The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1965, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, Nov. 15, 1965
After Victory Over Cowboys . . .
vr jHLjlJ
ushers Going
o Orange
IB o vj I
UST . . .
i the same. OSU took the short board with 2:53 left after
By Jim Swartz
"We wanted them, win loose or draw.
raiu3f Pitr TTScrht PnnfArAnra
This was what Bob Hactor. Executive Director of the , cha ionship their first
Orange Bowl Committee, said after the Nebraska victory j undef;ated season m 50 Vears
Saturday. outlasting Oklahoma State
Hactor noted that the most likely opponent for the New ; university 21-17 here Satur
Year s eve clash would be Alabama, although a Southwest ) H
ii- - r i.. i . . - 1 l!Ua.
comerence ruling ioroias league teams 10 announce a ouwi HUSj;ers naj to shake
selection oeiore aov. zu j of more game mistakes than
"If we get Alabama down, the Orange Bowl will be the have made year to
iop game vi uie couiiuj. l am picastru umi icu-.aa str-
lected the Orange Bowl."
In his announcement that the team had selected the
Orange Bowl Coach Bob Devaney noted that many of the
players who played in the Cotton Bowl felt that the Orange
Bowl would be a new experience and that a bowl is a reward
for the players.
"Any time a team can't decide which bowl they want to
go to then it is time to quit having bowls," Devaney said.
Hactor said that he was happy and pleased over the Ne
braska victory and explained that an earlier release about
prospective bowl teams was misread.
"Nebraska was at the top of our list before the begin
ning of the season," he said, "and they play an exciting
game of football."
Hactor continued that when the list of prospective
teams for the bowl that they were listed in alphabetical or
der and not by preference, thus explaining stories that had
the Huskers as the Bowl's tenth choice.
Commenting on the game, he said "to come back with
Solich out of the lineup is how deep in talent the team is
and that they can pull out a game and win it"
Hactor noted that the game will be played on New
Year's eve and that the game was already a sellout. "There
are 22.000 tickets reserved for the schools." he said, "and
the schools will probably split it in half."
He noted that since Nebraska played there two years
ago a junior college has been built and Nebraska will have
access to their facilities in making the transition to the night
game and the different climate.
Nebraska ticket director Jim Pittenger announced af
ter the game that there will be more than enough bowl tick
ets for students and that they will start UKing oraers aner ;
Thanks givin g Vacation.
"I would like to emphasize that the students wait until i
after vacation before getting their tickets." he said. "This j
will give the students an opportunity to finalize their plans j
with their parents and with enough tickets to go around ;
scalping should be avoided." :
Two years ago when Nebraska went to ine urange iui 1
Nebraskan Sports Editor 1 kickoff and moved the ball to : Marv Mueller intercepted a
ct;notr v.hractJthe five before the gun' Glenn Baxter pass on the
accepted the Orange Bowl bid, : sounded.
moved one victory closer to a It was a game of mistakes
for the H u s k e r s. starting
with Ron Kirkland commit
ting the first miscue, fumbl
ing on the Nebraska 48. It
was Fred Duda's turn in the
next series as he fumbled on
t h e eight after Kaye
Carstens pirated a pass in
the end zone. The Cowboys
drive 75 yards with 5:19 left; took it from there and jumped
to overcome a 17-14 Cowboy j off to a 7-0 lead,
advantage and seemingly ice ' Nebraska got on the score-
Husker 33 and returned it to
the 32. The Huskers ground
out 58 yards in a ten p 1 a y
j series, capped by a two-yard
'plunge by Kirkland for the
I tally.
! Kirkland added his second
touchdown and made It 14-7
iwith 13:06 left in the third
i quarter after Jerry P a 1 1 0 n
recovered on OSU fumble on
the 22.
A 12 yard punt by Kirk
land kindled Cowboy upset
" kv ' ' m
hopes and almost spelled
disaster for the Huskers in
the fourth quarter as t h e
Cowboys galloped the 35
yards in seven plays to take
a three point advantage.
Frank Solich was carried
off the field after a 22 yard
kick off return. With 5:19 left
the Huskers launched a 75
yard game winning touchdown
drive with the key play being
diving pass catch by H a r r y
Wilson for 11 yards. Pete
Tatman capped the drive, tak
ing the ball in from the two
with :38 left in the game.
None of t h e 31.500 specta
tors left their seats however,
as tne Cowboys just about
who rambled to the five at the
gun before being brought
down in the game saving
tackle by Bill Johnson.
Kirkland and Wilson led
the 167 rushing total with
123 and 95 yards respective
ly. Garrison paced the Cow
boy 147 rushing total with
121 yards. The Cowboys had
a 239 total offensive total,
compared to 297 and 17 first
downs for Nebraska.
The "Blackshirts" were led
by Wayne Meylan, six tackles
and six assists, and Rick
Coleman, who had four
tackles and six assist s.
Mueller had two interceptions.
Thanksgiving Day opponent
Bill Johnson (28 ( and Dick Czap (70) corral Cowboy carrier.
Final Comeback Mark Of Champ
pulled the upset behind the j Oklahoma was shelled 3(H) by
hard running of Walt Garrison Missouri at Columbia.
He continued. "We were 0f the game, he said "Ij
Tho Vnhratta rirpssin?
it was the last year that the Bowl had a contract with toe , rocra was QU5et the last lucky to win. They were real-; thnaht ,rA thpv u.nnirf na;, J
Big Eight Conference. . minute win over OSU. The;ly fired up. Garrison is the, . "j
When TWtnr na: askd about anv future possibility of ni-anafl p.mi-1 amirviiTWPmPTrt ! hardest running back I have
a similar contract in the future he sa'id that it would have j brought brie smies. there; faced all season." j Sd they didn't have
both its advantages and disadvantages, with the biggest ; was n0 snouiing. the cheers Asked about the lst play J more time."
disadvantage being a Big bignt oowi ruling. and tne excitement ot a hard
He continued that although the possibility had not been earned victory were missing,
talked about by the committee be was sure it would probably ; jj,e cowboys had won only
come up at a future time. ....... . j one game and the experts had
Correct me if I am wrong, but Oklahoma State has prob- called it Nebraska with 20
ably played against more bowl bound teams than any team ! points. The Cowboys had dif
in the nation. Two of their opponents have already con- , ferent ideas though, and kept
traded for bowl games. Nebraska to the Orange Bowl and everyone guessing to the gun
Missouri to the Sugar Bowl while three others are listed as fighting hard all the way
bowl possibilities. Arkansas or Texas Tech are assurred of : and never giving up.
a Cotton Bowl bid and Tulsa, OSUs sole victory, is slated ! .After the game. Coach Bob
for a probable repeat bowl appearance. The competition and j Devaney, with a sigh of re
the fact that the Cowboys kept all these opponents within lief, said, "They darn near
... , . A-t , , ! mj -i .4 fit 4 ! ,1j-l 1 rf i t -t
a two loucnaown margin indicate xo me inai me near upsei , 6jt
was certainly no freak.
Snyder, Hosier Lead Bowlers
To First Place Tie Saturday
The University of Nebraska
Bowling team started rather
slowly Saturday in competi
tion but ended up tying for
first at tbe Nebraska Union.
The bowlers were dureated
all the credit in the world to
I am not blaming ourselves
but giving full credit to
Sports Information Director
fVir. Rti-ant si-:1ii jiur. 4 h
Husker victory saying 'We- J
four losses. Kansas State had : takes thev should not have
the high team erk of the : made. Thty had to come
day, which included a m ; back to win it and they did, ,
ucam gdjuw. wmch is the mark oi a cham- r
ijjc ,uiasx IUXUS AJUU . J-UUU.
not fare as well as their male j Defensive ctalwart Bill
counterparts. The girls bowled '. Johnson who made the game
two team matches against ; saving tackl.e was awarded
irs NO GO .
Hiitker fashion.
Wayne Meylan brands a Cowboy,
by Kansas University 3-1 in
the first match and came j Kansas University and 1 s t the game ball by the squad
badk in the afternoon 3-1 over I both, 0-4 and 0-4. Les Dutka ! at the suggestion of Harry
Kansas State and swept the ! was the high scorer for the1 Wilson. Johnson was quick to
Wichita State matches 4-0. I Nebraska team with a 765 for ! praise the Cowboys. "T hey
The Husker bowlers were ! sil ?ams- j a Sd ltai"- We me
led by the consistent bowling The high game and series 3o mistakes on them
of Gary Snvder and Chuck j for the day's competition was j J c D eJ' took advantage
Hosier. Snj-der rolled a 232, 1 rolled by Snyder. He roDd a j
bigh game of the day, en
route to a 188 average for
the day. Hosier, who sat out
the morning match, shot
series scores of 585 and 574
for a nifty 193 average.
In over-all competition the
Nebraska bowlers tied for
first with Kansas State. Both
teams had eight wins and
high game of 232 and series
of 593
r ill tztQv
Football Banquet
The aiiuaJ Nebraska Foul-1
ball Appreciation Bamquiet. j
sponsored by the Extra Pokrt j
Club to h'jim the NU team
and coaches. wiH be held Dec. I
1, al the Lincoln Hotel. I
Tickets, la-iced at $5. aj-e ,
available at the National Bank
of Commerce, the First Na
tional Bank and the Coliseum
Ticket Office.
Freshman Game
Scheduled Today
The Iowa State Frebhman
Came has been rescheduled
for 2:30 this afternoon.
The game had wiginaily
been scheduled for Friday
but was called because of the
wet field.
This will be the final game
of the season for the year
lings, who stand 2-1 for the
aeason. Students who hold
regular waon tickets will he
lTi.tted to the gaTie by pre
enticg their student tickets.
Mud 6r Siiw or Reg. Trea.d
of Vi the price
Ok" I Star Recap.. .3.95
OK 2 Star Recap... 7.95
OK .1 Star Recap..,
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Want Ads
Tkw rmm nam ft t H Im
IfMI vrtllnt tai fl. (MIX VArtukm.
mlxvttri rt ot Ui wn mart an frUtd
mam ''- f tne mr Htfb4 tixwr
rrmM tor tketir ortg tll lit.
n !irt: in mt, mnnuw 4rM ttiar
n In wnnnMlu mwa tor fwM 1ir
mam m will in M wmidr
Monday Night
fclldtin Hh1v 3.WMI Mar 0 por1
Ciaivt. . M fsi, ovkt Drive lnw,
South J mm.5203.
Mutt !: -W2 4 olkuwiiium, vhite. uti-
j-ndiu, Katl-ll. HtK) wiiw tux.
RxciHlU-iit onditnm. ChwlM! Anrnlfl. Cut)
nr U jra stun,
WMI WuUuwtKion. Fuur flnvy; radii). W
jtt a!U7 .urtti 0. 4.4(f5 atter 1, 30.
1W5 :UIIi. 1H03 trummivtii'in
very nUmn. Cruul nuiiuin utflw. la.
9ti 11 mm LOCKERS
fwiiiii Iwkm jvHjntile. En jut
lr, i'ii.'B-r, l)'ni! Jt truro idiw; i w
will 8U0t u uriix (Cut. wiiipi !() mid
in uur luchrr. 842 tout Mil. ll
I upwrultHwint-n. nir 4 unMittf. on
W mutiHi, call i. at) Ijw iil
ur Mrk iiidrtiiM. er,7ij rxt,
'JIK, ur .v.iirgt -.3ML4U.
Alilirtni:nt ut w (-lw .; :Hj pnt.d In uif
and fliinnt BuiH in kitolren. Mt Clwm
laud. W-WW, ur M JW
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50 West "O" 435-3211
Iwliwry nian and snnsa malwu . or
wiiaUi. Call in iwrwn) 4.30 aiw f-i-
(ttut not lea sum)
mi m . . i
tor -tv U: 111 ur U- CsmtovA
Wwniann. . 77U3, wenum.
Wanted t-i-Krf lur .ihiMlwii al WurU' Km
Wta: or "iaii4wijiviiiK k.v 4.miiv 'J tiww
mu'inUI 111 fltfljuimr tliir tirk-l 10
llttk cliilflru call lr at 43it-iavii.
.r..'i- ....J . j. -'.t-Ai-'-w- -?ti-&:l-4
1 b
K ' .... . ... . Tr a W ft.
it "" 1 1
congratulates Walt Garrison.
Coach Bob Devaney
'Even ogent 00-Pizza can't
detect our seven secret
ipicy flavors."
4601 "O"
You know V2n Heusen's
ent417. He's Jt man
who fuss that secret rey r.jj
women. lf$ his "y-Taper
shirt witfi the snap-tab
collar that does it Shows
tip his ruggei, rangy
Physique, and lets a woman
know this man's keepirg
pace with the action. Try
"4 17" in shirts, sweaters,
sport shirts and discover
the secret yourself.