LOCAL J. W. Dixon spent Sunday in Nobrnskn City. John Marshall, '9,, visited the University last week. Miss Thayer and Mr. S. Corey joined the Palladian society last Friday evening. Another University dance will be given at Lansing Hall next Friday evening. The Senior class meets on Friday at 4 o'clock to elect offi cers for next semester. The Palladian Skating club 6pent an enjoyable afternoon at Lincoln park on Thursday, The glee and banjo clubs are practicing twice a week prepar atory to the Charter Day cele bration. The other daT in German class a youug lady gave "out of sight" as a translation for "aussicht." Miss Sallie Groh has been un able to attend her classes for the past week on account of the ill ness of her mother and sister. The second in the series of joint discussions between the Maxwell club and the U, B. D. C, was held in chapel on Satur day evening. t Owing to thefact that, ..Union, hall is being repaired the Union visited the Delian society on last Friday evening in response to a kind invitation. All the literary societies have adjourned for next Friday even ing to attend the services held 03' John R. Mott in chapel under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. The Greek chorus is at work learning the chorus from "Elec tro."" The members of this body find committing Greek poeUy a greater task tnan they antici pated. Professor Ward and Mrs. Wilson spoke before the Haydon Art club in chapel on Tuesday evening. Professor Ward on -"House Architecture of Prehis toric People." The class in geology has com menced 'classifj-ing the rocks. Some of the classifications are amusing. As for an example, a granite is called a felsite or a mica schist. Bright .students. The board of managers of the Athletic association mpt lct week and elected Harvey Heald . .. 1U,JU base ball manager. A schedule 5s being arranged including games with Denver and Baker. The New York Tribune will have n snpriil mrrn Jiae a special correspondent here during the Charter Day ex ercises, farmers Weekly is to give a page of illustrations and an account ol the various cere monies. A lecture by Eli Perkins will be given either at the Lansing or in the Chapel on the 25th, for the benefit of the Athletic asso ciation. A large attendance will put the association out of debt and put a small surplus in the treasury to begin the base ball season with. 'The contestants for local ora torical honors who have shown j themselves so far are Miss Florence Smith, Messrs. Ralph Benedict, Gus Chapman, Shreve, Abbott, McMullen and Mont moreny. The judges on manu script are, Judge Tuttle, Mr. Talbot and Mr. Rakestraw. On delivery, Hon. H. D. Estabrook and Hon. John M. Ragan have ... been chosen. The third is not yet decided on. Arrangements have been made tor instruction in elocution next 'AmAet,. Tro TVI; .,511 O.IH0l.l 4UIO 4'JLUtIi.lltJl Hill O have tbe work. She is a jrrad- uate of the College of Oratory in New York and has been for some time a favorite with Uni versity students as a trainer for oratorical contests. The class work will be largely such as will lead to the development of an oratorical style and not mere "elocution" in the popular ac ceptation of the term. EXCHANGES. Cornelius Vanderbilt is build- g a dormitory at Yale, in mg memory oi nis son VVTltrfc 3aA ' V lJ UICU tnere last year. It will cost $500,000, Golden rod is the flower adopt - ed by the Chicago Umversit. There are 190 college papers published in the United States. First Yale Man Harvard has just secured a fossil 1,000 3ears old. Second Yale Man Which professorship has it been ap pointed to? Life. NOT WHOLLY WASTED, For drawing lessons Papa More Spent thousands on his daugh ter, JAnd in a down town candy store She now draws soda water. The JVorthzvcstcrn. IlarveKt ExcuwioriN. Via the Missouri Pacific Ou the second Tuesdaj'a in December, 1893, January, February, March, April ' "m "5 Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tickets to all sta- trip tickets to all sta tiono in Texas with fiual limit to return in thirty days from date of sale. Stop overs are allowed "in Arkansas, Texasand Oklahoma, New Mexico and Indian Territory. Come land take a trip to ihe south. Phil Daniels, (1 T.A 1201 0 street. Of President Cleveland's cab inet officers, Grcsham graduated at Bloomington University, La mont and Morgan at Union, Smith at Union, Ga Olney at Brown, Herbert at the Univer sity of Virginia, Bissell at Yale. Carlisle received a common school education. The Tor If eel. Professor "How would you punctuate the sentence, 'Alice a beautiful girl ol eighteen walked down Broadway?' " Freshman "I would make a dash after Alice." Ex. Wc had a dream the other niKht, When everything was still; We drcatnptthal each subscriber came Rijjht up and paid his bill. Ex. "For me one hope in life I trace," A freshman said, "His this, That I may sometime find the place Where ignorance is bliss." A SH MTTMJ MAID. 1 A love-lorn lad wooed a coy maid once, I t? msd P1"- fc , Oft he spoke of the bonds of love the deuce? 1 And she shyly shook her head. ' When from his heart hope had almost fied spow: 01 ous nc nu in town, Sf ill thp slip little mmn ;lirolr lier hpnri. nul si,e shoot it ud and down. Trinity Tablet. As a maid so nice, With steo prectsi. Tripped o'er the ice. She slipped; her care in vain, And at the fall.' With usual gall, The school boys call, "Third down; two feet to tain." Florida Excursions. Via the Missouri Pacific route on January 16, 1S94 Souther- land Florida, where flowers !bloom ,n jJ , h here . j more prolific une. llimate I Vi ,ava11 aA ltA ufirla ; w5de worJd For full particulars call on Phil Daniels, C. T. & P. 1 A., 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb. CHAS. B. GREGORY (U. or X. M. COAL SElLLxS 5H At 1100 0 Street. g- PHONE 343. THE A.M. DAVIS CO, Carpets U12 0 Street. Furniture 2 1 1 South Eleventh St LINCOLN, NEB. wm: green, m. d. PhysicianGand Surgeon. 12 15 O Street. Fine Baked Goods High Grade Confections Ice Cream and Ices NEW YORK imL Telephone 753. 130 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. Peoples' Barber Shop, J. M. MORTON, Proprietor. SHAVING 10 GENTS. Oor, 10th ami O Strwta, Under 11. & M. Ticket OMco, Lincoln, Neb. BEST OF UNION BARBERS. Wiry Do 3'ou buy readj' made clothing when you can have a suit to order for the same niouey? SEE Wanamaker k Brown's Samples AT L A. BUMSTEAD'S I Lindell Hotel Bloo!:. 1236 M Street. F-Call and see list of Student Customers. TELEPHONE 270- CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY -330-3-4 S. 1 Ith St K. H. GLEKSON. Teas, Coffees and Spices. 1 234 O STREET. ' Ooflee lto&t.ted Twice a Week. TEL. 64. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST, Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a Complete Stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 127 South Eleventh Street. G. W. CLUTTER, DENTIST, All Work First Class -Charges Reasonable. Rooms i, 2 and 3, 1134 O Street SHiiiliKu .JU