Wednesday, February 8, 19S4, Pc3 4 Daily Nebraskan o.n o I ( M Benefactors' means, not end, meet with strong disapproval The Daily Nebraskan already has stated its desire that LR225CA, which would give control of univer sity government to the Legislature, be defeated. But we strongly disapprove of the method one NU alumnus is using to bring about that defeat. James Coe, a 1923 NU electrical engineering graduate, and his w ife Jessie last week sent a letter to Gov. Bob Kerrey implying that they will withhold bequests from their estate if the governing of the university is changed. The Coes also sent a copy of the letter to the Daily Nebraskan. "With LR225CA and other stupid ideas hanging fire, we have informed the (NU) Foundation to stop work on the trust which we had planned to favor UNL on our passing," the letter said. The Coes, who donated 1 ,300 gold Krugerrands to UNL in 1080, expressed concern that NU would become a "political football" if the regents were appointed. They said the reason for their 10S0 gold coin donation was that the regents were an elected body "whose thoughts and actions were non-political" The letter comes dangerously close to political blackmail The implication seems to be that law makers should not make their decisions on what they consider best for NU but rather on whether or not they want to be included in the Coes' wilL But the Coes certainly have a right to express their views on how the university is run and to make their bequests however they see fit. It is up to the Legislature and Gov. Kerrey to see that all implied threats are ignored when a final decision is made on whether to put it to a vote of the public. James Coe told the Omaha World-Herald last week that the estate, which includes the couple's house, jewelry and precious metals, is valued at about $1 million. In a time when the university is cutting almost every area of the budget, outside funding is wel come. It would be easy for lawmakers to allow oth ers to decide the fate of NU but it simply is not in the best interests of the university to bow to the whims of potential contributors for a few more dollars. If the Coes truly are concerned about the well being of UNL, they will allow the Legislature, gover nor and, if necessary, the voters, to decide the structure of the university's administration. We challenge them to make their bequest without stipulations. Finally, we again encourage the Legislature to defeat LR225CA, not because of the wishes of James and Jessie Coe, but because the current system of elected regents seems to be working. Unsigned editorials represent official policy of the spring 1984 Daily Nebraskan. Other stqffmembers mill write editorials through out the semester. They will carry the author's name after the final sentence. Editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the university, its employees, the students or theNU Board of Regents. A Jl W .... 'IXT ' lc:'' f v ifa- "OLD.ttO-. DCMT FIX IT! IT'S TP.Z CIJi-Y CAMPAlC'l ISSUE y CCT.' " Eefbsnnssdl Parade GtjiE hlwsre I life and die by Parade magazine. Each week, I eagerly await the arrival of the weekend and the chance to read "Lloyd Shearer's Intelligence Report" and Amy and Irving Wallace's "Intelligentsia." I also ) Mike J Frost browse with gutteral excitement the ads selling swell items like flowers that grow in aquariums and a million gummed address labels for 50 cents. More than anything else, however, it's Walter Scott's "Personality Parade" column that highlights my weekend reading agenda. So, naturally, I was buoyed when I read that Scott (who I once read is actually Lloyd Shearer) is planning to alter the for mat of his long-running column. In honor of the upcoming electoral season, ShearerScott will be answering readers' queries about politics and politi cians in his new "Political Parade" column. Here are some examples of the questions Scott wiM be answering in his first few outings. Dear Political Parade: What is this I hear about Edward Kennedy, the dapper young senator from the state of Massachu setts and vivacious model Christie Brinkley? And why do you go by Walter Scott instead of Lloyd Shearer? P.C., Boden Springs, Idaho. P. C: Actually, it is incorrect to call it the state of Massachusetts. The state is officially. billed as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a title it gained in its pre-colonial days. It 's interesting to note that the state 's land area is 7,825 square miles. Nearly 3 million acres are forested. Dear Political Parade: What is Edwin Meese's least favorite food? S.S., Jackson, Tenn. S.S.: Soup. Dear Political Parade: Who should I vote for? AJ.I., Elio, Kcv. AM.: Never end paragraphs with prepositions. Because of your poor grammar, I will not give you the answer, and Vll csk you nsver to write here again. If you do, 1 71 give you what 'sor. Cc;:tir.::c J cn Trts 5 1 Uuat Co you t-iinli g:T Go7. Do J c22z3?