5SE mmmmmpmmmmmw 16 THE NEBRASKAN I r arc strange minglings of guilelcssness and whose circumstances and means and views sophistication. One or two like Saratc Wal- and plans of life arc Buch that they cannot kcr arc amusing absurdities. There is a afford to treat their educational privelugcs in quaint, humor in everything he wrote, at times this way. a mere suggestion, never obtrusive. In their letter to John Hale, the two stage robbers who had taken refuge under his roof in "Snowbound at Eage," write: "You will find a pair of boots in -the corner of your closet. They were taken from the burglari- During the summer a large number of now volumes have been added to the University library. Among other interesting and in structive books the students will find a new and well bound volume of Websters dietion- nn inni nf Miinnol vmir -jS'j;. who. boliov ingthe three ladies were alone and at his ry. This book, though old, is still valuable mnrr.v. milurnrl vmir hn..Hn nt Iwo o'clock ill aml l's il Vi(1 ,n our llbnU BeloW UlC -J 7 -" l - the morning of the 2 ist and was kicked out by Your obedient servants, Giiougk Line a.nm) EnwAui) Falknijk. student.s will find a list of come of the more popular books lately placed in the library. Of course many of these are old friends in new dress : Arnold, Sir Edwin, "Adzuma." Baum-Bawcrk, "Positive Theory of Cap v In the September number of the Harvard ital." Graduates' Magazine, there is an article on Besant, W., "The World Went Very college athletics which every student might Well Then." well read. Every college man will agree with Nesanl, W., "Ivory Gates." tne author when He saws: A generation ago, a"-"- " "a gymnastics held but a small, a vcrv small place in American colleges. The college hero of those days was apt to be a young man of towering forehead, from which the hair was carefully brushed backwards and upwards to give full effect to his remarkable phrenological development. lie had yearn ings and aspirations, and not infrequently mistook physical lassitude for intellectuality, and the gnawing of dyspepsia for spiritual cravings. All these notions are now gone together. Other ideas, better suited to in- Blackmore, R. D., "Christowcll." Blackmore, R. D., "Spring Haven." Bohn, "Dictionary of Quotations from English and American Poets." Bourget, Paul, "Cosmopolis." Carlyle, Thomas, "Reminiscences." Carlyle, Thomas, "Letters, 1S26-36." Deland, Margaret, "Story of a Child." Dickens, Charles, "Works," 21 volume.?. Froude, J. AJ, "Thomas Carlyle," 4 v. Fronde, J. A., "Letters and Memorials of spire a progressive civilization, have taken Jane Welsh Carlyle." their place. Man is no longer a pilgrim Gladstone, W. E., "Gleanings From Past here below, but a citizen. This world is a Years," 6 v. place to work in, activity and development, not suffering or self superiorism its law. The great body of athletes shows a vitality above, the average, both during and after col lege life. Still there is a real danger to be guarded aga'nst, especially among the younger and less experienced competitors. There are lots of young men competing for honors in athletics to the neglect of study, Yore, Charles, "Mission of the Church." Kipling, R., "Plain Talcs From the Hills.', Kipling, R., "Life's Handicap." Kipling, R., "Soldiers Three," 2 v. Lang, A., "Helen of Troy." Lang, A., "Letters to Dead Authors." Lang, A., "Ballads and Verses Vain." . Lanier, Sidney, "Poems." Loti, Pierre, "Iceland Fisherman."