The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1965, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    , , , i m m ' 1
Frank Partsch, Editor
Mike Jeffrey, business manager
Page 2 Monday, March 29, 1965
Tearing And Building
It has become the fashion of late to write long maga
zine articles about college students. These apparently ana
lytical pieces roughly resemble the Kinsey report without
sex; they ramble through interviews with deans and stu
dents and campus upkeep personnel; ramble on through
the "constant pressure to make a grade," the "fear of
atomic warfare," re-identification of values." the "search
for identity,"
and on.
We have enjoyed these articles, although not
with every word in them, and have been amused
the reaction around our own campus.
It can be divided into three classes:
"I like to think that Nebraska is mature enough to
rise above all of these 'student trends and movements."'
"The guys who write those things are just looking
for readers."
"This University is so dead that it would take
more than an atomic war to make us realize that we are
living in 1965."
And the third group is surprisingly large.
Tear Apart And Rebuild
Essentially what these articles are saying is that
college students, unlike their predecessors, are not accept
ing tradition without first picking it apart and re-assembling
it better. We would like to see that very process happen
to a lot of things around this campus. Student Council is
showing the way, and more groups will surely follow.
Some of the most interesting conversations we have
heard concerning this renaissance-type aversion to the
status quo have concerned the role of the individual in a
world that is fast changing from the isolationists' dream
to the humanitarians' worktable. While we cannot deny
that many of the so-called humanitarians are hypocrites,
we must agree that the idea looks good on paper, and
that a great deal of reevaluation is in order before manv
University students can feel that they are in order.
Guilty Of Profits
Many of our fellow students are actually feeling guilty
about going into the money fields rather tlian the service
jobs. This is especially strange in a state notoriously short
on money, anyway. But these thinkers are wondering about
better worlds and changing minds and wiping out the
Nineteenth Century from every facet of life.
Our point is this: we can agree that thought and
education and reason are essential and that reexamination
is necessary to the world for which we are preparing, but
we fear that many are taking up the banner and waving
the bloody shirt of "the revolution that is shaking today's
colleges" because it is a FAD.
Ripe For Fad
When and if this University emmerses itself in the
renaissance, we hope that such will not be the case, for
we realize that many of the inhabitants of this University
are ripe for a new fad, pent-up with the scorn that they
have received as products of Nebraska conservatism to
the point that they will do it up big, but uneducated enough
in the realities of intellectualism (as opposed to academia)
to really blow it.
We await the renaissance impatiently, for this campus
is long overdue. It is beginning slowly and, we hope, will
progress slowly, so that each may chose whether to enter
it. having plenty of time to become acquainted with it and
join it for the right reasons.
Shaw's 'Heartbreak House'
Among Most Effective Ever
By Pat Drake
G. B. Shaw's "Heartbreak
House" opened to a sell-out
crowd Thursday night at
University Theatre. Without
reservations, it was un
doubtedly one of the most
successful productions to
date on the Howell stage.
Directing his first Univer
s i t y production, Stephen
Cole combined excellent act
ing, directing and staging
into a delightful evening of
theatre. Charles Howard,
technical director, should
also be congratulated for his
contributions. The Shotover
mansion was imaginatively
designed; and constructed.
One almost wanted to spend
another evening there,
drinking brandy and howl
ing at the moon. Costumes
by Robert Devereaux added
much to the performance.
A strong and well
balanced cast was, of
course, the most important
ingredient of the evening.
Having stopped the show
twice opening night, Dean
Tschetter should probably
have first mention. His role
as "Boss" Mangan, the in
dustrialist clod, was played
superbly. His nervous tics,
mock arrogance and total
bafflements pickled the au
dience silly with laughter.
Ti.e Daily
Phona 477-8711, Extension! 25(11, 2389 and
mXJ?.w AU" I"ln '" r RITTEB, wa Millar! BOB
J! 'T e"""rl lVNS CORCORAN, nidlt nrw, ,ditin PRISCIL.
...i... '. IfL J.'ir'' Jup'"r wr"i LARRY JOHNSON. aoorla
?;N' JIM UiLK, nubtriipllon man. tori LYNN RATH-
JN, circulates manager i Kfr H1RSCHBACH, photographer.
fnlwerlnHon ratal M per acmeater or
Kntend aa aecond clasa matter at
uader the act of Auauat 4. mi2
wThVD,U?.tNeb?k',J Wbllahed t I"""! SI. Nebraska Union, on Monday,
Wedneaday, Thursday and Friday durlnt the selvool year, except durinf raca
noa and final examination period, and once during August
m h. v!?huhVi' Vn4v'nily Nebraska jtdenta under the Jurisdiction
f the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publications. Publications shall be
iih? uHr".'0 b? i.1"" S'-omrnlttee or any person outride the Unlver
wln'ted Nebrankan are responsible lor what they cause to be
meanings," "now concepts." and on
to watch
Andy Backer as Captain
Shotover was equally well
played. Backer has a unique
talent of becoming what it
is impossible to become. His
timing was particularly im
portant and his execution of
it was just right.
Mary Thorpe, Karma Ib
sen and Bobbie Kierstead as
Hesione Hushabye, Lady
Utterwood and Ellie Dunn
respectively, flushing about
the Shotover house in pur
suit of all the men, added
their own worth to the
Miss Ibsen, reclining in
Goya nude fashion, shot her
lines out during the third
act to the respective cast
members in silvered piqu
ancy. One scene between
Miss Thorpe and Miss Kier
stead, bothered me. Miss
Thorpe was cutting and ar
ranging flowers as Miss
Kierstead proceeded
through several pages of ex
position. I am afraid the ex
position was lost as I be
came fascinated with the
flower cutting and arrang
ing. One other small fault I
find in the direction is the
table shuffling in the first
act. I started thinking, who
is going to pick the table
up again and where are
U per year.
the post ofllca ta
Lincoln, Ncbraaka,
By Bob Bosking
Besides referring to the
activities of a shady lady's
business manager, the word
pimping has a more perti
nent meaning to collegians.
To pimp means to cut up,
to mock, to ridicule.
What's the difference be
tween pimping and kidding?
Pimping is malicious, I say.
Kidding is in fun, no harm
intended, verbal practical
joking; pimping is deroga
tory, done with the intention
of shaming the unwitting
victim. You may say that
pimping is all in fun, but
think of the people whom
you just love to pimp. Now,
why do you just love to do
it? No malice aforethought?
You're kiddin' me . . .
So what's wrong with
pimping among firends?
Now that's all in fun. "W7e
get along OK; we're just
bored or something."
I deny the "bored"' so it
must be the "something."
But since the closest I've
come to Freud is buying a
cheap volume of his col
lected works (which re
mains unopened), I won't
try to analyze the why's.
The ill effects: tell me,
pimpers of NU. where do
you draw the line? When
does pimping end and sin
cerity begin? When are you
pimping and when are you
serious, or downright derog
atory instead of ha-ha-ha?
they going to put it this
time? Well, back to my
praise of the acting.
Tom Crawley, as Hector
Hushabye. hammed it up aft
er the audience started re
sponding, but then who
wouldn't, wandering around
in Arabian garb, looking like
Lawrence of Arabia incar
nate? Bob Hall and Rich
ard Mahood had their nice
moments on stage and bal
anced out the cast. Gloria
Houser as Nurse Guinness
should possibly practice her
falling into Mangan's 1 a p
several more times but then
she bounces back into her
part again without a wink.
Jerry Mayer, cockneyed
as he is, insisted on playing
the burglar scene as a fun
ny burglar. This is fine. It's
just too difficult to stand on
the stage and become a
symbol without a placard
held high. The burglar scene
has been dubiously debated
as the play's only flaw. I
find the scene particularly
funny, adding meaning in
its own righ.t
A 1 1 h o u gh "Heartbreak
House" is not one of Shaw's
most widely known or pro
duced plays, it seems par
ticularly .relevant in this
day and age of nations bent
on self-destruction. One al
most wants to join the cast
at the end of the show and
start 'ban the bomb' chants
and 'drop it or dismantle
it' campaigns. How much
more meaningful would the
play have been had we
heard the sound of scream
ing jets rather than prop
driven aeroplanes? I sup
pose It would have gone un
noticed, drowned out by the
sound of our own laughter.
Editor's note: "Heartbreak
House" has been held over
until tonight, due to its success.
Yes, pimping is a chal
lenge to the wit. It takes
real skill to pimp up to the
edge of slander. But what
if someone doesn't have the
subtle brain that you Uni
versity Wits possess? What
if it's some alum, or your
advisor? Oh, but you'd know
when to stop pimping and
be serious and straightfor
ward. Now that I've made all
these righteous pronounce
ments. I'm scared to go
back to the house. I'll prob
ably get pimped to
death . . .
Mancini Ads
Dear editor,
After attending the Henry
.Mancini concert Friday eve
ning, I can only conclude
that the advertising was the
most misleading ever used
for a Student Union-sponsored
The phrase "Henry Man
cini and His 40 Piece Or
chestra" implies Mancini
plus musicians with whom
he has previously worked.
Instead, those at Pershing
Auditorium saw Henry
Mancini and 40 musicians
from the Omaha Symphony.
Despite the handicap of
Dear editor,
On the evening of March
24, an English 121 textbook
was taken from a coat rack
in the Union.
The title is "Masters of
American Literature." It is
a thick paperback book,
which is old and torn. Since
it contains notes that are
Dear editor,
Having confronted Black
sheep face to face and hav
ing been corrected in my
mistaken views (i.e. only
council members could be
on the civil rights commit
tee of the Student Council),
I present myself ad
monished, amended and con
verted. But now that I have been
set straight and being the
sort of person I am. I sug
gest we organize. First of
all, the people "in power"
should be personally con
tacted; Dean Ross, Chan
cellor Hardin, the Board of
Regents, EVERY Student
Council member, all should
receive an informative, ra
tional letter stating the
facts and enlisting support.
Knowledgeable, tactful
representatives of the meas
ure should be available to
speak with interested stu
dents. These primary
?- " "-'i ho.";f.'.ly gai"
the perh-ps righteous, but
entirely necessary backing
of the Establishment and
the inclusion of current FS
NCC leaders on the commit
tee. The next thing to do
would be to activate those
who have previously main
' ' ' 'isdainful distance
from student elections (in
cluding fc""C members,
sc-'Migy grad students and
the "bearded beatniks") to
get out 1 ""n for a can
didate who represents their
vievs. This group carries
more th-n enough votes to
elect memrs reflecting
thei- Ideas but has not
--ly USed their power
with much effectiveness.
By Gale Pokorny
The year is 2000 and the
scholarly gentlemen have
just assumed their positions
around the make-shift ta
ble deep beneath the earth's
surface in the dimly 1 i t
bomb shelter.
Little is going well for
these men and the' thou
san .- .ike (hem but they
have long since decided to
make the best of what they
have left. Despite the utter
chaos on the surface with
its charred soil and polluted
water, the multitudes huddle
like moles underground in
their burrows and attempt
to carry out as many func
tions as they can of their
former great society.
Ta k e these gentlemen
around the table for exam
ple. This morning while
taking turns at the hand
generator, one of them hap
pened to mention that it was
almost 40 years since the
dictionary had been revised.
One thing led to another
and here they are with the
task of sorting through the
thousands of entries and
discarding the Words that
had become obsolete in the
last four decades.
One of the men rises to
address the group, saying
that he has jotted down
some words on a piece of
paper that he thinks are un
questionably no longer of
use to the vocabulary. He
proposes that they vote on
them right now and save
trouble later on. The men
nod their heads in general
agreement, and tell him to
proceed so that they might
judge for themselves.
The speaker clears h i s
throat and reads the first
word, "laughter." Immedi
ately a little bespectacled
man at the opposite end of
the table raises his hand
only two rehearsals, it was
a good concert, and Mr.
Mancini lived up to his rep
utation, but that does not
excuse advertising which
carefully omitted any men
tion of the fact that the or
chestra would consist only
of local talentr-. .
Ironically, the hit of the
evening, a superb comedi
an, was not even noted in
the pre-concert publicity.
Whoever handled the adver
tising is a sure bet to suc
ceed on Madison Ave., or
in the used car business, if
he isn't killed first..
Steven Halter
It Back
very important to me, I
wish that the individual who
took the book by mistake
would please return it to
that coat rack. The coat
rack is located in front of
the Colonial Dining Room in
the Union.
I can pick it up from
R. D. Zuehlsdorf
But Suggesting
Voila! This is a hurried,
incomplete list of ideas and
availabilities open now to
proponents of civil rights in
Nebraska. It may be naive
in its concepts, but it is en
tirely si" cere and I offer to
join any inte ' "d group or
person in enacting its pro
posals. Liz Aitken
Editor's note: We under
stand that the members of
- ttee will be ap
pointed, not elected.
No Compulsion
Dear editor,
Despite the fact that I am
an ardent supporter of civil
rights and a violent foe of
the John Birch Society, I
feel no compulsion to associ
ate with pseudo-beatniks.
Liz Grosshans (Grosshaus)
Trade statistics show that
Canada exported no grind
stones last year.
A British magistrate up
held an earlier ruling that
a pedestrian could not pos
sibly be a vehicle.
The first performance of
a flea circus took place in
1846 under the able spon
sorship of King Louis Phi
lippe of France.
, :C. White, of Tollesbury
Essex, England, won jhe
winkle-picking , champion
ship of East Ang"ia by pick
ing 156 pounds of winkles In
an hour and three-quarters.
:2I S
and'faqulres what that un
familiar word meant. The
speaker explains that ear
lier while leafing through an
old copy of Webster's Third
International, he had come
across the term and found
that it referred to a physi
cal action that accompa
nied mirth and joyousness.
He went on to say that
about half a century ago, it
was a fairly popular word
but during the events of re
cent years, it had quickly
and completely dropped
from the common tongue.
The vote is unanimous and
the word is struck from the
"The second word that I
have written is "honesty,"
continues the speaker.
Again the little man with
the spectacles speaks up
but this time he protests.
He says that just last year
he had heard that word
used. When the speaker
asks him how the word was
used, the little man replies
that he thought it was used
in a joke.
"Just as I thought," says
the speaker. "Gentlemen I
believe that if you think
about the word "honesty"
for a minute, you would
agree that the abstract
quality that it once stood
for or the lack of it, is the
reason we are in this re
grettable situation.
To the ancients of the 18th
and 19th centuries, the word
has quite a unique meaning.
It stood for fairness, sin
cerity and the lack of de
ceit in a man. The major
ity of those ancients prac
ticed honesty and all went
fairly well. But as the so
ciety emerged from the 19th
century, and entered the
fti Campus
College life is such a busy one. what with learning; the Mnxixe,
attending public executions, and walking our cheetahs, that per
force we find ourselves sometimes neglecting our studies. There
fore this column, normally a vehicle for innocent tomfoolery,
will occasionally forego levity to offer a quick survey course in
one of the learned disciplines. Today, for an opener, we will dis
cuss Modern European History.
Strictly defined, Modern European History covers the history
of Europe from January 1, 19f4, to the present. However, in
order to provide employment for more teachers, the course has
been moved buck to the Age of Pericles, or the Renaissance, as
it is better known as.
The single most important fact to remember about Modern
European History is the emergence of Prussia. As we all know,
Prussia was originally called Russia. The "P" was purchased
from Persia in 1S74 for S24 and Manhattan Island. This later
became known as Guy Fawkes Day.
Persia without a "P" was of course called Ersia. This so em
barrassed the natives that they changed the name of ths
country to Iran. This led to a rash of name changing. Mesopo
tamia became Iraq, Schleswig-Holstein became taxe-Coburg,
Bosnia-Herzegovina became Cleveland. There was even talk
about changing the name of stable old England, but it was for
gotten when the little princes escaped from the Tower and in
vented James Watt. This later became known as the Missouri
Only last week he invented the German short-haired pointer.
Meanwhile Johann Gutenberg waa quietlv inventing the print
tag press, for which we may all be grateful, believe you me. Why
grateful. I U tell you why: Because without Gutenberg's inven
tion you would not have this newspaper to read and you might
never earn that IVrsonna Stainless .Steel Razor Blades are now
available m two vaneties-the regular double-edge bkde w.
have all come to know and love, and the new Personna Injector
Elude. Lucre of injector razors have grown morose in recent
years even sullen, and who can blame them? How would you
ec J if you were denied the speed and comfort and durability and
truth and beauty of Personna Stainless Steel shaving? Not very
jo ly 1 11 wager! But injector shavers may now rejoice-indeed
all shavers may-for whether you remove vour whiskers reK.
ulnrly or mjectorly, there is a Personna blade for you-a Per
sonna h amless Steel Blade which will give you more JxuAr
shaves than Beep-I eep or any other brand you might tS U
by chance you don't agree, the maker, of PcnonnruJSdly
buy you a pack of any brand you think is bette
Y es friends, we may all be grateful to Johann Gutenberg for
The next f " bout
The next time you're in Frankfurt-am-Main, why don? you
drop in and My thanks to Mr. Gutenberg? He is eldcrlv-S
years last birthday-tut still quite active in his UbSyoXr
BuTl k,lt,nW? i Gemmn Paired pointer 7
But I digress. Returning to Modern European History let
us now examine that ever-,x.pular favorite, Fran '
''." taugl.l only to minu y
.od Victor En,, ,u.ffhtw S STiS
everybody waltzed till dawn and then tired k..t l
: . Burma SHa,& &ZSn2i
20th, something fatal started
to happen. The age old prac
tice of honesty seemed to
have outgrown its own use
fulness and slowly was
pushed aside by its oppo
site. "The infant practices of
lying and cheating were de
veloped into an exacting art
during the early 20th cen
tury and by mid-era had
mushroomed to an alarm
ing size. Although it favored
no age group, it was much
more evident in the youth.
It was even more evident
later in the 50's and 60's in
our generation for during
the mid part of the 20th, we,
gentlemen, were the high
school and college students.
We were the ones who had
not the slightest conception
of the word, "honesty."
During those years we ac
quired the values that led
us straight into this catas
trophe. "Remember back in 65
when a couple of us were
thrown out of that academy
that the Air Force used to
run in Colorado? And re
member on the Nebraska
campus how dishonesty was
laughed at and condoned by
"I believe that this was
the beginning of the end for
when the world got into the
hands of our generation, it
refused to respond to t h e
methods we employed. Our
lack of moral worth carried
us on and on or if you will,
deeper and deeper, til the
roof finally fell in on us.
Yes, gentlemen, we can't
pity ourselves. We did what
we did willingly. Now I
suggest we vote on the
word and move on."
The word was dropped.
(By the author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!",
"Dobie Gillis," etc.)