A good number of
LaAvrence men Avont doAvn to Otta
wa to sec the game, as they Avanted
to see Flippin play against "Ugly"
-- -Tho Avcathor-AVHS almost perfect,
with just a suggestion of a Kansas
breeze from the south. The grounds
Avere marked out on the natural
prairie. Around tho ropes stood
about ,")()( enthusiasts, and outside
of these paced a line of sentinels of
the Ottawa cadets.
The teams lined up as folloAvs:
Thorp K. e. i,...Picrson.
Dorn, capt...ii. t. S...Utz.
Jones n. o. s...Moon.
Hamming.... a ..Dcridson.
Wilson l. ...Griffith.
Oury l. t. u...Furror.
Whipple.... l. e. it... Bedell.
Crawford.... Q. ...Allen.
Flippin e. u. it... Taylor, capt.
Yont it. n. l... Potior.
Thomas t. ...Toomoy.
Dobson, (Ottawa), referee;
Sweeney, (U. of N.) umpire;
Lieut. Smith. (Baker), linesman.
For the second half Dobson and
SAveeney changed places. It Avas
decided to play twonty-fivo minute
halves. Ottawa Avon tho toss an
took the south goal, Avith a slight
advantage in tho Avind and lay of
the ground.
Whipple starts the ball Avith a
tAvenly-live yard kick-off, it Avas
caught by Piorson, and ho Avas
doAvncd in his tracks. Potter car
ries the ball around the right end
for three yards; on the next play
OltaAway looses Iavo yards, and
then Toomoy punts for forty-five
yards. Thorp is sent around tho
left end on the criss-cross for seven
yards; Dern and Flippin carry it
thirteen yards, and Oury smashes
around the right end for ten yards,
then Thomas makes three yards,
Ouiy Iavo, Yont nine, Dern eight,
Oury eight, Flippin four, and then
OttaAva braces up and bikes tho ball
on doAvns. Otunva only gains ono
yard, Avhon Nebraska takes tho ball
aAvay from them on doAvns. Then
Flippin, Oury, and Dern a(hranco
tho ball to within three yards of
OttaAva's goal line.
Then Jones makes two yards,
and Thomas bucks across tho lino,
but is pushed back, then Flippin
is given tho ball, and ho carries it
over tho lino for a touch doAvn.
Continued on 4th pago.