The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1965, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Foil's Fcacfts
Frank Partsch, Editor
Mike Jeffrey, business manager
Page 2 Friday, February 26, 1965
In the fall of 1963, the Interfraternity Council (IFC)
held a public relations seminar, which is understandable in
the light of renewed emphasis on getting out the good
image from that organization. The seminar featured sev
eral speakers, including Joyce Ayres, a prominent alum
and expert in public relations.
During the course of the evening, the participants re
viewed many rules for effective dealing with parents, pub
lic, administration and press. The mood of the program
seemed to us to be "how to put the best foot forward
while hiding the other foot."
Most of the information was well taken, and IFC has
made some gains in promoting the image of the fraternity
But we were talking about Mr. Ayres, mainly because
most of his information was not well taken. It was not
taken at all. It was not impractical, it was not hostile,
it was not expensive. But it was not taken. For Mr. Ayres
did not talk about hiding the other foot; he talked of
His remarks centered mostly around pledge training.
He suggested that personal duties be abolished in favor
of strict scholastic discipline, that valet duty toward actives
and pledge fathers be eliminated in favor of a policy of
temperance until activation. The duties of the maid, he
said, should be shifted from the developing freshman and
placed on the cocky sophomore.
With particular emphasis on his remarks towards
alcohol, we think these policies would accomplish several
good things for the fraternity system. First would be the
curbing of the unfortunate but frequent association of the
fraternity with drinking, a curbing which would be a plum
for any dead woodcutter.
Second would be the raw maturity created in a
pledge from being forced to obey a REAL rule, not a
series of maid and valet services. We believe that this,
coupled with an even more intensified scholastic program
would give the system some more cause for crowing.
These are only thoughts, and would be a liberal
change to say the least. We would like to see them dis
cussed by individuals concerned with the fraternity sys
tem; we would like to see them discussed ESPECIALLY
by those concerned with fraternity public relations.
Gtye N?ui ferft
By Bob Weaver
The Vietnamese conflict
has gone to the Senate. Now
that the Civil Rights Bill
has been passed into law,
the new Congress and the
nation has turned its atten
tion to other pressing is
sues. In the international
sphere, the war in South
east Asia remains the great
imponderable for United
States foreign policy debate.
In the weeks ahead this de
bate will continue and in all
probability increase.
During this period there
will be an attempt on the
part of our European al
lies, the Soviet Union and
other participants of the
1954 Geneva Conference on
Indo-China to bring an end
to the fighting and a nego
t i a t e d settlement. The
eleventh hour is approach
ing for United States poli
cy in that region.
In these weeks, it will be
this observer's purpose to
examine this rather com
plex problem: the back
ground, alternatives and
possible consequences.
United States policy re
mains what it has been for
the past twenty years of the
Cold War. As Secretary
Rusk has stated: "Commu
nist dominated countries
must learn to leave their
neighbors alone."
A negotiated settlement in
regard to this conflict must
have this principle as a pre
condition. Last week the
President said: "Our pur
pose, our objective there, is
clear: to join in the defense
and protection of freedom
of a brave people who are
under attack that is con
trolled from outside their
country. We seek no wider
This basically has been
and remains the only clear
statement of the United
State's position, however
The nature of the South
Vietnamese war is baffling
to say the least. The in
stability of the national and
district governments
through coup and counter
Anon (Hailing
'$o fair and foul a day I have not geen:" (Ivy day)
"Mcthink the lady doth protesteth too much:" (AWS)
coup provides no real work
able machinery to insure
the effective employment of
our aid, whether it is mili
tary or economic and tech
nical. The Viet Cong was large
ly composed of natives of
the South who rebelled
against the reactionary and
oppressive government of
the Diem family. The con
flict has now progressed to
the point where the ever
increasing majority are
North Vietnamese soldiers,
entering the country v 1 a
Laos, Cambodia and the so
called Ho-Chi Min Trail.
In reprisal for Viet Cong
attacks on American instal
lations, air strikes are now
being employed against cer
tain military targets j u s t
north of the 17th parallel,
the border with North Viet
n a m. Bombing attacks
against Viet Cong units in
the south were begun this
With the strikes to t h e
North, the war has taken
on new meaning from what
it was in the past, even if
one considers the engage
ments in the Gulf of Tonkin
last fall a departure from
the original situaiton.
This new meaning is the
threat of escalation to a
point where the Red Chinese
would be likely to enter the
Escalation could also
mean a lessening of t e n
sions between the Soviet Un
ion and Red China, which
incidently has been one of
the West's major diplomatic
The South Vietnamese
generals favor greater use
of American sea and ait
power. A lack of selective
use of such power and the
instability of the South
Vietnamese government
could conceivably bring a
greater American response
in the form of ground troops
thus resulting in operations
similar to those of the Kore
an conflict.
And-still the specter of
the nuclear cloud hovers
over the world. This is the
context within which we will
next consider escalation and
the American infantry.
Editor's note: Although the
following article was intend
ed for a Christmas audi
ence, we feel that some of
our readers would be inter
ested in seeing anotfier writ
er's view of pornography.
The Daily Illini
Is there a place for por
nographic movies on this
Do they serve any useful
function in a University
which is dedicated to t h e
principles of higher educa
tion? We think not. We believe
that pornographic movies
serve to undermine the prin
ciples which we must abide
by if we seek to approach
the goals the University has
set for itself and for its
It has been pointed out
that these movies, which
are illegal, are viewed in
a number of housing units
on this campus before
Christmas vacation. It is a
"traditional" way in which
to usher in the Christmas
We suggest that the Uni
versity, before taking issue
with students on unregi
stered motor vehicles, or un
approved housing violations,
or any other students' of
fenses, do some investiga
tion on this matter of pre
Christmas pornography.
The University cannot be
accused of too zealous in
loco parentis. Since the
films are illegal, the Uni
"Nonsense. S-2 reported that machine gun silenced hours
fingers time."
Skin Flicks Be
versity security office has
a duty and an obligation to
prevent the continuance and
spread of this illegal and
immoral activity.
Pornographic movies
By Mike
There is much talk today of a supposed -Sexual Revolu
tion. Promulgated in the main by HMH Publications, this
expose has stirred the heart of every red-blooded collegiane.
I imagine they are in the hopes that girls are reading and
Now as far as I'm concerned, this talk of a Sexual
Revolution is petty bourgeois. The only revolution I've ex
perienced is puberty. And that wasn't especially delight
ful. The opposition cites 601 examples of insurgency. How
should I know? I study until midnight. I would say the
Revolution is more of a movement than anything else.
On the other hand, wouldn't it be fun to participate
in such a revolt? Imagine yourself painting placards, "No
sex wrecks." Or you could organize clandestine cell groups
for the sole purpose of planting rumors. Imagine devising
an intricate timetable for an assault on enemy headquarters.
You could booby trap sidewalks and sterilize spies.
Then the coup d' etat. Naturally, we summer soldiers
and sunshine patriots would reap the fruits of your labor.
We, the living, would govern a brave new world of erotic
Be that as it may, such designs are meant for idle
dreamers. We are faced with the prospect of a prolonged
guerilla war, neither side claiming ultimate victory. Our
foe is a formidable one, armed with defensive weaponry.
Do I sound like Maxwell Taylor?
In summation, I say avoid outright war.
My advice, Sir? De-icer.
have no place at an insti
tution of higher, lower, or
any other kind of learning.
So we ask the University
take corrective action on
this problem.
ago. Stop wiggling your
By Gale
Few of us may never get
a chance to see some of
the Seven Wonders of the
World. The opportunity, the
money, the time, and all of
the other necessary items
are extremely hard to come
by in the right combina
tion. But don't feel remorseful
or slash your MTists or any
thing because your life is
destined to be incomplete.
Instead you may rejoice.
Run back to your room to
night and as soon as you
have completed all the im
mediate preparations for
your studies or the week
end or what have you, dig
out your best stationary and
write a glowing letter to the
Lippert Bros. Inc., Okla
homa City.
Be humble. Use every po
lite and flower word you
can think of. Congratulate
them. Offer your thanks.
For through their unsel
fish attitude, their flair of
mind, and their other crys
tal qualities, the Nebraska
campus now has a touch of
the orient, the splendor of
Rome, and an everlasting
monument to beauty.
Our campus now has the
eighth wonder of the world,
Cather hall!
Every minute detail was
painstakingly planned and
every single thing has a
purpose. Nothing is mean
ingless in the whole build
ing. the cracks in the walls
and floors even have a use.
They permit the inner
structure to "breath". They
are also designed to save
the steel re-enforcing beams
from rust. How? They al
low trapped rainwater to es
cape into the rooms.
The Inhabitants profit
immensely through the ar
chitect's genius of acous
Movie Review
Talented Actors Combine
In 'Funny' Mate Murder
By Diaper Sandoe
"How to Murder Your
Wife" is a funny picture
thanks to several talented
First and foremost among
the talented people is Jack
Lemmon, who proves once
again that along with Peter
Sellers he is at the pinnacle
of the comedy-world.
Lemmon plays the 'typi
cal' bachelor who lives in
New York City and earns
around a $100,000.00 a
year. He makes his wad by
writing a nationally syndi
cated comic strip called
'Bash Brannigan'. Branni
gan is a James Bondish pri
vate eye who gets involved
in exotic and wild adven
tures. Lemmon feels that to
accurately simulate realism
in his comic strip, he must
first experience all the ad
ventures that Brannigan
does in the strip, and he
loves doing so.
The second talented per
son in the picture is Terry
Thomas who plays Lem
mon 's very British butler.
Lemmon and Terry-Thomas
have their own little Garden
of Eden until the most ter
rible thing in the world .hap
pens. Lemmon wakes up
one morning and finds him
self married. He vaguely
remembers being stoned at
a bachelor party, a girl pop
poping out of a cake, and
bingo !
His wife turns out to be
perhaps the most talented
person in the film-Verna
Lisi. Miss Lisi's talents are
anything but subjective, and
she makes current Holly
wood 'sex-symbol' Carroll
Baker look like Huckleberry
Finn on a bad day.
The picture owes a great
deal to the fourth talented
person, George Axelrod, the
writer and executive pro
ducer. He turns this wildly
improbable farce into an ex
tremely entertaining picture
which under less skillful
hands might be merely
childish. '
The key to Axelrod's suc
cess is that he does not let
the film make any preten
sion of realism, and L e m
mon's trial is a master
piece of high farse.
The picture doesn't come
off as well as 'Irma La
Douce', however, and when
tune to KFMQ
95.3 on your FM diol
every Saturday night
from 11 .00 to 1 1 :30 . . .
for the greatest jazz
around! sponsored by
fflajrtataa Walk
1127 R Street
tics. The architect had a
terrific knowledge of a type
of acoustics long thought to
be dead, an early Amerian
type called "Rain-b a r r e 1
Who needs to join a fra
ternity for that "brother,
hood" feeling. You can get
to know a guy just as well
by sitting at your desk in
your room and listening to
him whisper words of en
dearment to his girlfriend
via the telephone forty
feet down the hall.
Several counselors have
complained however, that it
is annoying to rush into the
bathroom to save what
sounds like a drowning man
only to have the victim
stare at you strangely and
resume gargling.
The washing machines al
so provide a thrill for. the
new resident until he dis
covers that there really
isn't a bulldozer next door;
it just sounds that way.
The Inhabitants also gain
by being sound in body, if
not in mind. Running up
stairs to make up for the
original and equally clever
elevator system replaces
the need for Wheaties. As
one can see economic bene
fits are also involved.
Many more amazing fea
tures could be mentioned
but now that the appetizer
has been cast out, surely
mobs of people will go see
for themselves.
A word to the wise stu
dent. If you plan on having
your friends or parents
drive down to Lincoln some
Sunday to see this marvel,
do it this semester.
The rumor of increased
tuition currently going
around will probably result
in an increase in the amount
of admission being charged
to tourists.
compared to 'Divorce Ital
ian Style', this divorce
American style comes off
second best.
But when taken on its own
merits, and especially in
light of those of Jack Lem
mon and the beautiful Miss
Lisi, 'How to Murder Your
Wife' is a very entertain
ing motion picture.
New Concept
Dear editor,
I'm glad to see that com
mon sense has finally tri
umphed in its quest of the
minds of men. It would have
indeed been terrible if the
Student Council had let
emotional do-gooders dis
pose of the discount card
scandal. .
Just imagine what gains
can be made for the goals of
rationalism if these criteria
could be used in tlhe crimi
nal courts of America.
Can you picture a defense
counselor pleading the case
of the thief who really didn't
mean to do wrong, or the
murderer who really didn't
mean to kill?
Won't the benefits to man
kind bo tremendous when
the crime no longer counts,
but instead the motivation?
We all owe the Student
Council a debt of gratitude
for this forward step in
So let Bob Kerry and the
NU Student Council be the
crusaders of the new doc
trine of reason and the
'"unblemished record."
' Roger Elm
Car Inturanr, Young drivr and la
auranea problem. Call m-Wli.
A.P.O. Bonk GxehuM. Pick up Bouka
?L, nr 'rom Lynn rvMnn, Boom
IMH. fMbwk. Mon.-Thura., S:3O-S:00 un
til March 1.
J9W Sunburn Alpine RoadTuSm wmk
enda: an H ttroot, (aoolhw.rt .ntranca)
Ual drafting auulpmant. Uaad ttckat vac
"? Iyp log allde rula. Call 4SMD15.
Uot Scl. r Kouk UP to hara! Want to
'i- ini"' Uwton Apt. 4
! P Straat altar J:JO.
Four mala ttudanta. beautiful two-had-I?ra
'FVOnant. pantlad living room.
" po Mtohan with, wanhlng.
naa to oampui Pnhr color uppar
nlaaaman. 434-MM.
Mon'a pair of glaaaaa th atroat parking
lot. Rowan). Contact 477 T.
"m. " to a ah-', iik, Africa, partly
linuad Py virgin. To b ooo-