The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 16, 1966, Image 1

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Fridoy, Septemblffi 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Vol. 90, No. 3
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THE HOUSE THAT FOOTBALL BUILT . . . complete with new addi
tion, awaits Saturday's action when the Cornhuskers meet the Horned Frogs
of Texas Christian University on the gridiron.
Student Judiciary To Consider
Senate Reapportionment Issue
Whether ASUN has the
right to reapportion colleges
or not will be decided this
fall by the Student Court.
A petition was filed in the
court on May 13, 1966, charg
ing that the reapportionment
of Senate seats is "not in
harmony with the require
ment of directly proportional
representation, and the reap
portionment was not carried
out at the time provided for
such in the Constitution."
David Senseney, a law stu
dent elected to ASUN from
the Professional College, filed
tbe petition against Bill Too
ley, a pharmacy student who
received a Senate seat from
the Professional College un
der the reapportionment.
What Senseney opposed was
the resolution which was ap
proved by Student Senate
stating that "in'the event that
there are fewer candidates
than there are positions for
any college, the college which
has the greatest per cent of
enrollment not represented
will receive another representative."
Abbott, CFDP Advocate
Rights Enactment Plan
In a speech before Student
Senate Wednesday, former
ASUN Presidential candidate
Steve Abbott resigned his Sen
ate seat and called for the en
actment of a Student Bill of
The question of a Student
Bill of Rights comprised the
major issue in last year's
ASUN Presidential race be
tween Abbott, Sen. Dave Sny
der and ASUN President Ter
ry Schaaf.
Abbott, who ran on the
Campus Freedom Democra
tic Party platform, advocated
the enactment of their Student
Bill of Rights during his cam
paign. The Bill of Rights, as it ap
peared in the CFDP White
Paper Number 1, consisted of
16 separate articles calling
for student rights in 16 sepa
rate areas.
Emphasis of the campaign,
however, lay in the first arti
cle which stated:
"All students have the right
to establish and participate in
a democratic student govern
ment with the final power
and authority to formulate,
legislate and ajudicate all
rules and regulations pertain
ing to student life outside the
classroom, with tbe single
provision that those rules and
regulations be consistent with
local, state and federal laws
and the United States Consti
tution." In an interview printed in
the Daily Nebraskan April 22,
Abbott explained that in or
der for students to have a
shared responsibility with the
Administration, shared rights
must also exist.
He also outlined a tentative
plan of action.
First, the CFDP Eill of
Eights would be brought be
The resolution also stated
that the enrollment figures of
the professional schools and
graduate colleges will be kept
apart from the undergradu
ate colleges in order to de
termine the number of rep
resentatives from them. The
enrollment figures would be
based upon the second semes
ter figures.
The resolution was ap
proved at the March 23 Sen
ate meeting, before the April
1 deadline for apportionment
matters as stated in tbe
ASUN constitution.
Senseney explained last
spring that tie had chosen
Tooiey as a defendant arbi
trarily and added that if the
suit was approved by t h e
court, he felt John Hall and
Mike Jess (the other two sen
ators who received their seats
through the redistribution)
would be expected to resign
their seats.
Tooiey stated his position in
a letter to the editor of the
Daily Nebraskan last Spring.
"The Senate must have 35
fore Student Senate to "iron
out any vagueries or mis
statements. Secondly, it would be re
ferred to the Office of Student
Affairs for distribution to the
administrators who would be
concerned or effected.
At that time, Abbott ex
plained, the ASUN would set
up a tentative timetable of,
the investigation to prevent
the bill from being pigeon
holed. "Thi6 is the time to sit down
and have a good talk," he
continued, describing the
third step. "We'd hear the
arguments and maybe some
changes would be made, but
there would be no call for
mass demonstrations and
The Bill of Rights itself
called for a "clear and pre
cise written statement of reg
ulations and responsibilities"
expected of them, procedural
due process and freedom from
double jeopardy.
It also advocated freedom
of students to conduct re
search and to publish, discuss
and exchange findings and
Other items included free
dom of organizing campus or
ganizations, the right to bring
"speakers of their choice" to
campus and freedom to pub
lish without censorship or
"a dminstration pres
sure aimed at controlling edi
torial policy or staff appoint
ments and removal."
The document also con
tained passages pertaining to
freedom from the invasion of
privacy, participation in off
campus activities with out
fear of censure and the right
to "participate in the policy
the University."
members to operate effective
ly. When the Graduate Col
lege showed a lack of inter
est toward its student govern
ment, the ASUN found it nec
essary to allow their seats to
be replaced by other deserv
ing colleges.
"Since the Electoral Com
mission and the Student Sen
ate stated that the Profes
sional College was first de
serving, in line with propor
tionate students, I was placed
in the first vacant seat after
the election. I feel that my
position is a legal position,
and I will uphold my college
and mv duties as senator for
the ASUN."
'Crawling Inflation Grips
Students In Price Squeeze
By John Fryar
Junior Staff Writer
Inflation is hitting Universi
ty students as they are caught
in a multiple squeeze . . .
As consumers they are hav
ing to pay the rising prices
of goods and services.
As taxpayers they face pos
sible anti-inflationary tax
As students they may have
to share in increased costs to
the University.
According to Clemens B.
Thoman, Associate Professor
of Economics, the nation is
advancing, in terms of eco
nomists, from "creeping" to
"crawling" inflation. He said
that rising prices are affect
ing the University as well.
"I hate to see the source
of University funds eating in
to the students' pockets,"
Thoman said.
Inflation Explanation
Thoman gave a simple ex
planation of inflation as be
ing rising prices with a low-
Go Big Red Rally
To Feature Yells,
Travel Trophy
The first "Go Eig Red" pep
rally of the year will begin
Friday at 6:13 p.m. at the
Carillon tower. A parade will
move east to 16th St., turn
on R St., and end at the south
side of the Nebraska Union.
Yell squad members will in
troduce new cheers and Coach
Bob Devaney will speak.
A new feature of the rallies
this year will be the presenta
tion of a Spirit Trophy, ac
cording to Jan Donnan, as
sistant Tassels rally chair
man. The trophy will be
awarded at every rally to the
living unit displaying the most
Each living unit is urged to
wear something to identify
Itself, Miss Donnan suggested.
Points will be given for
group outfits, signs displayed
outside living units and the
loudest yells.
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Students Take
FM Station By
By John Fryar
Junior Staff Writer
Students are taking a ma
jor step to establish an FM
station on the University
campus by spring of 1967.
Articles of incorporation
will be filed Monday, for the
establishment of an education
al corporation to promote a
non-profit FM radio station
on campus.
Sponsored by interested stu
dents and faculty, the Univer
sity of Nebraska Student
Broadcasting Corporation will
then apply for an FCC license
and begin to raise funds.
According to Bob Wilson,
chairman of the promoters,
the group estimates the ini
tial cost at $10,000, and annu
al operating costs of $2,500.
"The next big step is fund
raising," said Wilson. "The
funds for this station will not
come from the University, but
rather from gifts and grants
from interested persons."
"This corporation and i t s
radio station are designed to
provide the students of t h e
University of Nebraska with
programming especially de
signed for a University audi
ence," emphasized Larry G.
Keating, resident agent of the
new corporation.
The station would be a 10
watt, single-antenna operation
covering both the city and
east campuses. Wilson said
that he was sure of there
being at least one FM receiv
er in every living unit. The
proposed station has been en
d o r s e d by KWHG-FM.
Wilson said that program
ming would be geared to the
s 1 u d e n t body, but that it
would not be educational in
the classroom sense.
Programming would possi
bly include rebroadcasts of
major campus speeches, cov
er purchasing power of the
dollar and a high level of
He termed the current trend
'cost-push" inflation, with
businesses and labor holding
the responsibility for raising
prices and wages.
Thoman said that he didn't
think that this inflation was
one of "demand-pull," un
necessary consumer spend
ing. There doesn't seem to be
an excess of demand or a
shortage of products, he
Off-Campus Students
Ofl-c a m p u s students have
directly noticed increased
food prices as they stock
apartments. Food prices in
recent months have raised the
whole Consumer Price Index,
Thoman pointed out. As of
July 196G food prices had ris
en 1.6 per cent since the end
of the 1965-66 school year, ac
cording to the Consumer
Price Index.
Rent across the nation rose
.1 per cent in the same time
Professional services show
a steady rise on the index
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WAKNER ANDERSON, TV star of Peyton Place and California Republi
can, appeared with GOP gubernatorial candidate Norbert Tiemann and Con
gressional candidate Robert Denney at a Republican fund-raising supper
Wednesday night at Pershing Auditorium, Anderson was the f e a t u r e d
speaker, replacing Senator Thurston Morton of Kentucky, who had also been
scheduled to appear at the Nebraska Union.
. '""--
erage of quiz bowl, campus
news, panel discussions, and
musical programs, Wilson
During the 1963-66 school
year Student Action for Gov
ernmental Efficiency spon
sored a campus FM proposal.
The ASUN Cultural Affairs
Committee worked with
SAGE and presented a study
to G. Robert Ross, Vice
Chancellor for Student Af
fairs. Lack of funds delayed any
further action until this new
corporation reached the
scene. Wilson said that this
group was not associated with
The Nebraska Foundation
has created a fund for the
new corporation into which
donations may flow and plans
are now being formulated for
a full-scale fund-raising cam
paign, Wilson said.
Wilson said that he plans to
contact the Alumni Associa
ASUN Budget Increases
Approved Unanimously
Incorporating an increase
of $1,100 dollars, the Student
Senate unanimously approved
W e d n e s d a y the 1966-1967
ASUN budget of $3,600.
The budget, as proposed by
ASUN Treasurer Andrea War
ren, was broken down in the
following manner:
C.nrnbuBker 1H0
MlmrUKruoh " J
4;emriuuaj ,w
Lerislative LlatuiD n4 Beaearch
AHtMIClUlCfe 2
MiHiteri Program SIJ
f'ubhr KelatiuPh
Kwicarnh z"
Faculty Evaluation 41
Tulnrinf Courdluatlun 1
h print Iar '
with an abrupt increase re
cently. Affect Students
Commenting on whether
these increases affected stu
dents, Thoman said, "Cer
tainly if they aren't yet, they
soon will be." In addition to
food and rental increases,
text book prices are also on
the rise.
The federal government
proposes to reduce tax credits
of businesses, and Thoman
said a last-resort measure
would be a general tax in
crease. Thoman said that install
ment credit was also rising
in cost, with "people begin
ning to go into debt over their
Personnel Shortage
Thoman said that Universi
ty salaries have been keeping
up with the rising cost of liv
ing, but added that this was
partially due to a shortage of
qualified personnel.
Thoman said that in some
cases newspapers incited "in
flation fever," and added that
background in economics
Steps To Have
Spring Of 1967
tion and possibly seek student
contributions. He said that
an annual operating budget
would run seven cents per
Several members of the
new group plan to meet with
Dean Ross over the feasibil
ity of using the Nebraska Un
ion for broadcasting facilities.
Last year an architectural
plan w as submitted to the
Nebraska Union, Wilson said,
and was "neither approved
nor disapproved." The organ
ization hopes to contact the
Union Board later this month.
The corporation has an
agreement with the School of
Journalism to lease an o I d
console and amplifier. Wil
son said that these are going
to have to be supplemented
by completely purchasing the
rest of the equipment.
After the station begins op
eration, hopefully in the
spring of 1967, Wilson said
that support by the legislature
or student fees would be help
Awards and Giltt
Kurtul ICfarintiuMs Party, Picnic)
4nvernmeDtal Affair
Vpnf.ral Offiup EulenM
orficf Rrfumiahuic
Oenrral Fund
Roger Doerr, first vice
president of ASUN, explained
that since the Cultural Affairs
Committee had been dropped
after the printing ol the pro
posed budget, the money sot
aside for it $75) had been
added to the general fund.
One of the senators asked
how the figures for this year
were decided upon.
Miss Warren answered that
they were formulated by com
paring the amounts spent last
year and projecting them into
the future. In addition she
stated that the budget had
been approved by the Univer
sity administration.
Former Sen. Steve Abbott
'Black Power' Advocates
May Jeopardize FSNCC
Bv Toni Victor
Senior Staff Writer
Statements by Stokely Car
michael, Negro head of the
Student Non-violent Coordi
nating Committee (SNCC),
may effect a re-evaluation of
University Friends of SNCC,
according to JoEllen Wil
liams, president of the cam
pus group.
In recent weeks, Carml
chael has been quoted in na
tional news publications as
advocating that SNCC should
be "black-staffed, black-controlled
and black-financed."
He maintains that whites can
participate on a voluntary ba
sis in the organization, but in
no way can they participate
on a policy-making leveL
Working for civil rights and
sponsoring community action
ful, "but we are not counting
on it."
Trustee Board
Under the articles of incor
poration and by-laws, a Board
of Trustees would be set up
of three corporation mem
bers and two students to be
elected at large from the
This board would select
from April applicants for Gen
eral Manager, News Direc
tor. Traffic Director and
Chief Engineer. Recruits may
come from the journalism
school and speech depart
ment, Wilson said.
Wilson said that workers
were needed for future fund
raising as well as suggestions
from the students. He asked
that mail be sent to the cor
poration in care of the Ne
braska Union.
Keating will be representing
the corporation at the Ne
braska Broadcasters Asso
ciation convention in Norfolk,
Nebraska, Sept. 18-20.
stated that possibly the Sen
ate should look into the fact
that the funds for the ASUN
budget come from the activi
ties fund as approved by the
"Since the activities fund
comes from the tuition that
the students pay," Abbott
stated, 4'the voice of the st
dents (ASUN) should decide
what the activities fund
should be spent for."
There was some discussion
about the mimeograph ma
chine, included in tbe budget
for the year, which has al
ready been purchased.
Doerr explained, however,
that it was necessary to pur
chase it before the budget re
ceived ASUN approval, be
cause it was needed immedi
ately and has already been
put into use.
projects, national SNCC is
one of the major civil rights
groups in the country. Lately
it has incorporated concepts
of black power into its organi
zation via a "position paper"
written by SNCC leaders.
Totally Unrelated
Friends of SNCC is a pre
dominantly white organiza
tion at the University, and is,
according to Miss Williams,
totally unrelated to SNCC.
"Friends of SNCC" is a
series of anonymous support
groups on Northern cam
puses," stated Miss Williams.
She noted the University
group is related to SNCC only
in that the members send fi
nancial support to various
SNCC projects. In this con
nection, Miss Williams noted
the raising of funds last year
for the SNCC Gulfport Proj
ect. Not Selling Out
Claiming that the campus
group had discussed changing
their name and support as
early as last May when the
Gulfport Project became self
sustaining, Miss Williams
stated that they were "not
just selling out because Car
michael made some radical
She said that it will be up
to tbe group to decide at
the next meeting what proj
ect to support. Miss Williams
said it "would be absurd lo
call ourselves Friends of
SNCC if we take up a local
However, the president
added, 'The fact that Caral
chael has antagonized such a
large part of the population
will probably affect the mem
ber's feelings as to whether
we will remain friends of