ittjV5:i is; r i i y ' . ' ' JLT p NPRPAkT-AIM coHgmtnliiUoiiB whioh liavo pourcid NEW ID 13 AS ADVANCED. Students who Patronize f WT. .-.!. .-..i.w.. .... , ., . I . .. . ' U .. " wawP , ' 'ly NuWHputior Ihhiii'iI livery Krlilny Noon f nt the IJnlvorHlty of .Nnlirimkii. kuri) ah Hkcund-imhh Main Mattkii. J. r i. i i. iniii:v i , ' 7, liUIIIHNH. s IfnmilNH t .iiiiiiiiKiHK 1'iiiiMiin l.Yotf KilltorlnChlof AriNOCIATtt I1IIIT011H. , OlIliV Artilotlr i C. .Kxuhniiftti IillW Society JTTS 0, W'liii'i'i.t: SUM liM.N'A llliWUUHi: 'Jim Oiiacij Moikia.v, Mien diaiu iii ii u unn t (f 14. ADA M, ! II. llAWUITON'. , t.ocnl Price liorjeur , $ .7fi " " Ity nt nl 1 sfl " month , Hi Aildrt'HH all CoiiiMinnii'iitlotiH lo '1 lit: Niuuianka.v, Univerrtltj of NulirftHkn, Tin: Nkihiahkan will lie fouml on miiIo at tlio rollouliiK IIOWH HtimilMi I. 1, Mcnil, UN South Klavuiitli Strcot, Frank Dn'llol, I two o Street. Albion Cnfo. fJS North Tunth Strcot. Kil Youiitr. Iiim O Strcot. The suggestion inado by the Chancellor in another eoluinn of this issue is a practical one, and is entirely feasible. "When, lion W. 11. Thompson, of Grand Island, visited tho University this week, ho remarked, "All that is neces sary to secure ample appropria tions is to make tho actual condi tions known to the state." This tho students can do, simply by systematic ell'ort along the lines indicated by the chancellor. Write early and often! "Write to your parents, write to any good busi- r - ness'inen you may icnow, write to your county papers, write to the men who are running for oilice, and write to the men who are run ning other men for oilice. Ex plain in detail the conditions here, picture in u graphic way the crowds in tho halls and laborator ies and classrooms, tell of the un precedented fact there is not a single room in which all students can assemble and very few de pirvtmonl rooms large enough for tho work of any one department, explain that what buildings are hero have been put up with moneys that ought to go for in struction that not a building has over been erected from the state ironeral fund, a condition not known in any other suite in the Union. Go over this again and again, presenting every phase of ' "the question; and do this steadily and nersistentlv till the close of .the legislative bession, if need be. Send the University papers home, and to friends, marking matter which is in this line. And keep this up till success comes. AVo can do this if wo will. Let us will. As a result of the state conven tion of principals and superintend ents of the various high schools of the htato, two very important and feasible plans for the advancement of the university were under dis cussion and acted upon as far as possible. The idea of shortening tho high school course for those who intend to enter the university is a good one. Jn view of the fact that llio preparatory department is soon to bo abolished, this plan will to some extent, lessen the inconve nience Aviiich must necessarily tall upon tho-e who entertained the idea of taking a six years' course at this institution. LIIU U.TUlim.-MIIIIUJIL Ml l BlillU 111" stiluto to hold session for six wcokp or more is another stop in tho right v direction. Tho incalculable bono fit which would fall to tho lot of hundreds of Nebraska's teachers, is an object Avorlhy of a struggle to obtain. The little niece of newspaper en- ,te,rpriso which was indulged in by the business management of this pa por last week has given rise to many congmtulutioiiB which liuvo poured in upon us. ICvoryono wus anxious to know who wore the lucky ones to recoivo cudot i)roinotions, und iil though tho orders were not rend until 5: Ifi that very evening, Nn iiuaskan .subscribers wore supplied with the paper, containing a full account of tho notable ovont. Write till tho ImhI Htub nun oxpiros Write to your urnndpn. h ami your Hiroi roH Write witli a will that novor tiro?, for the library appropriation, for more room to spout Latin and Greek, for an appropriation to fill up the cracks in the sidewalks, und so weitor, et cetera, and so forth, et al, ad infinitum. "Clianco" ami tho Uni. Manager Teelo is seriously con sidering the advisabilitv of secur ing the services of W. Leonard Fowler, the crack police reporter of the Journal, to coach tho foot ball team this year. Mr. Fowler's account of the game last Saturday, shows how capable he is of fulfill ing this position. A check will be sent him for the professional ad vice ho has so gratuitously be stowed. In addition to being attired in caps, gowns and canes, it is sur mised that tho seniors will wear a worried look. Tlio Nkihiahkan is a neat publication iHHiH'd weekly by tho HtudentH of the Htnto iinivorrtity. It in a news papor mill Hcenm to contain ntnvH enough to merit that name. Tlio editorial board n mado up of Home of tho moHt promising tulent in the university. In former years tlio N'kuiiaskan has been a thing to weep and lament over, a thing of typographical errors, hoary gags and awful pootry, but this year it promises to bo a publication which one can read without ennui and seo without pain. Tho current issue, barring a glaring misstatement about tho ailegod increaso in tlio number of text-books in tho English department which really isn't an increase at all is most promising. Stnto Journal. Tho Demo-Pop Club. A meeting of the old Independ ent club was hold last Saturday evening in room 13. The purpose of the meeting was to organize a club to further the election this fall of the candidates who will stand up for tho Uni, and also help elect Bryan and llolcomb. Speeches were mado by Abbott, IS'ewbranch, Searson, Lenhoff, Ger rard and Riley, all tending towards the organization of a club to sup port men, regardless of party, who would help tho university by voting appropriations, etc. Mr. MeGufl'y was elected president, O. II. Al len, secretary. Messrs. N. C. Ab bott, Newbranch and Kunz were appointed as a committee to draw up a constitution. Two or three present wanted to make it strictly a pop club and to have the democrats come around to their views, but these were promptly sat down upon. The next meeting will bo held next Sat urday at 7 p.m. Glue Club Exams. A great deal of interest is being manifested in the rlee-club this year. In tho three examinations held, about fifty applicants pre sented themselves for admission. From these tho required number of members will be carofully se lected. Last year's success should stimulato tho boys to renewed efforts. There is no reason why, under the direction of Prof. Kim ball and the management of Mr. Heese, the club should not bo one of the best in the country. Success, however, will only come bv con stant practice and hard work; but the pleasant associations and good times will more than repay all who are interested in tho under taking. AdUlated Schools. At a meeting of tho faculty last Monday tho question of affiliation with other schools was discussed and it aviis unanimously agreed that tho university should offer affilia tion as far as possible upon certain stated conditions. Tho number of denominational schools about Lin coln, which have not unlimited means at hand, will welcome the opportunities, and facilities offered by the univeristy in this manner. State Convention of High School Principals Promises Some Valuable Results. The reirular fall session of the No- iraska Superintendents and Princi pals Association was held in the state capilol building last Friday and Saturday. There was a largo at tendance present and many valua ble ideas were exchanged. An important topic which came up for consideration was the scheme pro mulgated by Chancellor Canfield, to have all liigh school work, nec essarily preparatory to the univer sity pursued in the first three year's course. This will allow those who have no desire to go farther in their education than to graduate from a high school, to obtain their diploma by completing their fourth year; while those who intend to enter tho university or other colleges, can get their certifi cates and leave at the end of their third year. The chancellor has had this idea in mind for some time, and last Saturday ho had the opportunity to bring it up. It was deemed iy those present at the meeting, that they would do all in their power to further this plan. Though its im mediate results may not be notice able, the idea will be adopted as far as possible next year. Another important matter which came up, was the establishment of a State Institute to continue during a part of the summer vacation. Practically this would make but a prolonged session of the University Summer School which is held for three weeks, immediately after commencement. This summer school is established for the benefit of teachers and others, who have special questions they wish to in vestigate, and who desire to study up on certain subjets which the facilities offered by the university make comparatively easy. A committee consisting of the State Superintendent, tho Chancel lor, and tho principal of the State Normal school, was appointed to properly arrange and grade the work of such an institute, and to inaKc all necessary arrangements for the establishment of a Slate In stitute next summer. The work will include alt grades, from High School to Primary. The idea is another one of the Chancellor's and gives promise of being a suc cess. H is predicted that should such an institute be established no lo-s than five hundred of tho bright est and most enterprising teachers in Nebraska would avail themselves of tho opportunities thus afforded by the state during tho very first session of tho institu to. HETRICK'S CIGAR STORE. Fifteenth and j 9 5 o Streets, Brace Blk. The Latest Brands And a New and Choice Stock always on hand. NEWS STAND IN CONNECTION. Sutton & Hollowbush FIIMcST CANDIES, POPULAR PRICES. HOT and . . COLD SODA. AhvuyH open lifter Society MeotlnuH. Art's Place, At 1010 O Street, IS THE BARBER SHOP FOR STUDENTS TO PATRONIZE. GIVK XJS A. TRIAL.. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College 'fext-Books, And a Complete Stock of ' STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 127 South Eleventh Strcot, Paine, Warfel T? (Jlotbters AND MERCHANT TA1L0RS Will never regret it. They sell Stylish Clothing at Reasonable Prices 1186 O Street. J. II. EVANS, l'rust. and Trens. Evans Laundry Company, asr, .'jmo, ::u n. tutu stvont. Telephone 1 99. LINCOLN, NEB. THE PA LA CE DIN IN G HA LI Ih 7; I'linriUl ri.ACi: towit your iiiohIh. sEsrSSSi'ir.ciAJj iArrn:s to stud h:tm rrri.s-s- YOUIt l-'HU.mV STIJIlKNTS HO.xltl) 1IKHK. THY US. 1 130 N Street. A. G. OSMER, Prop. The Capitol Hotel Barber Shop HAS UKIiUCKI) TIIK 1'ltlCK OK HIIAVINO TO S33- TJkGN" CUNTS. - WiMimploy I In- Ik'hI iiHIhIh tililiiltiiililc. Student iniiilo welcome. S. W. Corner 1 1th and P Streets. Capitol Hotel Building. Cigars, Pipes, News. Frank DuTeil GIVEN AWAY. A $135 Sterling Wheel. A coupon ticket given nwny wltli ovcry cash purclmHo ol '.'."i centN, Nr.w I. 1'iiarmacy, HICKS IlllO-t.. I'lioi-H.. Cor. I3tli mill P. SPECIAL PRICES MADK'TO STIMi:'TH ON AM. Photograph Work. Cnrt'ful 11 tii-iit Itin kIvoii to tiroups. TIIK KLITJC STUDIO, :2U so. nth St. T W T UVHSEND, Prop. AVA LTEU 1-IOGJi r-.Printer II 15 P Street, Uncoln. CimlH, I'roKriunH, Invitation". Oood Work, Kuiirioiuiiilu I'rircH. DR. T. O'CONNOR, (SuucoiHor to Dr. Ulniri SnnrlHii.) Cures Cancers, Tumors, Woiim, nnil rixtuliiH ultliout tlm Ut-u ol Knife, Clilorolorm, or Ktlier. Offlcol30G O St., LINCOLN. - NEBRASKA. Van Andel & Miller, NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, HTOVKB A HI'KCIALTY. .Rooinors' Supplies. 236 North 10th Street BEST tINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO gji MWlllMBIMMMMBBBMBiMMBJBfiBBHMiMMMBMBMJ Jl"IlSSl IJ m J I I & Bumstead, C. C. QU1GGLE, Sec'y and Mjjr. Red Dude Cigar Store 1020 O St. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NKBItASKA. Capital, - - $400,000.00 Surplus, - - 100,000.00 oi'i'icicits: tl SW'OO' . I'n-'lil nt. ilA A. II NN. Vil'ii I'rt'Hltlent. V. M COOK, CiihIiIi'i-. C. S I.I IM'IM'MTT. mid .1, .-. I- lltiltMAN, AHHt. CftHliloru. IMItKlTO.US: llnrivfiiiil. .1. I. .iliiclnrlnml N. S N. s. W. M t hit'. .Ii.tiu i W I'. M. CnrW' T M. Mnnpiotti'. lliinuii. .Inliii II. Vmuri. l-'ltxu.-rulil. It. K Monro. Cook. C. T. I'OiKH. Cook. .1. I.. CaiHOU. A. I. Clink. "The Wheel" V 113 North 13th Street, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND NEWS Lemonade, Mi k Shake, CIDER, AND OTHER SOFT DRINKS. ' J. E. HOWE, Prop. J. II. Vriht, V. K. JolniHoii, .1. II. McClny, l'rcHliltmt, Vic-I'reMliliint. Ciislilor. Jolm A. AtncH, Aunt. Cnnh. The Columbia NATIONAL BANK, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Capital, $250,000. UMISCTOHS, A. B. ltnymoml. ClmH. Woat. TI103, Cochrai Hutcliins & Hyatt SELL ALL. IGOALI AT REDUCED RATES. 1040 O Street. Telephone 225. HOT) AND COLD SODA,., -AT- Rector's Pharmacy, N. W. Cor. 1 2th and N Streets. C. A. Shoemaker, M.D. (U. OF N. 88.) Office, No. 1134 L Street, Ground Floo. Hours, 7 to 9 a.m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. Telephone 685. o wi ' ' ft , JC t I - INMfeNMMNV "' m X t .1 .. (talLVwSjliJ.. "0lm)StSa jt -jo . ' . .