THE NEBRASKAN 23 university. The two teams meet on the 21st and judging from indications it will he a game for rich, red gore. Socctl. Paul Pizey of '93 is in the law school. Visiting Minister: "Can you count, little An exchange says, "All college sports at S?'rl?" Kentucky university arc now forbidden. The banjo and mandolin club is practicing This action on the part of the faculty was regularly. taken because of gambling at the games." Lieutenant, in tactic class, "Mr. C, define Then the Kentucky colonel had no grounds a quickstep." for his lamentation, who is said to have be- Thc Union Hoys debating club has started wailed the fact that a gentleman's son could ts meetings aain. not get a finished education at our colleges Thc chancellor gave a faculty reception any more-they clidn't even teach thc nidi- on Frid the lwenticth. ments of draw poker. . Chancellor Canheld received the degree ol L.L. D. while at Williams. F. J. Rockhold renewed old recollections amonir the students last week. The students of thc University of North Carolina edit a monthlv magazine of which we have the October number. Although the NniiASKAX does not wish to be considered a " moss-back," it seems that aTiterary maga- Dr. Frankfoster lectured on Germany for the Palladians on Friday evening. C. Z. Tallmadge, business manager of the zinc is not a true college publication. Only cscrian js sick at njs home with typhoid a tew 01 tne largest colleges in me country feve, can furnish the ability to edit a good maga zine, and the number of those which can fur nish thc proper material is still less. The student has little time to spend in reading literary articles by his own comrades arti cles which are necessarilv somewhat crude and sophomoric when there is much to be read that is valuable. Undoubtedly the con tributors to these magazines get valuable Fred Barnes, who was down with moun tain fever three or four weeks, is back in school. Precocious Omaha Infant: "Oh yes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, king." Min ister faints. Mr. C, "A quickstep is a step of thirty inches taken at the rate of one hundred and practice in journalism, but thev can be of lit- twenty to the mile." tie use to the student. Thc true college pa- Sigma Alpha Epsiton brought out two per deals with events of local and general new men last Monday, Mr. Arthur Ryan interest in college life. Its mission is to keep and Mr. A. S. Whyte. the students in touch with his fellow students The freshmen-sophomore reception took and the college. However, this number of place at the Conservatory of Music on the the magazine contains some good articles, evening of Friday the 20th. The first is a long and rather heavy disserta- Larrabee, Iowa's football captain last year, tion on "Ancient Greek Tragedy and the has watched the practice several evenings. Modern Elizabethan Drama." The second He is studying law in tin's city. is a short love story, rather crude in design Lieutenants Johnston and Babock have and containing many expressions which decided to forego military honors and have would bear polishing, but worth reading. On resigned their places in the battalion. the whole we think that a college magazine The battalion registration has reached over is a sort of trv-it-on-the-dog scheme, and not three hundred and twenty. Over 300 will the genuine brand of a college paper. drill when all are excused who can be.