The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1965, Image 1

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    ' ' " - llltmiMIIIMIIMIMMM.
OCT llfif
Vol. 81, No. II
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, October I, 1965
position of the Homecoming
interviewing board for final
ists. The new board was com
posed of the ASUN president,
vice president, and a senator
from each college.
TEN COEDS were named
finalists for Homecom
ing Queen. The Queen will
reign over a week of Home
coming activities. The final
ists are Bonnie Brown, Diana
Focht, Kathie Glade. Kathy
Knight, Joan McClymont,
Candance May, Marcia Meli
char, Barbara Pflasterer,
Candy Sasso and Diane
senting Alpha Omicron Pi,
was named Miss Derby Day
at the Annual Sigma Chi-spon-sored
ERS and a "Hyde Park" type
forr.m were announced as
tentative ideas for the Nebras
ka Union's Talks and Topics
COBS said that they will not
sponsor Homecoming displays
this year because the groups'
support "was not justified."
declared the north addition to
Memorial Stadium at the Uni
versity as safe. Their investi
gations revealed there has
been no significant lateral
movement of the structure
and no cracking of the sup
porting columns.
coin's rainfall accumulation
for the year reached 42.12
Inches, setting a new annual
record and there are still
two months to go.
roll reported on the police de
partment's investigation of
vice in Lincoln. City Council
man John Mason had re
quested a study of gambling
The report said vice activity
in Lincoln is at a minimum.
the klkjiokn Bank was
robbed of $8,300 by a lone
gunman. A car believed to be
the robber's was found in
Omaha. Duane Pope, accused
of the Big Springs bank rob
bery and triple-slaying, awaits
trail in Lincoln.
ported 85,000 signatures were
filed by Marvin Werve of
Omaha. Werve is co-chairman
of a drive to have the income
tax repealed. The petitions
seek a referendum vote on
the state income tax bill and
would block any collection of
income taxes by the state un
til the question is decided by
ha, state AFL-CIO president,
urged Nebraska members of
the union not to support Gov.
Frank Morrison. Morrison's
supporters shugged off the
statement. Nisley was elected
to his fourth term as presi
dent. GOV. MORRISON received
the resignation of State Motor
Vehicles Director B. H. G. Ei
ting. Morrison was said to be
displeased with the enforce
ment of the implied consent
law, which requires drivers
to consent to an alcohol test
if requested. Morrison said he
would announce a new ap
pointee next week.
EVERETT HUNT said that
his widely-publicized commit
tee which studied the flight
of investment capital from
Nebraska never issued a re
port to the governor. Instead
of a report, he said he gave
Morrison a statement of gen
eral economic facts. No copies
can be found of the statement.
ecuted by the Viet Cong in re
prisal for Vietnamese execu
tions of Viet Cong prisoners.
Both sides said they will con
tinue executions.
THE BRITISH ruling Party
pledged support for the United
States in Viet Nam, but asked
the United States to stop the
bombings in the north. Prime
Minister Harold Wilson indi
cated a willingness to act as
a go-between to seek peace
In Viet Nam.
conflict continued with both
sides engaging in clashes.
Pakistan requested a U.N.
peace force to occupy dis
puted Kashmir until a plebis
cite could be held to deter
mine the region's future.
MRS. MORROW , . . Uninversity "Pep Queen"
1940, will appear at 1965 Homecoming festivities.
Pep Queen Of '40
Still Follows Team
By Julie Morris
Junior Staff Writer
Eight children and 25 years
ago, Mrs. John Morrow
reigned over the 1940 Home
coming ceremonies as Ne
braska Pep Queen. During
Homecoming Week 1965 Mrs.
Morrow will again appear,
this time as an honored alum
na. She will be guest at various
alumni functions and will be
presented on the field at half
time of the Nebraska-Colorado
Mrs. Morrow, the former
Betty O'Shea, was the second
coed to be elected Pep Queen,
the equivalent of today's
Homecoming Queen.
The one-time member of
Tassels said, "It wasn't as
much of an honor then as it
is now because it was not an
all-University election." The
Pep Queen was chosen by
those at the Homecoming
Marriage came on the heels
of graduation for Mrs. Mor
row. She received a B. A. in
elementary education at the
same ceremony at which her
husband, John, was presented
a law degree from Nebraska.
Mrs. Morrow, a slender bub
bly woman, thinks "the spirit
at Nebraska has been wonder
ful. I think there has always
been a great loyalty to the
football team."
Speaking of spirit and loy
alty, Mrs. Morrow said, 'T
think I've gone to every foot
ball game at Nebraska since
fourth grade." She said she
had started going on knothole
tickets and now she and her
husband attend the games
with a group of other fans.
"We got a block of seats
right after World War II and
Elevator In Union
Goes On Strike
No longer will students be
able to take life easy while
in tne Nebraska union.
No longer will they be able
to ride up and down on the
elevator while their muscles
slowly deteriorate from lack
of use.
The elevator in the Nebras
ka Union is "out of order."
This fact came to light a week
ago when workers whose of
fices are on the second and
third floors of the Union found
it necessary to climb the
stairs in order to get to their
As one married worker put
it, "Nobody knows better
than I what an inconvenience
it is. I have to walk up from
the basement to the third
floor at least five times a
Work is progressing on the
repair of the elevator, and it
should be running again by
we always sit together," she
The Nebraska alumna was
reigning Pep Queen when Ne
braska went to the Rose Bowl
under coach Maj. "Biff"
Jones. "That was so excit
ing," she reminisced. "It was
the first bowl game that Ne
braska had ever gone to.
ft - -1 . I M 1 LiM3.lU':r ;
bers John Aegerter (left), Gary Peters and Dave Grasmick.
Band Day Draws 3,600 Musicians
for Morning Parade, Half-time Show
By Bruce Giles
Junior Staff Writer
Red legs and noses may
not be evident for Saturday's
game as weathermen predict
warm, sunny weather for
Band Day festivities.
3,600 musicians from bands
across the Cornhusker state
will converge on the Univer
sity Saturday morning at 8,
according to Don Lentz, direc
tor of University bands.
Each band will be met by
two men and a woman from
the University Band, to act
as their guides throughout the
A highly coordinated affair,
some bands will be practicing
at the same time that other
bands will be parading and
others are being lined up for
the traditional Band Day pa
rade from downtown Lincoln
to the University campus.
The parade, which starts at
9:30 a.m., will begin at 10th
and O, go east to 14th and O,
To Push
By Jan Itkin
Junior Staff Writer
Not a political party nor a
pressure group, but a 1 i 1 1 1 e
of each.
That is how Dick Sherwin
explained the purposes of Stu
dent Action for Government
Effectiveness (SAGE), a new
group on the University cam
pus. "We want to help make
student government more
meaningful and effective,"
Sherwin said, "bjjir working on
hearings and doing what we
can to help them (student gov
ernmment) fulfill their obliga
tion as part of the student
body, the University, and the
SAGE, which is in the pro
cess of organizing, has at pre
sent between 25 and 30 mem
bers. The executive committee,
whose duties, as outlined in
their constitution, are "to
carry out the policies and
programs decided upon by
the committee as a whole and
other such actions ... as it
deems necessary and proper
to carry out the purposes and
goals of SAGE," is composed
of five members.
Temporary committeemen
include Doug Mitchell, Dick
Sherwin, Alan Larson, Lynn
Overholt and John Schreck
tnger. They advocate several
campus reforms and projects
including a campus FM ra
dio station and a legislative
committee composed of inter
ested students.
An FM radio station, they
maintain, could be used to
publicize student events,
broadcast University pro
grams like the Honors Convo
cation and serve as a. supple
ment to KNUS.
INSTRUMENTS ... And getting ready for Band Day tomorrow are University band mem
north to 14th and R, and west
to the corner of 12th and R.
Bands will have a mass re
hearsal for the halftime show
at 11 a.m. when the psTade
The bandmen will spell out
the names of three football
bowls the Rose Bowl, the
Cotton Bowl and the Orange
Bowl. Lentz said that no
charts are provided the visit
ing bands and that all the
work on the formations will
have to be done Saturday.
Musical numbers for the
halftime ceremonies, which
will include "Hail Varsity,"
"Orange Bowl," "King Cot
ton," "Star Spangled Ban
ner" and "Hosts of Free
dom," were sent to band di
rectors so that they might
practice the numbers before
In choosing the "Bowl"
theme for the halftime cere
monies, Lentz noted that it is
the 25th anniversary of the
Rose Bowl, and that all Uni
versity players for the Rose
Registration prob
lems caused by the supply
of available sections soon
may be lessened, if not
eliminated, according to
Lee Chatfield, associate
dean of student affairs and
director of junior division
and counseling service.
A new procedure has been
designed to help administra
tors know what courses stu
dents will be enrolling in.
Students are asked to do the
October 11-15 Sign up
with faculty advisors for ad
vising appointments.
Student Petitions Ask
New Conference Rooms
Petitions calling "for con
ference rooms in our depart
ments where we can extend
discussions after class" will
be presented to the Student
Senate Wednesday.
The petitions, which
started circulating the cam
pus earlier this week, ex
plain that students in these
"conference rooms could en
gage in faculty-student di
alogue, and deepen rela
tionships among our peers."
No "Talk" Rooms
Steve Abbott, a University
student who first started
the petitions, explained that
there were no rooms on
campus at this time where
students could just go and
He said he realized there
was the problem of class
room space, but neverthe
less group discussions aft
Bowl in 1941 will be back for
He also noted that the
Huskers had attended the
Gotham Bowl and the Orange
Bowl in the last two years,
wrvly adding that "bowls are '
in the air more than ever be
Lentz said that there were
over 350 bands wishing to
participate in Band Day fes
tivities this year but that
there was a set number of
bands invited, due to the
space on the playing field.
He said the bands are se
lected by an alphabetical ro
tation system. Bands general
ly were able to return every
three years in the past, but
Lentz noted that with the in
creased size of bands, they
may be able to return only
every four years.
Lentz said the parade will
be telecast across the state
and will also be cut for re-run.
High school bands partici
'vr !!
pating in the B and Day pro-1
Complete instructions a
list of courses which will
be offered for second
semester and registration
worksheets can be picked
up at University residence
halls, the Nebraska Union,
and Registrar Window 2.
They will be available
Monday through Friday,
Oct. 11-15. After these dates,
lists and worksheets will be
available at Registrar Win
dow 2 only.
October 11-22 See advis
ers and complete the work
sheets except for section
er class should be empha
sized so as to add to the
University's intellectual and
educational atmosphere.
"The union," he said, "is
unsatisfactory for these dis
cussions because of its con
fusing atmosphere."
Intellectual Purpose
He said that "based on
the premise that a univer
sity is primarily for the pur
pose of fostering an intel
lectual community inform
ally as well as formally, for
undergraduates as well as
graduate students, we feel
justified in asking for evi
dence that steps are being
taken to ameliorate the
present situation."
Abbott explained that the
important thing the petition
shows is that apathy at the
University is "passe."
gram include: Ashland, Au
rora, Battle Creek, Beaver
Valley - Lebanon. Bellevue,
Blue Hill, Boys Town, Brady,
Ceresco. Chappell, Clarkson,
Crete, Dorchester, Elmwood,
tus"s. t"ie r rr""rj'
r an mum, u c u a, wumcu
burg. Northwest High School
in Grand Island, Gresham.
Hildreth, Henderson, Hel
brook. H o w e 1 1 s, Kearney,
Kimball. Lincoln Southeast,
Loomis. Madison, Milard, Mil
ligan, Minden. Mullen, Mur
dock. Nelson.
Nuemann High in Wahoo,
Norfolk, Norris Dist. 160 in
Hickman, Oakland, Odell,
O g a 1 1 a 1 a, St. Mary's in
O'Neill, Overton, Papillion,
Platteview-Springfield, Polk,
Ponca, Randolph, Ravenna,
Shelby, Shelton, Stamford,
Stanton, St. Edward, St. Paul,
Stromsburg, Superior, Table
Rock, Tecumseh, Trenton,
Valley, Venango, Wahoo,
Wilcox, University High in
Lincoln and the University of
Nebraska Marching Band,
will also participate.
and time. Leave the yellow
copy with college deans
(college counselors for Jun
ior Division students) and
keep the white copy. (Busi
ness Administration stu
dents are to do this from
Oct. 17-22.)
Nov. 29-Dec. 6 Obtain a
printed schedule of classes
and complete the sectioning
of courses on the white copy
of the previously approved
worksheets. Mail or bring it
to the Registrar's office as
soon as possible.
Cards Pulled Late
Dean Chatfield noted that
students who do not partici
pate in the early registra
tion may turn in approved
worksheets between Nov.
29 and Dec. 17, but that
class cards would be pulled
for them after cards had
been pulled for all e a r 1 y
"We are trying to help
students help themselves,"
Chatfield said. "The one
problem is that students will
be overly optimistic that the
new system will insure them
space. It can't erase the
backlog but will tell us what
the back-log is.
"I'm sure there are bugs
here that will show up lat
er," he continued, "but
things can't be much worse
than they were this sum
mer and fall. The ideal sit
uation would be scheduling
for a full year in advance
and that would be the ulti
mate solution to registra
tion headaches."
Freshman Classes Fill
The procedure evolved
frbm a concern over too
few sections and a backlog
of upper-classmen trying to
fulfill freshmen require
ments that were full when
they were freshman.
Chatfield explained that
the new system would re
quire a double-handling of
worksheets, but that if the
supply and the demand for
classes could be balanced,
"there would be less paper
shuffling in the long run."
The new procedure will
enable cards to be pulled
more quickly, Chatfield
Out By Oct. 15
A bulletin has been sent to
all the state draft boards in
dicating that enrollment veri
fication of University students
will be sent by October 15.
Col. Francis Drath, deputy
state director of the selective
service office said.
The bulletin was sent when
information on the draft forms
sent to the selective service
by the University proved to
be inadequate, according to
Col. Drath.
The number of hours for
which the student is enrolled
was not included on the
forms. "The University offi
cials have promised to have
the forms ready by October
15," he said.
Several University students
have received induction no
tices because the draft forms
have not been received by the
local draft boards.
Mrs. Erma Lasse, assistant
registrar, said that the forms
will be sent out by as soon
as possible, within the next
Even those students who
have received a notice will not
be inducted if they are "sat
isfactorily pursuing a full
time course at the Univer
sity," Drath said.
He urged anyone who has
received an induction notice
to check with his local draft
board. "The responsibility
rests on t h e man," Drath
said. Students who have fur
ther problems should contact
his office, he said.
Pictures Switched
No Joan McClymont has
not cut her hair and Marcia
Melichar has not let hers
grow into a flip.
The pictures of the Home
coming Queen finalists were
simply switched in Thurs
day's Daily Nebraskan. The
switch occurred in the me
chanical process of page
We apologize.