I, !mniiiiiiii!iiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiniii!iiniiiiiiniiini!iiiiiii!iiiiiiininniiiiiiiii Summer Orientation Ichool Gai By Sandra Andersen The summer program for new students and their par ents is an attempt to bridge the gap between high school and college by giving each entering student a chance for individual attention, ac cording to Curtis Siemers, cjiator of Student Ac- This program was start ed last summer under the direction of G. Robert Ross, Dean of Student Affairs. It is to take the place of part of the former New Student Week. Last year 1,200 future stu dents were on campus dur ing the summer for the or ientation, and this year 2,000 or more are expected. Ac cording to the Director of Admissions, John Aronson, "This program Is securely established and will contin ue to grow and change." The future student and-or his parents can start this one and one-half day pro gram on a Monday, Tues day, Wednesday or Thurs day, June 16 through Au gust 5. A group of 16 undergrad uates or recent graduates representing the University conduct the tours of t h e campus. Student represent atives from the various col leges and members of the faculty and administration conduct discussion groups and seminars for the groups of entering freshmen and for the groups of parents. During the session with rep resentatives from the par ticular college the new stu dent will enter in the fall, the student has a chance to ask questions and perhaps change his schedule of fall classes. "Careful planning of the student representatives of the colleges, the faculty and the administration has con tributed to the success of this p r o g r a m," Siemers said. "This program has been effective in promoting a mu tual understanding between the parents and the admin istration," according to Lee Chatfield, Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Direc tor of Junior Division and Counseling Service. He said that the parents are often amazed at the amount of attention given to each stu dent. Chatfield said that this helps to counteract the ap prehension the parent may have about sending his son or daughter to a school as large as the University. He learns that his child won't become just a number. "The parent has a more confident, secure feeling about the future of his child," Chatfield said. After attending one of the sessions, "The parents feel that they will be able to be more understanding of their sons' and daughters' reactions, and the problems that their children will face while attending the Univer sity of Nebraska," Aronson said. i. JUL 7 !lllllllllllll!llllllllllimillllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW Bridges High SO kNi. Let all your things have their places; Jet each part of your business have its time. Ben Franklin It's amazing how much you can get done if you don't care who gets the credit. Wednesday, July 8, 1965 Lincoln, Nebraska No. 4 Emerging Nations Face Expanding Population The biggest problem in de veloping nations in the Pacific and many other areas of the world as well, is the rapid growth of population, accord' ing to Walter Harris, an edu cator from New Zealand. Speaking for the World Affairs Previews last Thurs day, Harris explained that the problem is exemplified by Hong Kong. "If you were to draw a circle eight miles around the edge of Lincoln, that would be the equivalent of the area three and a half million people occupy in Hong Kong," he said. In Japan, the problem is be ing solved, somewhat, he said. There they have decreased the birth rate from 27 per 1,000 to 17 per 1,000. The death rate there is seven per 1,000. The population problem is going beyond the moral as pect, Harris said, and is over shadowing the realm of poli tics. "It is a matter of life and death," he said. Harris noted that though food production is increasing, it is still barely enough to feed all the new mouths. This problem exists in Red China, too, according to Har ris. There is a population of 700 million there, and it is in creasing at a rate of 14 mil lion per year. In 1940 the pop ulation of Red China was 131 million. This is a 70 million gain in 25 years, he noted. In the expanding path of Red China are other eastern na tions, such as Indonesia, Har ris said. In Indonesia there is the problem of trying to unify the people. "The people there didn't even know what the word 'Indonesian' meant until Sukarno came along," Harris said. Red China, next to the United States, is the one na tion in the world which is emerging more than any oth er nation, Harris said. "At all times of the day, you can see people doing their exercises. There is a great emphasis on fitness." Another striking thing about Red China is the fact that many of the children are going to school, Harris said. "Just imagine 700 million people physically fit and keen on education. Red China is lit erally bursting from the seams," he said. Speaking of Vietnam and the coverage of it in Ameri can newspapers, Harris asked the audience, "How do you get your information?" He had clippings of overseas news from the morning news papers, and said it amounted , to an equivalent of four col- i umns. i During his talk, Harris used j a w orld map, pointing out the ; various countries he was dis cussing. He said that he did not like the way most maps are laid out, because they give the impression that the United States is on the other side of the world from Red China and the other nations in the Pacific. Finally, he began to point into space on the right side of the map when he was refer ring to the United States, say ing, "I refuse to have the United States on the other side of the world. You're our neighbors." Returning to his lecture, Harris asked the question, "With all these threats all around in these countries, what is the United States to do?" "You might say 'let it go'," Harris said, "but do not forget that the United States is not 'over there'; it's 'here'." In Viet Nam today, there is a situation parallel to that in Korea fifteen years ago, he said. "We have said that we will help any country with stand agression, and we are even better equipped to give this help now." "There is a tendency to want to avoid war," Harris said. He added that "We learn from history that we never learn from history." "We must meet aggression where it occurs," he said. He cited acts of aggression which Summer Enrollment Reaches New High Summer session enrollment at the University of Nebraska passed the 5,100 figure and it is anticipated that an all-time high registration of 5,400 will be established by the end of the August session. The previous summer ses sion enrollment record was set a year ago when 4,536 students were enrolled at the close of registration, accord ing to Registrar Floyd Hoover. Dr. Frank Sorenson, direc tor of summer sessions, said the concept of education the year-round has been chiefly responsible for the increased enrollments. The final regis trations will include those attending the August session and the three-week sessions interspersed throughout the summer. The number of new high school graduates enrolled this summer will likely be larger than the number enrolled in any previous session, Dr. Sor enson said. More than 7,100 students of all ages are engaged in studies on the campus this summer. In addition to regu lar students, more than 2,000 Nebraska high school s t u -dents are attending various educational programs on the Lincoln campuses. A total of 525 are enrolled at University High School; 456 were in the All-State High School Course 396 in Boys State; 325 in Girls State; and 300 in State 4-H Club Week. Harris (right) poses with his "old buddy," Dr. Frank Sorenson, director of summer sessions. were not challenged, but later developed into World Wars I and II and the Korean War. "If we should pull out of Viet Nam, all of southeast Asia would be lost to commu nism," he said. Harris said he attended the 20th birthday party for the United Nations in San Fran cisco recently where he noted "unwarranted sadness." "The United Nations has actually achieved a great .deal j in terms of saving lives, help-! ing nations gain independence, enhancing economic develop ment and increasing educa tional opportunities," he said. "Our decisions now are not for ourselves; they are for our children and their chil dren," he said. Harris added that the world must support the United Na tions. Through reading, think ing, talking to others and also j building up good will, "war! will become more unthink- j able," he said. Index To Inside Pages UNIVERSITY HOUSING EXPANDED - Increased en rollment at the University is creating a need for more and more dormitories. For the story of housing expan sion, see Page 2 ALUM ASSOCIATION ACTIVE The Alumni Association at the University maintains an active, interested mem bership around the country. For the story of the Associa tion and its work, see Page 3 MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS STUDY TOGETHER Six combinations of mothers and daughters are attending summer school together this summer. For this story, see.. Page 4 ARCHEOLOGICAL SITE AT FALLS CITY-A crew from the Historical Society is excavating at a site near Falls City, Nebraska this summer. For the story of an old In dian tribe, see Page 4 smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiniiitMiiiHiiuiiiimi!iuiiHiiiiiiiuiiiniiunii!Miiiiniiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiii!iiiiii!iii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiiiiiii! urn minimum imiiiii iiiiiiiimmmiiiimmiiim iiiiiiiiiimmiiimmiiiimmiiiinimim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniimiiiiiiiniiiiii I Warden Sigler: Nation Not 'Coddling' It's Criminals EDITOR'S NOTE: The follow ing story w as written by Rich ard Patten as an assignment in the a d v a n c e d reporting class at the School of Journal ism. By Richard Patten Is the nation "coddling" its E V):.J;. ,WWWII.I m 0f, 1 1 CJf 11 i h jr f i ' ' i : 1 AY., .' 0 I - - I .. .. . .. J 8' M f ? If Carroll ... We're 'coddling' our criminal. criminals? Are too many ob viously guilty individuals squirming through legal loop holes to freedom and, often, more crime: One Lincoln official, Police Chief Joseph Carroll, thinks so. In a speech last semester he lashed out at strict search-and-seizure laws (particularly involving automobiles) and a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that denial to grant a sus pect's request for counsel dur ing questioning is a violation of rights guaranteed under the 6th Amendment to the Consti tution. But another official, Mau rice Sigler, State Penal Com plex warden, disagrees. He attributes the difference of opinion to the fact that Car roll faces criminals in a pre punishment situation. "He is the one who has to eat hot lead" in such situa tions, Sigler said. There are a lot of men try ing to get out of prison be cause of the Supreme Court ruling though, Sigler said. The greatest number of writs of habeas corpus pre pared and submitted in a sin gle week since the ruling was 17. "But we just mail them on to the attorney general. Ac tually it's his problem," Sig ler said. (Two such writs have been successful so far, but one pris oner r e f u s e d his freedom when be learned that the fa vorable ruling entitled him to a new trial, not unconditional release.) Another issue certain to arouse passion between those who think the nation is too soft on its criminals and those who feel otherwise is capital pun ishment. The warden, by his own description no "bleeding heart," is nevertheless against capital punishment. The issue is warming up in Nebraska. Gov. Frank Mor rison has announced that he favors a bill introduced in the Legislature bv Sen. John Knight of Lincoln, which would abolish the death pen alty. The bill is expected to gen erate hot debate. Speaking as a citizen and not as warden, Sigler said he is against the death penalty because, as the man who has to carry out executions, "my emotions may outweigh my judgment." Police officers, he said gen erally favor the death penal ty for the same reasons they favor looser search-and-seizure laws and a relaxing of laws which tend to protect suspects. Sigler said that policemen, too, are letting their emotions outweigh their judgment. Sigler has "presided" (in his terms) at 10 executions. And his experience at o n e execution indicates what many feel is the greatest danger of capital punishment; executing the wrong man. The incident occurred in the South. Sigler said: "In "In nine of the 10 executions I was absolutely convinced the man was guilty. "In the tenth I wasn't sure. He was a yong Negro, ac cused of raping a white wom an. When we put the hood over his head before the exe cution we asked him, as we always do, if thing to say. "He said he did. He said, ' 'I know I'll be dead in one minute. But I did not rape that woman.' " The warden added: "I don't ever want to have to execute another man." Only once since he's been at Nebraska has Siller had to carry out the death penal ity. He presided at the exe 'cution of Charles Stark weather, whose 1958 murder spree took 11 lives. Despite his opposition to the death penalty, Sigler was in favor of the Starkweather execution. "There are two choices when you're dealing with someone like that," Sigler said. "You can execute him or imprison him for life. "If he gets life you must be absolutely, 100 per cent sure that he never goes free. Soci ety cannot tolerate a man like that in its midst. And in order to be 100 per cent sure he's have to be segregated and left to rot." Therefore, says Sigler, ex ecution is the more humane of the choices. The warden doesn't believe a capital punishment law de ters capital crimes. He said Nebraska's "sister states" of North Dakota. Michigan, Minnesota and Wis consin have abolished the death penalty "and their rate of capital crime is no greater than ours." "Bleeding hearts" might suggest that criminals are emotionally ill, mentally dis turbed individuals who can be treated and sent back to sod- he had any-, ety to live normal, productive lives. Sigler doesn't buy this view. "Sure some of them are sick. But there are sick peo ple at the University of Ne braska too. (Continued page 2) :. .... ; Ivi f I J I i j 1 1 (V . I ' " , Sigler . . other man." "I don't ever want to have to execute in- ft" S' ft-,