BBiB This Nebraskan. A Wcokly I'lipor IkhikmI iii, tlio UnlvorHllynr NflliriiNkn. KNTKHKH AW HKKONII (Jt.AHH MAIIi MA1TKU. If, 0. Wiiitmoiik KilllniMU'Clilur AHHOOIATI', KIIITOItH, FllKI) HAUNCH Athlollo 1. II. IIATI'II!I,I I.IIW 1. A, I'mvKilH KxuliiuiKO MihhMautiia Huiikh, 1 mihh II ki.kk iiii:noiiv, v. i ...,.,1 U, K. AIIAMH, f ' fM,U UllAUliKH A. I'UI.IH. J EDITORIAL. A number of our professor do not look with npi'oiul fuvor upon college uthlutleH, Hut fortuiuituly they do no IruiiHiire u similar diHlike toward other University nfTairH lu which the students participate, Their oiithutiasiii for the success of the Ainiuid in renmrkahle, pue of the (no ulty in speaking to the business iiiun agcr of that publication wild: "While I am not much of a man for athletics, I want to see the Annual made a 'howling' huccchh. Put me down for one.1' The work offered by tile Hnglish de partment in public speaking cannot be commended too highly. It to offering the students something practical, some thing that will be of great value to them in the every day life of the world. Some are inclined to look upon this work as a "snap," but we know from our own ex perience that it to not. There Is as much hard conscientious work done in this line as in many departments of the Uni versity, and the benefits derived are in comparably greater. No student who ever hopes to be able to tell others what he knows, or thinks he knows, should fail to take a year's training in this class. The Seniors have, we think, acted wisely in drawing the line as sharply as possible between the Academic and In dustrial colleges and the College of Law. They have decided to ignore the mem bers of the School in the matter of commencement invitations and class day exercises. A college education is some thing entirely different from a profes sional education. We might as well offer a six months' course in book keeping and call that a college education. The requirements for admission to the Law School and to the Preparatory depart ment are the same. The law student need not be a college nran, in fact he seldom is. They should have a separate commencement. The Senior who has spent one or two years in the School should not have the honor of graduating with the student who has earned his sheep-skin by four or six years of hard work. Kithcr the requirements for ad mission to the Law School should be raised or the faculty should provide for separate days of graduation. Thh NmiRASKAN is glad to note the growing interest which is be ing manifested by both students and faculty in the system of joint debates. This is as it should be, and Tint Nit iikaskan hails it as the presage of such a revival of the almost lost art of oratory as will convince the most confirmed and dyspeptic growler that there is plenty of oratory and oratory in the true sense of the word in the University, which has only been awaiting a fitting opportunity to manifest itself. And for another and a weightier reas on Tint NitnitASKAN is rejoiced at this tendency. There is one thing, and that a most essential element of University greatness, in which we are, as yet, sadly lacking and that is college spirit par tisanship first, last and all the time for the University of Nebraska. Anyone who has been among eastern colleges and Universities knows what college spirit is in these institutions, knows what it accomplishes for the school, how it strengthens and solidifies it, how it extends its fame and glory, how it unites students into one harmonious body working for one paramount object the advancement of their own college. Bveu an onlooker has felt his blood to thrill while witnessing the intense and unswerving college patriotism of eastern students. As to our own University, tuucli remains to be accomplished in this direction. Tint Nbhuaskan had hoped and believed that our Charter Day exer cises would accomplish much and they did. And yet we are confronted right now with such a spectacle ac never could occur where there was true college spir it. Let us not disguise the facts. Let ns lookrat them as-they are. We see the best orator hat has represented this University and this state for years enter ing the inter-state contqst, not with an enthusiastic "nud united.' student body it. behind him, encouraging and spurring him on to a victory which would be the common glory of the untlre University, but with dtocordaut and belligerent fac tious at hto back, Hcralchlng and fight ing like Kilkenny cats, with the "reprc (tentative (?) college paper" striving in every way in Hh power, by despicable personal llings, by insult and abuse, to discourage that champion whose inter est, regardless of personal feelings, should be the common intcrcHl of uh all. This unfortunate stale of affairs to due to a lack of college spirit. And Tint Nil- iiuahkan believes that thto syHtem of joint delmtcH to just what to needed to mipply thto want. There can be more genuine enthusiasm, more honest college patriotism worked up over an inter collegiate Joint debate than over a half dozen oratorical contests, and for thto reason we welcome the joint debate, Tin; Nhiikaskan, therefore, calls on all patriotic students to In lores! them selves in the joint discussion which is soon to be arranged Mr with Kansas, and which will be held early in the next school year. Let us sec that good men are selected to represent us in that de bale, and let us select those men, not on account of their University allilia tlons, but on account of their ability to do our institution honor in that tourna ment. Anil above all, let us do our lighting before the selections arc made, not after. In the meantime, let us all see that the letuin debate of the U, II. D. C. with Cotner University, to be held here on May 1 1 Hi, is made a rousing success. Let us, as students, evolve out of our Inner consciousness enough enthusiasm to show at that debate that we love the grand old University of Nebraska, and let us, each and every one, demonstrate that love and give all possible encour agement to our debaters. They will do their part; let us do ours. In the March number of the Nebraska Wvxlejan there appears certain remarks about the contest, which were evidently penned by the defeated orator, Mr. Shank. The following letter, however, signed by two of Wesleyan's represen tative men, shows the attitude of their college towards the Stale orator: Univkrsity Pi,ack, Nun., April .). University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.: We believe a word here will not be out of place with a view towards vindicating what may seem to be the sentiment of the Wesleyau with reference to our recent State contest. In the March issue of our Nfbruxku Wcslrian there appears some interest ing remarks on "oratory," "Louisiana state lottery " "the cost of judges," etc. As representatives of the Wesleyau Uni versity, we wish to disclaim these insin uations as representing in any sense the opinion or sentiment of the fair minded student body of our institution. The winning orator, Mr. McMullen, has fairly earned his place, and we recognize him as our representative and will support him as such. Sincerely, P. II. ESSltRT. P. R. HOM.RN11ACH. Notice of Incorporation. To Whom it may Concern: Notice is hereby given of the incor poration, by filing of articles therefor in the Secretary of State's office, of the state of Nebraska, of an association to be known as "The Students' Co-operative Hook Company of the University of Nebraska," the principal place of tran sacting the business of which is to be at Lincoln, in Lancaster county, Nebraska; and the general nature of such business will be to buy, sell and exchange text books, apparatus and general student material . The amount of cntiilnl stnnt- miilinr. ized is Pive Thousund Dollars ($5,0(10), twenty percent (20) to be paid in cash upon subscription; and said corporation is to commence on the first day of June. lHiM. and terminate at the expiration of fifty years fiom that date. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation is at any time to subject itself is Two Thou sand Dollars (f2,0i0). The affairs of said corporation are to be conducted by a Hoard of not less than three nor more than five directors, who are required to choose from their own number a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Harrison Ounv, H. K. WimuutR, H. C. PAKMAMtlt, Incorporators. ( CHAPIN BROS. Flerisfcs OUT FLOWERS A 8PE0IALTY. 1 134 O Street. LJ. UIlJHi!Lt'ASS W0RK A SPaiAL!JL..'-i I SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO ST U DINTS 5" THE XJ rrrrr' Tailoring Company 12(1 North Hlevculh Street, Richards Block, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Why Do you buy ready liuidc clothing" when you can luwc n suit to order for the same money? S101: Wiiiiiuniikop & Brown's Samples AT PAINE, WARTEL and BUMSTEAD'S, 1 136-1138 0 Street. WCaU and aoo list of Student Customors. SHIRTS I SHIRTS! A.KRONER MimiiniuUiruN Ills 1 wii Slilr h. They tit Hie form iind pli'iiNc (lie oye. A Pum. Link ok . . . Men's FurnishingGoods HATS, CAPS, ETC. Our hIiIi-Ihko direct from tlio iiuinufiictuint to t ho roiiHwiiHir. No iiiIiIiIIi'Iiii'Ii'm pi-mits. Ton pi r cent UIhcoihiL to students. Mi) O Street, Basement State National Hank Huilding. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST, Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a Complete Stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Hooks. 127 South Eleventh Street. I. H. WrlKht. K.N. Johnson. .1. H. McCliiv. I'loNlilent. VIoo-lNcnldont. CuHhlur. John A. Ames, Akh'I Cash. She : Columbia NATIONAL BANK LINCOLN, NEH. CAPITAL 250,000. DIIIKOTOUS A. S. Itiiyiiinnil, Chns.Wcst. TIioh. Cochrane. Hutchins & Hyatt MAKE A SPECIALTY OF c5Canon City, 'Bock Springs, Pennsylvania Anthracite All Kiuds of COAL & WOOD on Hand I0O4 O St. Telephone 225. DR.T. O'CONNOR, (Successor to Dr. Clinrlos Sunrlso) Cures Cancers,Tumors WdllH Ullll PlstnltlS WllllOllt tllO 1180 of ICniro, Chloroform or Klhor. OFFIOE 1300 O 8T. LINCOLN, - - - - NKUHA8KA. CHAS. B GREGORY (IT, OK N. '(II.) n SELLS All 5H At 1100 0 Street, & - PHONE 343. he Interior Decorative (Homp'y -40UK ICE CREAM PARLORS ARIS NOW OP15N. The 13est Candies, Ice Crcum and Soda Water jn the City. Alway.s open after Society. s;f &kfch2(ol 68 1 SUBSCRIBE. FOR As only a limited will be Leaye Your Orders with the Business Managers At Once! Order at least 5 copies of the Neatest : Annual rfi5lRvQ.x issued at the University TOtiJN & GHBDEY,. Business Managers EXTRAORDINARY OFFER I IN ORDER TO BRING THE Within reach of all the Studtnts, the management has decided to offer the paper for the remaniuder of the year for 25 if you wish to keep posted on Capital cafe MEALS SERVED A T ALL HOURS C. W. BRANDHORST, Prop. - 121 North Eleventh St. ROOKS, STATIONERY Window Similes and Mouldings, Artists' and Ph&tograpliers' Mnterinls, Drawing Instruments and Supplies. . "A. T. LEMING & CO., 1106 0 St., 118 N. lift St. R. R. MOORR, President. R. E. flROWN, Vice President' C. H. IMHOFK, Cashier. n.wiicni. -HUnion Savings BankK?- hi South Tenth Street. INTEREST Paid Students Who Patronize Vum & Wmfel HNB & WMF: WM Never Regret It. win wev 2136 0 St. TELEPHONE 270. - CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY .330-3-4 S. 1 Ith St. Carpets Wall Paper ..,! Marttels THE LATEST STYLES, THE BEST MAKES, and THE LOWEST PRfCES TBi-X" US n w 230-238 S. Eleventh Streot THE SOMBRERO number of copies issued. i tVK 1. 1 11- iEBRaSKSJN C3ts.4v j .- 1 1. t University news, Subscribe. The Only First-class Ealng House irt he City, $6 Ticket - - - $J5.00 5 Ticket - - - 4,20 3 Ticket - - - 2,60 WALL PAPERS on Savings and Time Deposits. The Clothiers They Sell Stylish Clothing at Reasonable Prices. K r. "- Hi smmnSfi mngjjwnmwiMmMmmmmk