The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Although no rul states it specifical
ly, this University does have free speech
according to University administrators.
HBut the right to talk about whatever
you want and stimulate discussion on any
topic ijj o no use unless students take ad
vantage of it.
. The Daily Nebraskan strongly en
courages every student and as many fa
culty members as possible to take part
in the Hyde Park forums which start this
year Thursday at 3:30 p.m.
The forums which are held in or
around the Union are the closest thing
this University has to a stimulating and
educational atmosphere outside the class
room. If one la a new student itt the Univer
sity and has learned little in class so far
except historical dates and English gram
Letters to the editor in
the Daily Nebraskan can
bring results and it ap
pears that one foreseeing
senior coed's letter in
Wednesday's paper may
make New Years Day a
great deal safer and more
comfortable for thousands
of students.
Miss Polly Rhynald's let
ter Wednesday pointed out
that the University calen
dar has classes scheduled
to resume after Christmas
Vacation on Jan. 2.
The letter plainly and
truthfully explained that
this would cause many stu
dents to rush back to the
University on New Year's
Day: during the worst traf
Lincoln Mayor Dean Petersen pre
sented a very pleasing and intelligent ap
pearance to Student Senate Wednesday,
but his speech was disappointing.
The mayor kindly applauded the stu
dents as tomorrow's leaders and won our
personal admiration by making it clear
that he Is definitely not one who thinks
that young people and new Ideas will
ruin the country.
But he did not talk about significant
problems between the city and the students
until prompted with questions.
The only problem the mayor mentioned
in his speech was one of low standard hous
ng which will be on the Nov. 8 ballot.
Without a doubt this is an important
problem, but really not one connected
with most students at the University.
The mayor's speech should
directly with problems such
1 Bob Samuelson's
Jx fjh
Since this column last appeared, there
occurred one of the most important events
in the recent history of the University of
The Board of Regents introduced their
budget to the Unicameral, and a mile
stone in University policy was erected.
This is the first time in many years that
the University has stated its problems,
needs and situation fully and clearly.
As Regent B.N. Greenberg stated in a
Budget briefing session, if Nebraska does
not appropriate the money her University
needs to meet the demands of increasing
enrollment and competitive professional
salaries, she may be unable to regain
stature as a first rate University in the
foreseeable future.
I would like to second this. Nebraska
is right now, in terms of almost anything
one would care to measure, a SECOND
I do not state this nnadvisidly, or with
the intent of sheer emotional impact. How
many times did a recent survey published
In "Time" magazine list any department
of Nebraska's in the top ten in their field?
How many instructors left during the
last two years for greener pastures? One
hundred and thirty-one!
You as a student, know the shortage
of administrative workers as evidenced by
the length of lines one must endure to
simply ask a question, let alone drop a
If we accept, as we must, that Ne
braska is no longer a first rate institution,
what are the prospects for Improvement?
Frankly, the prospects, as of this min
Attend Hyde Park
Letter Brings Results
fic fatality season of the
year and cut family and re
ligious celebrations on New
Years Day to a q u i c k
morning breakfast.
Because of this letter
bringing the problem to the
surface early, it now ap
pears that the Faculty
Senate will vote in October
to c h an g e the vacation
Prof. James G. Porter,
ckairman of the Fac
ulty Senate calendar com
mittee, was contacted by
the Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday concerning the
return date and was ex
tremely cooperative in im
mediately agreeing that a
Discuss Problems
ing, streets through the campus, recrea
tional and entertainment facilities around
the campus and city laws.
He did speak briefly on these things
during the question and answer period, but
the answers were addressed to individuals
and covered quickly.
The Daily Nebraskan realizes that the
school in its present "state of crisis" has
many more important problems right now
than those dealing with the city, but if
ASUN this year-really does want to help
solve some of the student's problems in
connection with the city it will have to
do more than just ask the mayor to give
a nice speech.
The mayor said and we agree that
communication is the best way to solve
problems, but we hope that next time
this communication will be about prob
lems, and how they can be solved that
directly affect the students who attend
university in this city.
have dealt
as park
ute, are rather bad. Nebraskans seem to
be willing to have a second-rate state uni
versity. If the funds are not appropriated for
the school this biennium close to the
amounts of those that the University has
asked for, especially in the areas of Ad
ministration, Instruction and related
areas, Libraries, Plant Maintenance and
Medical School areas, your University is
doomed as far as excellence is concerned.
Because of political considerations, it
seems sure that the budget will remain rea
sonably intact in many research and ex
perimental areas, bnt these areas, howev
er vital to the state itself, (and as a mat
ter of fact, little documentation exists as
to the actual worth of many of these proj
ects and expenditures), have little bear
ing, if any at all, on the quality of instruc
tion and the amount of learning which is
carried on at Lincoln and Omaha cam
puses. I said earlier that Nebraskans, while
willing to expend the money necessary to
have a good football team, (and it is to
their credit that they are,) are not willing
to expend the money to have a first-rate
University. Unless they become actively
involved in supporting those aspects of the
University budget which they personally
think are important, they will not have a
first-rate University.
I say now that University students had
better get with what is going on about
their University, and realize that it is at
its crossroads as an educational institu
mar that je should Jwv known five years
ago the Hyde Park discussions will be a
delightful surprise.
Here one can hear other students giv
ing their opinions on the important Uni
versity, city, state, national and interna
tional ssues today. Here one can begin to
form an opinion of his own by hearing both
sides argued and represented.
But more than listen Hyde Park is
a place where everyone can have a
chance to be heard, to air his own thoughts
and to see what the rest of the people think
about them.
Hyde Park is not for just a small group
of people, but it is for the whole campus
and the Greek, the Independent, the cool
man, the activities man and the intellect
ually conscious student should all take
part in its discussions.
mistake had been made.
Porter asked only t h at
students make an official
request for the dates to be
changed and that he would
then recommend this
change to the Faculty Sen
ate. Student Senate, informed
of the Daily Nebraskan's
conversation with Porter,
Wednesday passed a mo
tion requesting that the
Faculty Senate consid
er changing the dates.
The Daily Nebraskan of
ficially thanks Miss Rhy
nalds for her letter and for
bringing this small but very
meaningful problem to the
students' and faculty's attention.
in) ii
The Daily
I started school this se
mester in regular fashion
by skipping my first few
classes. However my con
science began to bother me
(as it will during the first
week) so as penance I went
to two classes I wasn't reg
istered for.
I made up for the cut in
English 266 with an "elec
tive" choice by attending
Business 007 under the "in
famous" Dr. . Busi
ness majors have told me
that if all freshmen were
required to take Bus. 007
that the University's enroll
ment problems would be
Equipped with curiosity
and notebook I meekly en
tered the classroom and
chose a seat in the back of
the room behind two taller
students. I sat there shak
ing, expecting a cross be
tween Rhadamanthys and
Dracula to break down the
door and storm in, annihi
lating everyone in the pro
cess. The good doctor then
took out a three-inch read
ing list and started naming
important reference jour
nals we would all want to
run out and read. Since I
wasn't enrolled in the class
I didn't see any reason to
copy down the titles and I
amused myself by s t a r i n g
blankly out the window. Of
course Dr. noticed
immediately and demand.
ed, "What's the matter
son, don't you think this is
What can you say? I cer
tainly couldn't tell him that
I wasn't registered for his
course and just came to the
first class to see what the
"infamous" Dr. was
like, so I pointed to t h e
person seated to my right
and blundered out "I'm go
ing to copy his notes."
That was mistake number
Daily Nebraskan
Vol. M, No. 10 Sept. 29, lm
Second-class pottage paid at Lincoln.
Member Associated Collegiate
P r e i , National Advertising
Service, Incorporated. Published
at Room 51 Nebraska Union,
Lincoln, Neb., 68518.
TELEPHONE: 477-8711, Ex
tensions 2588, 2589 and 2590.
Subscription rales are $4 per semes
ter or $6 for the academic year. Pub
lished Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday during (ha school year, ex
cept during vacations and exarn peri
ods, by the students of tht University
of Nebraska under the jurisdiction of
the Faculty Subcommittee on Student
Publications. Publications shall be free
frooi censorship by the Subcommittee
or any person outside the University.
Members of the Nebraskan are respon
sible for what they cause to be printed.
Editor Wayne Kreusrher; Managing
Editor Lois Quinnet; News Editor Jan
itkio; Night News Editor Bill Mlnler;
Sports Editor Bob Flasnick; Senior
Staff Writers, Julie Morris, Bandy
lrey, Tonl Victor, Nancy Hendrickson;
Junior Staff Writers, Cheryl Tritt,
Cheryl Dunlap. John Fryar, Bob Hep.
burn; News Assistant Eileen Wirth;
Photographers Tom Rubin, Howard
Kensiager; Copy Editors. Peg Bennett,
Barb RnbeTtfn, Jant Row, Bruce
Business Manager Bob Glnn; National
Advertising Manager Dwight Clark;
Local Advertising Manager Charles
Baxters Classified Advertising Manag
ers, Rat Ann Ginn, Mary Jo McDon
nell; Secretary Linda Lade; Business
Assistants, Jerry Wolfe, Jim Walters,
Chuck Salem, Rusty Fuller, Glenn
Frlendt, Brian Halla, Mike Eysler;
Subscription Manager Jim Buntz; Cir
culation Manager Lynn Rathjenj Cir
culation Assistant Gary Meyer.
;hvde park
two (number one was com
ing to class) because the
good doctor growled, "For
all you know your friend
could be drawing dirty pic
tures and then where would
you be. You can't learn
anything from dirty pic
tures unless you've never
seen them before."
After finishing the read
ing list he asked the class,
"Are there any questions?
No? Then may I assume
you are all ready for a
Our Man Hoppe-
Lord Have Mercy On Us
Campaigning with Reagan
Mr. Ronald Reagan gave
a smashing address to the
California Savings and Loan
League's convention in Cor
onado the other day. And
it was a great lunch, too.
But personally, I liked the
invocation best.
As all the wealthy bank
er types stood with bowed
heads over their avocado
salad in the posh dining
room of the Hotel Corona
do, the Reverend Roger B.
Sohalm, pastor of the local
Resurrection Lutheran
Church, devoutly invoked
the urgently-needed bless
ings of the Lord in, as he
put it, "these days of tight
Now there's a timely,
hard-hitting prayer. And I
know we all hope it will be
granted. But I can't help
worrying a bit about how
it's going to be received.
Scene: The Big Board
Room in the Sky. The Chair
man is pacing back and
forth as Mr. Gabriel, a
young executive on his way
up, enters with a message
in his hand.
The Chairman (worried
ly): Let's see, there's a su
per nova erupting in the
Although the Daily Ne
braskan provides an excel
lent forum for student opin
ion, in the past it has
lacked the views of a coun
try boy attending Agricul
ture College, on all this
Consequently I will try,
in this column to give you
a rural view in this urban
The average "City Cam
pus" major just doesn't face
the same problems we do
out here. I mean just what
"down-town" student has
to worry about a parking
sticker for his horse, or
where to find a hitching
quiz? (On the first day?)
Someone finally stamm
ered, "Well, ah, ah, urn,
may I go to the bathroom?"
"No. Next question."
The good doctor is well
known for entering the
classroom and asking a
question that no one who
had been in the business
world for 20 years could
answer even if he had two
years to research it. (Some
times Dr. can't even
answer the question him
Galactic XII Region, Orion's
Belt is sagging and I no
ticed a definite rust spot on
the Big Dipper. If it's not
one thing, it's another.
What have you got there?
Gabriel: An urgent mes
sage from earth, Sir.
The Chairman (frown
ing): That trouble spot! If
it isn't famine, flood, pesti
lence, or war, it's pollution,
erosion and blight. Really,
the way they run down the
property and then come
around pleading for help,
they're a dubious invest
ment. Well, what is it this
Gabriel: Tight money,
The Chairman: Tight
money, eh? That's a new
one. (sighing) Well, I sup
pose I'll have to do some
thing. Get off an inspiration
right away to the Federal
Reserve Board to reduce
the prime interest rate.
Now, let's see, about that
super nova in Galactic XII,
if I . . .
Gabriel: Excuse me, Sir,
but reducing the prime In
terest rate will set in mo
tion definite inflation
ary pressures on the entire
economy and . . .
post when he goes down
town for classes.
The average city campus
major doesn't have to wor
ry about being run over by
a cow on his way to class,
or "lopping" his hand off
in butchering class.
Of course you don't rea
lize some of the enjoyments
we do either. What student
who lives downtown can en
joy the luxury of the Big
Red Rider or truly appre
ciate the humor in the big
"stampede" between class
es? Another problem we face
is that most of us come
from small towns and
whenever we start talking
to someone from city cam
minim miiiiiiiiiiii
Notes From.,
I The North Pole
While glancing through
the Daily Nebraskan the
other day, I came onto that
letter left behind by a fresh
man in a classroom.
Anyway, as it all turned
out, Betty or Sue or who
ever it was addressed to
never got to see it, but the
whole campus did.
Which might be an okay
idea . . . perhaps I cculd
leave a few of my gems ly
ing around and get them
printed ... and that'll be
a big step ahead in this col
umn if it doesn't improve
But I started to figure the
odds on a freshman leaving
a letter lying around for the
swine to mull over, and they
must be nothing short of
tremendous. So I was about
to write into the paper and
protest, saying that even
freshman weren't dumb
enough to pull that kind of
a stunt and so on . . . but
before I could finish the
letter, I'd left it behind on a
self.) When he finds out
that no one has the right
answer he says, "Take out
your blue books. We are go
ing to have a pop hour
exam." And when he real
ly gets mad he has been
known to pull pop finals.
My only regret is that
the rest of the brave stu
dents who stayed must think
poorly of the one who
sneaked out the back door
when the infamous good
doctor's back was turned.
Arthur Hoppe
The Chairman: What? Oh,
I suppose you're right. Well,
then, have them knock off
investment tax credits to
discourage plant expansion.
Now, about Orion's belt, if
I hoist up Betelgeuse a cou
ple of million light-years
and . . .
Gabriel: Forgive me, Sir,
but they've tried that and
it's having no immediate ef
fect. Furthermore, they're
worried about its overall
long-range deflationary ten
dencies. The Chairman: Deflation,
eh? Then they'll be on our
backs about that. Here I've
got a million cosmic prob
lems on my hands, and you
come in every five minutes
with one of their pleas for
help, (wearily) Well, let's
see, to create a balanced
money market with neither
inflationary nor deflation
ary pressures . . . (sud
denly elated) I've got the
solution! I don't know why
I didn't think of It sooner.
Gabriel (eagerly): What
do you want me to do, Sir?
.The Chairman (with an
airy wave of dismissal):
Blow, Gabriel, blow.
...By Tom Dearmont
pus they always ask us
what our hometown is.
' "Rose. You mean you
don't know where Rose is?
Do you know where Bas
sett is? O'Neill; Sioux
In all actuality an "Ag"
major isn't basically any
different from anyone else
at the University. Sure, on
ly a farm boy would have
a new stereo (with twenty
five albums of country and
western hits), or wear
boots to class (that weren't
square-toed roughouts), but
then only a "downtown"
boy would wear shoes with
out socks and blister his
Thursday, September 29, 1966
iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii mini mm:" i i"M"'S
desk in one of my class
rooms, Thoiifh I wnulii have writ..'
ten another one, if I hadn''
atlrul Into ITnn-llcti
the other day and see: it
fnr mvsplf thpre it was.
a really and truly authentic;
letter left behind by a
I haven't tracked down:
the author yet, and, after
rooriincr It I'm nrA euro T
Deer Matilda,
wrrii. iirrrri i r mi. mi iii
est to goodness colllge stu
dent. 2 m u n t h s agoo I
cooldn't even spel itt, and
now I ar 1. Who wood hev
thunk It? . . . hahaha . . .
actualy I didn't make that
upp. I wish you cood bee
heer becuz theirs a lott of
partees' that wee cood )o
going too. My freinds ..ay
they want too meet yu. I
told them itt wuz alright be
cuz u and 1 are going stedy.
Ar yu stil dating george?
Just lastt week sum of
my freinds sed thet t h y
wanted mee to go a 1 o "
with them on a wouldsie tea
take care of the campfirc.
I gott a great bunch of palss
Then they'res study and
classes which aren't really
soo badd considring thet no
budy does. My english proff
he likes mee prety good. I
think so becuz he don't
make me stay after schorl
like my high school teach
ers usta. today he lett me?
go after only 5 minuts or
clas. Hes a greatt guy.
I mett a very Strang per
sonn today, hes weerd. Hes
told mee that he wuz reed
ing sumthing beside whi:t
the teecher tolld him tu.
And itt weren't a pokct
book neither. Whut a nut.
went rite on memorizinj
my textbook.
We ar going to putt thru
a studint bil of rites. If yu
dont kno what that iz, do t
ask me becuz i dont kn."
neither. Anyway, we nr '
itt, becuz sumebuddy r . 1
we did.
Course, I don't unnerst::i
all of this student govern
ment bit anyway, or how v
their going to pass a bil' i
rites when sum of them ;
claiming thet we got no gc . -erment.
Its a little uncleer.
Well, guess its time to t-o,
so I'll leeve this letter '
ing around heer so whci
that goofy kid in the nex.
class finds itt, he'll put i t
in the paper.
yores trull;,
Joe B.
Campus Opinion . . .
Classroom IIoiu ;
Called Wasted
Dear Editor:
I am weary of wastci
hours of classroom "educa
tion." What is the unique
ness of a university educa
tional system that justifies
such a substantial employ
ment of instructors lacking
talent, interest, time, or rny
combination of these, for
educating the students.
Granted, the university 's
an intellectual center is 'lie
traditional home of re
search, as well as of educa
tion. But if the primary
value of an individual's con
tribution to a university ls
in the former, why wasle
his or the students' time
employing him in the role
of instructor?
At this university, the un
fortunate situation is augu
mented for the student by a
mandatory class attendance
rule. If a class is sufficient
ly helpful, challenging, or
even interesting, the major
ity of students will attend
because they will obtain in
formation needed for learn
ing the subject or passing
the course, or because they
enjoy learning what the pro
fessor has to teach or his
method of teaching it.
Enforced attendance
serves primarily to protect
a poor professor from fac
ing the judgment of an
empty classroom, or as a
useless attempt to guaran
tee some education of a
small minority of students
who are not interested in
being educated. Do t h e s e
motives justify requirir
every student to spend or :
third of his education ssc .
ing hours attending classc:.
If the administration deem ;
classroom hours important
enough to demand this
time of the student, how
can the administration ap
parently be so unconcerned
as to the quality of these
Kathy Tetro