TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1934 Pago 2G A SUPPLEMENT TO THE DAILY N ED R AS KAN NEED SOMETHING We Make Heads i urn At I leads Together, wa make headi turn with the style and look you want. Mary, Heidi end John provide professional service- for men and women in a casual atmosphere. Call for an appointment or itop in today. , uth & r Hcads Together1 475-C22 TO DO? TRY THE CROSSWORD PUZZLE IN THE P 2jj jll inn ,71 f" n LllstVh 4 ' ' For your special occasion choose a special place. Misty 's is an ideal host for your pre nuptial dinner and wedding reception. Misty 's has party rooms which seat from 20 to over 200 people. ' We Ve built our reputation by making sure that your every need receives individual attention it deserves. Call or stop for more information. G23D lovelock " Yrr o mmm use: curms.- f ,OT-Jl. -J- Hi" I s. 9 R 1 r v - ' ..v 44. i I h ..I j 00 Cherl Heller Dan Ernst Students University of Nebraska Hero's what Ihoy taught us at International: 1 . Contact lens care is the diagnosis, treatment and management of the eyes prescribing contact lenses as the therapy of choice. 2. Contact lens care demands a thorough knowledge of corneal physiology, anatomy and disease. It requires time, patience and compassion by doctors who constantly upgrade their knowledge and skills through continuing education. 3. Contact lens care is the most complex of all vision care. An extensive visual analysis, detailed evaluation of eye structures, and professional judgement as to proper lens type and suitability to the physiology of the eye are of utmost importance. The success of contact lenses depends on proper patient education in cleaning, insertion, removal, wetting, and sterilization of the lenses, and learning to respect them as an optical prescription worn on the eye. 4. Contact lens care is not a single experience but a continuing evaluation of vision, the integrity and stability of the lenses and, most important, the health of the external tissues of the eye for as long as the patient wears lenses. They really, care about that at INTERNATIONAL! 5. Contact lens care is not a technical procedure but a professional responsibility that must be performed by qualified licensed professionals. And with the popularity of extended wear contact lenses, that responsibility is even greater. cno.cDr.io. r:o intcrc: t f 3 "0" STHIET 470-10 V - X w rj" ii: ,iua.. v X ) (MIj 1 WdDM BO. 1D ding one more time " was the phrase on everyone's lips. Nevertheless, the flowers of Hebron womanhood who were asked to be bridesmaids for this gala said "yes" without hesitation. Wedding plans came along smoothly, except for one grave oversight nobody had remembered to find some thing old, something new, something borrowed and something blue for Alice to wear at the wedding. So it came to pass that with one hour to go until the wedding, Alice's bridesmaids were scouring Hebron in search of something new, something borrowed and something blue. Alice's wedding dress, circa 195C, was consi dered old enough to suffice. Alice, of course, could not step out of her room, for fear that she would see the groom-to-be and bring a whole new batch of bad luck raining down on their marriage. At precisely 20 minutes to wedding, somebody knocked on the door to Alice's room. Alice opened the door, and her herd of bridesmaids stepped in. "Boy are you in luck!" said Lori, the acknowledged ringleader of the brides maids. "We did some checking around, and it turns out that you can't just wear any old something borrowed and something blue and something new. Some things are lucldcr than others, and we found the luckiest stuff there is."'- ' - "Oh, thank you so much " Alice said, the relief vLHIo cn her fice. "There's no time to wsste scid Lori, reaching into a hip box ths,t tvo of ths other bridesmaids hs.d carried in. Ccr.i!".rr i czi IV "2 Zl The scene: In the dressing room with Alice Stuthings, a perky and suddenly Jell-O-nerved secondary school teacher from Hebron. She is nervous because in roughly one hour she will become Alice Stuthings-Tadieux, a perky secondary school teacher with a hyphenated name and an exotic hus band (a guy with a name that ends in x" is about as exotic as Hebron gets). 1 Pat Clark The reason for this radical change is one Richard Tadieux, whose romantic ministrations and showy proposal (on one knee, no less, right in front of ev erybody at the Dairy Queen) had made "yes" her only conceivable answer when he asked her to marry him. In six months between the wedding announcement and the actual wed ding day, Alice had turned the upcom ing marriage into her whole raison d'etre. She was particularly delighted that she would not, as she all too fre quently told her single peers, "die an old maid." Nobody could say exactly at what age one became an old maid, or thst marrkge was a cure for this dreaded lot in life, or even what was wrong with being one, but Alice was certainly delated not to be one. . Needless to szy, this wedding talk W3 wearing pretty thin cn Alice's cir cle cf acquaintances when the time came to sdect fcridr.cr.-f.Is and other members of the wedding cast. "Ill strung her if she mentions th:,t wed-