Most Housemothers 'By Nancy Ilenrickson Junior Staff Writer Housemothers interviewed by the Daily Nebraskan gave mostly favorable attitudes on a senior key system for wom en. In an informal opinion poll Thursday afternoon only four housemothers of the 12 questioned opposed a propos al of unlimited hours for sen ior women. Besides these twelve sever al other housemothers felt they were not qualified to give tlfeir opinion because they had n$$$5S$t1Mi;$F thoughtto the ProD,Cny RARY Vol. 81, No. 58 Li.'. ." I4TH Svanson, Consider Clarence Swanson. presi dent of the Board of Regents, recently told the Daily Ne braskan that the possibility of tuition increases in the next two years is not great, but apparently a Lincoln Journal political reporter disagrees. Dick Herman, in a recent Journal news story, said that the Legislative Council Budg et Study Committee had met in January to consider how the University is going to get the half-million dollars neces sary to hire extra faculty so an unexpectedly large enroll ment which is anticipated next year can be accommodated. This reporter suggested in his analysis that possibly "a further boost could be the University's most reliable re sponse" to solving its money problems which constant in creases in enrollment will cause. The Daily Nebraskan was unable to contact Joseph So shnik, vice chancellor, Thurs day afternoon, but Herman 1 PvJKfl I ? i, est 'A- Ttt1J vTj mWJ- I k ZTiri trtajjj- r . - w Union Art Lending Library Assists Do-lt-Y our self Home Decorators The Nebraska Union Atl Lending Library for second semester will be held Thurs day from 11 a m. to 4 p.m. in the Union. The library, which is con ducted once a semester, offers prints from a large range of modem and traditional artists for student borrowing free of charge. Students keep the prints for the semester or for the entire academic year. Cathy Pohlman, chairman of the sponsoring group, the Union contemporary ar t s committee, said the commit tee is able to offer around 200 to 300 different prints at the beginning of the year. The number is smaller at the fiMiiWMWisg While sorority housemothers declined to be identified, they were willing to discuss t h e proposal of a senior key sys tem. These were some of their opinions: "By the time women are of senior status I think they should be responsible for their hours. Unlimited hours for senior women may not be bad but there may be better ways of handling the key priv ilege, such as using the pres ent doorbeU system. A con trol system could be worked NSfSLthe 'house and it would eliminate handing out keys." ST. . . . congestion may be in - nnnit-""t-ii faun . Political Reporter Tuition Increase reported that Soshnik had said that if a special legisla tive session is called for some reason in months ahead. Uni versity officers would be ex tremely interested in having the institution's dollar prob lem put on the agenda. Swanson did point out in his interview with the Daily Ne braskan that the possibility of a tuition increase always exists. He stressed the idea at that time that a tuition increase could be a "last resort" meas ure used only when other channels of revenue are ex hausted. Herman said in his story that senators had planned to weigh University money head aches at their February meet ing. But Herman pointed out that the- meeting was can celed. The Journal reporter ex plained that there were possi bly other alternatives than raising tuition to kolve the semester because of students who take a picture for the year, but there is still a good selection, she said. The prints, which are "mostly oils." Miss Pohlman said, are framed and are works of a variety of artists. She noted there are Reniors. Utrillos, Goyas, Van Gogns and Picassos in the collection. Miss Pohlman said the print that fs "most often asked for" is Andrew Wyetb's work, "Christian's World." New prints are purchased from a national organization in New York City. She said there are no duplications in ---"f ti1mil,,r Tr--T - --ir-r r l- "ti u-nf H - "I think a key system would be perfectly all right. 1 would be in favor of giving both juniors and seniors keys.". "I am in favor of it. Each house unit will probably have to set up the working details itself. If a key system has been made to work on other campuses, it could work for our mature girls, too. I think the senior girls only should have the keys. But scholar ship and heaith should be con sidered first. It depends on parents' attitudes, too. It would solve a lot of problems " V.? 1' relieved. University's money problems, but be said these were "all appalling to University lead ers.". These alternatives included overspending the second year's slice of the $34,431,904 biennial appropriation, re stricting the size of the 1966 entering freshman class or taking a dollar here and a dol lar there from the 1966-67 planned expenditures . Herman said the University administrators had reached this money problem bind be cause they were conservative in making enrollment esti mates while compiling the 1965-67 budget request. "Oth er enrollment projections in dicated the official figures were ultra-conservative," his fclory said. Where the University bad guessed a 14,5X) person stu dent body and was given a tax subsidy for such the act ual total was 15,179, he wrote. the collection. Miss Pohlman said that while prints cannot be re served in advance, students may submit suggestions for purchases to the committee and that the committee wel comes these suggestions. Students receive a post card at the end of the year notify. Ing them that they must re turn the prints, Miss Pohlman said. "We've never had any trouble with people walking off with prints," she com mented. She said that the administration will hold back the grades of a student who does not return a print. Favor we have now and the girls wuuld be happier. "I think it would be all right if it weren't abused. I think it could be worked out, but should be limited to seniors only."' "Seniors are responsible women and should have cer tain privileges underclassmen do not have. I think we should start by giving keys to s e n iors only because it is such a big change." "I think a key system is all right if the girls want it and the dean of women and par ents approve. If they extend The Daily Nebraskan City Planners Propose To End Campus Traffic Lincoln has assured Univer sity officials that 14th St. will be closed, according to Clar ence Swanson, - president of the University Board of Re gents. Douglas Brogden. Lincoln and Lancaster County city planner, confirmed the state ment and added that 14th St. would be closed as soon as the Holdrege St. viaduct is completed probably by 1967. Brogden said that a viaduct is being planned to connect Holdrege Street to either 9th St. or 10th St. in such a man ner as to eliminate the need for city traffic to flow through the city campus. He added that a budget ap propriation has been approved for the project and all that re- Dr. Anthony to Attend Seminar A University home eco nomic educator has been se lected to attend a national re search seminar in Athens, Georgia. Febr. 6-11. Dr. Hazel Anthony, chair man of the XU Home Eco n o m i c s Education depart ment, is among 40 delegates selected to attend the seminar for researchers and leaders in the field of vocational tech nical education. Discussions on research and curriculum development in the vocational technical education area will be discussed. Debaters Earn 1-2 Reeord Three University junior de bate teams earned indentical records at the Kansas State tournament at Pittsburg. Kan. recently. The teams of Terry Hall and Vera Jewitt. Dave Erbach and Doug Kluender. and Jeri Adam and Nancy Coufal all won four rounds and lost two. Over 120 teams competed in the three-day competition. Union Plans Talk By Schlesingcr Faculty Senate Convocation committee announced Thurs day that Arthur Schlesinger, Pulitzer Prize-winning , his torian and author of "A Thou sand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White house," will speak at an all-University con vocation on Feb. 22 in the coliseum. Schlesinger's topic will be "The World We Want and How to Get It." He served as special as sistant to President Kennedy and from h i s experiences wrote "A Thousand Days" which has since become a best-seller. Other books he has written include "The Age of Jackson." "The Vital Center, and "The MacArthur Con' -nersy." Student Teaching Applications Due Russell McCreight. director of Student teaching for ele mentary education, announced that elementary education majors who plan to register for student teaching for the fall semester 1966h67 must make application to do so by March 1. Application forms may be obtained in 202 Teachers Col lege and should be returned to 103 Teachers College upon 'completion. Senior the hours it will be fine. 1 think seniors are more capa ble of taking the responsibil ity and it gives them some thing to look forward to." "Keys are the only solution to later hours. I don't think the girls would take advan tage of unlimited hours and their judgment would be best. If a parent gives his consent I would have no qualms at all and I would be relieved of re sponsibility." Miss Fran Uolman. resi dence director of Pound Hall, said, "I think a key system is a real good thing. It would mains is a formal vote on the viaduct. City engineers have been working on the by-pass that would run parallel to the rail road tracks north of city campus, he said. Problems arise, however, with drainage and the presence of the tracks. Brogden explained that the University requested that 14th. 16th and 17th streets be closed in 1956. The proposal was again made in 1961 and 1965. The planning committee, he continued, agreed with the proposal and eventually a sys tem will be worked out so that city traffic can by-pass the city campus completely. Fourteenth St. should be closed in about two years, ac Nebraska Tax Commissioner Warns Students To Report Personal Property The State Tax Commission er's office has received many complaints about University students not reporting person al property, according to Wil liam E. Peters, attorney for the State Tax Commissioner's oitice. He said that any student holding any type of personal property should report that property. This would include clothing, jewelry, typew riters, sporting equipment, money in savings and in checking ac counts, household goods and all intangible property includ ing stocks and bonds. "The tax people would ap preciate it if minors would remind their parents that they should be including their children's property when re porting their own," Peters said. He said that students who are ov er 21 or married or are living at home in Lincoln, Nine Coeds To Experience European Life This Summer By Randy Ircy Junior Staff Writer A summer of living and learning in Europe is the prospect for nine coeds who will participate in a program sponsored by People-to-Peo-ple. The continental students-to-be are Susan Baade, Kaye Kersenbrock, Penny Hulac, Jean Groteluschen, Sandy Kamler. Carolyn B e d i e n U Betty Niehouse and Margaret Enyeart, all from the Univer sity. Pat Carlson from Con cordia College will also travel with them. Nebraska's delegation, after a campus orientation period and a tour of Washington. D. C will fly to Brussels. Fol lowing another orientation period there, they will divide up, with each girl living with three different families for about a w eek each. In this manner they gain the personal ties of living with a foreign family while also learning about the coun try in which they are staying. The girls were chosen after interviews in which they were judged on the basis of their grade average, participation in activities, and the image ffri - f i-V'iri-r -V-t-' rf-- ..,...,,,.-..n rr i . n Key Proposal teach responsibility and would be real fine if it were admin istered correctly. I think it should be limited to s c n i o r women only for at least t h e first year until the details are worked out." Housemothers who opposed the key system didn't feel their houses would be safe nor did they think that later hours are necessary. Their attitudes were: "I'm against a key system. I don't think I would ever feel my house was locked. I don't think that just being 21 cording to Robert Obering from the city engineering de partment. Obering added that a sur vey is underway concerning the possibility of a northeast radial, somewhat along the lines of Capital Parkway which goes through southeast Lincoln. If the survey, which should be completed in May, recom mends that the northeast radial be constructed, he con tinued. 16th and 17th streets may eventually be closed too. A former Marine corporal, now a sophomore at the Uni versity, made a plea at Hyde Park yesterday that students "for their own safety" obey the traffic signals at the corn er of 14th and S St. should consult the Lancaster County Tax Assessor's office in Lincoln about reporting their personal property. In addition, students over 21 may be subject to certain other taxes, including the head tax. poll tax and the Kerr-Mills tax. Peters said. He said that the enforce ment of personal property tax laws has become more sophisticated and that the tax commissioner's office could be used as a clearing agency for obtaining names of peo ple that should be reporting personal property. Peters added that it would be quite easy to get a list of all students "from the Univer sity and then report them back to the individual county assessors. "In fact, some of the county assessors have asked us to do this." Peters said. If students or their parents they would present as Amer icans in a foreign nation. "People-to-People is an or ganization developed by for mer President Eisenhower in 1956. Its goals are to promote better international under standing," explained Donnie Jones, vice president of the local campus organization. Not only does it function on the college level, but it has also developed programs which allow whole communit ies to participate in similar travel programs. "Once an entire senior class from a high school traveled to Europe," Miss Jones related. "On campus, the organiza tion promotes a Student to New Wardrohe For jNehraskan The Daily Nebraskan came out in its new spring ward robe Wednesday. Making its second semester debut, the University of Ne braska student publication in cluded new layout and editor ial cartoons drawn by NU studonts in its new look. This semester the Daily Nebraska will have editorial cartoons drawn by four stu or a senior makes a girl ma ture " "I wonder how they could waul later hours and do effi cient work. There is nothing to do around here after 1 a.m. When they're out all night they'll sleep all day and miss their classes." "1 can't see that there is that much to do in Lincoln. If my daughter were in school I wouldn't be in favor of it." "I don't think it would work out. The present closing pro cedures of using the doorbell system are O.K. and they don't need keys." Friday, Feb. 4, 1966 Viaduct Problem Duane Tappe said one thing students themselves could do about the conditions at the corner would be to start "pay ing attention to what they are doing, take it on your ow n to w ait for the light." 'The other day I saw a girl almost run over." Tappe said. He said the coed was crossing the street about 10:25 a.m. following a large crowd of stu dents and that she "tried to squeeze between" stopped cars which accelerated about the same time. Tappe said one thing the city could do in the immedi ate future would be to mark "definite pedestrian cross ings" and install more effec tive traffic lights, but he stressed the students' re sponsibility. do not report personal prop erty by March, penalties can be issued for 10 to 50 per cent of the tax due on the tangible property and 40 to 200 percent of the tax due on the intangible property. Peters said that it would be hard to make an estimate of how much money this would add to the state tax rolls. However, he did say that the S" head tax for persons over 21 would be the largest por tion of the money added. "As far as the University student is concerned, the prin ciple is more important than the money involved." Peters said. Aimed partly at students and low value property tax pavers, an earlier law would have provided a S15 penalty for not filing property with the tax officials. However, the attorney general has held that this cannot be done. Student program. This com mittee attempts to further the knowledge of foreign students studying at the University as to our customs and habits," she said. Another activity is their at tempt to find better housing on campus for foreign stu dents. On Feb. 18 and 19, People-to-People will celebrate its fifth anniversary as a college organization with a regional conference at the University of Kansas. "Though we are relatively young, we have already helped Americans to increase their knowledge of other coun tries. In addition. I am sure the foreign students have learned from us," Miss Jones stated. dents, Joanne Stohlman, a junior from Lincoln and new editor, said. Miss StohJman said the newspaper will increase in size to six pages fours days a week with several eight page issues. Last semester, the Daily Nebraskan had four pages with several eight page issues.