WgfH II EXCHANGES. FRANK PACAJL, BOOTS AKD SHOES MADE TO ORDER, Repairing Neatly Dope At the Lowest Prlcei, 1040 P ST. LINCOIyN, NEB. The Shining Light who edits this small but exceedingly bright column, once took it upon himself to criticize the monthly niagazine of the North Carolina University, for which he was scored by some of his brainy brother-exchangists with bitter Kcorn and derision, one of the aforesaid brethren even going ad far as to say that he suspected that this column was alllictcd with a bottle green fungus growth on its back, which same I indignantly deny, so there now ! The exchange editor is not yet convinced that a monthly magazine is a true college paper. But I must say that the lirst article, on "Journalism," in the November number of the North Carolina magazine is interesting 1 A. 1 A. ' .!... ami euuimy uuuett in iu view. , swimming pool fiOxl.V) loot, ami sj too The writer advances ideas unlike i 'Vhero aro Hprinu Boards, Shower unci . . . r ,, cedloMniii8,Trnpczo ana oinor conveniences nit; iisiiiu sumiiiiumft ui uuujjt- papers on journalism. He says in effect, that a newspaper man on a great city paper is but one cog in a big machine. He does not know what independence is. The University of Wisconsin has ottered three prizes of $50, $30, nnd $20, lor the three best University songs handed in by the last day of February. A committee consisting of five members of the faculty will award the prizes. The songs must be original and have the "local flavor." This reminds me that the University of Nebraska has no college song unless "I feel like" can be called a song, which question is open to debate. jhnsincThektre Wednesday, Dec. 13, The Triumph of Comedy FRIENDS. H olden Comedy Go. Popular Prices. Crowded Houses SULPHO-SALINE BAThIoUSE, Rheumatism Hkln, Ulood.und NorvouH (llneiiees, Iiivcr and Klitnoy trmibloa and chronic nllmontu ara treated with uniform SIIPPCM. The Hot Salt Baths aro tlio Important feat res of this OHtabllBhraont and euro aro Hiwcdlly effected whoro other means havo fallPd. These Artesian Waters aro many times rilronucr than oeoan hrlno, and the thorough Bvnlem of treatment soon romilts In relief to tho ul)ltoted patlontH. All sorts or Bains are i ivcn liumiuiiiK n DRS. M. H. & J. 0. EVERETT, UthnndM Htreots. MNOOIjN, NKII. ssnsTflrTi2K fflif : & BEST, aiaiifttc (unurm who aro wilt Inir 10 par Uttlo more limn llio prlro will ilndl HIS BRAND miperliir toallotlicn. Tha Richmoni Straight Cut Ho. I CI AK1TTTICH . n.i. iia.lilitiitjl titfiul itnllcittA are inane mm i '"P'"' "" i"-vvVc i In rtavor, and lilKlicsl cost 00LD LBAF "f growu in irni"i' BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and nliwrvo that Hie mime of the iiminifrtuturern iik below la ou every package. fr DHANCM TUCHnOWDVlHOIH Nhw Ih Your Opportunity to Mve monoy on HOLIP4Y PRESENTS At E.FUHIHQ'S, 1224 0 St, Who lias just rocotvod a nice Una of Clock, Watches. Jowotry, Diamonds. Silverware, eto. Optlolan Connoitod with fho Store. 0, F. UIBIRTSOI, D, D. S. LINCOLN, NEB. (JradiiatoofOhloColleKO of Dental Burgory. Oltlco Alcxandor Ulk. Uooms l'3 and 25. Cor. 12th and 0 Sts. C. E, SPHHR, M. D. Practice Limited to Diseases of t o TT'VT? THROAT "CI A "O Hi i ill AND nosr JliiUtW Glassos Carefully Adjusted. 1215 O STREET, LINCOLN, NE R. H.OAKLEY, 1044 ost. Handles all the best grades -of COAL Rock Springs Nut and Lump. Canon City (Genuine). Hurricane. Colorado Smokeless. Vernon and Silver Creek Nut. Scranlon, Lakawanna, Lehigh, Colorado and Arkansas Hard Coals. Don't fail to try our SMOKELESS and Vernon Coal. Best values in the market . Telephone 66. Fine foot form Highest Quality Lowest Prices. Usual Courtices Extended to Studeuts. J. H. EVANS, Prest. and Treas. BARR PARKER, 0Q Street. C. C. QUIGGLE, Secy, and Mgr. Urns Laundry Cupy 327, 329, 331 N. 12th STREET. Telephone 199. LINCOLN, NEB. 8. It. MANN. J. O. CA8WK1.L. Office Capital Steam Bye Cleaning Works. Dye Works 24th and O Strete. LINCOLN. NEB. It In tlio only first olatn Dyo Works In I ho city. We make a specialty of nr imr ucuuimranu iiiuhiiuir an khiuhoi i-iui cs' or uonir woarmir w. . . mm. . .. .. .... . . " apnurci. ai o i.uiiiph rippeti nrtsscH uj eu ami nuipiicninuii tno ImMiIoii (foS . Drummers' Samples" of cashmere, wool or silk mittens. Fascinators, ice wool shawls at wholesale prices at the Racket, 1016 P street. Mucilage, 4c a bottle, 3 for 10c, note paper, 6 sheets for ic, box baper, 4c. Ink, 4c bottle, ink tablets, 4c, 3 for 10c, at the Racket, 10 16 P street. CHAS. B. GREGORY r. ok n. "..) S"PvT vT vS AIj GOLD CROWNS WW Molar Roots Banded with Gold and Porcelain Crowai, I the finest and moat duiasU crowns ever mado.and unexcelled for beauty. Aik lwl A AIH! Ah AAH AVfAAV BRIDGE WORK OF EVERY STYLE. 4gr Removable Bridge Wori afilo sades to mutch samplo. 113 North 12th Street. - - Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Quaraileel c- llSMlB Fine Siwmonesy BRUSHES, COMBS, PERFUMERY, ETC. 202 South 11th Street. Special Prices for December. BAT FOI.HOM'B : : : Home-Made Bread VIENNA BAKERY. "ttSiW vSTZu Special Inducements to Students. plied with Ice Cream, Ices, etc. etc. M7 0STUKKT. - - - PIIONK.WI. 11S1 N HTKKCT. H.HANSEN Cleaning and Repairing. TAILOR We Told You to Take tho I BURLINGTON When You Started on thatTrlD. I Don't you wish you had taken our advice.' I J. FRANCIS, . (jcncrnl rasscngcr Agent, OMAHA. A. C. ZIKMER, City Passenger Agent, LINCOLN. USEFUL HOLIDAY GOODS. MODERATE PRICES. SH At 1100 0 Street. ( PHONE 343. Hutchins & Hyatt MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ICaiion City, 'Rock Springs, Pennsylvania Anthracite All-Kinds oi COAL 80 WOOD on Hand I040 O St. Telephone 225. All Gold or part VulcantU. We aro pnttlng up tlio finest ramor able brldgo work on gold and Pronoh Vulcanlto ever made, snporlor U any thing ever before offered to the public Can be worn with the greatoat comfort, and costs less than ordinary bridge work. Is easy to repair, but soldoa breaks or needs repairing. Wo also put up artificial teeth with gold palate, the linost artificial teeth over made. All work warrant ftrat elass ex Be sale. This stylo f work Is sapnaa perfection for public speakers. Dr. A. P. Burrus, KOOUfl 9 AND 10, UM O STREET, W. R. Dennis Co., 1137 O St. fl ATTERS.pjRRIERS, pURNISHERS, : BAKERS' CLOTHING HOUSE Complete Line of Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, Suit iniule to order In I'iihIoiii Department Hnlln KUtlHfnotlon KiiumiiU'od. 1125 O Street. (f)PTICKL MORK V- AND Lens Treatment for the Eyes. Ixjnst'H lor Fur 8lnlit, Neiir fclit. AbtlKiiuitlHiii, CroHHed KeR, Ilttod In SpeeruclcH, Kye OIiipfcs, koIU or Bteol. lenses orany part of Frump iiiuuufactiircd to order? t t C. E. THOMPSOM, Ma8&c.taunr.,ng 1214 O Street. 1shi1e1e1ebie1e1e1V HeKhIIv IHiHB .