Wednesday, August 22, 1C34 PCS 3 52. Dally Ncbrzsksn 11 Hi ! III lis : i ( If M if II n lit HI 1 if m a f a : ii li li i I tij ""3 m r- a if I s m ii i II ill III Mm Sill hi l . . , I Monday 8 p.m. BOYLESQUS MALI! REVUE II TUESDAY ' i .3 y "LOVE THOSE LEGS PARTY" $100 CASH FOR THE &j&X "BEST SET OF LEGS" -,w",- DRINK SPECIALS 8-10 50' DRINKS 25 DRAWS $150 PITCHERS RAINIER SPECIALS ALL NIGHT SPONSORED BY RAINIER BEER 0-10 Pill HEW PROMOTION 60LDSrJ0L0IHS FJI7E" 50' DRINKS $1.50 PITCHERS Cumo Hock To Ths Hits Bf 7h3 EO's, GO'o, G 70'o! ,?6 THURSDAY Unisex Swim-Suit Contest 1st Prize $200 3-Fers 8-10 PM "!9 ' pr AY " 1 8-9 pm Free Drinks For Everyone 9- 10 pm 25 DRAWS 0 DRINKS V . $1 JO PITCHERS '" ' WE WILL GIVEAWAY: IJT-V TShirts &. Button Stoo&ss TShirts Hetty Lczifis fS.-The News Concert . Ticket , Bumper Stickers' end -Drink Tickets! DANCE TO STOOGES' NEW VIDEO SYSTEF.I TMj is the Sot tastsllstest cf a several part series to be published weekly, ca Tfes&s day, la tbe Bsiy Nebrais&ea. McDugan McG ruder stepped out of the Palace Theatre on Broadway rt.Forth-seventh. He was met witftthe stench of burn ing pretzels and sticky exhaust fumes. New York was in its peak tourist season and the police were on every corner in their new baseball caps. McDugan had just witnessed the most popular show on Broadway, "La Cage Aux Foiles." Normally, he wouldn't go to a musical about gays in drag, but the tickets were free from an ex-client and it was Gene Barry's last day. McDugan liked to think of him self as Bat Masterson sometimes, i Gotham m a metropolis that leaves people alone who mind their own. McDugan, however, leans on its edge by making everyone's secret his. He's a man proud to help anyone with the right amount of cash. As McDugan turned town the Palace's backstreet alley, he noticed the stage door was open. Avoiding auburn patches of backed up sewer water, and glancing at a sleeping degener ate, he peeked inside the theater. McDugan's eyes were a misty grey with black dots that reveal ed his souL He walked with a limp in his left foot, never fol lowing a straight line, always the boxer looking to stay out of the comer. From a shadow, a giant hand bag flew sideways and smacked McDugan in the ear. He went to his knees and reached cut with mm M& w his hand and grabbed two legs. He yanked them sideways and he waln a tumble of cstra plumes, sparkle dust and bugle beads. "Vhat the hell's going on?" McDugan pinned his prey to the floor. Lying on the wood, - with.UcDul tP wss a Suy , dressed in siiiQr p-mas witlr pink and azure eyeshadow under the brow, little multi-coloured . plastic sequins were glued to his face. "Who are you, and what's the big idea here?" McDugan's ear was beginning to swell I'm a Cagelle in the show." Eyelashes batted mascara. "Oh, one of those guys dressed like a gal?" McDugan's eyebrow twitched. The Cagelle smiled and you could see lipstick on his teeth. "No, silly. I'm in costume. Not really costume." ..N "I dont get the ear bashing." McDugan was amazed at how real the breasts looked. "Hang the phone a second. You're not a guy." McDugan pulled the vtij cU, and a waterfall of gslden- strands cascaded in the fir. Tlsass get up. You're equash te ay uteres." McDugan stood and helped the lady to her feet "I'm in tit of a 'tangle raentaliy here, I thought the chow was tJbo&t gsy hunks trhooptes & ep together. Dudes m, th?" "It is. But the producers Tar.t to keep the euciancs guescfa, so they threw a couli ziminm Ir.t the chems. To nake j-ou I tl:crr.t yqu. hA rica fcut I T?rnt ct3 by cd and flt rclisvsd.' "I f,zt yau the tickets." The Cr.gcl'.2 plzlzzd the ccquins eft her face. zzzr.b'a llssa L?.d TT .s? Tf as WE ROCK LINCOLN .ii rijiiihiitiliii . there s ceen a tenr:!:- u-.zr'zT. I knew you can help' rr.e. I Lavs . S15 thousand waltins fcr .311 rhen "ou Cr.J the rrsa v.ho raardcred my fcther." Tcu 1-ik'td yourself the best,: but I wijkt the nr::-;;? frcnt "I teen burned too many tL-r.cs to trust a pretty AH I ct b fney mecri cr.d a poclittfc! efhepe "I dont have the nar.ry yzL llzzz rtartcd to g:t a tea- In I cr Continue 1 C3 1T CT