Friday,' February 17, 1934 Daily Ncbraskan Pegs 9 Candidate addresses U.S. alements Last week, Harley Davidson and Otis P. Daven port bemoaned thcirctioiceofa campaign manager " for Celeste Underwood, presidential candidate. In this installment, the seed planted b) Addison Steele (the campaign manager's name) will bear fruit. Celeste's first press conference is about to begin. "Ladies and gentlemen of the press, please be so good as to take your scat " Addison called suavely above the din. The conference, held at the Davidson- Mary Louise 7 Rnapp Underwood-Davenport residence, was well attend ed. The National Intruders chief competitors, the Plagiarist and Tabula Rasa, had sent their sharp est reporters. KZOO, Lincoln's only public radio sta tion, and KRUD, the university television station, , were also represented. Harley, stifling in his rented tuxedo, noted the lack of commercial media with some irritation. "You'd think Addison could have invited the Journal or the Star," he muttered to Otis. "See if you can sneak me a beer, all right? Celeste may be able to get through this on only water, but I sure can't." Otis, who had received similar instruction from Celeste, moved toward the kitchen. Otis grabbed two beer bottles, and struggled back to the living room. Celeste, dressed in lavender silk and holding a lily, was already in position behind the kitchen table. Addison, in a green velvet jacket, sat beside her, offering puffs from an elegant, but suspicious-looking pipe. . "Friends, journalists, politicians, and well-wishers," Addison said, "We are here to day for the debut press conference of our delightful, refreshing presi- Madmen and Enlishdons dential candidate, Madame Celeste Underwood. As you know, she has brought a new and lively style to the presidential campaign, as well as a much needed new face." Flash bulbs popped. Rosetta Stone, of the Plagiar ist, rose to ask the first question. "Celeste, my dear," she said in sweetly sarcastic tones, "Is it true that you bring no relevant expe rience whatsoever to the position which you seek?" "Madame Stoije," Celeste replied, showing a daz zling smile, "you know not whereof you speak. Through out all my 40 years, the slings and arrows, ipso die, . of outrageous fortuna,'ma cherie, have brought me to the point whereby I must seek office." Rosetta looked confused, but impressed. "Miss-er-Mrs. Underwood," stammered another plagiarist staffer, "I've heard it said that you con sume over a case of beer a day, and are frequently intoxicated at political meetings. What kind of image does this present to the American people? "In vino veritas,m Celeste replied solemnly, reach ing for the Budweiser Otis held out to her. "Person ally, I believe that a well-educated president has to know all about beer, both foreign and domestic. If, Dios bendita, the Japanese were to take over Amer ica's beer market, Cabcza de vacal Disaster could .result." A murmur of approval rose from the audience. Addison motioned frantically to Otis and Harley, who were seated in the front row. "Er I think we're supposed to ask her some questions, Harley," said Otis, elbowing his room mate. Harley rose. "Celeste, how are you going to deal with the Soviet Union, now that their leadership has changed?" he asked. "Why, I'm going to ignore them, of course," Celeste replied. "If no one pays any attention to them, they will disappear, tres Men. By Dan Wondra FTNAT. WFPKf TnNiniiT' 7-dn x, fl:40 RATIIRIIAV X, SUNDAY AT: 1:40-3:40-5:40-7:40-9:40 1415 "O" ST. 476-1556 I TONIGHT: 7:30 h 9:30 V WEEKEND MAHNI I S t enic roscrts :; B03K5S'S 5 ?: s. r ; TmS vS AM ExA,mP-E OF A Ft0T STArtD" THIS STuF.F ) 4 "") X-rrcfii Ysl vt have mo Bahamas! I'm Sot?tUSEP lov can Ev)E r, S. r I I v -.'"!y. I "EAH,BoSnSS HAS BKi J if r y 'Vkl.Jn . J TONIGHT: 7:20&9:20 V U SATURDAY & fN A Y SUNDAY AT: 1:20- 1 f t . . y y 3:20-520-7:20-9:20 - i I . ! I. Woody Allen j f ; Ilia Farrow Nick Apollo Forte I : i i 1 4 k . lack Rollins. JliarlesRIoffe.., . Susan L Morse - Mel Bourne Gordon His use Charles H lot f e Robert Greenhut VJaody Men vc-unii -.,, . PG , PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGCSTE0 . M. ci'M HI : . rjoMt MATtKIAl MAT HOT M SU"U 0 CMIUMWN j ... i ',ai: L , " White Sack Shoe Sale pWith New Selections Added, All At: 7 1 6; J, 'S 1 1 LZ - Values $35.00 to $65.00 n All Racked Shoss Selected Cherokee Shoes Reg.$42-$54 . NOW MJ)o FINAL REDUCTION AH Zodiac Boots Reg. $110-$156 i ) V NOW HE'S A EG-CITY KID IN A SMALL TOVN V.ORLQ HE'S GO!NGTO LIVE BY HIS OWN RULES, EVEN IF HE HAS TO EREAK EVERY ONE OF THEIRS. :..::':"" . P-'. j : r- .w M 's i : ' ' 4 ': V' I ., TmL : '; j PRRflfTlOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS R DC' ".EL fTlELNlCK PRODUCTION R HERBERT ROSS FILU1-FOOTLOOSE KEVIN BRCON-LORI Slim Oar JE WEST RTiO IB IN UTHfiOl- EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DRN!EL TT.ELMCK WRITTEN BV DERN PITCHFORD PRODUCED BV LEWIS 1 RRCHni'L RNO CRHIG ZRDRN-DIRECTED BV HERDERT ROSS READ WE PRPERDnCK FROm WRLLfDV BOOKS-0RSI1L IT10TION PICTURE SOUfJDTRRCK RLBUm ON COLUfTlCa'T RECORDS F1N0 CRSSETTE5 !ppTr&itBs mrMEEMY. R PRnnmouriT foure :: ijtLfcCTLO THEATrkS STARTS FTCDAY, FECriUABYULh ATATliZATHS f:i in you.