The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1965, Image 1

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Vol. 81, No. 9
The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, September 29, 1965
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'OUR HERO' . .
the style for the
Show Portrays fashion
for Men On Campus
By Jan Itkin
Junior Staff Writer
Alice could not have been more bemused by the
fights and sounds of Wonderland than a girl sitting through
her first men's style show.
The Men's Fall Style Show was presented in the
Union ballroom last night and featured clothes modeled
modishly by the College Board of Ben Simons' depart
ment store. The program was sponsored by the Union
hospitality committee and directed by Dick Morton, fash
ion editor of Playboy magazine.
Paul Hall, narrator, described the pattern of t h e
show as "being one of melodramatic scenes."
Scene One opened against the backdrop of a "typical"
college football stadium. Sitting in the stadium was an
example of the "uncool" look a youth clad in a rac
coon coat. He sat and watched as those "in the know" en
tered. Others were wearing such outfits as a flaming orange
V-necked sweater; a lucious lemon-yellow shirt with a
baby blue striped tie; or (the epitome of chic) a lamb's
wool sweater and a carmel-colored sport coat.
Delays in changing the scenery extended the inter
mission, during which a bottle of "Moonshine" and a
V-necked pullover sweater were awarded to the two
boys holding the lucky door prize numbers.
The curtain then parted on Scene Two, a New York
disc-otheque. Once again the "guy in grubs" tried to seek
status but failed. The suave sirs in the scene were all
dressed with ultimately good taste.
Attires such as a black and white glen-plaid sport
coat, a double-breasted blazer and a suit in black-olive
twill were presented. The highlights of the scene, how
ever, were the chalked-striped suit with only two fash
ionable buttons and that simply elegant tuxedo.
Intermission came once again. This time a dress
shirt was presented and a mystery gift as well. The
mystery gift a kiss from Susan Baade, who drew the
door prize numbers was awarded to Jerry Sobczyk.
As the third, and final, scene began we found Our
Hero on a bridge ready to commit suicide because of his
unfashionable wardrobe. Passers by, wearing a stunning
array of top coats, tried to save him.
Our Hero did not commit suicide, for he was saved
by a young damsel with a herring-bone top coat in hand.
And thus it was over.
Fire Alarm Disrupts Hall
Abel Drill Unsatisfactory
By Steve Jordan
Junior Staff Writer
Fire alarms at University
dormitories have livened up
the first two weeks of school
with fun for many students,
but they are not a laughing
matter, according to director
of housing Edward Bryan.
"Students seem to have
gotten the idea that fire
drills are senseless from
grade school and high school
experiences," he said, "b u t
we need total support and se
rious cooperation to insure
against situations that may
Cather Hall was the most
recent cause for concern
when a false alarm was giv
en Sunday night, calling fire
units from frve Lincoln sta
tions to the scene.
"Before they learn the se
riousness of the consequences
some people want to play with
the equipment," Bryan said.
Dangerous Evacuation
"They see pleasure in peo
ple evacuating the buildings
and the fire trucks driving up,
but considerable danger is in
volved when units of this size
. Bill Jameson, loses out as BMOC's set
'studlier' set on campus.
have to speed through traf
fic and pedestrians," he said.
A call from any of the dor
mitories is an automatic five
alarm fire, calling for a com
plete evacuation and search
ing of the building, as hap
pened Sunday.
"Naturally there is strong
discipline for such an offend
er," Bryan said, "but it is
the other students who must
put the stops on persons who
would do it.
The theory behind fire drills
he said, is to give students
an automatic reaction to a
danger situation.
Abel Drills
"The drill at Abel Hall last
week gave us insight into the
problems of moving 1,000 peo
ple down the stairwells, out
the entrances and into t h e
streets," Bryan said. "The
alarm equipment didn't re
spond, partially because it is
new and there is a new staff
at Abel."
The problem with the
alarms has been found and re
paired, he said, and more
drills will follow in the future.
By Bruce Giles
Junior Staff Writer
For one of the University
Woods Fellowship winners, it
was "a matter of going home"
last year.
Dr. J. W. Robinson, profes
sor of English, spent his fel
lowship studying and working
i in the British Museum LI-
brary in London, which he
said is much like the Library
of Congress in the United
States. Robinson was born in
Theatre Bibliography
Robinson, who spent three
months in Cambridge and
then spent another year in
London, went with his wife
and two children.
Working at the British Mu
seum Library, he did research
for a bibliography of books
written about the theater.
Thp hnok. which he said
would be largely a reference
volume, will be published next
year. He has been compiling
the book for three years.
The Woods Fellowships al
low staff members to study
while the fellowship pays for
their replacement. They are
selected from various projects
Hears Plans
For Complex
University plans for a
ternity-sorority housing com
plex to be constructed north
west of Nebraska Hall were
presented to the Panhellenic
Council Monday.
Vice Chancellor G. Robert
Ross, dean of student affairs,
told the group that the Uni
versity plans to build four to
seven houses in an area be
tween 14th and 16th Streets.
He explained that t h e
houses would be adjeent to
the site of a four building
dormitory complex also in the
planning stages.
The houses will be made
available to Greek organiza
tions on a lease basis. Ross
said the organizations that
occupy the houses may be
asked to furnish them and,
if they did this, they might
receive a permanent lease on
the building.
Ross noted that 15 to 18
Greek organizations on cam
pus had shown interest in se
curing new living quarters.
He suggested the houses pre
sently occupied by the organ
izations that would move in
to the new buildings might
be used by other Greek or
ganizations in the colonizing
Ross said no specific cost
could yet be quoted. He said
the houses should be ready
by the fall of 1967.'
"The typical reaction is 'I
know what to do', but each
person must realize that there
are 999 others confusing the
situation," Bryan said.
Stairways are used partail
ly because the elevators are
not fast enough and because
they might not be working
during evacuation, Bryan
Drills try to build up a "sen
sible, psychological environ
ment" that will withstand the
impulse to panic even when
residents see or smell smoke
or fire, Bryan said.
Fire Dangers
"It must be emphasized
that trash chutes located in
Cather-Pound and Abel are
not Incinerators," Bryan said.
The chutes are only metal
openings running the height of
the building and opening into
a central collection area, he
Several deliberate or acci
dental fires were started in
Cather-Pound last year by
dumping burning objects
into Mum chutes, he said.
Book On Irving
Dr. Robert Hough, profess
or of English, spent from Au
gust, 1964, to June, 1965, do
ing research on "Washington
Irving as an Historian" at the
Library of Congress in Wash
ington, D.C
Hough said his book, of
which he has completed the
introduction and most of the
research, deals "with history
as a narrative art."
English Theatre
Dr. Dallas Williams, profes
sor of speech and dramatic
art, studied theater in South
work, England.
He studied the theater in
both London and the provinc
es. While in England, he attend-
cd ZOO plays, ballets ana con
certs, paying particular atten
tion to the contrasts and com
parisons between the profes
sional and educational theat
er. Williams left for England in
the summer of 1964 and re
turned late this summer.
by staff
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Diversified Italian
New At University
Economist, teacher, world
traveler, scholar. Any one of
these terms might be applied
to Dr. Rocco Vanasco, profes
sor of Italian.
Vanasco, a short, stocky
man who exudes an at-
mosphere of perpetual activ
tv anH nnpn.hnnHpH hnsnitflli
tv. is the University's sole in-
structor of Italian. He calls
Gelia, Sicily, his hometown
but hasn't been in Italy for
nearly four years.
In 1959, after obtaining a
PhD in economics from an
Italian university, Vanasco
went to work as a translator
for the government of Libya,
Africa. He journeyed to
France in 1961 to "see t h e
country." There he t a u g h t
Italian in Paris and Sovoie.
A fellowship conferred by
the Italian Ministry of Foreign
Trade lured Vanasco from
France to the Phillipines where
he made a study of the eco
nomic situation of the islands.
During the 18 months he spent
here, Vanasco began teaching
his native language as a side
light to his regular duties. He
taught classes at two univer
sities. A year ago Vanasco came
to the U.S. because "I wanted
to know the people and to see
the country." He assumed
teaching duties at the Univer
sity of Wisconsin where he
stayed for nine months before
moving to the University of
North Carolina for the sum
mer session.
LBJ Invites Shapiro To
Karl Shapiro, Pulitzer Prize
winning poet and professor oi
English at the University,
has received an invitation
from President Johnson to
witness the signing of the Arts
and Humanities Ball today in
Talks And Topics-
10 fclJ
Controversial speakers
and a "Hyde Park" type for
umthese are tentative ideas
for the Nebraska Union's
Talks and Topics Commit
tee. Liz A i t k e n, committee
chairman, explained that in
the past the University has
seemed to lack a real educa
tional atmosphere with con
troversial, thinking speakers.
"But this year," she said,
"we will try to present a
group of speakers who will
stimulate students in the area
of intellectual pursuit."
"We will not be trying to
change anyone's mind, but
rather by attempting to pre
sent both sides of contempor
ary controversies," she ex
plained, "we will make be
liefs stronger and cause more
students to think about these
Not Rabble Rousers
"We are not trying to be
rabble rousers. We are not
trying to start student riots.
We are trying to stimulate
An offer from the Univer
sity brought Vanasco to Lin
coln which he calls a "clean
city." He teaches three sec
tions of Italian and one of
French and serves as faculty
adviser to the Italian Club.
Vanasco enthusiastical-
ly discussed plans for t h e
which will hold its first
meeting Oct. 9. One of the
group's activities will be to
present the movie "La Dolce
Vila" in the original Italian.
Vanasco called the movie a
good picture of Italian life and
said one needed to understand
the Italian people to fully ap
preciate the movie.
In his rapid-fire English,
Vanasco discussed University
life in general noting that pro
fessors in the U.S. seemed to
have closer contact with their
students than European uni
versity instructors do.
Vanasco, a somewhat deb
onair figure, acknowledged he
was something of a rover. He
said he never could predict
what his plans for the future
would be.
On Oct. 25 Vanasco will rep
resent the University at the
700th anniversary celebration
of the birth of Dante. The
event, to be held on the Ne
braska campus, will draw
college and university profes
sors from across the nation.
Vanasco, a featured speaker,
will discuss "Dante and his
Attend Bill Signing
Washington. D.C.
The bill will create a foun
dation similar to the National
Science Foundation, to receive
federal and private grunts to
be used to stimulate research
in the creative arts.
ew u ekuju u
trwdi P
i Ax I
one iforyin
students and make them
think," said Miss Aitken.
Tentative plans for this
year which have already re
ceived "smiling approval" in
clude a number of "think
ing speakers" who represent
controversial ideas from both
sides of the podium.
She said that in making
plans for this year her com
mittee mentioned such names
as Herbert Aptheker, Fulton
Lewis, Paul Goodman, Gov.
George Wallace, Victor Reisel
and Mario Savio.
Definite plans for her com
mittee already include Nor
man Thomas, an American
socialist, and Al Capp.
"Hyde Park" Forum
Tentative plans also include
some type of "Hyde Park"
forum arrangement in the
Union where anyone on cam
pus who wants to speak can
get on a forum and do so.
"At first," Miss Aitken ex
plained, "we might have to
schedule people and set up
times, b u t eventually these
forums should have as little
direction on our part as possi
ble and give anybody on cam-
he wants."
She said that as well as
Action, Not Just Talk
Is Group's Purpose
Not just talk, but action in
injecting a new controversy
into our stagnant educational
This was the purpose of a
4own University students who
met yesterday in the Nebras
ka Union at an organizational
meeting for the Students for
Democratic Society (SDS)
chapter on the University
Carl Davidson, a. member of
SDS and a graduate student
at the University, along with
a few friends interested in
SDS, called the meeting.
Davidson stressed that SDS
works for university reform
on campuses, that it supports
SNCC all the way and that it
is extremely anti-totalitarian,
against both fascism and Com
munism. He said that SDS stresses
action, not discussion, and
that it doesn't try to influ-
ence people's beliefs, but rath -
er -gets peopie oui w wwk.
on ideas of their own."
Davidson stressed inai an
important part of the univer -
sity reform was making stu
dent government just that,
"student government." He
said that if there are rules to
be made on a campus, stu
dents should make them and
not have the rules just given
to them."
SDS, he explained, believes
that students should have the
Shindig Warner Brothers
To Play 'AUF A-Go-Go'
I5v Tony Myers
Junior Staff Writer
A combo directly from
Shindig and Hullabaloo will
help change the AUF charity
carnival from an "AUFul"
Night to AUF-A-Go-Go.
The combo, which calls it
self the Warner Brothers and
who cut the hit song "R u n
Raby Run," will play at
AUF's new charity A-Go-Go
carnival in the coliseum
Oct. 9.
Barb Bcckman. AUF pres
ident, said that the carnival
could be called charity A-Go-Go
because although it will
ieuture "one of the nation's
best combos" and what she
promised would be one of the
"wildest" dances this fall,
the primary purpose of the
dance is to collect inont-y for
Miss Beckman explained
that due to the crowded con
ditions experienced at last
year's "AUFul" Night dance,
the AUF annual event has
been moved from the Nebras
ka Uni;)n to the coliseum,
"where the action will be."
"Hyde Park" forums, they
would like to schedule debates
between the school's depart
ments. For Instance, some of
the school's pacifists could de
bate with the military science
"We want students to have
ideas about important issues
and to be able to defend their
ideas, we don't care what side
they choose but we want the
sides to be equal."
Miss Aitken stressed that
up to this time "the campus
has lacked an atmosphere
that makes people think even
outside class."
She said there is a minority
on campus who seriously talk
about more than sex, drink
ing, and dating, but that this
group was still to small.
She cited an example of an
attempt last year to raise
campus discussion and group
argument by showing pro and
con House Committee on Un
American Activities films.
"After viewing these films,"
she said, "a small group of
University students discussed
or rather argued tneir own
points of view on the commit
tees, student riots and Com
munism." privilege to bring whoever
they want to the campus to
speak, to publish anything the
want and to do research on
any subject they choose.
! Davidson pointed out, for
example, that SDS itself can't
meet again unless It gets of
ficial approval.
He stressed that besides the
university interest, SDS also
works on community, nation
al and international problems.
Davidson said that SDS's
purpose was not riots and dis
obedience for he said "there
is no reason for riots as long
as the channels are open."
Eventually, he said, after
organization and coordination
with other campus groups
SDS works as a lobby group
to get what it wants done.
Davidson said he planned
to present the group's con-
stitution to the Association of
Students of the University of
Nebraska Oct. 5. He said he
1 didn-t expect any trouble in
getting the ASUN to
tne constitution.
, some doubt was
the meet
Dy other people at
ing about administration ap
proving the group.
It was pointed out that if ad
ministration didn't approve
ASUN's decision and it w a s
favorable toward the new
group, this would be proof
that such a student group is
needed on the University cam
pus. Surrounding the dance floor
will be carnival booths and
concessions including every
thing from a paint throw to
a dunking chair.
The seven finalists for Big
Man On Campus (BMOC) will
be presented during intermis
sion and voting will he done
at this time for the winner.
The Activities Queen will
also be announced at the AUF
A-Go-Go dance.
Candidates for AUF Activ
ities Queen will be interview
ed Thursday at 8:30 p.m.
Specific times for the inter
views of each candidate will
be announced in Thursday's
Daily Nebraskan.
Miss Beckman said that all
queen application blanks
must be returned to room 345
of the Nebraska Union by
noon Wednesday.
All major organizations
may select two girls to be
judged on their scholastic
record, extra curricular ac
tivities, general campus
knowledge, poise and over-all
, appearance.