. 3 ... . , .. . ...... . j.- ... - .., jEtaWMIIWMIHlMWMM I M2.lt JJ! HELP WANTED i ' J. ' V :.-5 4 1 ft I Needed now! Part-time, full-time students for King's Restaurants. Waitresses and car-hops. Apply Ceri Cole. 48th & O. 489-6521. Servicfl Station looking for experienced students tor summer work. Apply Pleasant Dale Mobil, Pleasant Dale Interchange, 795-8915. 1971 and 1972 graduates full-time, part-time, summer-time. Work with international conglomerate recruiting this area for supervisors and retail managers. Income far above national average. 488-5165. ' Will train interested individuals at no expense to be beauty advisers. Income potential $360 to $540 monthly. Full-time, part-time, summer-time. Possible advancement to retail manaier. 488 5165. FOR SALE Kawasaki "175" Bushwacker 1969, 1800 miles, good condition. Call 477 5889. Float a deal on a waterbed. King Sue, only $37.95. Call T. J. Enterprises at 488-0459, or come see us at 2800 Woods Blvd. Stereo tape deck; two speakers, 16 tapes. Best offer. 477 9192. '63 Corvair van. $300 or best offer. Call 466-5752 after 6 p.m. Stereo components. Discount prices. 466-0930. 1970 Vette, convertible with aux. hardtop. Power & air. 11,000 miles. Best offer. 475 2702. What are waterbeds for?. ..Buy one for $29.95 from T. J. and find out! 48S C4E0 FOR RENT Male roommate to share apartment, 47th & Starr , 466 3698. Girl to share apartment. 21st & A. 477-1281. Ask for Kathy, Ftm. 806. LOST One roommate. If found, please contact Tim Kirkpatrick, 207 Abel. Glasses, brown frames, in back of Andrews Hall, May 6. 477 7086. Reward. MATH TUTORING Evans Learning Center, 1601 P Street. 435 2168. Tuition $5 00 per hour. MISCELLANEOUS Nebraskana, Heritage Room, Nebraska Bookstore, 1135 R BE IN A CLASS BY YOURSELF. Enroll now and earn college credit this summer while working. Independent Study by Correspondence offers over 120 courses in 35 University departments at $17 per credit hour. Counseling assistance available. Call or visit the University Extension Division, 511 Nebraska Hall, 472-2171. WATCH & CLOCK REPAIR CAMPUS BOOK STORE, 13TH St R. Sewing and alterations. Call Pat Moore at 799-2615. w c. . in M m r BU9CTMMCM1T fOOOUCfS SOUNDS cause tmm to mmm CM aw Mw ,: j- LINCOLN'S FAVORITE!'! DISCOUNT STORE a Moft dxncU thoontnt Of AfftlOU ottMtl IMitN STREET tmmnm b. e em m mm Im mf Of um vnSM ouMO I Jill us" a i iAtt A u u f J T.I my .. Ill ?QW7? 1171, THO0ORE HAMM CO. UXJLJ r lira 1 ST. PAUL AND OTHER WTIEt j-ViLUta I 2 oeaabut when you pick up a four-pack ifs heavyco Legendary blues artist Son House warms up his steel-bodied National guitar before performing Friday night in the Union Ballroom. photo by Dan Ladely ni " ' Li PAGE 8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN MONDAY, MAY 10, 1971