The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 04, 1966, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, Feb. 4, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Graduate Student Kalm Attends
Educational Growth Institute
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Abel Hall Residents Find Snack Bar
Provides 'Atmosphere' But No Girls
It looks like a swanky bar
with red padded seats, bar
stools and a piano it's act
ually the snack lounge in Abel
Hall and the patrons are stu
dents who drink only "soft"
Abel Hall residents describe
their snack lounge as plush,
but they do find that it lacks
one thing GIRLS.
Dan Miller, a resident of
Abel, said it would be better
if there were girls in Sandoz
Hall. The snack bar will ul
timately be used by both
Abel Hall and Sandoz Hall
when girls move into the new
The snack bar, according
to students, presents an at
mosphere which reminds
them of some night spot. The
Men Attend
Three members of the Uni
versity of Nebraska Experi
ment Station staff are partici
pating in the National Semi
nar on Research Coordina
tion at Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, this week.
The three are Dr. John K.
Coster, director of the Ne
braska Occupational Needs
Research and Coordination
Unit; Dr. Kenneth E. Shibata,
operations director and coordi
nator of the unit; and Michael
P. Munger, specialist in data
processing and computer pro
gramming. Dr. Shibata will discuss the
organization and taffing of
the Nebraska unit, as part of
a symposium on Organization
of Research for Vocational
and Technical Education.
Munger and Dr. Coster will
participate in a program to
present and discuss the use
of Program Evaluation and
Review Techniques (PERT)
in the organization and eval
uation of research and coordi
nating units.
The Nebraska unit is the
first vocational research and
coordinating unit in the United
States to utilize the PERT pro
gram in the organization and
evaluation of a research and
coordination unit, according
to Dr. Coster. Munger at
tended an instructional school
on PERT, sponsored by the
Bureau of Naval Personnel in
Washington, D.C., earlier this
The Nebraska unit is one of
24 state research and coordi
nation units supported by
grants from the U.S. Office
of Education.
Faculty Members
Publish Articles
Three articles, written by
faculty members in the de
partment of obstetrics and
gynecology at the College of
Medicine, have recently been
recently been published.
Articles, authors and publi
cations: "Fetal-Maternal ABO In
compatability", Dr. Warren
H. Pearse, professor and
chairman of obstetrics and
gynecology, Obstetrics and
Gynecology Digest, Jan. 16,
1966, pp. 49-56.
"Effect of Carbazochrome
Salicylate on Transplacenta
Transmission of Erythrocy
tes", Dr. Robert H. Messer,
assistant professor; Dr.
Pearse; and Dr. Harold Kee
nan, intern, Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Jan. 1066, pp. 83
88. "Forceps versus Spontane
ous Delivery", Dr. Pearse,
Clinical Obstctrlfs and Gyne
cology, D3C. 1005, pp. 813-21.
?- . fix V V;'N t ,
. . . snack bar fun, food, but
interior of the snack bar is
done entirely in a royal red
color with circular padded
booths both in addition to the
regular two-couple tables.
Also located in the snack
bar is a baby grand piano,
which Richard Arndt, director
of "South" Abel, said adds to
the atmosphere. He said a
more peaceful atmosphere is
created by the piano which
played by many of the Abel
invade the NU Coliseum pool
residents than with a juke
Abel residents can bring
dates to the lounge and, if
they desire, girls can come
down to the snack bar on
their own without a date. Dan
Miller pointed out that this
would be good, if only" the
girls would come.
"on the owe hamp it's gooq
Four Nominated
For IFC Offices
Four men were nominated
for vice president and secre
tary of Interfraternity Coun- j
cil (IFC) at the group's meet
ing Wednesday night.
John Kenagy, Phi Gamma
Delta, was nominated for vice
president. Gail Burbridge. Phi
Kappa Psi; Jim Shreck, Beta
Theta Pi, and Darryl Gless,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, were nom
inated for IFC secretary.,
Elections will be held at the
next meeting, Feb. 9. Nomi
nations may be made from
the floor at that time.
A proposed budget was also
presented to the IFC for con
sideration. It was moved and
passed that consideration of
the budget be deferred until
balance sheets are received
from the Student Activities of
fice. It was pointed out that the
budget is an estimation of al
locations for the coming year.
It calls for receipts of $26,
100 and expenditures of $24,
440. The IFC rush committee
presented a report on deferred
rushing. Action on the report
will be taken at the next IFC
The report stated that the
committee found that condi
tions that must exist within
the fraternity system for the
advantages of deferred rush
ing simply do not exist at the
University of Nebraska.
The report said that the Uni
versity of Nebraska's frater
nity system is a significant
and integral part of the Uni
versity community.
While it is said that through
deferred pledging, fraternities
and the individual rushees
have a better chance to judge
each other, the report stated
no females.
The snack bar, surrounded
by high red bar stools, serves
sandwiches, soup, various ice
cream deserts, candy, potato
chips and all type of drinks.
Miller said that often there
is quite a waiting line at the
snack bar, but that the whole
area "never really gets jam
packed." Miller said that it has been
suggested to the Abel student
government that a combo be
brought into the snack bar
for dancing.
Arndt pointed out that the
twin-towers dormitories do
not have a snack bar and that
many of their residents walk
down to the Abel snack bar.
"Abel Hall was designed to
be a self-contained unit with
the snack bar included," Ar
ndt said.
to have a stuvekt ie
that through summer rush,
"the fraternity system has an
adequate chance to judge the
values of the i n d i v i d u a 1
rushee, and the rushee has a
chance to assess the values
of the individual fraternities."
Also, through the use of ef
fective scholarship programs,
it was felt by those making
the report that the freshman
pledge is directed to achieve
the highest academic goals.
In addition, the report said
that deferred pledging would
create a financial burden for
the fraternities, that more
policy problems would devel
op for the IFC to handle dur
ing the semester and that
mass living in a dormitory
does not have the advantages
of living in the cohesive unit
of a fraternity.
An IFC conference for fra
ternity presidents and one or
two other members from
each house will be held at
the Nebraska Center for Con
tinuing Education Feb. 12 and
Sheldon Closes
Cornell Display
Sheldon Memorial Art Gal
lery will have the final show'
ing of the "Prints and Draw
ings of Thomas Cornell" Sun
The museum will also dis
play the exhibition, "The
Works of Louis I. Kahn,"
American architect Sunday,
but this display will continue
until Feb. 13.
The museum is open 2 to 5
p.m. on Sundays.
Student Senate approved
the faculty evaluation book
Wednesday after Dean G.
Robert. Ross' committee on
student affairs approved the
book. Ladd Lonnquist, chair
man of the faculty evaluation
committee, said the book
would be distributed in early
Gary Larsen, president of
Beta Sigma Psi fraternity,
was elected president of IFC.
Carl Davidson, SDS presi
dent, announced that SDS
was holding elections for new
officers in the next three
weeks and he is not going to
seek re-election. Davidson
said he thought his name was
too synonymous with the
Registrar Floyd Hoover ex
plained that registration prob
lems this year are no worse
than in other years although
he did point out that certain
misunderstandings had re
sulted. A definite decision on t h e
senior key system will be
made within a month, accord
ing to a schedule for Febru
ary which was announced at
the AWS Board meeting Tues
James J. Dworak, former
mayor of Omaha, was found
innocent Wednesday of solicit
ing or agreeing to accept a
$25,000 bribe from millionaire
Chicago investor John B!
State Selective Service Di
rector Guy Henninger report
ed that 14,301 Nebraska c o 1
lege students now hold educa
tional deferments from the
draft. He announced that the
Selective Service is returning
to the use of a testing system
and class standing as guides
for student deferments.
A bomb in a service station
restroom broke a lull of 36
days in a series of similar in
cidents in Omaha last Satur
A blizzard raged over t h e
United States between t h e
Gulf States and New England
early this week.
Eighteen Puerto Rican
farm workers were killed in a
bus-train accident south of
Miami Tuesday.
The Air Force tossed Negro
squatters off a deactivated
base at Greenville, Miss.,
Tuesday. The Negroes moved
into the base and told the Air
Force they demanded quick
antipoverty aid, job training
and land.
American planes resumed
bombing of North Viet Nam
Monday. This was the first
U.S. air attack on the com
munist North since shortly be
fore the Christmas cease-fire.
The Soviet Union and
France led opposition along
with other non-permanent
members to kill any chances
the United Nations Security
Council might have had to
act as a peace mediator in
Viet Nam. The United
States did win a fight for full
debate in the United Nations
Security Council on Viet Nam.
Record Crowds
See 'Macbeth,9
6 Virginia Woolf
Over 7,000 people attended
the University Theatre's pro
ductions of "Macbeth" and
"Virginia Woolf" during t h e
first season of repertory at
the University.
"Virginia Woolf" played to
3,585 persons, surpassing a
record set by "Hamlet" two
years ago. About 3,285 per
sons attended the perform
ances of "Macbeth."
Nor do these figures include
the 800 people who saw "Mac
beth" during its tours of Fair
bury and Grand Island. About
300 college ministers from
across the country, attending
a conference in Lincoln, at
tended a special performance
of "Virginia Woolf."
"We are' more than pleased
by the favorable reaction of
the Lincoln area to our new
repertory system," said Dr.
William R, Morgan, director
of the University Theatre. "I
hope that the second half of
our season meets with the
t same favorable response."
By Son Kerkhoff
Night News Editor
The Institute of Internation
al Educational Development
recently held a seminar at the
University of Minnesota (Min
neapolis), which was attended
by Asad Ali Khan, a Ph. D.
candidate at the University of
This seminar is an annual
project of the institute held in
the last week of December.
One of the major sponsors is
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.
This year the seminar was
attended by fifty-two repre
sentatives from twenty-two
countries. All were students
studying at American univer
sities. These students repre
sented many different fields
and disciplines from educa
tion and agriculture to nuclear
physics and aeronautical en
gineering. Kahn is a graduate student
in Educational Administration
from Pashawar, Pakistan,
who will receive his Ph. D.
next summer or fall. He is
also a lawyer and taught in
Pakistan for several years be
fore coming to Nebraska.
Kahn was invited to attend
the seminar; as part of the
assignment he has written a
complete report on the week
he spent in Minneapolis.
He said the seminar began
Psychiatric Institute
Asked to Participate
In TV Film Exchange
The communications divi
sion of the Nebraska Psychia
tric Institute has been asked
to participate in an interna
tional exchange of films on
medical television installa
tions. The division is one of
seven university medical cen
ters in the United States
asked to participate.
The film exchange project
is conducted by the Institute
for Advancement of Medical
Communication for the United
States Office of Education for
its study on the use of tele
vision in medical education
behind the Iron Curtain.
Mrs. Reba Benschoter, di
rector of the division, was
asked to provide film footage
of the NPI installation and its
prominent features. The In
AWS Coed Follies Gets
More Tickets, New Look
Pam Hedgecock, chairman
of public relations for AWS
which sponsors Coed Follies,
revealed Thursday that tick
ets for the show have been in
creased from 4,500 to 5,000
and that the program will be
in color for the first time this
Coed Follies will be hald in
Pershing Auditorium Feb. 25
at 8 p.m. Miss Hedgecock
stated that enthusiasm was
running high within each skit
and house. She said that the
most f.mDOrtant aspect of the
show this year would be the
variety of the acts.
Each house involved in a
skit has been practicing alone
Medical Conference Invites Three
Three College of Medicine
faculty members have been
invited to assist in the initial
planning for a 1967 Interna
tional Conference on Poisons
and Toxins as Etiological
Agents in Mental Retardation.
The Conference is spon
sored by the National Institute
of Neurological Diseases and
Planners from the medical
college include Dr. John A.
Aita, associate professor of
neurology and psychiatry; Dr.
Carol Angle, assistant profes
sor of pediatrics; and Dr.
Matilda Mclnitre, assistant
look for the golden arches
100 Pure Beet Hamburgers
Temptinq Cheeseburger!
Old Fashioned Shake
Crisp Golden French Fries
Thirst-Quenching Coke
Delightful Root Beer
Coffee As You Like It
Refreshing Cold Milk
Full-Flavored Orange Drink
like many others with the
usual introductions, lectures,
dinners and entertainment.
The topics they discussed in
cluded: 1. Society, culture and hu
man ecology; the concept
ual framework.
2. The analysis and under
standing of socio-cultural
and ecological systems; con
tributions of the multidis
ciplinary approach.
3. Economic development
in an ecological matrix; the
influence of social, political,
religious and biophysical
factors on economic devel
opment. 4. Economic development
in an ecological matrix II;
social conflict and insur
gency as a product and pro
ducer of economci develop
ment; disorganization, re
vitalization and genesis of
insurgent movements.
5. Discussions of research
designs and applications to
development problems.
6. The problems of com
munication within a mod
ernizing society; between
traditional and the new
elite, between members of
the new elite and peasant so
ciety. Kahn said one of the biggest
problems in developing coun
stitute conducting the p r o j
ect specifically asked Mrs.
Benschoter to provide cover
age on NPI's use of two-way
television for training, diag
nostic and therapeutic work
between NPI and the Norfolk
State Hospital 110 miles away,
plus many of its other in
house uses.
Mrs. Benschoter is also an
assistant professor of medical
teaching aids in the depart
ment of neurology and psy
chiatry at the University Col
lege of Medicine in Omaha.
the Institute for Advance
ment of Medical Communica
tion hopes to trade these films
of American installations for
similar ones of appropriate
set-ups in the Soviet Union
and other eastern European
every night. Miss Hedgecock
said that a week before the
show the acts will all get to
gether to practice.
"The quality of each a c t
will be high,," Miss Hedge
cock said, "because even
when the skits tried out the
judges were impressed with
the development and polish."
Di Kosman, AWS vice pres
ident, remarked that this year
is the first time that an artist
has been hired to design the
program and posters for Coed
Follies. The artist is Miss
Sue Schrocdcr, a graduate
Tryouts for travelers acts
for the show will be on Feb. 9.
research professor of pediat
rics. The planning committee,
consisting of 32 members se
lected nationally, will meet at
t h e National Institutes of
Health in Bethesda, Md., nn
Feb. 18 to discuss objectives,
structure of the Conference,
particpants and possible
Cash for any purpose. Just phone and
tell us how mu-h you want. Pick up the
cash at your convenience. No co
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DIAL Finance Compaii)
124 North 12th Street
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tries is that of communica
tion. The leaders of the de
veloping countries and outside
workers (like Peace Corps
members, must co-operate
with the established leaders
of the village societies if they
are to meet their goals. The
people attending the seminar
projected all the results of the '
week into a filmed documen
tary to be used by the Peace
"The plot of the documen
tary was set up in a fictitious
village called 'Nooma' in an
agricultural, tribal setting.
While one tribe was made up
of farmers, the other two were
made up of herdsman and
fishermen who lived in the
same area.
"There was one chief for all
the tribes. On one hand, he
did not want to lose his hold:
on and authority over the!
tribes, and on the other hand
was facing growing pressure
tiuiii iuc ccuuai guvci mucin
to make changes in his vil
lages. The government ad
ministrator asked the chief to
begin an irrigation system for
agriculture and to limit the
number of cattle (which would
release land for other pur
poses). He also suggested that
family planning and hygenic
living standards should be in
troduced. Corker To Speak
At PTP Meeting
Steve Corker, national di
rector of the University Pro
gram of People-to-People, will
speak at a People-to-People
meeting Monday.
Corker will give an informal
talk and then answer ques
tions from the audience.
The meeting is scheduled
for 4 p.m. in the small audi
torium of the Nebraska Union.
Leads In
Casts have been announced
for the University Theatre's
second semester productions,
"Mother Courage" and "The
Blood Knot."
Marceine Sweetser, a sen
ior majoring in speech has
been cast in the title role of
"Mother Courage," a play
about the Thirty Year's War.
Also in the cast is John
Guinty, Bob Hall, Jan Healy,
John Holms, Mike Karel, Rich
Mahood, Ric Marsh, Sue
Nohr, Dan Steadman and
Dean Tschetter.
The "Blood Knot" cast con
sists of Tom Crawley and Her
man Dryver. Crawley is a
graduate student in English,
who has played past lead
parts in the University's per
farmances of 'Hamlet," "Ant
ony and Cleopatra," and
"Heartbreak House."
"Mother Courage," pro
duced on Broadway three
years ago, will he produced
by Dr. Dallas Williams, pro
fessor of speech and dramatic
"The Blood Knot," a story
about racial brotherhood, will
be directed by Dr. Stephen
Cole, assistant professor of
speech and dramatic art.
Want Ads
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"This was all to be forced
on the area through an agri
cultural expert, a Peace
Corps worker and a represen
tative of UNESCO."
The following is the basis
of the problem, the lack of
communications between the
involved parties.
"The chief was, at timas,
ready to give in to the govern
mental authorities and at "til
ers, to the tribal groups le
was foreign educated and un
derstood the problems of both
"Problems of financing the
projects came up and there
appeared a local merchant
ready to jump at the chance
to mke more money. He re
fused to allow the chief and
tribal members to accept gov
ernment financing."
Kahn states that, "the
greatest resistance came from
the tribal shaman (medical
religious leaders), a man of
great personal following,
mainly because he was not
consulted when the plans were
being drawn up. He never
gave in or changed his mind
about the inadvisability. of the
plans. All others gave up."
So ended the documentary.
The point that Kahn makes is
that it is not an isolated ex
ample, but one occur in g
across the world every day.
IFC Emphasizes
Grades, Activities
In Rush Booklet
The co-editors of the IFC
Rush Book announced Thurs
day night that the book would
be published and distributed
at the end of April.
Dave Cummins, who shares
the editorial duties with Tony
Myers, said that this year's
book will give more attention
to scholarship and campus
He noted that this year all
pictures in the book will
be new. In other years they
often used the same pictures.
Commins said that approx
imately 350 copies would
be published and sent to in
coming freshman boys who
are interested in the Greek
Prof. Arthaud
New Secretary
Professor Vincent' Arthaud
of the University Department
of Animal Science has been
elected secretary of the North
Central Regional technical
committee for beef carcass
evaluation. Members of the
committee represent the 13
states in the North Central
Want Ads
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The Iowa State Highway
Commission will be inter
viewing at the University
of Nebraska on February 8,
William r. Pali
Personnel Director