Jo Stohlmaiu editor m Mike Kirkman, business manager Page 2 Friday, Feb. 11, 1966 Is ... A- temporary i n t e r-dorm cooperative body was set up Wednesday night, with the purpose of investigating the possibilities of establishing a permanent inter-dorm council. The question that naturally comes to mind regarding such a permanent inter dorm council centers around the question of need; does dormitory government, to be effective, need a central coordinating executive? The answer would seem elementary. -'Naturally, every large organization re quires a central executive," the proponents would reply. - - The answer may be the correct one, but only with certain qualifications. The first qualification is how the council -pts about solving the problems of organiza tion arriving at an equitable way of nom inating officers, deriving separation of pow ers between the council and Administration Si areas such as finance, and deriving sep aration of powers between the council and fiie dormitories. If the council could find compromise solutions to "make (almost) everybody iappy", the council would have a good start. i We wonder bow easy this will be. It seems there is already a great deal of dis agreement among dormitory residents re BUfa'Miir'.umiHiiimiinmw-iiiiiiiuimiim ; Undergraduate Instruction . . Are Students Shortchanged? K Editor's Note: A faculty report at Cornell Universi ty reveals that "student dis satisfaction with undergrad uate instruction ... bat basis in fact" The Cornell report bears a great deal of relevance to the University of Nebraska: and its prob lems with quality under graduate instruction.) Ithaca, X.Y. i(UPH The recently released report by the Faculty Committee on UBattmmaim: (8!B Editor's Note: Few students have written satires on national policy. Ya may have to read this ene a few times (I did) to get its full effect. The appearance of ""Batman' on the national television screen is causing much chaos throughout the country. The 1948 series of '"Superman'", which was staging a remarkable comeback, is definitely on the way out now. And the recent tele-poll warns that Sci-Fi movies will never be the same. However, the biggest blow goes the White House. It feat been traditional since the Johnson administration took over to invite some 1Ts to the White House occasionally and watch television in the newly installed TV room. A recent vote shows that ""Lost in Space" is the most popular;' with a close second being "Run for Your life". So m Wednesday nights tbe White House TV room usually accompanies fiO-i senators, top aides, cabinet members, and congressmen. The 'Occurence of '"Batman' at the same time is caus ing some tarmoaL It was originally figured that (television would be a great way to relax after a hard day; and tbe President also implied something could be learned from the modem television screen. But now a few senators conclude that since most of tbe nation watches '"Batman'", it should be an essential part of the White House TV program. However, the President and a few cabinet members nave become firmly attached to "Lost in Sapce", and probably won't change tbe TV polky for anything. By tbe third week of "Batman"' its forces bad begun is lobby for its showing. Sure enough, the battle lines were drawn last week as a forceful senator boldly issued these dynamic and courageous wards (to the "Lost m Space" viewers during tbe commercial ((.of courses ""-'Please, sir, won't you watch it just .Boce?" ((Luckily for the senator tbe .commercial was ever..j) However, the second might, during the second half of "Batman, the iberitage which made this country's freedom so great would toe tested in the most dangerous way. Overnight some senators and aides Ihad joined forces and were determined to watch ""Batman", at least long enough to see the ""'Boy m'ander.. Since 1&Q,.G'JO;O(J0 mem bers of the "'Great Satiety viewed "Batman"", they Hag (ured tbey could also. Tbe President was prepared fur this, as be bad sta tioned troops n each side f tbe television, and any woe caught changing Che channel would be drafted, (On seeing fltis, several of the "''Ccmsdentious Viewers" began to burn (their White Eouue TV room permits. Two southern representatives were thrown off the roof when they were caught messing with the antenna. But im (half an hour "''Batman" was .gone and so were the ""Ccno scientious Viewers". You see, the "Lost in Space viewers w arned tbe "'Batman aggressors of Sardxtg escalation of the issue; and threatened to mse portions od the federal budget to buy out Batman's sponsor; (but at the same time issuing a peace offensive which allowed for ""slight criticism" of the situation daring station-breaks. UTeS. It lwks like "hunt la Space" wU be a per manent part f tbe program at usual, but it is wbviously losing ground daily; and even It X is lucky enough to last ffluta 1UCR, Batman wITJ get voted into ffk. There a Need? the Quality of Undergradu ate Instruction at Cornell University states that s t n dents across the nation are being shortchanged in their education. "There can be no doubt that student dissatisfaction with undergraduate instruc tion, at Cornell as else where, has basis in fact," the report stated bluntly. The 13 .000-word report exiled for a 'marked garding the need of the council, before ques tions of organization are even brought up. The second qualification involves the structure of the council will it be weak or strong? The proponents of the inter-dorm council, if they are backed by a large majority of dormitory residents, can create a strong council executive. If an inter-dorm council is created, it had better be with a strong executive. One thing this campus does not need is more weak gevernlsg bodies the old student council is a good example of weak central government and what eventually happens to it. The third qualification, and the most important, is the motive behind an inter dorm council. Is the couscil to be established to wield political power a sort of duplicate of IFC? If so, we consider the inter-dorm coun cil doomed before it is born. Duplicates, yon know, rarely come off. But if the motive behind the inter-dorm council lies in a body to promote the wel fare of the dormitories through cooperation with the Greeks, we see the council as a good thing. If coordination, and not competition with the Greek system is the goal, we see the possibility of an effective and constructive organization. change" in the attitude of teachers toward students and for increased emphasis on the importance of teach ing. Teaching, ft said, must be placed on tbe same lev el as research, publishing and public service. However, the report stressed, "We are con vinced that the increasing contact with external af fairs on the part of profes sors does benefit undergrad uate education. There is too little understanding of t a i s point by students and people outside the University.'" The committee noted that the past year ""was marked by nsountiEg criticisms of the education that tbe na tion's universities were giv ing their undergraduates" and termed its report "an extensile self-examination." Tbe committee beld more than 25 meetings, talked with students, faculty menv bers and administrative of ficers and studied numer ous written reports. Under graduate education at Cornell the report said, ""though generally ccmscien--tious, often very good and occasionally brilliant com mands neither tbe attention nor the status at deserves. If the quality of our teach ing is n ot as nigh as it can and should be and that is our finding then tbe funda mental solution is that each one of us devote a consider ably greater effort to mak ing at better. This requires "an aca demic atmosphere in which students feel that tbe uni versity is truly interested is their educational and cul tural development in their ideas, problems, and aspi rations, and in their desire and ability to belp improve tbe educational process. This atmosphere has t j et been achieved the re port said, "at least for tbe great majority f ur stu dents." At Corneffl today there are few mechanisms Where by .students can get tbe fac ulty and administrati.on to give real consideration to their reactions and propos als without running the risk of being viewed by many as violators f good taste, or worse. But the fact that student discontent or mliJJerence may derive in part from circumstances (beyond tbe amiversity's control does root mean that institutions of (higher learning have no obligation tt respond to tbe student's problems. On the contrary, fan its (teaching role tbe university is more than a (dispenser of knowl edge; as an educational In stitution iit is charged with evoking and guiding the de velopment off the y a g person's potential iuo judg ment as well as intellect CATHcs' ALL But is Sorry Being a a compendium of farce, absurd ity and comment, selected arbitrarily bv the Editor ... Historical note of the day: In 1913, somewhere on tbe Atlantic Ocean, tbe first marriage to take place on tbe back of a whale. Considered by historians a possible motive in Ahab's liter harpooning trips. We bear that tbe faculty evaluation committee bas re-written Patrick Henry's famous line, ""Give me liberty or give me death." The committee's: 'Publish or Per ish!" - Perhaps tbe committee should ponder tbe odds Patrick took in offering bis audi ence a choice. An informer said a speaker at tbe Hyde Park Forum took a middle-of-the-road position. Naturally, be get run over. (Note to campus police: I didn't puiuiMuiuranuiiuiumuiiuMMuiiuiM iAnother Viewpoint I Re: Alma Wliatshername I (Editor's Note: Bob Auler wrote the folk-wing which appeared in tbe Daily mi ni.) Sister 1: Boy, at sure is crummy weather. T h i n k they'll 'be able to find tbe House through all that fog? My hair is just a mess, witto tbe tumidity and all! Sister 2: What do you think of tbe Rasbees so far? Sister 2: Xt bad; not bad. Except for that Alma Wbaltbername. Sister 1: I think it starts with an "'"M " It sounds kind f foreign. She's probably Catholic or Jewish or some thing. Sister 3: And bow about that hideous green .dress she was wearing? It Hooked like drapery, with aH those folds. Sister 1 : Somebody really should (tell tier about skirt length.. It was hanging al most to tbe floor. Honest ly! Anybody who'd wear clothes lake that . . . Sister Z: But she seemed kind ef nine, and very dedi cated to tie University. Sister 1: Bww many times do we have to fell you. We're pledging for next semester. Right now we need some really cool .girts. Sister J.: Yes. And old Alma was far from cool. I've seen her standing m one of tbe corners down in Cam pustuwn weisricg thai same green dress. Honestly, the was just standing there., in front of two teg .guys, with a dopey eaqpressicm on her face.. Sister 1- Tw,9 big guys? Bey . . . maybe she knows some football pSayers" Sister I: I diw't Dusk to. They weren't paying FOR. OAE... there: ONE FOX About much attention to her. She was giving them directions; seemed to be pointing to tbe Union Bookstore, and to seme building n tbe engi seering campus. Sister 2: But looks aren't everything. She really had amice Sister 1: . . . personality? listen, what kind of a House would we have here of we did nothing but pledge nice homely girls. We've got cer tain standards, ym knew. Sister 3: Eight. Anybody who'd wear something like that .green dress is definite ly not our material. Why, when I looked at her, even her face seemed green. Ab solutely no idea of how to wear makeup.. And ber hair! Wben's the last time you saw anybody wear a bun? Sister 2: But maybe we could help her. Maybe we could teach her the social graces, so she could be like us. Sister 1: Listen, what d y think tMs is. a Srority r a reform cfei? Sister J: Bight: We have standards here. Those who can't mnake them simply wil have to find a lesser place t Eve. Alma simply has no conception of our standards. Did you see her at the First Stage party? She didn't even sit down. AH the other Raasbees sad down except for Ataa- Saffer 1: I saw thai She stood thraagb the whole par ty. I almost wasn't able to smile at her. 1 was s mad! Sister 2: So she stfflcd asp? Sa what? Maybe she has a bad back? Maybe mobwfy's ever told her hw nice girts act at a party? Sister U Bonetily. wmt times I wonder why we fledged jwl It wiigbt to be ALL ? That! mean that literally. He didn't REALLY get run over. You see, the joke is . . .) With this week's blousy, balmy weath er replacing tbe sweater weather of a week before, we were pleased to note a branch chapter of the University People-to-People prgorain springing up at ibe Columns. It looked like an outdoor Hide Park for 'em. A cartoon caption appearing in tbe Lincoln Journal spoke for maybe one or two campus officer " Our record ing secretary reports that she had a small glass of sherry for lunch and re quests that you all talk slowly." The Ag College is kicking some of its horniest residents off tbe campus. Have you herd? Except for the pun, this time we're not Sorry About That! simple enough for anybody to figure wit: if every body else sits down, yoa do, too. Sister 3: RigbL Alma must be really stupid if she doesn't know enough to do what everybody else dows. Sister 2: Maybe you're right about here. I've never seen her drinking beer on Wednesday nights or Friday afternoons, either. Sister 3; Xow you're sounding ' more hke one of my .sisters,, and Hess like some social worker. Sister I: Yeah, we don't want any dateless pledges. Gotta get into as many Houses as possibSe. Sister 2.: Hey, wait a min ete. Ho' about ber activi ties? She seemed to know s much about the Univer sity, maybe she's got im portant contacts, and can get some of the girts onto V m j o n committees, and things. Sister 3: She seems to frozen and metallic, she probably wouldn't be for The House eaawagb to even try to help the other girts. Sister 1; Besides, one off tbe girls who was talking to her said her Meat about school were really far out AH she wanted to talk about was a lot of abstract stuff about '"Purpose of (the Uni versity." and juik like thai. She didn't even law won (the Gresk Week bicycle race last year. Sister 2.: Okay, okay. I'm wsih you. Let's bong her ow, After all, she ahdn't even eat any outs and mints at the party,. Sister 3: Come to ttixik iA iL I didn't see ber touch fct r ice wiler, eiltoer. AH:: Drop! t:..iy'-Kti fingers in sinisoa). their 3f 3Wmm... By WAYNE KRUESCHER News Editor i. The headlines at this school are getting more and more Cme things are happening and the University, 00 way or another, is definitely in a period of big transition;; So far this semester the te abort" the facultv evaluation book, ASUVASLN, the growing ndeSents, the Greeks trying to challenge themselve? andTlarge assortment of different sma groups all trying, to thfnk outside of the classroom and the University. . ; '. First one has the evaluation book and all the things, which student government in stature, wor amm0" "nndaSisiSation not quite sure of itself. Faced: on one side with unbelievable money and building prob lems and at the same time confronted with an almost cocky student population who insist on taking care of themselves. (3) faculty even more unsure of itself than the administration who seems to just want to be left alone; to do their job the same way they have always done it and to teach their classes the best way they can. dministration has withdrawn its approval of the book,. While last week, we could describe the administration aj being verv intelligent this week it looks more like a wisny." washv group that doesn't know what it's doing. ..1 lawver was called in for one reason or another,, likely as a" front for someone's hesitance, and of all things -a committee withdrew its support because it was afraid of being sued. This is completely ridiculous. Tbe students nave worked' all semester on this book. Rather than talk about it, it has actually been almost accomplished. . Manv things still need to be worked out before this book will be as asset to the University but no one is accomplishing anything by first approving the book as then withdrawiBg approval because of being afraid of a, possible personal law suit. Dean Ross's committee didn't know for sure that they were liable. The same as Student Senate didn't knos.. Wednesday But without investigating other possibilities' or seeking' more complete advise, they were happy to find a quick wav out , Other "universities have faculty evaluation boons and their student affairs committees aren't sued. If administra. tion thinks the book would be bad then let them say so, but if a possible law suit is really what worries them let's find out the facts for sure and then find another solution. .. .. -. In the administration's confusion and hesitance over, just what their role is in a University today, they showed: extreme hastiness and badly planned thinking when they suddenly withdrew their approval without really ksowicg what they were doing. Administration's role is to lead the University. Tbe students are not supreme. A wishy-washy excuse from the administration is not enough. Today w hen student -governments deserve and demand more, tbe administra tion has to show positive leadership more than ever. - This newspaper has long been ignoring the Indepen dents on this campus. The fact is. as the headlines prove and everyone knows, we can ignore the dorm associa tions and the Independent organizations bo longer. . . Nebraska has a fine Greek system which has Vx. provided the University with much leadership and wi3. continue to. But it is outnumbered and out financed. There are no editorial comments to make on tMs situation. Just tbe fact that it is ineitaWe that tbe Inde pendents will continue to become more organized and while tbe Greeks have no where to go but down, tb: Independents are definitely on their w ay np. When the dorm presidents met to form an irter-dira council Wednesday night, some representatives could not understand why tie council should be strong and tare great organizational powers. It is obvious that at least one group of dorm presides! do not want a strong council just to work cut probleaaT easier with Mr. Bryan's office. But rather this council could move further than what has ever been accomplished before in organizing th Independents into an effective interest group. For example, with such a council (which should elve frwm tbe e-rdj&ating body) there would likely be more than seme three Independents in Student nate. oHjoujsl cl ThoiksrL All (the animosity against us as ooUefe students? 1 met this guy the other day that was m the much older generation.. Xow I don't have nothing against them but I gt the feeling they 'have it out for me. This guy walks right cp to me and asks me where I'm goin. Wen Bw I don't k n w where I'm goia' M I MVs I dn"t lw. He got a lick st f this and atLed me wbere I was in Ae. 1 never tkoesfc! life Lad a directMa s 1 told him I was gain' tbe same wav be was. He laughed again aid said he was 0m" towards proKjMTJty; Heck. I thought he was gola out of twn arid told him if he didn't mind I'd stay here. M o m never did want me to ride with strangers anyhow. Them he called me a smart -aleck pmir.k kid. The way tee said St I got the idea toe &sn"t like roe. So I atkj basn if maybe I VM standaia' in his spot r kwkw thiffl. He sbouled some weird vocabulary a b o u t (that spot bejjj reserved for the youth wa prc.ik, toe youth that would lead this nation. I was stoadSa in frnl A 0 drinlfa toa toia tUv$A be ft a tryin to tofl mt mt:My elie wilted a ArhA. m 1 stepped back to kt some body else in, but nobody else came. He looked at me toia weird so I told him thea" weren't nobody else here to do it but me. He said be hoped not. Then at struck me. He was an over ambitious a-ter-cooler-guarder. I asfctd him about at and he real"? got mad; said sometbin' about him repreftewteg the peopJe of this land and a lot of wild stuff. I 1astA to leave then, but he atked me if I was ia toe Unaversity. Well 1 he wants my name I give Mm my $t,m!cT3t idwn tafication r.mmber. Ife gets awful mad tolls roe never to toi back to tbe State Cpm again. 1 told him tbe Mosa ics were bard to slate anyway; put my ' down and tok ff- Daily NebraAan mm a, i1 TEIXPWWE: 774TII. tit w M tw ." - j IjaN m m mmLtT Dmt atom M"mm vm m uwm f.; . wwiD. imw. nil"'" "Z ' w w mmt unuw uw m4 IW i,hum. at Htm l wrf 'in. euu. s m " 'Tr mraiMirilttl IW iMUmB" m" tmwm wnutt k lnri"if. w f liw Mt.AM m ("