The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1966, Image 1

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    Friday, March 11, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Vol. 81, No. 78
To Visit
A "complete view of cam
pus life" will be given par
ents of freshmen March 26 at
(Parents Day, according to
Skip Soiref, president of Inno
cents Society.
Sponsored by the Innocents
Society, the one-day program
is designed to give parents a
chance to talk with Univer
sity administrators, faculty
members and students.
The program will begin at
10:45 a.m. with a convocation
at the Coliseum featuring
talks by Vice Chancellor, A. C.
Breckenridge and ASUN
President Kent Neumeisfer.
L. W. Chatfield, associate
dean of student affairs, will
explain the Junior Division.
Lunch will be served in the
individual fraternities, sorori
ties and dormitories.
Seminars will be conducted
In the afternoon by the Col
lege of Agriculture and Home
Economics, ' College of Arts
and Sciences, College of Busi
ness Administration, College
of Engineering and Architec
ture and Teachers College.
Most of the colleges will
hold discussions within the in
dividual departments. .
To Help
Nineteen University stu
dents will participate in the
National YWCA's voting re
gistration projects this April
in Denver, Colo., and Jack
son, Miss.
Ten students will partici
pate in the Denver project
April 7-12. They are: John
Dietz, Robert Wilson, Julie
Morris, Dan Ortiz, Norma
Diedriehs, Carolee Ileileman,
Jane Wilainski, Joan Wilain
ski, Kent Oates, Carol Boyd
and Gloria Adams.
April 9-16, nine students will
work on the registration pro
ject in Jackson, Miss.
John Schrekinger, Ann
Duncan, Gene Pokorny, Jo
Ellen Williams, Mary Rose
berry, Peggi Allington, Nath
an Mogbo, Carl Davidson and
Loren Amelang will partici
pate in the Mississippi pro
ject. Carol Williams will be the
non-student traveling with the
Denver group. The Mississippi
sponsor hasn't yet been an
nounced. Miss Williams, a 19C5 grad
uate of the University who is
now doing social work in
Omaha, participated in a
similar project sponsored by
the National YWCA in 1964
in Greensburo, North Caro
lina. Andi Block, a University
YWCA member and one of
the national YWCA co-chairmen,
said that in the Jack
son area, there are 15,000
non-registered, but eligible
Negro voters, and that there
are now federal voter regis
trars located there.
Miss Block said that local
NAACP members will help
coordinate the Mississippi
project and Peggy King, a
University graduate who is '
now working with Operation
Headstart in Gulfport, Miss.,
will probably be present to
6hare some of her experience
with the project group.
The Denver project is be
ing set-up and coordinated by
students and staff of the Uni
versity of Denver YM-YWCA,
according to Miss Block.
The concentrated effort of
the Denver project will be
with Spanish Americans, Ne
groes and American Indians,
she said.
Flans Discussion
"Birth Control, Mercy Kill
ing and Abortion" will be the
topic of an open discussion at
the Nebraska Union this Sun
day. The discussion, sponsored
by the Hillel Foundation, will
begin at 6:30 according to Stu
art Frohm, member -of the
Jewish student organization.
ASUN SENATORS . . . discuss the proposed "extra
charge" with faculty members and administrators at a
special meeting Thursday.
Party Atmosphere Prevails
Over Traditional Weekend
The second week in March
traditionally means thousands
of high school students, house
parties and overnight visitors
to the University campus.
This year is no different as
fans from 24 high schools
throughout the state will be
cheering their teams in Lin
coln this weekend at the State
High School Basketball Tour
nament. In some cases high
schools were dismissed Thurs
day and Friday to enable the
students to support their
teams in person.
Besides basketball games,
this weekend is also the be
ginning of high school rush by
'Y' Program
A "Panel of American
Women," consisting of a Jew
ish woman, a white Protes
tant, a Negro and a Catholic
will highlight the program at
the annual meeting of the Uni
versity YWCA Saturday.
The program, open to the
public, will begin at 1:30 p.m.
in the Nebraska Union. Mrs.
John Gourlay, Panel of
American Women chairman,
said Lincoln's group is pat
terned after groups in 19 other
cities throughout the nation.
The panels, she explained,
appear before organizations
and groups to discuss preju
dice in today's society. Each
woman on the panel, she said,
relates her personal experi
ences with prejudice and in
sights they have gained from
these experiences. The ques
tion is then thrown open to
th audience for discussion.
Members of the panel pre
sented a program to Panhel
lenic last semester.
Those appearing on the pan
el Saturday will be Mrs. Ber
nard Wishnow, Mrs. Richard
Johnston, Mrs. Ed Green
wade, Mrs. Robert Hough and
Mrs. Gourlay.
Also on the agenda for the
YWCA meet are elections and
a meeting of the University
YWCA alumnae.
The presidential election
promises to be an important
one for the YWCA, according
to the group's director, Mrs.
Twig Gordon. Slated for the
office are Andrea Block and
Linda Mahoney. The current
president is Linda Cleveland.
Other candidates are Dede
Darland for vice president in
charge of membership, Jean
Jasperson for vice president
in charge of the junior cabinet
and Mary Ann Deems for
Gayle Mitzner and Norma
Diedriehs are also running
for treasurer while Susie Dif
fenderfer and Jo Ellen Wil
liams are slated for the posi
tion of district representative.
Only those students wiht
paid up membership in the
University YWCA are eligible
to vote Saturday, Mrs. Gor
don said.
W vWti
fraternities for next fall. Al
most every fraternity on cam
pus will have parties to enter
tain the visiting high school
Eleven house parties are
planned for this weekend,
most of them Saturday night,
with themes such as "How the
West Was Won," "Gaslight,"
and "Winecellar."
The University dorms too
are sponsoring dances, pizza
parties and open houses for
both University students and
high school students.
Selleck and Cather are plan
ning an all-University dance
Friday night in the Selleck
cafeteria and Cather, Abel,
Pound and Selleck will have
open houses Saturday after
noon. Gather's open house will
feature decorations on each
floor, a combo in Raymond
Hall auditorium and the Belle
Cantos singing group.
Miss Shattuck First Female
President Of University YR's
The first coed to direct the
University Young Republi
cans was elected unanimous
ly in an unapposed race
Thursday night at a Young
Republican meeting.
Cathie Shattuck, the new
president, said the club will
be participating heavily in
state election campaigns and
will also assist in voter reg
istration in the state in the
coming year.
She said another project
will be to make information
about absentee balloting avail
able to University students.
Other officers elected at
meeting were Doug Miller,
vice president; Judy LaBelle,
Sig Eps Solicit
Signatures For
Stamp Petition
Petitions asking for a
United States postage stamp
"honoring our American ser
vicemen" are being circu
lated on campus by members
of Sigma Phi Epsilon frater
nity. Bill Hansmire, a member
of the fraternity, explained
that the idea for the stamp
was originated by a group in
Sioux City, Iowa, and that
the Nebraska chapter is work
ing with this group.
He said that after the pe
titions are signed they will
be sent to Sioux City and then
to the Postmaster General of
the United States.
The stamp, as designed on
postals advertising the peti
tion drive, would be an eight
cent air mail stamp with
"American Servicemen, We
Appreciate You!" printed on
the front.
Hansmire noted that fra
ternity members have circu
lated the petitions in all cam
pus living units.
Administration Would Favor
Special Legislative Session
By Jan Itkin
Senior Staff Writer
The administration would
like nothing better than hav
ing the state Legislature
meet to appropriate funds to
the University so that an in
crease in student fees will
not be necessary for next
year, Chancellor Clifford Har
din told Student Senate Turs
day. Hardin also admitted to
the Senate that although the
proposed fee is to be tempor
ary, it is "possible" that the
$40 a year raise might be
The special meeting was
called to publicly discuss the
proposed tuition increase and
report on the information
gathered by the ASUN com
mittee investigating the pro
posed tuition increase. Both
Hardin and Joseph Soshnik
were present at the meeting.
Sen. Bob Samuelson, chair
- All the parties will be open
parties and "party hopping"
will be frequent for both rush
ees and students.
One sorority, Sigma Delta
Tau, will be having a party
this weekend. The SDT's
"Old English Pub" party
will start Saturday night at 9
This weekend will also
mean "no bed" or a "hard
floor" for many University
students as they give up their
sleeping quarters to either
high school friends or rush
ees. Some fraternity houses
have reported that as many
as forty rushees will be tak
ing their members' beds for
the weekend.
High school students in Lin
coln for the games will rep
resent Class B, C and D
teams. The Class A school
teams will be holding their
tournament games in Omaha.
national committeewoman;
Phil Bowen, national com
mitteeman; Rusty Hughes,
. treasurer and Merry Ballard,
Miss Shattuck has been ac
tive in Young Republicans,
holding the office of vice
president this past year and
the positions of national com
mitteewoman and member
ship chairman two years ago.
She was on the 1964 cam
paign staffs of Dwight Bur
ney, candidate for Nebraska
lieutenant governor and of
U.S. Rep. Roman Hruska.
Miss Shattuck also acted as
state district Young Republi
can director and served as a
page at the national Repub
lican convention in 1964. She
was instrumental in the or
ganization of the Hastings
College Young Republican
club in Hastings, Nebr.
Addressing the club follow
nig her election, Miss Shat
tuck said, "This is going to
be a Republican year if we
all get together and work for
In a farewell message John
Reiser, past president, told
. the group that he considered
his term a year of "real
growth for the whole club."
"But, he continued, "I can't
leave without saying we can
do better."
"We can be the party of
the future, we can win the
young people on this campus
to our party," Reiser said.
"We can have 1000 members
on this campus, we can have
200 people at a meeting," the
outgoing president predicted.
"This is your challenge,
this is your party, this is
your club," Reiser said on
conclusion, charging the mem
bers to unite and work to
build a stronger Young Re
publican club.
Reiser announced that tick
man of the special commit
tee, presented the report
which stated thai "the Uni
versity officials underestimat
ed projections of enrollment
despite the availability of oth
er projections which seemed
more realistic to other sourc
es, including the budget com
mittee and the registrar of
the University."
The report continues that
"these low enrollment esti
mates consequently caused in
sufficient request for appro
priations for additional facul
Former editor of the Daily Nebraskan and secretary of Innocents, Rich
ard Fellman of Omaha, visited the campus Thursday after filing as a candi
date for Congress ' from the Second Legislative District. Fellman, who
received his undergraduate degree from Nebraska in 1956 and his law
degree in 1959, is shown in the Nebraska Union crib discussing his up
coming campaign with two University coeds.
Wit, Sarcasm Spice Discussion
With no topic but with
humorous comments on ev
erything cartoonist Al Capp
talked in the Nebraska Union
Thursday evening.
W i t, humorous sarcasms
ets are available for the Re
publican Founders Day dinn
er March 26 at the Coliseum.
Featured speaker at the an
nually held event will be
Ronald Reagen.
Reagen, former television
personality, has announced
his candidacy for Governor of
his home state, California.
He was a strong supporter of
Sen. Barry Goldwater in the
1964 elections.
Since the 1964 elections,
Reagan has gradually weaned
himself away from television
and into a recognized position
in the Republican Party.
Advisory Committee To Reconsider
Approved Lincoln Job Corps Center
A proposed Job Corps Cen
ter at the Lincoln Air Force
Base will be reconsidered by
the advisory committee of the
Lincoln Opportunity Team in
the light of new information,
according to Lincoln Mayor
Dean Petersen.
J. O. Grantham, of North
ern Natural Gas Co. and the
director of the proposed cen
ter, reported to the advisory
committee Wednesday that
the federal Office of Econo
mic Opportunity (OEO) has
officially approved the urban
Job Corps program sub
mitted by Northern and the
He noted further that the
federal government is "will-,
ing to put an urban Job Corps
center in Lincoln."
The main problem yet to be
solved is the space to be used
for the center in relation to
space needed for other city
commercial uses.
Advisory committee mem
bers indicated that this con
flict of uses was one of the
ty members" and that as a
result, "the University now
finds itself in a 'half-million
dollar problem', according to
Hardin who was quoted in
the Feb. 10, 1966, Lincoln
"This half-million dollar
problem occurred even though
University officials realized
that a problem could result
from their underestimation of
faculty needs which they op
enly acknowledged at the
time of the budget hearings,"
the report continues.
and understatements were all
tools Capp used in answering
the questions which were writ
ten to him by the audience
before he appeared on stage.
Free love, Viet Nam, birth
control, Allen Ginsberg, Tru
man and Eisenhower, books,
movie stars, civil rights,
demonstrations all were in
cluded in his short funny or
cynical comments.
Some of Capp's comments,
descriptions, jokes or under
statements in answer to ques
tions written beforehand by
the audience were:
On free love: "The price
is right."
Opinions of 18 year-old-college
students: They are im
portant when the students are
talking about "puberty or hub
caps." Allen Ginsberg: Some peo
ple deplore him because he is
unbathed, unhousebroken, un
American and now "I deplore
him simply because he is un
talented and has no right to
be the other things.
Teenagers in England:
"Just as revolting as they are
here, no difference."
main reasons for the advisory
committee voting to recom
mend that the Northern pro
posal for the Job Corps cen
ter at the Base be withdrawn.
Talks with OEO officials in
dicated that the Job Corps
may be willing to help with
possible new construction at
the Base necessary for a Job
Corps center, thereby allow
ing new areas to be released
for use commercially, Grant
ham said.
Petersen, expressing con
cern over communication
said, "We have repeatedly
told them to come to Lincoln
to negotiate with us but they
haven't been willing."
Grantham was said to have
assured him that OEO of
ficials would soon be in Lin
coln to discuss problems.
Petersen has remained firm
on the March 15 city deadline
by which negotiations must
be completed.
Grantham said the Job
The conclusion of the re
port is that since the "situa
tion probably will result in a
deterioration in the quality of
the Unversity's instructional
program, as admitted by
Vice Chancellor Soshnik" (in
a Lincoln Journal interview),
the students "will suffer an
additional financial burden
for decreased instructional
Both Hardin and Soshnik
Cont. on Page 3, Col. 1
Pit ;wmriIWS--
On his wooden leg: "If
you got a wooden leg, I say
enjoy it."
On Peanuts: "Never go;
too much sex and violence."
Importance of a college
education: "Either that or a
rice paddy.' '
Nude Teenagers: "Look
less obscene with clothes off
than on."
Wayne Morse: "Great ori
ental leader of our time."
On those who burn draft
cards: "Only way to be a
hero. Burn a draft card and
you will be a great hero."
Student demonstrators:
"All just as scared as the
ones on this campus about
going to war."
Birth control pills:
"Threat to the purity of the
American college girl."
On Doris Day: "I think
of her constantly."
Johnny Carson: "Average
young Nebraskan who makes
$12,000 a week."
Capp's performance was
sponsored by the Nebraska
Union talks and topics com
mittee. Corps is willing to place the
1,500-man center at LAFB if
contract negotiations a r e
He said the contract would
be for one year with a yearly
renewal for four successive
years. The five-year pro
gram could cost a total of
about $40 million.
The center would mean
about 600 workers with a pay
roll of $4 million, an $8 mil
lion contract per year and
Corpsmen spending about
$500,000 a year.
In addition, Grantham said
the center would provide a
trained labor source, voca
tional and educational teach,
ers and specialized equip
ment. After five years, the center
could be used as a retraining
center for adults, a technical
school or a school for the
mentally retarded.
Grantham noted that th
program now requires pri
marily community accept-ance.
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