The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1964, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, December 14, 1964
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
federal Funds Assure Construction
01 AJeiv Dent School On East Campus
k m t a . -
A new $4.4 million facilitv
for the University College of
Dentistry was assured Friday
with announcement that $2,
545,000 in federal funds has
been made available for the
Approval of the federal
grant for Nebraska signaled
success of planning begun two
years ago when the Nebras
ka legislature appropriated
$1,744,000 tn state funds for a
new College of Dentistry faci
lity contingent on f e d e r a 1
The plans call for a 100,000-square-foot,
two-floor struc
ture to be located on the Kast
campus, east of the new libra
ry. The College now has
25,000 square feet of space.
Dean Ralph Ireland of the
College of Dentistry termed
the success of the University's
application "Just wonderful."
In brief, the new facility
will enable the College to:
Increase the maximum num
ber of first-year dental stu
dents from the present level
of 35 to 56.
Double the number of stu
dents in its new dental hy
gienist program from t h e
present level of 10 to 20.
Bring its entire instruction
program up-to-date and keep
it there.
"Very importat is the fact
that the quality of our instruc
tion can be vastly improved.
Our students will be able to
make use of auxiliary person
nelassistants and hygienists
just as they will be doing
when they enter practice."
. With the federal funds as
sured, Dean Ireland said the
way is clear to go ahead with
detailed plans for the new
building and its equipment.
Part of the state and federal
funds for the project can be
used for equipment, he said.
University Business Manag
er Carl Donaldson said ef
forts will be made to expedite
the project but added that
actual construction probably
cannot start for six months.
The federal funds are being
made available under the
Health Professions Assistance
Act administered by the U.S.
Department of Health, Educa
tion and Welfare.
Soft, Fluffy Knits Popular
'Easy Care1 Help
For Busy Coeds
Cries of "What will I
wear?" echoing through the
dormitory halls are as much
part of the campus scene as
textbooks and ivy-covered
This semester, whether the
occasion is a coke date with
the man of the hour or an in
vitation to the dean's tea, the
answer can be the same: a
soft fluffy knit!
The soft, brushed look is one
of the biggest items to hit the
campus since dirty white
sneakers, and, it's a lot pret
tier. The widespread populari
ty of this look is due in part to
the new yarns currently ap
pearing in sweaters, jackets
and sheaths.
Not only are these knits
downy and beautiful, but they
are also light in weight and
care-free, something the old
time "bulkies" definitely were
Sweaters, those staunch ver
tebrae in the backbone of ev
ery collegiate wardrobe, come
in a nearly infinite range of
styles and colors in these
easy care brushed yarns.
For the af ormentioned
dean't tea, there are shifty
little sheaths in these soft
fluffy yarns that come in gen
tle pastels.
Since there are few coeds
who have the time or the in
clination to labor over fabrics
that cry for " special han
dling," knits that wash quick
ly and easily: dry in short
order; and retain their soft
fluffyness, washing after
washing, are in great demand.
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The soft brushed look of fluffy knit, modeled by Barbie
Trupp ... is definitely "in" this year.
Scrip Extends Contest
Until This Thursday
The deadline for Scrip mag
azine entries has been ex
tended until Thursday.
Three $25 prizes for art, poet
ry and short stories will be
awarded. There is a $5 prize
for the winning cover design.
Entries may be submitted
to the Scrip box in the Student
Union or to the English de
partment office in Andrews
Nw 3 bedroom apt. built-in
ovn and range. Danish modern
furniture. Plenty of closet space.
$50.00 per man. Only 2 three
man opts. left.
2245 Vine 477-6288
VW now tlre. Used one teuton. Phone
477-1829 after 6.00 p.m.
1951 Chev. Starte on eotd monungf.
$75. Call 433-7794 evenlnfs.
Will do typing- In my home. Ten years
experience. 435-5976.
Hiftory 91 Text National Experience
Reward John Menko. 432-0361,
Cather 515.
Ladles wrist watch at Kappa Sigma
beach party. To claim 477-2723.
Cotton Bowl Sweatshirts
from H0L0UBEK Studios
Place orders now
CALL 423-1204
(i ft j V ' "
THE SAFE WAY to stay alert
without harmful stimulants
NoDoz keeps you mentally
alert with the same safe re
fresher found in coffee. Yet
NoDoz is faster, handier, more
reliable. Absolutely not habit
forming. Next time monotony
makes you feel drowsy while
studying, working or driving,
do as millions do . . . perk up
with safe, effective NoDoz
Keep Alert Tablets.
Another tins product of Grove Laboratories.
Come In And Eat
In Our New Dining
Room . . .
Fv- .1
Or have food
delivered sizzling
hot to your door
in the Fizza Wagon
Phone 477-4402
f 111 1 " 11 - ' Pmmmmmmmm n . mi , i.ji i w ,
Lw ' ..,...,.,- -., n r1T tr n n ir
that Kay Cronin has and that all college girls should
have even after that big Saturday night dance.
Wide Awake Look In
Coeds Endorse Warmth
Of Over-The-Knee Socks
Hi, bright eyes!
Ever heard that expression
directed your way?
If so, you're one of the
many girls who have found
out the tricks of eye make-up
that give you that fresh wide
awake look that college girls
should have even after that
big Saturday night dance.
And that bright-eyed look is
for girls who wear glasses,
The wide awake look is
achieved this way:
Start with a light pastel
Cream eyeshadow for back
ground color. Blend the shad
ow all the way up to the eye
brows. Next, paint eyeliner
along the base of the lashes
to match them as naturally as
possible. Now, apply two
coats of creme mascara let
ting the first coat dry thor
oughly before applying the
next coat.
And eye-fashion designers
add "Don't o v e r 1 o o ic the
brows that frame eyes and
eyewear like a beautiful pic
ture. "This year's brow is given a
gentle look achieved by using
a new powdery cake of eye
brow make-up stroked on di
rectly to the brows with a
small slanted brush," she
Illusion Of Beauty Helps
To Attract Eligible Males
There's nothing wrong with
being a "Miss" unless you
are hit-or-miss in your efforts
to meet and charm eligible
To attract men and keep
them by your side, you don't
have to be beautiful, but you
must at least create the illu
sion of beauty. So says Helen
Gurley Brown, author of the
best-selling Sex and the Sin
gle Girl and a self-confessed
plain Jane who snared a
sought-after Hollywood pro
ducer as her mate.
"Few women wTest from
make-up half the magic it of
fers," a c c o rd i n g to Mrs.
Brown. "With cosmetics, you
can literally resh your
face, putting int:";, :ng hol
lows in your cheeks, itfi dark
er foundation, giving your
chin a cleft with brown eye
brow pencil, applying a light
shade of foundation between
your eyes to give t h e m a
fetchingly far-apart look.
Hair is another magic-mak-j
er; often, there's only a shade
of difference between the girl
who passes for a beauty and
j the one who isn't as attrac-
tive as she might be, You can
j highlight your hair without
I drastic color change.
! But what's under your hair
can be even more important
! in helping you project an im
! age that will be "mate bait."
I Use your clothes sense, for
I example, to create a personal
style; if one color or silhou
ette is especially flattering,
by all means adopt is as your
trademark. Without being fad
dish or outlandish, your
clothes can set you apart
from the crowd so you can
be more easily seen by "The
Sales of over-the-knee and!
knee-high woolen socks have
"taken off like crazy" this
winter, according to buyers in
Lincoln department stores.
"We've never sold as many
as we have this season," said 1
Mrs. Bea Clemens, assistant!
buyer In the hosiery depart-j
ment at Miller and Paine's. j
"We're sellnig them as fast j
as we can get them In," Mrs.
Harold Bordy, lingerie a n d j
accessory buyer at Ben Sim-1
on'g In Gateway, said of the)
diamond-patterned sheer
hose, another popular winter
They are being shown with
tweeds as well as with eve
ning clothse, reports Mrs.
A larger lace diamond sheer
stocking is more popular with
ladies, and is worn for better
dress, Mrs. Evelyn Maul,
saleslady at Hovland's. The
nylon mesh, which does not
run as easily, is purchased
more by high school and col
lege girls, and is more ap
proriate for downtown, and
all-day wear, she said.
Male reaction is hard to
generalize about. Some are
rather vilocntly opposed to
the above-the-knec socks, for
the simple raeson, "We'd rath
er see the girls' legs."
However, the more practi
cal see their usefulness in
cold winter weather.
Comments about the dark
hose ranged from "absolute
hate," to "they're all right,"
to "I like them!"
Feminine reaction is easiest
to measure by the large num
ber of girls who are seen
wearing them. However, com
ments may be heard such as
"I think the dark patterned
hose should be worn only after
dark, and then only for
special occasions."
Attention Students
On the 1965 Nebraska Union
Student Cotton Bowl Trip
Trip Includes:
1. Air transportation from Lincoln to Dallas and back.
2. Hotel accommodations for 2 nights.
3. Cotton Bowl Parade ticket.
4. Cotton Bowl Game ticket.
5. Transportation to parade, game and back.
6. Trip insurance.
7. Official Chaperones.
Contact Cotton Bowl
Headquarters South Entrance
Nebraska Union
For information call Ex.2454.
r ' """"""",i,itI i
EL nimimiiMiii s-" s 'i-.fc'itJ
Shop Monday through Friday 9:30-to-:00
'til Christmas
If you wish to lie nice to your feet
you will not wear plastic bags or milk cartons. Try wearing Bass Weejuns for
a while, not only stylish, but utterly comfortable! Those Bass people made
this lovely loafer with a single piece of leather which cradles the entire foot
in pure luxury .... not to mention the leather soles and heels. Please be
nice to your feet . . . cover them stylishly and comfortably. Do Bass Weejuns
ever wear??? ... Boy do they!!! . . . only 12.95. Get 'em in grained leather
. . . loden green, brown and red; also in brown smooth leather.
GOLD'S fashion shoes . . . second floor
8S9 No. 27th
for eVerZjthii?g ifydeF ifa tree