IT M nn OA IK try UNIVS Jy Hon hainuclson They said it couldn't be 141064' being the 5QTerTs. But thirteen Nebras ka basketball players, one hardnosed coach and 8,500 RCWnsker fans didn't believe a word of it. NjKbiaska- braved1ttrpos "" slble odds and a nation-leading Michigan team and put together a tremendous team effort to stop the Wolverines. The Huskers made mis takes aplenty Saturday night, as one would expect from a starting team made up of two sophomores two Juniors and only one senior, but they made up for the mistakes with excellent shooting, die hard defense and powerful rebounding. The Huskers drew first blood in the contest as Coley Webb followed for a tap-in, and the upset-minded fans at the Coliseum roared their approval. They seemed to sense that an upset was a possibility, but at that point it was only a possibility. Then Michigan took the lead 3-2 and one couldn't help wondering at that point if Ne braska would ever again see the lead in its hands. But the Huskers surprised as they again took the lead 10-5 with 15:20 remaining In the half. Nebraska kept stoking the furnace with 20-12 which was their biggest margin of the game. All of a sudden, All-America Cazzie Russell took com mand of the situation, an d scored thirteen points In the seven minutes from 10:30 left, in the half to 3:30 left. In that time the Huskers could manage only three points. By the time the Nebraska could shake itself out of the doldrums, Michigan led 37-23, and the Coliseum grew quiet. The Huskers rallied In the last three minutes of the first half to close the gap to ten points, 41-31 as the gun sounded. Somehow, one could sense that the game was far from over. At the start of the second half, Michigan's Larry Treg oning quickly canned a long one from the corner. It was the kind of shot that brings a low groan of awe from the crowd, and if Fred Hare had not hit two quick fielders of his own, the game may well have ended with a thirty point spread on Michigan's side of the slate. But he did, and the an.s B a eii'Uresse ote Yin, Yang When considering what types of jewelry to wear, the well-dressed woman must remember the Yin and Yang values, and try to suit them to her personality. The Yang value is useful to the large woman or to the ontdoor tvDe. This kind of jewelry is masterful and large. It can be barbaric-looking costume jewelry. The smaller woman is more suited to the Yin value. This small, feminine and delicate woman should wear jewelry with small settings. Another fact to be consid ered by the well-dressed wom an is color. Her wardrobe should include hats, shoes and handbags to match the colors of the basic garments she owns. Variety and com plimentary color may be in troduced through smaller less conspicuous items. The good quality of ward robe items is another must for the smartly dressed woman. Handbags, shoes and gloves should be made of a good leather. The extra-expenses in volved are more than justi fied by the endurance and added attractiveness such items provide for the owner. Such items should contain few embellishments to be real ly attractive, since basic sim plicity is the mark of the well-dressed person. Complete integration is the great goal of every woman's wardrobe. Thus, to the basics, she -hould add: Shoes, hat and handbag. These items should be simple but smart, related in texture, and adaptable to many uses and occasions. Gloves They should be of good leather, and differing from pair to pair in light ness and darkness. Blouses Blouses should be tailored and dressy-looking. Sweaters Light and dark sweathers both should be in cluded. Scarfs Rich and gay are sensed that Cinrlano and company had no intention of giving up. With tho team ef fort that typified the entire game, the Huskers rallied to within five points, 47-42. For the next eight minutes, the game gee-sawed five then seven then five, and final ly with 11:18 left in the con test the margin had been slimmed to one point, 55-56. The conservative Coliseum Indulged itself In restrained pandemonium. It was at this point that fabulous Russell again took Vol. 79, No. 71 College representation was approved yesterday by the Constitutional Convention as the representation system to be used by the new student government. The vote was 13 to seven favoring the college over the district representation system. The final vote considered not only the representation system but also the voting svstem which would Be a part of each. This would have brought usage of the Hare sys tem under district representa- tion and brought direct ap portionment under the college system. Earlier, the Convention had favored deciding on the voting procedure separately. They decided however that each of these voting methods were a necessary part of each repre sentation type. Further discussion on the systems was held before the voting y esTe r d a y when George Vrba, Convention par- the terms describing scarf selection. Jewelry The wardrobe should include a few choice pieces to give it an air of elegance. Boutonniere Costume flow- j ers should be dainty and gay Fur piece A matching fur piece or stole should go with the smart wardrobe. When ensembling the ward robe, the woman should re member the rule of fourteen. This rule states that no lady should wear a street costume comprised of more than 14 eye arresting elements. From these visible points White kid gloves . evening wear as modeled by y . ' , t f 1 , ...... f f - - , Vi charge just as he did in the first half. Russell hit for eight straight points to put the Wolverine nine up 64-55. Joel Kortus hit a basket with 9:00 remaining that could well have been one of the crucial psychological points in the game. Jerry Spears and Bob Antalov hit free throw, and the Huskers were again within range, 59 63. Michigan again responded to the challenge by hitting eight straight points to go twelve up, 71-59 with 7:29 re Choice Includes Voting System fi !r H liamentarian, ruled that the motion ending debate last week was null and void. It was so because an o f f I c i a I count of the voting on t h e motion had not been made. John Klein reviewed and summed up the points which the committee favoring dis trict representation believed were advantages ot me sys- tem concerning its simplicity, equity and good contact, 'I am sure that the contact the Greeks have within them selves is greater than with other parts of the Universi ty population, as is the case with the independents," Klein said. "I also believe that the district system will not en courage a Greek-independent split. Slates which might arise under the district system will have to cross the line between these groups," he said. "I had hoped that no one would come into this Con vention with pre-determincd interests," Klein said. "It now one element should serve as a dominant note of interest with all other points being subordinate to it. Such a dominant element could be the belt or the sleeve form on a dress. A final point for all women to remember when in doubt about using an accessory. If one is not sure, the best course of action is to stop right then. Instead try removing something. It is possible to overdress an outfit, but less likely to underdress, since the whole idea rests on the one dominant accent catching the eye, with the other inter est points subordinate to it. give the final touch to Susie Ay res, W Jf - STY , f r 1 Vf ' x& '1 formal maining in the game. But the Cornhuskeri were not to be denied! Hare, Grant Simmons, An talov and Nate Branch all scored in succession, and with 3:30 left, Nebraska was within one pomt. 71-70- Mich igan took time out, and the fans really went WILD. The rafters of the old barn fairly shook from the most enthu siastic ovation for a Nebras ka basketball team that has been heard for years. An upset wai in the wind! Time was back in and the Daily Nebraskan appears that this is not so, so i I remind you that the district system will prevent any group from controlling Council. With the college system, the i ratio of independents to I Greeks in a few years willj ensure the Greeks of not even i getting a smell of Student Council." The summation of the points favoring the college system were outlined by Terry Schaaf Civil Rights Workers To March A Civil Rights demonstra tion will be held Thursday by Friends of SNCC, an organiza tion presently being organized at the University. SNCC members and any other interested persons will meet at the Nebraska Histori cal Society and march to the west side of the State Capitol Building, where a wreath will be laid at the base of a statue of Abraham Lincoln. The wreath is a tribute to three Civil Rights workers who were killed in Mississippi this summer, according to Peggy King, an organizer of the march. A brief ceremony at t h e Capitol will consist of laying the wreath, a speech by Dr. Alan Pickering, director of United Campus Christian Fel lowship; and the singing of freedom songs. Following the ceremony, a collection will be taken to be given to COFO (Council of Fede rated Organizations), which in turn sponsors the Mississippi Project. COFO is made up of vari ous Civil Rights organizations, such as SNCC and the NAACP. Mohair Sweaters Provide Problem To Suit Wearers Those heavy wool or mohair sweaters, which are fine for dog-sledding in the Arctic, as well as for cold Nebraska win ters, can be the cause of a fashion error. Male reaction to lovely mo hair sweaters in pastel shades can occasionally be one of hatred; when returning home, they find strands of pale blue mohair on a once carefully brushed dark suit. "I'm not too fond of bulky sweaters, as I don't think they are attractive to a girl's figure," Mrs. Woodrow Liven good, a fasMon-concious Lin coln resident said. "If they are too big, they cover up a girl's good figure, but at the same time, I sup pose they could disguise prob lems." she laughed. "If they really fit, they are all right, but they are like large old sweatshirts if they don't fit." Miss Gerda Petersen, cloth ing specialist with the Univer sity Extension Service, said so much depends on the style of the skirt and sweater chos en, and the size of the person. "It would be possible to choose a slim skirt to wear with heavy sweaters, and a lightweight sweater with a pleated or fuller skirt," she said. The Daily Nebraskan Monday, December h. won Wolverines' John Thompson hit the only Michigan score in the last seven and a half minutes of the game. Michigan led 73-70 with three minutes to go. The Wol verine went into a semi-stall that fizzled in an intercepted pass and Hare scored! 73-72 Michigan. Again the semi-stall carniv orously ate time away from the clock, and Coley Webb was forced Into fouling Rus sell. The crowd applauded t h e move, as it was a necessity Monday, December res and Larry Frolik, a non-delegate. Schaaf pointed out the simplicity and cross-section views which would be present with the college system. "The Hare system would be far too complex for the entire stu dent body to understand," ! Schaaf said. "It is very es sential that the electorate knows how the voting system works." "Under the college system, the affiliated student won't be discriminated against as would be the case under the ; the district system," Frolickj said. "Too, the college sys tem will encourage the students running for Council to be more responsible. They will be thinking of the entire University, not just their liv ing area," he said. "Simplicity of a voting sys tem does not guarantee its quality ," said Cuz Guenzel. -''The HaTesystem-will give preference to those who vote Clothes Taste Makes Man Distinguished Or 'Grubby' To be comfortable, a man need only wear clothes that fit. To be presentable, he has to look right. Above the mark, below the mark, distinguished, undistin guished, it is in the choosing of his clothes that a m a n proves his mettle. It is easy to underdress, and better to overdress, said MiJte Barton, sales representative from Captain's Walk. "It if is debatable whether to wear a sports coat or a suit, it is better to wear a suit," Barton said. According to Barton, the latest fashion in men's wear is the Glen plaid sports coat, designed with three f Dan Wherry . . . shown represents the latest look in at this point, but Russell, who had missed only one free throw all year was doing the shooting. Russell missed! The incred ulous fans watched Nebraska take time, trailing by o n e point with 58 seconds loft. The tension was unbear able! Would Nebraska go for the score right away, and then give Michigan the op portunity for the last second shot, or would they try the impossible task of holding on to the ball for the remainder of the game and elect to take and penalize those who don't vote, Vrba said. "Since un der the Associated Students ! program each student will be footing the bill of Council, I ; think they should each be equally represented." Following the vote on t h e representation question, Joe Carroll reported on the possible financing of the new government. He reported i that the possibility of gaining an increase in student fees for Student Council appears un likely. Convention president John Lydick said that the present Student Council runs on a bud get of $1,500 a year. "I have just returned from the meet ing of the Big Eight Student Government Association, and as far as I could tell, this is the smallest amount of any school in the conference," Ly dick said. The Convention decided to hold theh next-meeting at 7 - p.m. on January 3. large plaid patterns. Herring bone and Houndstooth sport coats are also very popular, he said. The new sports coat with vents on the sides are also cominff into style, Barton said. A tweed or cheviot suit of brown herringbone may be worn with a tan oxford shirt with a button-down collar and green knit tie. The proper matching of a striped worsted suit, with a background of blue, grey or brown, would include a , striped broad cloth shirt and ! a striped tie. The shirt stripes arr iosc to gether, the ones on the suit in a well-fitted sports coat, fashion for the college man. t-iJT . t; J II f ' if J Iff i r Lis? "ti ' ; tJT' " "1 " ' , W - ' ' ' ' : J III ,..MMiiMmiiiwmrr-t " nirr1"T"-'-'-J'ir one shot? If they hit the? would win if they missed, they would lose. Coach Cipriano should be commended for one of t h e most important decisions that will be made in basketball this season he elected to go for the win or the loss. Time back in. The Huskers shakily stalled until Fred Hare got the ball with about twenty-five seconds left. Ho dribbled and dribbled and faked and moved, and with about twelve seconds to uo he slid in for what was to ba the lost shot of the game. He arched a jumper from t h e top of the circle with three Michigan men on him. He missed the shot. But It wasn't the last shot! Hare moved In for the re bound, and the ball was bat tered around, Hare final Iy gaining possession. His back was to the bas ket, and knowing that there was little time left, he softly flipped the ball over h i s shoulder without looking at the basket. The net cradled the ball and the game was over. Nebraska defeated the top team in the nation. 74-73. This time the conservative Coliseum indulged Itself in true pandemonium. Huskers By A Hare! MICHIGAN NEBRASKA G F T (IF Buntln 34 U Amalbert O O-l Thompson 4 0-0 Kortun 1 0-0 Russell 10 9-11 29 Rlmmonn 4 4-4 Clawunn 0 0-0 0 Hnre 2-3 rrogoning 3 0-0 0 Webb 0-1 Ramey 2 0-2 4 Branch 5 2-2 Mvera 1 4-4 6 Antulnv 3 3- Dairtcn 2 1-4 5 Srar I 1-1 T A 2 ia in 12 in 3 Total X 17-25 73 Total 31 12-1 74 Michigan 41 3273 Nebraska 31 4:1 Foulwl out Michigan. Buntln. Total fouls-Michigan, 18: Nebraska Attendance 8,500 (estimated). 74 ID. Space Still Available For Union Ski Trip There is room for 30 more students on the Student Union Ski Trip, February 3-6. The semester break trip to Winterpark. Colo., is priced at $75 including transportation there and back to Lincoln, ho tel reservations, three meals a day and all ski equipment except payment of two tick ets. The group will be staying in the Ilocklandhof Inn in Winterpark. Persons interest- rl - may sign-up in the main of- fice of the Union, room 111. farther apart, the stripes of the tie farther still. The dif ference in widths is all im portant. Wherever there are strong designs there must be at least one neutralizer. For in ance, a neatly striped grey worsted suit may be worn with a maroon-and-gold striped tie as long as the shirt acts as a neutralizer. Actually, the varieties of patterned shirts and patterned ties are practically innumer . able, limited only by one's per sonal taste and a sensitivity to the fine distinction between i the resplendent and the ridicu lous. Looks Not Ability Count On Slopes When all is said and done it really isn't your ability on the slopes that counts but how you look in your ski r'othes. Ski suits look especially new in light colors or a snappy black-and-white combination. This year parkas are longer creating a smoother, sleeker line. Turtle-T's often fit under parkas, either in matching color or in a pastel. The ski pants are all stretch, stretch, stretch. For apres-ski: sweaters ga lore over pants, of course. The sweaters all with individ ual personality may have crocheted effect in white rimmed with orange and brown or come in a lacy wrhite wool jacquard knitting. The classic turtleneck sweater earns two variations wun us sleeveless styling and froth of strawberry-pink coloring. Where to wear the wonder ful ski clothes? John Jay of Mademoiselle charts the lead ing ski resorts in the U.S. and Canada into categories: type of skiing; comments about the resort; lifts; special pack ages, lift prices; apres-ski, nightlife; kind of sKiers, type j of dress; special events.