tactions Youth vote defecting to Nixon? n u K8TT0RE HA ill LiUU "n r? r) u5) Jxil L2) Ini I BOO by Michael (O.J.) Nelson "Growing disillusionment" with Sen. George McGovern probably will deliver a majority of the youth vote to President Nixon in the November general election, according to Mrs. Pat Hutar, director of Women Volunteers for Nixon. Hutar joined Clayton Yuetter, regional campaign director for the Committee to Re-elect the President (CRP), and George Cook, Nebraska CRP chairman, at a Lincoln press conference Friday morning. The three spoke optimistically, but cautiously, of a possible Nixon victory. Hutar said new voters under 24 years old "have confidence in the President's programs and policies." New voters, she said, will comprise about 18 per cent of the projected 85 million voters for the November contest. More than 500,000 young people will be in the field working for the President's re-election, she said. 'The contrast between the Young Voters for Nixon at our convention and those at the other convention made an agreeable impression on the nation," she said. The difference was even more pointed between the Young Voters and the anti-Nixon demonstrators at Miami, she said. Praising Nixon as "a staunch supporter of equal rights for women," Hutar said his administration has appointed more women to high level positions than any of its predecessors. She said the President has appointed 118 women to jobs paying more than $18,000 a year. On another issue, Yuetter said grain sales to Communist China and Russia would help solve the farm problem. He declined comment on alledged bugging of Democratic National Headquarters because the case is in the courts. Although Nebraska gave Nixon the highest percentage vote of any state in his 1960 and 1968 presidential campaigns, Cook said the CRP is not going to relax "We're running scared," he said. "We're going to work like heck to get our man elected." He called the Nebraska Nixon campaign organization "the best the state has ever seen." The Nebraska CRP, he said, has 228 area and county chairmen and co-chairmen. He said about 70 of Nebraska's 93 counties will be staffed by Oct. 1 . f-.ii It W at f Andy Warhol I present imm&naro Introducing Jum Forth and Holly Woodliwi directed by Paul MorriMty ONI STARTS FRIDAY SEPT. 22ND EMBASSY IMBAli Friday, September 22, is the last day for full refunds on all books not needed that were purchased form us this semester. Please bring the cash register receipt and drop slip. D1 wk StBft t A Any Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday... we'll give you a thick Arby's shake of any flavor when you buy our world's greatest Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich. No coupon... Just show us your N.U Student I.D. card. 14th & "Q" just south of the campus INSIDE DINING FOR 84.0R TAKE IT WITH YOU,OR USE OUR DRIVE UP WINDOW. JT m monday, September 18, 1972 daily nebraskan page